Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2675: Shocking monster!


Kaila has never heard of the allegorical saying that Wang Po sells melons and sells herself.

Keira is in this state at this time.

However, the melons of the "Wang Po" are not guaranteed to be ripe, but Keira can guarantee the strength of the monster clan.

The undead natural disaster that broke out in the main world is a disaster in the eyes of the creatures in the main world, but in the eyes of the demon worm Keira, there is nothing special about it.

Keira felt this way not because of Keira's indifference to the main world, but because Keira had seen too many such scenes in the sky beyond the clouds.

This situation is nothing more than a trifle to Kayla.

Any small branch of the monster worm clan went out to fight, and the waves it caused could reach this level.

Standing behind Lin Yuan, Wen Yu and Liu Jie looked at the weird bug-like creatures who were boasting in front of Lin Yuan, and subconsciously felt distrust in their hearts.

Because what Keira said was too full, so full that it seemed to be deceiving!

After pondering for a moment, Lin Yuan spoke seriously to Keira.

"Kayla, if the demon insects under your command can really help me solve the problem, then I will give you or the demon insects a fortune."

"Come with me, it will be time for your monsters to shine!"

Lin Yuan could feel the confidence in Kaila's heart.

Keira's strong self-confidence reassured Lin Yuan a lot.

The wisdom of the monster worms is much higher than that of humans. If Keira is not fully sure about this kind of thing, it is impossible to make such a guarantee.

Because Keira is very aware of the consequences of deceiving herself and the price she needs to pay.

Through the contract, Lin Yuan can easily destroy Kaila with a single thought, and ruin the demon worms.

Keira had seen the power of the Scourge of the Undead on the territory of the Zerg World.

The pressure on the border between the Zerg World and the main world is much greater than that on the Huiyao Undead Well.

I heard from Kaila that the monster clan once had a very brilliant record in the sky beyond the clouds.

I hope that the monsters and insects who once crossed the sky outside the clouds can bring salvation to the main world.

Lin Yuan released the Butterfly Killer.

Keira didn't use the other monster eggs, but just quickly climbed up to the back of the Butterfly with the five monster mothers.

Wen Yu spoke to Lin Yuan in a very serious tone.

"Master, brother Liu and I will go with you!"

"The natural disaster of the undead has appeared for so long. I have been doing deployment work, but all my understanding of the undead comes from data and received news. I have never felt the undead with my own eyes."

"This time I can just collect some data!"

Lin Yuan nodded when he heard the words. Lin Yuan originally planned to bring Liu Jie and Wen Yu there.

Although Liu Jie and Wen Yu couldn't help much in the past, it is very necessary for them to understand the current situation facing the main world.

Otherwise, it is very likely that there will be deviations in command.

Judging from the influence of the dimensional creatures of the dead on the main world, the dimensional creatures of the dead world are mixed with the undead to invade the main world, which is obviously a step of Tadian's killer move.

Tadian probably didn't expect Keira's existence.

If Tadian had anticipated Keira's existence and abilities, he would probably kill Keira at all costs.

After a few flaps of its wings, the Butterfly Arrived at the location of the C33 Undead Well.

A month later, I came here with the cicadas singing, and I have already brought the Huiyao warriors guarding the well of the dead at C33 to the well of the dead at C32.

It was clearly noon, but a full moon appeared in the sky.

The moonlight is like a waterfall, trapping the 50-kilometer radius of the undead well at C33.

Once all the undead inside want to cross the boundary shrouded in moonlight, they will be sublimated into nothingness by the moonlight immediately.

Those dead qi were also continuously purified by the surging moonlight.

After a month, defeating a million soldiers with one person's strength can guarantee that a well of undead will not have any impact on the glorious environment.

There is also no safety from undead attacking surrounding citizens.

But when the manpower is limited, tens of thousands of soldiers can guard more than ten wells of the undead, but after a month, they don't have the ability to guard more than ten wells of the undead.

The full moon in the sky sprinkles the moonlight all over the sky, and it needs to consume the energy after the moon.

If Moon Hou really has such an ability, he won't have to worry about the natural disaster of the undead!

Don't look at Yuehou who contracted the Shouyuan Mouse, which has endless lifespan.

