Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2667: Era Temple and Glory!


It is not without his own reasons for Lin Yuan to make such a speculation.

Tadian recuperated behind the scenes for thousands of years before launching the sleeper's resurrection plan.

Tadian must have anticipated many possible problems.

Ta Dian's plan Su Sheng of the Sleeper will not die without a problem, so Ta Dian must have a back move waiting for him!

Lin Yuan's attitude towards the enemy has always been that soldiers come to block the water and cover them with earth.

So Lin Yuan didn't have any fear of Tadian.

Just taking advantage of Tadian's moves, Lin Yuan was able to gradually spy out the real hole cards on the eight pages of Tadian!

Sooner or later, Lin Yuan will meet Ta Dian, and Lin Yuan has long been mentally prepared for the real eight-page war with Ta Dian.

"You don't need to bring Xia Qing's ingredients, just come and eat!"

"Zong Ze has already gone to buy ingredients with the Mother of the Blood Bath. With the Mother of the Blood Bath to purchase, they will only prepare more ingredients!"

Xia Qing didn't insist on hearing the words, but said.

"Then I'll go straight to your place after packing up."

Xia Qing has always been straightforward in doing things, so she didn't say much to Lin Yuan.

Xia Qing knew about the Mother of the Blood Bath, but when Xia Qing first knew about the Mother of the Blood Bath, she didn't know that the Mother of the Blood Bath was Lin Yuan's guardian.

It's about knowing the identity of the mother of the blood bath in the Tianjuan Pavilion.

It is also because of Lin Yuan that Tianjuan Villa can form an alliance with Huiyao.

With Xia Qing's identity and status, it is not difficult to learn about these news.

It was already difficult for Xia Qing to count exactly what Lin Yuan had done for Hui Yao.

Originally, Xia Qing had always regarded her father, mother, and grandfather as role models, but now there was another person in Xia Qing's role model.

This person is Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan may be an idol who shines to many younger generations, but Xia Qing will not follow idols blindly.

Xia Qing will only silently work towards the direction of her idol.

Not to surpass idols, but to become the same as idols.

After inviting Xia Qing, Lin Yuan yawned.

There are too many busy and stressful days, and it feels like a luxury to relax for a few days.

Lin Yuan is not the kind of person who can sit idle.

While waiting for his partner to come to Guiyuan Manor, Lin Yuan kept communicating with Bai Qinghuan and Qin Yu by reading the letter paper with his heart.

Learn about the construction progress of the fortress on the Hanwen continent and in the dimensional world.

Wen Yu found his master Xuan Yue after Yuan Zhi was promoted to the lord rank mythical species.

Xuan Yue reported her abilities.

[Paper World Carrier] is very important to Huiyao now.

Whether it is dead rot earthworms or net dead scale snakes, it will take a process to distribute them.

These resources are delivered through people.

Every time the person who transmits and receives the materials does not want to take responsibility, they need to count the materials.

After confirming that the materials are correct, distribute the materials and complete the tasks one after another.

There is nothing wrong with this approach, but the efficiency will be reduced.

Once the efficiency is reduced, the life safety of the glorious soldiers fighting beside the undead well will not be guaranteed.

There will be no such problems when transporting the net dead scale snake and dead rot earthworm through the [paper world carrier].

Wen Yu can directly and quickly put resources into the hands of frontline fighters.

After Xuanyue understood Wen Yu's ability, she was extremely surprised.

Yuan Zhi's previous abilities had already shocked Xuan Yue, but Wen Yu's Yuan Zhi would bring such a big surprise after being promoted to the mythical species of the lord rank!

Xuan Yue immediately reported Wen Yuyuanzhi's ability to Yue Hou.

After learning about the situation a month later, Wen Yu immediately asked Wen Yu to deliver the dead rot earthworms and net dead scale snakes cultivated by these creators overtime.

Originally, it was a lot of work, but Wen Yu easily completed the work with the help of the source paper's [Paper World Carrier].

It is not difficult for Wen Yu to simply transport supplies.

Wen Yu returned to Guiyuan Manor immediately after finishing his work.

When Wen Yu returned to Guiyuan Manor, Liu Jie hadn't finished strengthening the spiritual objects, but Zong Ze, Gu Lang, An He, Mother of Blood Bath and others had already arrived.

The three of them were already planning to buy more ingredients, but they found out after the mother of the blood bath began to choose the ingredients.

Myself and others have a different view of "many" from the mother of the bloodbath.

