Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2660: Attacking hundred sub-sequences!


But now, Huangyin has more and more the psychology and thinking of a manager.

Huang Yin prefers to manage problems from the position of a manager, and he also understands that what Lin Yuan needs is not a powerful reincarnation master.

There are many masters of reincarnation under Lin Yuan, but those who are really reused by Lin Yuan are always those masters of reincarnation who can handle affairs.

This is why, among the masters of the swamp world, Donghe, who has just become the master, has been reused by Lin Yuan all the time!

Lin Yuan nodded and said.

"This sea of flowers really needs to be guarded by the master of reincarnation."

"Now you are the strongest among the dimensional creatures in the water world, so it's up to you to make arrangements!"

"Huangyin, I must send someone to help me protect this sea of flowers."

"This sea of flowers is very important to my future plans, and there is no room for carelessness!"

Lin Yuan cultivated Yinhua with the intention of taking Yinhua to the sky outside the clouds.

Therefore, Lin Yuan must let Yinhua grow as well as possible.

Let Yinhua's flower sea sit on the dense undead well, and if you don't pay attention to it, the flower sea will be destroyed by powerful undead.

Lin Yuanming knew that Huangyin would take care of Huahai seriously and still said that, just to put some pressure on Huangyin.

It was the first time for Huang Yin to hear Lin Yuan say something so solemnly.

Huang Yin hurriedly reassured Lin Yuan again.

After arranging the sea of bones and lotuses spawned by Yinhua, the purpose of Lin Yuanshui's trip to the world is completely over.

The other human federations all live in the land of the dimensional world, and do not need to take the risk of fighting the undead.

These federations are actively rebuilding after the relocation, and the pressure to fight against the undead is basically on Hui Yao's head.

After all, the Huiyao Continent where Huiyao is located is part of the main world, and the leylines of the Huiyao Continent have also been seriously polluted by death energy.

It is a good thing that other human federations can build infrastructure as soon as possible after completing the migration, without having to bear the damage of the undead.

Otherwise, it will be difficult for other human federations to bear the corresponding pressure if they suffer from undead just after moving to the land of the dimensional world.

The resources have been distributed after Yue Hou, and these strong men of the Human Federation have started to improve their strength after receiving the resources provided by Yue Hou.

Months later when these resources were given the request was made.

Any strong person must wait for Lin Yuan to collect part of the grace of heaven and earth or the leylines of creation before the spiritual creature is about to go through the baptism of heaven and earth.

The vast majority of these human federations have complied with the promises made with Yue Hou, but there are still a small number of them who have not done so.

For this reason, after a month, Yinqing Yuanque specially asked Yinqing Yuanque to lead the knights under his command to patrol among the major federations for surveillance work.

Once it is discovered that a strong player in the federation has broken the contract, it will not only continue to reduce the resource input to the federation after a month.

These powerful people will also be held accountable, and those federations will be compensated three times for the resources provided by Huiyao.

Lin Yuan has been staying in the spirit-locking space since he came back from the Sea Clan, using the spirit crystals to cultivate a large number of potential spirit creatures.

Cultivate all these spiritual creatures into copper-level high-quality existences.

These spiritual objects will be provided to Hui Yao Warrior in the future.

These glorious warriors fighting against the undead can obtain a large amount of resources by virtue of their meritorious deeds, and are capable of cultivating these high-quality bronze-level spiritual creatures.

Decades later, no matter what, these copper-level high-quality spiritual objects can be upgraded to the lord-level mythical species to provide Lin Yuan with a large number of aura crystals.

This undead natural disaster is destined to be a protracted battle!

In addition to cultivating spiritual objects through spiritual energy crystals, Lin Yuan also observed the progress of Hu Quan's arrangement in the spirit lock space.

After Lin Yuan assigned the goblins to Hu Quan's control, the construction progress of the infrastructure in Suo Ling Space can be described as changing day by day.

The place where the Hundred Questions Beast Corps works and lives has been completely built by Hu Quan, and the size of the Hundred Questions Beast Corps will soon reach 100,000.

One hundred thousand Hundred Question Beasts whose strength is comparable to three or four star builders can solve many problems for Lin Yuan.

Moon Queen usually sits firmly in Qingyue Mountain.

But now since he took over the management job of Huiyao, he basically stays in the royal court every day after a month, and has to hold several royal court meetings a day to solve problems.

