Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2663: Paper World Carrier!


There are three spiritual creatures in Wen Yu's contract, neither the Sunlight Egret nor the Diyong Jinlian have the ability to attack.

A purely auxiliary aura professional like Wen Yu is most afraid of the promotion of spiritual objects.

But now Wen Yu is not worried at all, because Wen Yu knows that Lin Yuan will help him solve all problems.

As long as Lin Yuan is by Wen Yu's side, Wen Yu feels that he has support and motivation when encountering anything.

If it wasn't for Lin Yuan and Liu Jie, Wen Yu wouldn't force herself to make continuous efforts to improve.

Until it becomes the level that can manage the celestial council and the dimensional world as it is today!

Paper flowers are blooming leisurely between the sky and the earth, dyeing the sky and the earth with a kind of pure white and poignant beauty.

Although Wen Yu knows that the current source paper has been able to demonstrate its strategic significance, making itself irreplaceable.

But Wen Yu still hopes that after being promoted to the mythical species, Yuan Zhi can bring him surprises.

Because Wen Yu knows one thing, that is, staying by Lin Yuan's side will never give birth to complacency.

Because as long as there is a slight pause, it is likely to be eliminated by successors.

Wen Yu understood Liu Jie's mood very well.

Liu Jie has already controlled so many carcinoid insects, and more than a dozen carcinoid insects can be steadily promoted to elves, but he is still desperately improving himself.

It's nothing more than the hope that he can always be by Lin Yuan's side, so that one day he can only silently watch his former companion from behind.

Since Lin Yuan's goal is to go to the sky outside the clouds, neither he nor Liu Jie can think about the problem from the perspective of the main world.

Instead, take the long view.

Wen Yu has no concrete impression of Tianyu beyond Yunwai, and doesn't know how to look forward to it.

After all, not only Wen Yu, but even Lin Yuan hadn't had the chance to go to Yunwaitianyu yet.

In short, as long as your own value increases, it will be more difficult to be replaced by other creatures!

For example, Anle's mind is only on the protection of Oasis City, and the pattern restricts Anle's future development.

Although Ta Lei has great ambitions, he doesn't just want to become the lord of Houtu City.

It's just that Ta Lei's ability is there, and he is still a little reluctant to manage Ta Lei in Houtu City.

In some abilities, due to the limitation of talent, there is no way to force it!

Wen Yu was very afraid that one day he would follow Ta Lei's footsteps.

The raging fires in the black holes in the sky have spewed out, and these raging fires are like moths pounced on bunches of paper flowers.

The strength of Bai Yan, who has already become a master, is completely comparable to that of a strong destiny.

During this period of time, Lin Yuan didn't bring Bai Yan with him, but the resources he provided to Bai Yan were not lacking at all!

Bai Yan threw his fist towards the black hole in the sky, and Bai Yan's fist splashed a handful of water.

Every drop of water in this splash of water turned into a monstrous waterfall, sweeping towards the rain of fire.

The rain of fire melted into the monstrous waterfall, and after the last ray of fire in the black hole was exhausted, the blessings of heaven and earth were scattered.

It landed on the body of the bouquet reconstituted from the source paper.

These white paper flowers unfolded and became sheets of white paper folded continuously in the sky.

In the end, the originally blooming bouquet was folded into a larger bouquet.

It's just that there are no longer only paper flowers in full bloom in the bouquet, but also paper cranes flying among the paper flowers one after another.

If such a huge bouquet is surrounded by any girl, it will definitely become the envy of those unmarried women at the wedding.

This huge bouquet could just be hugged by Wen Yu.

The halo flowing on the paper flowers makes people unable to look away.

Sensing the change in the atmosphere of the source paper, Lin Yuan knew that the rank of the source paper had changed from the tenth level of the diamond level to the lord level.

It has become a spiritual creature of the lord-level mythical species.

Lin Yuan checked the source paper through the real data of Mobius' skills.

[Spiritual Object Name]: Source Paper (Flower Crane Bunch)

[Spiritual Species]: Elemental Family/Paper

[Spirit Level]: Lord Rank (1/10)

[Spiritual Items]: Wood

[Spiritual Item Quality]: Mythical Realm


[Shiki Paper Dance]: Turn the body into flying pieces of paper. The paper is immune to physical damage, but the effect is doubled when facing elemental damage. The transformed piece of paper has a flickering effect, and the flickering effect is triggered every three seconds, and can flicker in a range of 20 kilometers according to the general direction.

[The Covenant of Paper Cranes]: Gather the paper and fold it into a paper crane. The paper crane can convey a specific message. The paper crane will record the recipient's breath. Those who don't have the paper crane's breath will get the paper crane, and the paper crane will automatically burn. The paper crane has a flickering effect, which is thirty times that of the Shiki Paper Dance.

