Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2662: Source paper for promotion!


Months later, I was somewhat surprised to hear Lin Yuan's answer.

Months later, I didn't expect that Lin Yuan would choose to actively participate in the sorting battle of the Huiyao Baizi sequence.

In a month's time, it seems that with Lin Yuan's strength, he should have looked down on the order of the Huiyao Baizi sequence.

Lin Yuan is still young, in fact, Yue Hou doesn't want Lin Yuan to bear too much pressure at such an age.

Months later, I very much hope that Lin Yuan can have a childhood no different from ordinary people.

It's just that after a month, he no longer has the ability to create such an opportunity for Lin Yuan.

One reason is that Lin Yuan's growth rate is too fast, and it is impossible to forcefully change Lin Yuan's thoughts after a month.

No one can shoulder the responsibilities of Lin Yuan for Lin Yuan.

Secondly, the natural disaster of the undead has already begun, and no one can survive alone in such an environment.

Master Chef's disciple Zong Ze, Master Zhu's disciple Gu Lang, Ji Changdeng's disciple An He, and the old man's granddaughter Xia Qing all have heavy responsibilities to bear.

This time Liu Wencheng made such a decision, it can be regarded as allowing the old guys to hand over the responsibility to the next generation as soon as possible.

Let the next generation inherit their authority and prop up the whole Huiyao.

Lin Yuan hung up the phone after chatting with Yue Hou.

Wen Yu, Liu Jie will soon hear the news of his return.

After getting the news, the two will immediately leave for Guiyuan Manor.

Listening to the meaning of Yuehou, the internal sorting of the Huiyao Baizi sequence will be carried out immediately.

After listening to Lin Yuan's words, Chu Ci regards improving his strength as the primary goal of the moment.

It is no longer necessary to compete for the seat of the Huiyao Baizi sequence.

Otherwise, if Chu Ci competed for the seat of the Huiyao Hundred Sons Sequence this year, and went to practice at the well of the undead in a certain big city, it would be difficult for Lin Yuan to relax.

Lin Yuan himself experienced many dangers through wind and rain.

Lin Yuan was never afraid of danger, but Lin Yuan was very afraid of Chu Ci's danger.

This kind of thinking may be a common problem of all brothers.

Chu Ci stayed in the spirit lock space and tried his best to improve his level of aura professional.

Both Wen Yu and Liu Jie have reached the limit of B-level aura professionals, and may be promoted to A-level aura professionals at any time.

Liu Jie and Wen Yu's Reiki professional level has improved so quickly, and the two of them took platinum-level Yinrui Jinze honey to wash away the impurities in their bodies.

It is also related to taking the diamond-grade Yinrui Jinze honey to wash away the impurities in the soul.

Secondly, it has a lot to do with the fact that the two often use pure aura to nourish themselves.

Pure aura is not only effective for spirits, but also for human beings.

It's just that high-purity spiritual energy is too precious, and no one even a five-star creator has done a similar experiment.

Wen Yu and Liu Jie may be promoted to A-level spiritual energy professionals at any time, so that the strength of spiritual things will be promoted towards the mythical species.

Liu Wencheng's execution ability was extremely strong, and he passed on the news that afternoon.

All members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence have received the message.

Members like Wen Yu who had confirmed in advance that they would become members of the Knights of the Glory were also notified accordingly.

Wen Yu and Liu Jie immediately set off and returned to Guiyuan Manor after receiving the notice.

The selection will start in three days, and Liu Jie is quite depressed during this time.

Liu Jie has been stuck at the peak of a B-level aura professional for a while.

Other aura professionals are stuck for three to four months at most at this stage, but Liu Jie has been stuck for half a year.

If it wasn't for being stuck at this stage and unable to improve, Liu Jie should have become an A-level aura professional before Lin Yuan.

It's not that there's anything wrong with Lin Yuan becoming a Reiki professional first.

Liu Jie was very happy that Lin Yuan's strength could be improved.

It's just that as Lin Yuan's subordinate, Lin Yuan was only a C-level aura professional when he was a B-level aura professional.

And now he was overtaken by Lin Yuan!

Before the re-ranking of the Huiyao Baizi sequence, Liu Jie felt that he probably had no chance of promotion.

Liu Jie can be sure that as long as his aura professional level is raised, the worm mother will immediately be promoted to the mythical species.

Liu Jie has never had the opportunity to compete with Lin Yuan. In the ranking of the Huiyao Baizi sequence, Lin Yuan must have a duel with himself if he wants to stand in the first position.

Liu Jie really wanted to have a good fight with Lin Yuan.

Liu Jie wanted to use this opportunity to understand the gap between himself and Lin Yuan.