Huiyao has to formulate reward and punishment rules for the fighters fighting against the undead in the front, and also has to deal with those federation calls for help from time to time.

Many federations will choose to borrow resources from Huiyao when they really have no way to build infrastructure.

Not all federations are capable of repayment. For those federations that are not capable of repayment, it is not advisable to lend resources out after a month.

Originally, the royal court meeting held this time was to discuss the formation of soldiers guarding the undead well.

Originally, each undead well would have fifteen formations of soldiers, taking turns to defend the undead well.

Now because of dead rot earthworms, there is no need to set so many formations!

Yue Hou was discussing with Hui Yao's other subordinates how far the formation should be reduced.

This kind of order cannot be made at will, but must be carefully tested.

Otherwise, it is very likely to cause immeasurable losses!

As Huiyao's majesty, he must be responsible for the safety of Huiyao's fighters.

Otherwise, this matter would not be discussed as an important matter in the three royal court meetings!

Ye Qingyue advocated reducing the formation to nine teams at the beginning, of which eight formations are responsible for fighting the undead for three hours each, and the extra formations are reserved for backup.

In case any wave of undead gushing out of the undead well is too strong, this formation can go up to solve the problem.

As the head of the Zhenling Division, Ye Qingyue is more experienced in the deployment and control of this formation than Huiyao's other subordinates.

From Ye Qingyue's point of view, Lin Yuan provided a large amount of resources to the glorious warriors fighting against the undead.

I should also put some pressure on Huiyao's fighters, and regard this undead natural disaster as a test for Huiyao's fighters.

It won't be long before the comprehensive strength of the Huiyao fighters will be greatly improved from the original basis.

Liu Wencheng seldom made suggestions in the royal court council recently, because of the opening of the natural disaster of the undead and the integration of the five dimensional worlds into the main world.

There is no dimensional rift opened in the main world.

The colleges and universities have lost the best places to practice, and Liu Wencheng is trying to make every big city set aside a well of the dead for college students to practice.

Now that the fifth era has become a thing of the past, the Scourge of the Undead has completely revolutionized the era.

In the new era, if the Huiyao Federation wants to seek development, it must conform to the context of the times.

It is very important for these students to come into contact with the undead when they are in school, and to have an understanding of the undead.

Liu Wencheng, who is busy with these things, needs to join a course related to the undead since elementary school.

As the only His Majesty who manages the Huiyao Temple, these matters can only be undertaken by Liu Wencheng himself.

The other officials are very busy, and it is not easy for Liu Wencheng to trouble the other servants for help.

Among all the students of Huiyao, the most representative ones are the members of the hundred sub-sequence members of Huiyao.

At this time, the members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence must set an example and devote themselves to the defense and redemption of each big city.

Liu Wencheng took advantage of this royal court meeting to call for it.

"As you should know, I've been busy making changes in education these days."

"I suggest that every big city should provide at least one or two undead wells to major colleges and universities, so that students can familiarize themselves with the undead."

"I have already greeted Chanming and Qingyue about this matter before, and both of them expressed their support for my decision!"

"The sooner the education on the knowledge of the undead is carried out, the better, so that the various colleges and universities under Huiyao Temple can continuously train excellent fighters for Huiyao."

"Otherwise these students would not be able to enter the battlefield immediately after becoming fighters."

"In addition to the reform of education, I advocate that the members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence should be used as banners to devote themselves to the protection of various big cities."

"In addition, with the establishment of the Federation of Nations, there is no need for the Assembly of Nations to exist."

"But we, Huiyao, still have to keep the tradition of selecting the Huiyao envoys."

"Just taking advantage of this time when the members of the Hundred Sons of Glory are going to defend against the undead in various big cities, I will select five members with the best performance to be nominated for the Glory Envoy."

"As long as these members of the younger generation who have been nominated by the Radiant Envoy can defeat the current Radiant Envoy."

"He will be able to take over the position of the Radiant Envoy in a legitimate way!"

Hearing Liu Wencheng's words, Hui Yao's followers including Yue Hou and Ye Qingyue couldn't help being startled at the same time.

There is nothing wrong with Liu Wencheng's proposal. Members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence enjoy the faith of the younger generation of Huiyao.

Everyone is like a shining star, and they should really take corresponding responsibilities when this kind of disaster strikes.

It's just that Hui Yao's subordinates are not willing to let the members of the Hundred Sons Sequence take risks.

