Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2670: Gold Wing's comprehensive promotion!


After talking with Liu Jie and Wen Yu, Lin Yuan entered his training room.

People like Liu Jie, Wen Yu, and Lin Yuan all have their own training rooms.

Everyone has adapted the training room to their needs.

In the training room, Wen Yu usually uses source paper to sort out the materials, so there is no difference between Wen Yu's training room and the office in Guiyuan Manor.

In the training room, Liu Jie often specially trains the insect mother to control the swarm, which makes Liu Jie's training room the largest.

The ground has done a lot of terrain processing.

The walls and floor of the training room are covered with a thick layer of reinforced metal spiritual material.

Lin Yuan had never fought a battle in the training room.

Usually they are cultivating and nurturing spiritual things, or sitting at the table in the training room and flipping through books.

Until now, Lin Yuan still keeps the good habit of reading.

Lin Yuan entered the training room this time, as before, with the intention of cultivating spiritual creatures.

To be honest, Lin Yuan has been looking forward to cultivating Golden Wings for a long time.

It's just that the dragon livers at hand were really limited. If the strength of Gold Wing could not be cultivated directly, it would only be a small amount to improve the strength of Gold Wing.

It's better to upgrade the golden wings all at once!

Lin Yuan summoned the golden wings, looking at the handsome golden bird in front of him, Lin Yuan raised his arms.

Jin Chi directly grasped Lin Yuan's arm with both claws, and stood on Lin Yuan's arm.

Jin Chi turned his sharp beak away, and touched Lin Yuan's shoulder with the soft feathers around his neck.

He didn't dare to rub against Lin Yuan's neck like before.

When Gold Chi was getting close to Lin Yuan before, the down feathers scratched the skin on Lin Yuan's neck because he rubbed against Lin Yuan's neck.

It's not that Lin Yuan's skin is too tender, it doesn't look tough.

Because Lin Yuan has undergone genetic optimization, and Lin Yuan himself is an A-level aura professional.

This makes Lin Yuan's skin defense much stronger than most people.

However, Gold Wings are birds that fight with their bodies.

Even if the strength is still at the bronze level, Kelian's softest inner neck down still has a good lethality.

The little guy, Gold Wing, is very naughty on weekdays, and likes to run wild in the swamp world.

If Jin Chi was a human being, then Jin Chi would definitely become an adventurer who likes to travel!

When Lin Yuan returned to the Locking Space, he couldn't see the shadow of Jin Chi.

But whenever he meets Jin Chi, Jin Chi will always get tired of Lin Yuan.

The attachment to Lin Yuan is no less than Clever and Yinyin!

Because of having the blood of Desolation, Jin Chi's IQ is extremely high.

Golden Chi flapped its wings twice, lifted its claws lightly away from Lin Yuan's arms, and flew around Lin Yuan a few times.

Gold Wing has also been looking forward to today for a long time.

During this period of time, the rank has been stuck at the bronze rank, which made Jin Chi very eager to grow in strength.

Jin Chi knew that Lin Yuan was about to train himself.

Lin Yuan looked at Jin Chi with a smile on his face.

No matter how much wind and rain there is in the outside world, when staying with their spirit creatures, these little guys can always heal Lin Yuan and relax Lin Yuan's mood.

Lin Yuan used Mobius's skill [Real Data] to conduct a survey on Jin Chi.

[Spiritual creature name]: Gold Wing

[Spiritual Species]: Desolate / Pteroptera

[Spirit Level]: Bronze Level (9/10)

[Spiritual Items]: Wind

[Spiritual Object Quality]: Fantasy Change


[Neck Breaking]: When the sharp claws hit the target, the neck breaking effect will be triggered, breaking the target's neck bone, and at the same time grabbing the target's soul in the neck bone, absorbing the soul into the feathers, creating a gust of wind on the feathers Textures give wisdom.

[Flowing Wind Claws]: Spread the wind elements in the wind pattern of the wings into the environment, control the wind in the environment, and at the same time prevent the wind controlled by oneself to attack the opponent. The damage of the attack is equal to that of swinging claws After injuring the target, a large amount of wind elements can be injected into the target's body from the wound in an explosive manner, causing secondary damage to the target.

Exclusive features:

[Indeterminate Temperament]: In the process of contacting with a spiritual object, you can rub the exclusive characteristics and passive skills of the spiritual object. At that time, the exclusive characteristic and indeterminate temperament will become the replaced exclusive characteristics and passive skills. The time limit for each replacement is A cycle of the sun and the moon.

[Descendants of the Wind King]: Make yourself the core of all wind elements, turn yourself into the eye of the typhoon, and control the wind elements around you. The King of Wind, all the winds in the world are descendants.