But if Yue Hou is really willing to give up eternal life for the sake of glory, and make Yue Hou make sacrifices and compromises, Yue Hou is willing!

Since the day when Yue Hou became the envoy of Huiyao, she has been ready to dedicate herself to Huiyao.

Feeling the number of undead imprisoned by Yuehua, Yue Hou sighed deeply.

This is just a well of undead, and so many undead will spew out every day, releasing a large amount of dead energy.

This is not the first time that Yue Hou took control of the undead well.

There were several times when the well of the undead inside the capital collapsed, and they were resolved after a month.

After a month, it can be clearly felt that the flow of undead gushing out of the well of the undead has become even greater after a week!

During the same period of time, the undead spewed out about three times faster than before.

This made one thing affirmed after a month, the undead underground are gradually recovering, and then they will drill out of the ground one after another.

This will increase the pressure on the Yaoyao warriors around the Well of the Undead, and even the metal slabs in the entire Huiyao underground will break under the constant pressure increase.

Therefore, in order to ensure that the metal slate will not be broken by the undead who cannot find the exit, Hui Yao must constantly open the undead well.

Can Huiyao really be able to bear such pressure now!

Months later, I don't know how many years I haven't felt this kind of powerlessness.

Yue Hou never likes to rely on others when things happen, but now Yue Hou can only pin all her hopes on Lin Yuan.

Yue Hou turned her head and looked behind her, only to see Lin Yuan flying over on the Butterfly.

Yue Hou beckoned to Lin Yuan, and Yue Hou saw Kaila and the five strangely shaped demon worms after the Butterfly Flying Nearby.

Lin Yuan bowed to Moon Queen and Chanming, and then got straight to the point.

"Master, break the closed moonlight barrier!"

"Let those undead have an outlet to vent."

"I just happened to test whether that method is feasible!"

It is not the first time that Chanming has seen Lin Yuan, and every time he sees Lin Yuan, Chanming has a new understanding of Lin Yuan.

Cicadas can be said to have watched Lin Yuan grow up.

It's just that Lin Yuan's growth is not carried out step by step, but directly jumps continuously, and each jump will skip countless levels.

The young man in front of him may have surpassed himself in strength a long time ago.

But even so, Lin Yuan still maintained a humble and polite attitude when facing himself.

This is even more rare for a young man!

Don't look at Chanming's calm demeanor now, but Chanming was also an arrogant person for a while when he was young.

After the moon waved his hand, the bright moon in the sky brightened.

The silky moonlight unfolds slowly like the opening of a theater.

Surrounded by dead energy, the sea-like undead poured out from the unfolded chain of moonlight.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yuan's heart trembled, and he turned to Kaila and said.

"Kayla, it's up to you to perform next!"

Keira couldn't help curling her lips when she heard the words. Keira always felt that Lin Yuan might have made a mistake.

I wanted Lin Yuan to test the strength of these five female worms, why did Lin Yuan bring these five female worms here

Where can we measure the strength of these five female insects here

I wanted Lin Yuan to cook fish, but Lin Yuan took out a pot the size of a fingernail. How could such a stage be enough for him to perform

Kaila always felt that it was Lin Yuan who underestimated her.

Is the monster clan so weak in Lin Yuan's heart!

Keira felt that she had to find an opportunity to justify the name of the Monster Clan.

But even if Kayla was given ten guts, Kayla didn't dare to complain about Lin Yuan.

Thinking of this, Keira said depressedly to the female insect on the far side.

"Dom, you just send out a heir of the third-level gene lock to deal with these undead and dead spirits!"

"Remember to handle it beautifully, don't let the dead air escape!"

Speaking of this, Keira shrugged her nose.

"The concentration of dead air around here is a bit high, you can go and purify the dead air around here!"

These female worms bred by Keira have the same level of IQ as Keira.

As a highly intelligent creature, Dum knew how to prove his ability.

Now that I am named by Keira, it is an excellent opportunity to express myself.

Just like Keira will try her best to make Lin Yuan value herself, those female worms hatched by Keira will also compete for Keira's trust and favor.

There are many children in a big family, even if parents treat each other equally, they still have preferences.

One of Dum's spider legs was raised high, and a cilium with the same length as the spider leg suddenly popped out from inside the spider leg.