The "less" of the mother of the blood bath is already more than the "more" of the others!

The Mother of Blood Bath frantically bought ingredients, and these ingredients actually filled up half of the diamond-level spirit box.

Seeing this, Zong Ze swallowed.

If you don't let yourself be lazy, you can use the craftsmanship of Chuxiang Palace to make the ingredients purchased by the mother of blood bath into dishes.

I'm afraid that even if I work in the kitchen of Guiyuan Manor for fifty years, I won't be able to consume all these ingredients.

Zong Ze has always known that his own cooking is delicious, and Gu Lang eats a lot of the food he cooks every time, like a small rice bucket.

But compared to the mother of the blood bath, if the mother of the blood bath claims to be an idiot, no one would dare to call herself the second most idiot!

Zong Ze never thought that the Mother of Blood Bath would restrain herself after buying so many ingredients.

Thinking of Zong Ze and Liu Jie's craftsmanship, the mother of the blood bath wants to eat whatever she sees.

Anyway, there should be no ingredients in this world that Zong Ze and Liu Jie can't cook.

It doesn't hurt to have extra for yourself!

After the three of them saw Wen Yu, they greeted Wen Yu, and Zong Ze went into the kitchen to make a flowing water mat.

When the three of them came to Guiyuan Manor and saw Lin Yuan, they couldn't help giving Lin Yuan a hug one after another.

Seeing old friends after such a long absence, everyone was very excited.

Guiyuan Manor was having a warm meal together, and Xia Qing also came to Guiyuan Manor shortly after Wen Yu came back.

On the other side of the sea, an island with an ancient palace was swallowed by a dimensional crack that was releasing black air.

The thick dead air infested the island, causing the vegetation on the island to wither quickly.

The eight figures in different poses in front of him were all sucking their nostalgic nostalgia.

This death energy, which is extremely lethal to the living, is like a tonic to these eight figures.

The eight people savored the dead air for a long time, and the three-paged green blue one played with a bright red fruit in his hand, and said it playfully.

"There is really a hero among the humans in this main world! He can control all the dimensional creatures in the dimensional world to resist the undead!"

"I underestimated the creatures in the five subsidiary dimensional worlds of the main world."

"These dimensional creatures use dead energy as nutrients by devouring the undead."

"If we don't do anything else, this undead natural disaster will be deadlocked!"

In the process of speaking, not only did Cyan Qing Sanye not show the slightest anxiety, but his words were filled with a hint of irony.

Ji Wan raised her bewildered eyes at six pages, and said indifferently.

"Most of the human beings think that they have won a staged victory in this undead natural disaster!"

"Humans are a group of innocent creatures. Laying a fusion of metal and rock underground can indeed restrain the undead from infestation."

"Through the well of the undead, it is indeed possible to relieve the tide of the undead and guide the direction of the undead."

"Human's approach is very useful for the initial stage of the current undead recovery."

"But the undead will riot in two months. By then, these humans will probably find it difficult to stop the spewing undead!"

"Let's continue to let the world of the dead try to integrate with this secondary world."

"As long as the world of the dead is connected to this secondary world, we can open the dimensional cracks of the dead anywhere in this world."

"At that time, all human beings will truly know what is called the Feast of the Undead!"

Crimson Yiye couldn't help frowning upon hearing this.

Ji Wan Liuying has never been Zhang Yang's personality, but Ji Wan Liuying's bones are full of contempt for human beings.

This is due to the contempt of a high-level world creature for a low-level world creature.

Scarlet Page had the same feeling when she just woke up.

It's just that during this period of time, Scarlet Page felt more and more that something was wrong.

No matter what a human being in the first-level world should not exceed the scope of the first-level world.

The heroes mentioned in the third page of Qingqing should not appear in the main world at all!

This is an anomaly for a first-level world.

If a first-level world wants to merge with the dimensional world, the most common situation should be that the dimensional world causes disasters in the main world by opening a sixth-level dimensional rift.

The energies of the last two worlds are interconnected, inducing the dimensional world to combine with the main world in repeated disasters and destructions.

This is why every newly born secondary world needs a long time of cultivation before it can gradually prosper.

Otherwise, there would be no need for the organization that maintains the world order in Yunwaitianyu to protect the newly born secondary world!

But this first-level world was too much beyond the norm, which made Scarlet Yiye couldn't help but conjecture.

Seeing that the development of the matter was more and more in line with his guess, Scarlet Page couldn't help but talk.

"We can't take it lightly. I suspect that there are other creatures from the upper world who have come to this first-level world and are secretly wrestling with us!"