[Mind Letter Paper]: The piece of paper absorbs the blood of the target and reaches a temporary contract with the target. People holding the Mind Letter Paper can communicate with each other through their thoughts and the letter paper. The words in their hearts will automatically appear on the letter paper. People who read the letter paper can jointly view the words that appear on the paper.

[Faceless paper surface]: The transformed paper is attached to the target's face, and the appearance of the target's face can be changed arbitrarily. If the source paper is not killed and destroyed, even if the target is killed, the phantom paper attached to the target's face cannot be destroyed .

[Paper Flower Funeral]: Paper is folded into a flower. When the paper flower falls on the target, a mark will be formed on the target. Even if the target is in an invisible, avatar or elemental state, the target can be perceived through the paper flower imprint.

[Vientiane Paper Man]: You can disguise a piece of paper as a person, a spiritual object, a mountain, a city, the sea, or even the sky. Under the disguise, the objects hidden behind the paper man will be in a state of absolute defense.

[Paper Realm Carrier]: Using itself as a means of carrying objects, objects can be incorporated into the paper realm composed of a piece of paper. When the paper realm carrier is broken, the items and creatures stored in the paper realm carrier will be released. The carrier of the paper world can be passed on through the agreement of the paper crane.

Exclusive features:

[Tiantian Secret Code]: The contractor transforms himself into a secret code, and the secret code flies up flying pieces of paper. When the secret code is flipped, it can record any subtleties it perceives on the flying paper.

[True paper]: Under the flying paper dance, use the power of the soul to condense a piece of paper that can detect reality. When asking a question to the target, if the target's words are true, then the paper will be folded into a paper flower , if the detection is false, then the paper will be broken.

[Floating world]: Disperse itself, as long as there is a scrap of paper, the paper can be resurrected through the scrap of paper.

After exploring, Lin Yuan was immediately attracted by Yuan Zhi's newly acquired exclusive features and skills.

If the strategic significance of the source paper before was compared to the island whale, then the strategic significance of the source paper promoted to the mythical species can already be compared to the floating island whale!

The strategic significance of source paper is extraordinary.

Lin Yuan never thought that the emergence of new skills and exclusive features would make the strategic significance of the source paper qualitatively improved on the original basis!

The skill [Paper Realm Carrier] allows the paper split from the source paper to become a space equipment for storing items and living beings.

Once the source paper is broken, the items and creatures stored inside will be released.

This allows raw paper to be used to transport goods or armies over long distances.

Of course, if it was just that, Lin Yuan would not have given Yuan Zhi such a high evaluation.

More importantly, the [Paper Realm Carrier] can be moved in the form of the [Paper Crane Covenant].

The effect of Wen Yu's [Shiki Paper Dance] has infinitely approached that of space teleportation.

And the effect of [Paper Realm Carrier] is nearly thirty times that of [Shiki Paper Dance]!

Even if the combination of the main world and the dimensional world is completed, the territory will expand.

Relying on [Paper Realm Carrier] Wen Yu can also quickly dispatch resources and troops.

Wen Yu's ability to dispatch troops and generals is unmatched in the entire main world.

This is extremely important for the current situation of fighting against the natural disaster of the undead!

Compared with the ability displayed by the skill [Paper Realm Carrier], the exclusive feature [Floating World] seems to be weaker.

But in Lin Yuan's view, the exclusive feature of [Floating World] is definitely a stroke of genius!

Wen Yu's strategic significance is too important.

Wen Yu has been hiding behind the scenes, and outsiders don't know Wen Yu's strategic significance.

But once Wen Yu is exposed to the public one day, endless assassinations and schemes will surely follow.

Especially after arriving in Yunwai Tianyu, Lin Yuan did not dare to guarantee Wen Yu's safety 100%.

Now that the source paper has the exclusive feature [Floating World], Lin Yuan only needs to store a part of the source paper in the spirit lock space.

Even if something goes wrong with Wen Yu, he can be resurrected through this part of the source paper stored in the lock spirit space.

In addition to Wen Yu's way of ensuring his own safety, Lin Yuan's Praying Soul Whale and Floating Island Whale, which were promoted to mythical species, are also Wen Yu's shields.

While Lin Yuan was exploring Yuan Zhi's newly acquired skills and exclusive characteristics, Wen Yu was also experiencing the changes after Yuan Zhi was promoted to the mythical species.

There was an expression of surprise on Wen Yu's face that couldn't be restrained.

From Wen Yu's perspective, one can clearly see the improvement of Yuan Zhi's strategic significance after being promoted to the lord-level mythical species.