Compared with Liu Jie who has been thinking about his level of aura professional, Wen Yu is much more normal-hearted.

Wen Yu has always known where his strengths lie.

One's own advantage is never in terms of strength.

I was able to be selected as a member of the Radiant Knights because of the special ability of my source paper.

The Xinnian stationery produced by its own source paper has become the designated method of communication with Huiyao's upper management.

Just relying on the ability to read letter paper, I am qualified to become a member of the Radiant Knights!

Compared with [Mind Letter Paper], [Faceless Paper Surface], [Paper Flower Funeral], [Vientiane Paper Man] and the exclusive feature [Real Paper], they are not weak at all in terms of ability!

It's just that I haven't had a chance to use it before.

Because you know your own advantages and know your irreplaceability.

It can be said that Wen Yu was not panicked at all.

It is precisely because of this normal state of mind that Wen Yu keenly felt that the aura in his body was undergoing transformation the moment he stepped into Guiyuan Manor.

Lin Yuan sensed the improvement of Wen Yu's Reiki professional level, and Lin Yuan didn't leave the main house immediately to congratulate Wen Yu.

Because Lin Yuan knew that when a Reiki professional had just been promoted to a rank, it was best not to be disturbed by anyone.

Once someone disturbs it, it is likely to cause advanced interruption.

After waiting for about twenty minutes, after confirming that the aura fluctuations outside had stopped.

Lin Yuan just left the main house, and said to Wen Yu who was full of surprise with a smile.

"Wen Yu, congratulations on becoming an A-level Reiki professional! You are one step faster than Brother Liu!"

"Brother Liu should be promoted to an A-level spiritual energy professional in just a few days!"

Although Wen Yu was not in a hurry to become an A-level Reiki professional.

But after becoming an A-level Reiki professional, Wen Yu was still very happy in his heart.

"Master, my source paper has been stuck at the diamond level ten fantasy five changes because of my aura professional level."

"Now the rank and quality of my source paper can finally be improved!"

"Master, I want you to help me raise the rank and quality of the source paper."

"Let's see what new skills and exclusive features the source paper will have after advanced!"

Lin Yuan said to Wen Yu after hearing the words.

"Let's go, we're going to help you upgrade your source paper to the rank and quality, so that your source paper can be promoted to the mythical species!"

"I'm also curious about what skills and exclusive features your source paper will acquire after being promoted to the mythical species!"

"Brother Liu is going to visit Yeyang Palace. When we come back, Brother Liu should be back."

"The three of us haven't had dinner together for a long time, and I don't know if Brother Liu's craftsmanship has regressed!"

Hearing Lin Yuan's words, Wen Yu's stomach immediately growled.

Wen Yu's face immediately flushed.

In fact, it wasn't long after Wen Yu finished eating, but when Lin Yuan talked about Liu Jie's craftsmanship, he thought of the taste of Liu Jie's cooking.

Wen Yu couldn't help feeling hungry.

It is true that Wen Yu hasn't eaten the delicacies made by Liu Jie for a long time.

Wen Yu is looking forward to the dinner tonight.

In addition to being able to eat food cooked by Liu Jie at the dinner party, Wen Yu is also looking forward to the feeling of sitting with Lin Yuan and Liu Jie.

This is how I sat with Lin Yuan and Liu Jie two years ago.

Two years ago, Wen Yu would never have imagined that in just two years, Sky City would have built such a large fortune.

This time, Lin Yuan didn't take Wen Yu too far to help Wen Yu's source paper upgrade.

Instead, they went to the outskirts of the capital to find an open space.

Lin Yuan has been helping Reiki professionals improve the rank and quality of spiritual objects during this period of time.

It can be said that Lin Yuan is familiar with transforming a fantasy-type spiritual creature into a mythical-type creature.

Lin Yuan did not summon the Abyss Emperor this time, but let Bai Yan out.

With Bai Yan's strength, he can solve the baptism of heaven and earth with a snap of his fingers like the Abyss Emperor.

Before that, Bai Yan stayed in the swamp world and jointly managed the swamp east circle with Donghe.

After the fusion of the main world and the swamp world, Lin Yuan kept Bai Yan and Dong He by his side.

After this period of experience, Lin Yuan discovered that Dong He and Bai Yan were much stronger than the Master of Everything in internal affairs.

This is also the reason why Lin Yuan puts more emphasis on Bai Yan and Dong He even though the Master of Everything is stronger than the two.

After the fusion of the dimensional world and the main world, dimensional creatures are indistinguishable from spirits in the main world.

Sooner or later, dimensional creatures will merge with humans and spiritual beings.

Lin Yuan keeps Bai Yan and Dong He by his side, which can relieve the pressure brought about by the scarcity of internal affairs talents in Sky City to a large extent.

