Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2678: The progress of the demon worm is accelerated!


Lin Yuan's mind is now fully focused on the salvation of Hui Yao, and he really didn't think about whether the demon worms can save the sea area.

Wen Yu's words really reminded Lin Yuan, and Kaila's reply made Lin Yuan extremely excited.

The second- and third-level gene-locking demon worms produced by these female worms under Kaila's command are really capable of cleaning up the dead air in the sea area, which is simply amazing!

In this way, not only the dilemma on the map of the water world can be solved, but also the creatures of the water world and all the sea people can be redeemed, and the environment of the entire sea area can also be cleaned up.

The sea area can also become a breeding ground for demon insects.

Lin Yuan can not only let the demon worms save the world, but also use the environment of the natural disaster of the undead to cultivate the demon worms and grow the group of demon worms.

When Lin Yuan went to the sky outside the clouds, the powerful monster clan could also be one of Lin Yuan's trump cards.

A group of goblins are earnestly working according to the area assigned by Kaila, and the land of the Hawen Continent is gradually exposed.

The land that was originally yellowish brown or dark brown has now turned grayish black under the infestation of dead air.

The modified soil itself can release dead air outwards.

Fortunately, those monsters are constantly absorbing the dead energy underground, otherwise these goblins will be corrupted by the dead energy and their lifespan will be reduced!

The current situation is obviously stable. Just in case, Lin Yuan asked Red Thorn to appoint the Emperor of the Abyss to sit next to Kaila, so as to prevent accidents that would threaten Kaila's safety.

Keira's current individual strength is not considered strong, once she is attacked by a strong man, Keira has no way to deal with it!

Once there is any problem with Kaila, the breeding of the monster worms will no longer be able to continue.

Liu Jie said with emotion.

"Lin Yuan, Tadian's second attack was resolved by us again."

"But I believe that Tadian will not just let it go so easily! There will definitely be some follow-up measures."

Lin Yuan nodded hesitantly when he heard the words.

If Tadian only had such a little means, he would not try to invade the main world in vain!

A dimensional world attached to a third-level world is definitely not that simple!

But the demon worm's ability has only just begun to show.

Next will be the collision between Yao Chong and Ta Dian.

Kaila's own strength is not strong, but those monster insects with second and third level gene locks can continuously improve their own strength after absorbing the dead energy!

As long as these monster worms are given enough time to develop, the strength of these monster worms will soon be able to improve.

It didn't take long for the monster worms to condense a majestic force and counterattack the undead.

The dimensional world of the dead regards the demon insects as a threat, but the demon insects regard the undead and the dimensional creatures of the dead as food.

The heights between the two sides are different, and the angles of looking at each other are fundamentally different.

Now that the problems encountered have been satisfactorily resolved, Lin Yuan is ready to return to Huiyao.

Keira will also be brought back by Lin Yuan. Three of the five female demon worms will stay on the Hewen Continent and continue to breed the swarm, and the other two will go to the sea to breed the swarm.

Support the sea people and a group of dimensional creatures in the water world.

Although Lin Yuan has tried his best to give support as soon as possible, both the sea tribe and the dimensional creatures in the water world have suffered heavy losses.

The help of the monster worms to the Wangyang Labyrinth is equivalent to saving all the sea people.

Let the sea race not be extinct in the sixth era.

After knowing what Lin Yuan meant, Keira immediately made arrangements.

Doom, who was the least liked by Keira, was left behind by Keira in the central part of the Hewen Continent.

The two outer two demon worms develop and grow the demon worm populations from the north and south ends of the Hanwen Continent, and then regularly transport the demon worms to Huiyao.

The other two female worms valued by Keira were sent to the sea.

There are much more undead resources in the sea than in the mainland, so it is a fat job to develop in the sea!

The two demon worms who were named by Keira were ecstatic.

Dum looked at Keira very aggrieved, and didn't understand why the good-looking Keira had so many opinions on him

He was named twice by Keira, and Dum didn't feel that there was a problem with what he did these two times.

You must know that when you were just hatched, your gene concentration was the highest, and it should be that you were most appreciated by Lord Kaila.

The underground in the central region has basically been hollowed out by monsters. It can be said that the central part of the Hanwen Continent is the place with the least undead resources.

If you stay here by yourself, you will become the smallest of the first batch of five female worms to breed.

The female worms under the queen's command of the monster worms are compared to whose group is more prosperous.

Only the more prosperous side can have more status in the ethnic group!

Dum was wronged and wronged, but he didn't dare to say anything more.

I'm afraid that if I say something wrong, it will annoy Kayla even more.

After returning to Huiyao, Lin Yuan came directly to Huiyue Hall.

Yue Hou was drinking tea in the apse of Huiyue Hall while watching the good news from all over the place.

Every time those demon worms with level 2 and 3 gene locks were sent to a place, they immediately built a nest in that place.

Then, with the insect nest as the center, it absorbs the dead energy in the environment in an orderly manner, nibbling away at the undead as resources for continued reproduction.

These monster insects with second and third level gene locks are secondary female insects, and they also have a strong reproductive ability.

Even some counties with relatively weak defenses have not suffered any casualties after the arrival of the demon insects!

Huiyao's previous pressure has been relieved by more than half, and the soldiers of Huiyao can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Cicada Ming immediately ordered the Huiyao fighters from all over the place to rest in place.

Then assign those aura professionals who have just been cultivated by Huiyao, who can effectively heal the wounds caused by dead air, to provide comprehensive treatment for Huiyao's fighters.

Cicada has reached a consensus after talking with Yue Hou.

Even though the demon worms have solved the problem right now, the danger of the undead natural disasters to the main world has not been reduced.