"Otherwise, how can a first-level world undergo such drastic changes in two years?"

"Now is the critical period to lure the world of the dead to combine with the main world, and we cannot escape."

"Otherwise, I will definitely explore the reality of the Huiyao Federation myself, and see who is behind the Huiyao Federation!"

Yingzhu's brows slightly frowned at Yiye's words.

The second page of Yingzhu is the second member of the eighth page to wake up from the black hall after the first page of scarlet, and once replaced the first page of scarlet to investigate and supervise this first-level world.

Yingzhu Erye felt that Huiyao's selection of the Huiyao Baizi sequence seemed to be the beginning of all changes.

The one who stole the limelight in this selection of the Huiyao Baizi sequence was a Huiyao boy.

Thinking of this Yingzhu Erye couldn't help shaking his head.

A young man whose strength has not yet been promoted to a B-level aura professional.

It is the mermaid blood in the body that can defeat the opponent.

Yingzhu Erye saw clearly through Fuxing Erye at that time.

In the main world, there is more than one person who strengthens himself through the mermaid blood, and Lian Shen is a good example.

The second page of Yingzhu really couldn't connect the changes in this first-level world with Lin Yuan.

But Huiyao did change his original posture after the selection of the Hundred Sons of Huiyao, and overwhelmed the Freedom Federation to become the overlord of the main world!

Yingzhu Erye has never understood why the two spiritual powers, Tianjue Villa and Wangyang Maze, are on good terms with the Huiyao Federation.

That old guy from Huiyao Federation ignited the magic fire.

But it is not at the same level as the Tianjuan Villa and Wangyang Maze!

When the second page of Yingzhu frowned and pondered, the fourth page of Molan said indifferently.

"Crimson, are you thinking a little too much?"

"When we came to this world, the world felt our existence, and the will of the world blocked the world."

"So it is impossible for outsiders to come to this first-level world after us!"

"If that outsider could break the will of the world and wipe us out of the world long ago, how could we have the chance to sleep and recuperate?"

"Crimson, you have become extra cautious since the last time we suffered from the Temple of the Era."

"This is not a good thing for us to erode this first-level world!"

Yingzhu Erye has always been at odds with Scarlet Yiye, and Yingzhu Erye likes to watch when the other eight pages members are against Scarlet Yiye.

But at this time, Yingzhu Erye also felt that Mooran Fourth Ye's thinking was a bit too simple.

The second page of Yingzhu is unwilling to stand on the side of the first page of scarlet, making people feel that they have the same thoughts as the first page of scarlet.

But I want the other Eight Pages members to pay more attention to the forces behind Hui Yao.

The second page of Yingzhu simply mentioned the Temple of the Era.

"We don't know what the purpose of the Era Temple is stationed in this first-level world. The Era Temple obviously does not belong to this first-level world."

"They came earlier than us, do you think the Temple of the Era is behind it!?"

The words of Yingzhu's second page are far more useful than the words of Scarlet's first page.

The previous collision with the Temple of the Era made the members of Tadian Eight Pages very afraid of the Temple of the Era.

After he and others launched the plan of reviving the sleeper, the Temple of the Era did not intervene.

But this does not mean that the Temple of the Era did not help the Huiyao Federation behind the scenes.

If this matter is related to the Jiyuan Temple, then it will be troublesome!

Falling Rainbow Five Pages said after pondering for a moment.

"I think we should try to negotiate with the Temple of the Era."

"Let's see what the real purpose of the Era Temple is in the main world."

"If it's a win-win situation in the end, the Temple of the Era might be able to benefit us!"

Hearing what Zhuanghong Wuye said, Langying Qiye chuckled.

"Do you think the Temple of the Era will be willing to negotiate with us?"

"If you think the plan you said is feasible, then you can contact the Temple of the Era!"

"I hope you can facilitate the cooperation between us and the Temple of the Era."

The heart of Langying Qiye is very troubled, and Falling Rainbow Wuye is very upset.

It was because of the incident caused by the fifth page of falling rainbow and the second page of Yingzhu that the sleeper's resurrection plan was delayed for thousands of years.

The seventh page of Langying was about to continue to say something, but was interrupted by the faint voice of the eighth page of pupil shadow.

"There is no need to negotiate with the Temple of the Era. We have combined the origin of the world of the dead with this secondary world. Now we have no turning back!"

"Even if there is an abyss ahead of this road, we can only go on!"

(end of this chapter)