A purple-black egg shot out from the place where the cilia overlapped with the spider's legs.

The insect eggs shot into the gushing sea of undead.

At this moment, Lin Yuan, Yue Hou, Cicada, Wen Yu, and Liu Jie suddenly felt that the speed of the Sea of Undead slowed down.

Taking a closer look, all the undead in the sea of undead were attached to a purple-black maggot the size of a grain of rice.

These maggots gnawed at the bodies and bones of the undead at an unimaginable speed.

The sea of undead seemed to melt away.

Months later, the undead had been hoarded for a long time, but these undead couldn't keep up with the eating speed of the hundreds of millions of larvae.

After those larvae finished eating the undead, a large part of them got into the well of the undead.

Even after sinking like a moon and Cicada could not help opening their mouths, it was hard to believe that the destruction of so many undead was just because of the spider creature's slight lifting of its legs.

Just now, the insect creature Lin Yuan called Kaila mentioned the offspring of the third-level gene lock.

If this kind of insect creature is the same as Zerg, then there should be two levels of gene locks, level 2 and level 1, above the offspring of level 3 gene locks.

The higher the gene lock is, the higher the gene level in the body will be.

Thinking of this month and Chanming's eyes, hope finally emerged.

At this moment, without the undead as a food source, these purple-black larvae began to devour each other cruelly.

This is a bit like a game called big fish eat small fish that Lin Yuan played in his previous life.

After a larva devours its own kind, its body will become significantly larger.

Under successive devours, those larvae that were ahead at the beginning grew a cocoon that was half a meter high.

All of this happened in an instant, showing the power of the swarm, just like turning on the accelerator.

In the end, the monster insects all over the ground turned into more than 4,000 half-meter-high cocoons.

In less than half a minute, the cocoon broke open. A spider-shaped creature that was slightly smaller than the mother came out of the cocoon, and let out a loud hiss as if welcoming a newborn.

Immediately afterwards, the death air pervading all around poured into the bodies of these monster insects as if they had found their home.

These demonic insects sip the dead air in the air wantonly, using this dead air as their own source of energy.

These newly born third-level gene-locking demon insects have a strong ability to absorb dead energy, and they can keenly feel that the dead energy within a radius of 50 kilometers is rapidly gathering here.

These arachnoid creatures can affect such a large range together, and they can also achieve this level when they are scattered.

In other words, within a range of fifty kilometers, as long as there is one such bug, there is no need to worry about death.

This is much better than the effect of dead rot earthworms on purifying dead air!

Keira glanced at Dum, not too satisfied with Dum's performance.

Because Dum didn't prevent the leading larvae from devouring each other, otherwise the number of newly born third-level gene-locking monster worms would increase by 1.2 times on the current basis.

If it is because of this difference that Lin Yuan feels that his monster gene is not good, then it will be over!

When he arrived in Yunwai Tianyu, Lin Yuan had the opportunity to find another monster queen to control him.

Kayla's eyes made Doom realize immediately that he was careless.

In front of the supreme Keira, Doom, as Keira's heir, doesn't even have the ability to argue.

Keira can dispose of these female worms hatched by herself at will, just like Lin Yuan handles herself.

In order to prove the value of the demon worms, Kaila hurriedly said to Lin Yuan.

"Some of the master's demon worms have entered under the well of the undead, and they are still breeding under the well of the undead."

"A few monster insects with a third-level gene lock can maintain a small insect swarm."

"As long as there is no particularly powerful existence among those undead, otherwise they will not be able to drill out of this well!"

"Dum only used a pre-stored worm egg, mainly because these undead are too few for these larvae to devour."

"Causes the larvae to devour each other to be able to hatch."

"If the number of undead is ten times more, there will be a few dead dimensional creatures carrying a lot of dead energy."

"The ability of our monster worms can be fully utilized."

"If you want to test the ability of the demon worms, I still hope that you can take me to the place where the dimensional world borders this secondary world."

"That's the stage for our monster clan to show their strength!"

Keira was a little anxious when she said this, but she was still as confident as before.

It's just that neither Wen Yu nor Liu Jie felt that Kaila was talking big.

Because the two have just recovered from the shock.

(end of this chapter)