During this period of time, Bai Yan had a great psychological gap. Before that, Lin Yuan attached great importance to himself and always took himself by his side.

But since Lin Yuan conquered the swamp world, Hengyuan took his place.

Compared with Hengyuan, he is a small reptile, and he is not qualified to compete with Hengyuan at all.

During the time in the marsh east circle, after Bai Yan settled down, he has been focusing on improving his management ability.

After the swamp world merged with the main world, Bai Yan was brought by Lin Yuan's side again.

It gave Bai Yan a feeling that the abandoned concubine was favored again!

Now at this time, Lin Yuan can value himself again, and let Bai Yan know that as long as he does not make any mistakes in the future, he will be able to gain a firm foothold by Lin Yuan's side.

Bai Yan has done the work of helping spiritual creatures cross the catastrophe before, and he is already familiar with it.

Lin Yuan said to Wen Yu beside him.

"Wen Yu, summon the source paper!"

Hearing this, Wen Yu waved his left hand lightly, and a bunch of paper flowers appeared in Wen Yu's hand.

Lin Yuan immediately used real data to investigate the bouquet of paper flowers that appeared in Wen Yu's hands.

[Spiritual object name]: Source paper (holding paper flowers)

[Spiritual Species]: Elemental Family/Paper

[Spirit Level]: Diamond Level (10/10)

[Spiritual Items]: Wood

[Spiritual Object Quality]: Fantasy Five Changes


[Shiki Paper Dance]: Turn the body into flying pieces of paper. The paper is immune to physical damage, but the effect is doubled when facing elemental damage. The transformed piece of paper has a flickering effect, and the flickering effect is triggered every three seconds, and can flicker in a range of 20 kilometers according to the general direction.

[The Covenant of Paper Cranes]: Gather the paper and fold it into a paper crane. The paper crane can convey a specific message. The paper crane will record the recipient's breath. Those who don't have the paper crane's breath will get the paper crane, and the paper crane will automatically burn. The paper crane has a flickering effect, which is thirty times that of the Shiki Paper Dance.

[Mind Letter Paper]: The piece of paper absorbs the blood of the target and reaches a temporary contract with the target. People holding the Mind Letter Paper can communicate with each other through their thoughts and the letter paper. The words in their hearts will automatically appear on the letter paper. People who read the letter paper can jointly view the words that appear on the paper.

[Faceless paper surface]: The transformed paper is attached to the target's face, and the appearance of the target's face can be changed arbitrarily. If the source paper is not killed and destroyed, even if the target is killed, the phantom paper attached to the target's face cannot be destroyed .

[Paper Flower Funeral]: Paper is folded into a flower. When the paper flower falls on the target, a mark will be formed on the target. Even if the target is in an invisible, avatar or elemental state, the target can be perceived through the paper flower imprint.

[Vientiane Paper Man]: You can disguise a piece of paper as a person, a spiritual object, a mountain, a city, the sea, or even the sky. Under the disguise, the objects hidden behind the paper man will be in a state of absolute defense.

Exclusive features:

[Tiantian Secret Code]: The contractor transforms himself into a secret code, and the secret code flies up flying pieces of paper. When the secret code is flipped, it can record any subtleties it perceives on the flying paper.

[True paper]: Under the flying paper dance, use the power of the soul to condense a piece of paper that can detect reality. When asking a question to the target, if the target's words are true, then the paper will be folded into a paper flower , if the detection is false, then the paper will be broken.

This is not the first time Lin Yuan went to check the data of the source paper. After checking Lin Yuan again, he still couldn't help being amazed.

In Lin Yuan's view, even if the skills and exclusive characteristics acquired by the source paper are useless after being promoted to the lord level mythical species, it will not delay the manifestation of the strategic value of the source paper.

In all fairness, the source paper can be said to be the one with the highest strategic value among all the source items Lin Yuan saw!

To a certain extent, the strategic value of source paper will not lose to cleverness!

Wen Yu's source paper has built a tight information exchange channel, which can guarantee absolute confidentiality.

Wen Yu also has the ability to deprive the mind letter paper that has been handed out.

This made Wen Yu not have to worry about the letter of the mind being obtained by the enemy at all!

Wen Yu took a deep breath and threw the bouquet of paper flowers into the sky.

Then let this bouquet of paper flowers sway in the sky.

A sheet of paper rain fell instantly between the sky and the earth, and each drop of rain was a white rose folded from a sheet of paper.

The energy and aura emitted by the source paper attracted the sky, and a hole gradually appeared in the sky.

The baptism of heaven and earth against the original paper is brewing in the dark hole in the sky.

Bai Yan is ready to strike at any time!

(end of this chapter)