This is not the first time Lin Yuan has checked the data of Jin Chi.

Lin Yuan couldn't help feeling the power of the bloodline of the Desolation every time he inspected it!

Now, even platinum-level flying spirits may not be able to defeat Golden Wings!

Gold Wing's exclusive feature [Descendant of the Wind King] allows Gold Wing to have absolute control over wind attribute spirits, and it is an exclusive feature at the level of attribute control.

Both [Broken Neck and Falling Hell] and [Mobile Wind Claw] can cause extremely strong damage to enemy targets.

Lin Yuan has never seen the instant death effect and the control over the soul of [Broken Neck Falling Hell] on other spiritual creatures.

After the first month, he gave himself the Golden Wing's egg, which was obviously a choice.

It is impossible for all the spirits of the blood of the wilderness to be as powerful as the golden wings in terms of ability!

Lin Yuan beckoned to Jin Chi.

"Golden Wings don't fly, stand on the training platform!"

While speaking, Lin Yuan placed a thick rosewood stake horizontally on the table in the training room.

This red sandalwood stake is very convenient for Jin Chi to grasp.

If you let the golden wings fall directly on the table, it will affect the golden wings eating for a while.

Hearing this, Jin Chi retracted his wings in mid-air, and landed firmly on the red sandalwood stake.

The sharp eagle claws pierced into the completely jade-like red sandalwood pile, causing cracks to appear on the completely jade-like red sandalwood pile.

If anyone in the main world saw this scene, they couldn't help shouting in their hearts what a pity!

But this is nothing to Lin Yuan.

Because this red sandalwood stake was a common thing two days ago.

It was because of staying in the spirit lock space for two days that the red sandalwood pile showed a jade-like transformation.

Gold Chi stood on the red sandalwood stake, shaking his little head up and down expectantly.

Lin Yuan brought out pots of fresh dragon livers that Long Tao had provided to him, and then sprinkled the phoenix blood on these dragon livers.

These things on the table are the best meal for gold fins.

Lin Yuan only needs to serve Jin Chi with pure aura and wind-attribute celestial-level elemental pearls when Jin Chi is eating.

The strength of the Golden Wing will be "噗噗噗" improved!

Under the temptation of delicious food and improved strength, Golden Wing did not enter a state of regardless of food protection like a spirit with a low IQ.

Instead, he uttered two clear cries like the chirping of gold and iron, and waved his wings twice at Lin Yuan before he ate like a gentleman.

Lin Yuan directly took out a box of aura crystals and a box of wind-attribute celestial-level elemental pearls and dumped them beside these dinner plates.

For Gold Wings to use according to their own needs!

Immediately, Lin Yuan retreated to the side, and Lin Yuan only needed to wait for Jin Chi to finish eating a certain kind of spiritual material before continuing on for Jin Chi!

Gold Wing eats happily, and doesn't need to step on the dragon's liver to tear it like other raptors.

Gold Wing's beak touched these dragon livers, and these dragon livers were easily cut off by the edge of Gold Wing's beak like tofu.

Because these dragon livers all have the blood of the main dragon species, and the phoenix blood comes from the spirits of the main phoenix species.

This made Golden Wing's strength increase extremely quickly.

In the process of improving his strength, Jin Chi became more and more handsome, and the color of the feathers on his body was a little more intense than before.

The feathers on Jin Chi's body are distinct, and each feather is like a work of art.

The fierce aura on his body made Lin Yuan feel a little terrified.

Looking at Gold Wing, there is a feeling of going back to the ancient wild world and seeing the top predators.

After eating a few mouthfuls of dragon liver with phoenix blood, Jin Chi will pick up an elemental pearl or aura crystal.

Lin Yuan quietly watched the process of Jin Chi's strength improvement.

Gold Wing's size does not necessarily increase every time he advances to the Platinum level, and the size of Gold Wing shrinks in the process of being promoted to the Platinum level.

It has shrunk to a wingspan of only about three meters.

However, the reduction in size did not reduce the deterrent power of the Golden Wing, but instead increased the fierceness of the Golden Wing by a large margin!

At this moment, Jin Chi uttered a clear cry, and then spoke to Lin Yuan with a simulated voice of wind elements.

"Lin Yuan, I have now reached the level of the diamond-level fantasy three transformations!"

"It will take me a while to digest my current strength."

"After eating the rest of the dragon liver and phoenix blood, my rank can almost reach the level of fantasy five transformations at the tenth diamond level."

"I want to stay at this level for a while, and then move towards the lord-level mythical species."

"Otherwise, if I increase my strength rashly, my fighting consciousness will not be able to keep up with the strength of my body, and it will also make it difficult for me to adapt to the changes in my body!"