As the rank and quality of the source paper continue to improve, the capabilities of the [Paper Realm Carrier] will also continue to strengthen.

"Young master Liu Wencheng said that he will send aura professionals to various big cities. At that time, I can apply to transport the members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence through the skill paper carrier of the original paper."

Wen Yu has never been a person who likes to show off. Wen Yu chooses to do this because he hopes to make more contributions to Hui Yao.

Secondly, we must prove our strategic significance and value to Huiyao.

In this way, after becoming a member of the Radiance Knights and following Lin Yuan, no one will feel that they are not worthy of standing in this position!

Lin Yuan nodded with a smile when he heard the words, looked at the time and said to Wen Yu.

"Wen Yu, let's go back first, Brother Liu should be back almost now."

"You take this brocade box, it's full of rule source crystals."

"You can use the rule source crystal to improve the rank and quality of the source paper as soon as possible."

"After you become an S-level aura professional, Yuan Zhi's strength can be improved again."

"I believe that Ni's source paper can bring more surprises!"

When Wen Yu was just by Lin Yuan's side, Wen Yu was too embarrassed to take anything Lin Yuan gave him.

But now that he has been by Lin Yuan's side for a long time, Wen Yu has gotten used to Lin Yuan's devotion to his companions.

Wen Yu also knew that the best way to repay Lin Yuan was to help Lin Yuan manage Sky City, and become Lin Yuan's right-hand man to share his worries.

"Master, I will improve Yuan Zhi's strength as soon as possible!"

"Diyong Jinlian and Sunlight Egret are about to advance, so I'll just ask Bai Yan for help."

"I was directly designated as a member of the Radiant Knights. Because I don't have the ability to fight, I don't need to go through the assessment."

"Young master, you will have several battles with the members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence in the qualifying match."

"Brother Liu said before that he wanted to have a serious fight with you in the selection of the Huiyao Baizi sequence."

Speaking of this, Wen Yu paused for a moment, then said with some regret.

"Master, if I were a fighting aura professional, I would also like to compete with you!"

Reiki professionals will always make friends through martial arts, and those who really have a good relationship are those who can exchange ideas with themselves on weekdays.

For example, Yuehou and Ye Qingyue had a lot of exchanges when they were young.

It's just that every time Ye Qingyue sparred, he would deliberately release water, which made Yue Hou quite helpless.

Afterwards, Yue Hou simply stopped sparring with Ye Qingyue, and instead went to Ji Changdeng for sparring.

This made Ye Qingyue serious in the discussion with the Queen of the Moon.

It is a pity in Wen Yu's heart that Wen Yu is not as capable as Liu Jie to compete with Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan had a look of anticipation in his eyes when he heard the words.

Lin Yuan grew up all the way in the past two years, and he didn't have many opportunities to fight with his peers.

Lin Yuan really liked the joy that fighting brought him, otherwise Lin Yuan would not have been climbing the tower in the early days.

Lin Yuan really wanted to have a good fight with Liu Jie, to see if he could defeat Liu Jie as an aura professional without using those hole cards.

Not only Liu Jie, Gu Lang, Zong Ze, Xia Qing, An He is also a strong opponent.

As for Gao Feng, because of the problem of route selection, he is a purely auxiliary aura professional just like Wen Yu.

Nor does it have the ability to compete with combat-type aura professionals.

But I heard that Cicada Ming made Gao Feng an A-level Reiki professional through a special method.

Gao Feng, who owns a mythical spirit, even if the spirit of the contract is not good at fighting, it is not a problem to keep the current seat of the Huiyao Hundred Sons Sequence!

The physical quality of a mythical spirit creature is not comparable to that of a fantasy spirit creature.

When Lin Yuan brought Wen Yu back to Guiyuan Manor, he saw Liu Jie was busy in the kitchen.

The mother of the blood bath, the spirit of the spider's kinship, followed Liu Jie like a free-ranging chicken, watching Liu Jie's delicious food with longing eyes.

If it wasn't for the chicken legs in the pot that haven't been stewed yet, the mother of the blood bath would definitely take a chicken leg to help taste the taste first.

Liu Jie looked helplessly at the Mother of Blood Bath beside him, and directly took out a large portion of barbecue from the space equipment and handed it to Mother of Blood Bath.

"You take it to cushion your stomach first."

"This pot of chicken drumsticks with winter bamboo shoots and abalone sauce will be ready in 20 minutes."

"Let you taste it as soon as it is out of the pot!"

When turning around to barbecue for the mother of the blood bath, Liu Jie saw Lin Yuan and Wen Yu.

A warm smile immediately appeared on the serious face.

(end of this chapter)