Members of the Hundred Sons Sequence went to various big cities to participate in the confrontation against the well of the undead, and there was a high probability that they would lose their lives.

Liu Wencheng is the most precious to the members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence on weekdays.

It is really surprising that Liu Wencheng made these remarks!

While the other officials were silent, Iron Prison had already made the first statement.

"I support this decision, now is the time when confidence is most needed."

"The members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence can boost their confidence to the greatest extent when they are put into the battlefield."

"Yuehou will provide resources to the front-line fighters fighting against the undead. Members of the Hundred Sons of Glory who are on the battlefield are also eligible to share the resources provided by Yuehou."

Liu Wenben was very grateful to Tie Prison for being the first to stand up and support his decision.

But the expression on Liu Wencheng's face soon wrinkled.

What does Iron Prison mean by these words? Could it be that he felt that he had the idea of letting the members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence divide up the resources for the frontline fighters

Even if he didn't mean it, Tie Prison's words could easily be misunderstood by others.

But Iron Prison himself didn't notice any of this.

Chan Ming glanced at Tie Prison speechlessly, and helped Tie Prison find it.

"Iron Prison hopes to take advantage of this opportunity to allow the members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence to grow."

"The members of the Hundred Sub-Sequence of Huiyao are themselves warriors of Huiyao. After this time, I hope that those members of the Hundred Sub-Sequence of Huiyao who have experienced the experience can become the true leaders of Huiyao."

"The influence of the members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence will no longer be limited to the younger generation."

The expression on Liu Wencheng's face improved a lot when he heard the cicadas singing.

Liu Wencheng didn't have any idea what Tie Prison said.

One must know that before Liu Wencheng made his decision, Yue Hou hadn't proposed to provide supplies to Hui Yao's fighters fighting against the undead!

Although Hui Yao's subordinates were all silent, none of them felt that there was anything wrong with Liu Wencheng's decision.

At most, I just feel that Liu Wencheng's decision is too radical.

Fortunately, there are strong guards around each undead well.

At that time, let these strong men take care of the members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence!

After a month, the final decision was made.

"This is a good idea, Wen Chengyou will go and inform you of the decision!"

"The members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence should indeed become the role models of Huiyao at this time."

Months later, I plan to tell Lin Yuan about this after I go back, to see if Lin Yuan has time.

If Lin Yuan had other things to be busy with, there was no need to spend his time attending the missions of members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence.

Every moment of Lin Yuan is very precious.

Lin Yuan not only redeemed Huiyao, but also the savior of the main world.

In all fairness, no one in the main world has contributed more than Lin Yuan.

But from the bottom of my heart, Yuehou still hopes that Lin Yuan can become a shining envoy, standing in the position he once stood in when he was young!

If Lin Yuan hadn't participated in this mission of the Huiyao Baizi sequence, then Lin Yuan would not have the qualifications to become a Huiyao envoy.

After all, the selection of the Glorious Envoy must be absolutely fair, otherwise the Glorious Envoy will lose its original meaning.

Since Liu Wencheng was willing to let the members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence go out for training, he decided a month later that he might as well help Liu Wencheng advance.

The members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence are all carefully selected, and these members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence have been enjoying the top resources of Huiyao.

Investing rare resources in members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence is the best use of resources.

In addition to the resources provided by Lin Yuan, Yuehou also has a large number of high-star creator resources deployed by himself.

Originally Yue Hou planned to leave these resources to Lin Yuan, but now Yue Hou knows that Lin Yuan no longer needs the resources he allocated.

In this case, I might as well provide these resources to the members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence to help the members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence improve their strength!

Thinking of this month later, he said it in a very serious tone.

"I will set up a separate prize pool, and the resources in this prize pool will be distributed to the members of the hundred sub-sequences according to the percentage of points."

"At that time, all the members of the Brilliant Hundred Sub-Sequence will win points based on their ability, and the more capable people will get more resources."

"The selection of the Brilliant Hundred Sequence has not been carried out this year, and the natural disaster of the undead is not a reason to block the selection of the Brilliant Hundred Sequence."

"Before sending the members of the Hundred Sequence of Glory to fight against the undead in various big cities, let's start the selection of the Hundred Sequence of Glory!"

"It's good to use this selection of the Huiyao Baizi sequence to distract the public's attention and boost the public's confidence!"

(end of this chapter)