Lin Yuan nodded upon hearing this.

With Gold Wing's IQ, he can judge how to improve himself is the most beneficial.

Since Gold Wing has chosen the method that is most beneficial to him, as a contractor, he will definitely not object.

Reiki professionals like to contract spirits with high IQ, because spirits with high IQ can communicate effectively with Reiki professionals.

Tell Reiki practitioners what they need.

Save aura professionals to improve it with their own minds, and sometimes it may affect the potential of spiritual objects.

Lin Yuan said to Jin Chi seriously.

"Golden Wing, then you should be stuck at the diamond-level tenth fantasy five-change level first!"

"In two days, I will take you to a few duels to speed up your familiarization with your own strength."

"After you are all ready, we will advance to the lord rank mythical species!"

Hearing Lin Yuan's words, Jin Chi thanked Lin Yuan seriously after a while.

The Golden Wing is Lin Yuan's soul and blood co-contracted by Lin Yuan's spiritual power, which is the same as Lin Yuan's mind and spirit, and can clearly feel Lin Yuan's mind.

Lin Yuan wanted to take himself to participate in the selection of the Glorious Envoy.

If I want to compete with other barren bloodline spirits, my strength must be raised to the lord-level mythical species.

However, Jin Chi discovered a problem during the promotion process, and Jin Chi must be responsible for himself.

As Lin Yuan's contract spiritual creature, being responsible to himself is also equivalent to being responsible to Lin Yuan.

If it only concerns himself, Gold Wing is willing to be promoted to the lord rank mythical species to help Lin Yuan in the battle.

After Lin Yuan heard the words, he didn't care that the feathers of the golden wings became sharper after being promoted to the diamond rank.

Lin Yuan rubbed Jin Chi's abdomen, only to feel a tingling pain in his palm.

"Golden Chi said thanks to our relationship!?"

"You were cultivated by me with high-quality resources, you have to believe in your own strength!"

"And we can't just look at the present when we do things, but also look at the future!"

While speaking, Lin Yuan used Mobius's skill [real data] to investigate the promoted Gold Wing.

[Spiritual creature name]: Gold Wing

[Spiritual Species]: Desolate / Pteroptera

[Spirit Level]: Diamond Level (1/10)

[Spiritual Items]: Wind

[Spiritual Object Quality]: Fantasy Three Changes


[Neck Breaking]: When the sharp claws hit the target, the neck breaking effect will be triggered, breaking the target's neck bone, and at the same time grabbing the target's soul in the neck bone, absorbing the soul into the feathers, creating a gust of wind on the feathers Textures give wisdom.

[Flowing Wind Claws]: Spread the wind elements in the wind pattern of the wings into the environment, control the wind in the environment, and at the same time prevent the wind controlled by oneself to attack the opponent. The damage of the attack is equal to that of swinging claws After injuring the target, a large amount of wind elements can be injected into the target's body from the wound in an explosive manner, causing secondary damage to the target.

[Whispering Wind]: By flapping the wings, the energy of the wind element is induced to resonate, causing an all-round physical and elemental double-level blow to the designated target around, and applying a layer of headwind effect to the target to reduce the speed of the target. A layer of headwind effect will increase its own speed.

[Hurricane Protection]: Add a layer of violent hurricane shield to itself. Whenever it is damaged by the target element, the hurricane shield will absorb the target's damage, and then return the target's damage bonus to the target. The hurricane shield can Absorb wind elemental energy in the surrounding environment to replenish itself.

[Stacked Wings Valley]: Create an environment full of wind elemental energy with yourself as the core. In this environment, the wind elemental energy will continue to grow. When you sacrifice to the domain, the wind elemental energy in the Stacked Wings Valley It will enter the blood vessels and temporarily stimulate the blood vessels.

[Escape Wind Invasion]: Escape yourself into the wind element, even a ray of wind can make you hide, and in the state of escaping into the wind, as long as the wind is not scattered, you will be immune to damage.

Exclusive features:

[Indeterminate Temperament]: In the process of contacting with a spiritual object, you can rub the exclusive characteristics and passive skills of the spiritual object. At that time, the exclusive characteristic and indeterminate temperament will become the replaced exclusive characteristics and passive skills. The time limit for each replacement is A cycle of the sun and the moon.

[Descendants of the Wind King]: Make yourself the core of all wind elements, turn yourself into the eye of the typhoon, and control the wind elements around you. The King of Wind, all the winds in the world are descendants.

After probing, Lin Yuan was startled, and he didn't know how to evaluate Jin Chi.

The four skills that Gold Wing has acquired are simply too comprehensive in terms of abilities!

(end of this chapter)