The dimensional creatures of the undead gradually appeared with the development of the natural disaster of the undead, and no one can guarantee whether there will be more special undead in the future.

If Huiyao wants to tide over the difficulties, he must constantly enrich his own strength, and he can't rely on others for everything!

This is not to say that Huiyao doesn't trust Lin Yuan's trump card for Huiyao, but that Huiyao must correct his attitude.

Otherwise, everything is left to Lin Yuan, instead of thinking about enriching himself.

Then Huiyao will not be able to withstand subsequent external impacts.

Cicada has already heard Yuehou said that Lin Yuan's future ambition is not in Huiyao or in the main world, but in a higher level world.

It is impossible for the main world to be under the protection of Lin Yuan all the time.

A large part of the reason why Chan Ming knew that Yue Hou said this was because he hoped not to put all the pressure of the main world on Lin Yuan.

On the other hand, Yuehou also hopes that Huiyao can take this opportunity to become stronger.

The reform of the creator has already started in a big way.

After a month, I plan to release all the resources at hand, and take this opportunity to strengthen the overall strength of the Huiyao fighters.

The selection and sorting of the group of Glory Hundred Orders that Liu Wencheng had postponed, as well as the selection of the Glory Knights and the Glory Envoys will continue again!

In a month's time, I plan to use six months to let Hui Yao glow with new vitality!

Seeing Lin Yuan, Yue Hou smiled and said to Lin Yuan.

"Xiaoyuan, this time it's thanks to your demon worms!"

"If it weren't for your demon worms, the entire main world would be on the verge of collapse at this time!"

"In the past few days, all federations have reported news, and all these federations are here to announce the good news."

"The biggest problem for Huiyao now is that the dead air can spread inland along the coast."

"The big cities along the coast are still not out of the current predicament."

"I sent a large number of monster insects to the seaside to absorb the dead energy, but this is obviously not a long-term solution!"

Lin Yuan hurriedly said upon hearing this.

"Master, the problem you were worried about has been solved at this time, you don't need to worry about it anymore!"

"The demon worm can not only destroy the undead on land, but also the undead in the sea!"

"I have already dispatched two demon worm mothers to the sea area to develop and expand the demon worm population and solve the environmental problem of dead air pollution in the sea area."

"You should be able to receive the corresponding news within a day or two!"

"Once the problem in the sea area is resolved, it will be great news for all lands facing the sea."

"According to my speculation, the main world can usher in at least three months of peace."

"Even if Ta Dian wants to use other tricks, they will not be able to threaten Hui Yao in a short time."

"Our Huiyao can develop and accumulate strength with peace of mind!"

Lin Yuan said that there were three months, not because Lin Yuan had any trust in the monsters.

Instead, Lin Yuan communicated with Kaila when he came back, and learned that the level of demon insects is higher than that of the living creatures in the dimensional world attached to a third-level world.

Kaila has the ability to control the monsters and insects to fight against the undead, otherwise Kaila would not dare to push the matter that Lin Yuan attaches so much importance to.

In fact, Keira told Lin Yuan that the time is six months, because after six months, through Keira's perception of the leylines, the main world will usher in a period of deadly riots.

At that time, a large number of undead will wake up.

However, Keira didn't take this undead riot period seriously, because if he wanted to vigorously develop the monster worms during these six months, the monster worms would probably be able to fill the entire main world!

At that time, the number of demon insects is not necessarily less than that of undead.

It's just that it's impossible for Lin Yuan to allow himself to develop the demon worms so unscrupulously.

If the monster worms are developed in this way, it will inevitably occupy the living space of other creatures in the main world.

Lin Yuan didn't dare to make too much of a security-related issue, and was also afraid that some of his rhetoric would affect the arrangements for a month later.

So Lin Yuan shortened the six-month period to three months, and he could only wait and see what happened after that.

During this period of time, Huiyao's development has not stagnated, and the same is true for Yao Chong.

This buffer period is extremely important now.

Lin Yuan was not sure when Tadian would receive the news.

When the monster worms devoured a large number of undead and reproduced wantonly, they would soon become a disaster.

Now the main world has been promoted from the first-level world to the second-level world, and the five-dimensional world has been integrated into the main world.

Humans only need to occupy a small part of the main world to reproduce and survive.

Lin Yuan will not let the monsters occupy the living space of human beings, but intends to let the monsters take advantage of the undead natural disaster to spread outward.

Such a movement should be able to alarm the Temple of the Era.

Allow yourself a chance to make contact with the Temple of the Ages.

Even if this incident is not enough to alarm the Jiyuan Temple, Lin Yuan will always be able to find the Jiyuan Temple when the monsters crawl to every corner of the main world!

Yue Hou was overjoyed when he heard that there were three months, and three months was considered a luxury for Hui Yao.

"Xiaoyuan, prepare for Liu Wencheng to restart the three selections for the teacher."

"During this time, you have been running around for the main world. If you have business to do, don't participate in these activities!"

Lin Yuan shook his head quickly when he heard the words.

"Master, I have already arranged everything that should be arranged, and there are indeed some trivial things to do next."

"It's just that I don't need to personally participate in these trivial matters, it is enough for someone under my command to handle them."

"I will participate in the selection on time as a member of the Hundred Sons of Glory."

"For this selection, I specially bred Golden Chi and promised that Gold Chi would lead her to fight."

"If I don't participate, I really don't know how to explain to Jin Chi!"

Lin Yuan knew that what Yue Hou said was to be considerate of himself, and he was afraid that he would work too hard.

At first, Lin Yuan really wanted to participate in this selection.

Secondly, Lin Yuan is also very clear that if he wants to use this selection to boost morale, he must go!

The power of faith that Huiyao provided for himself was almost half of the power of faith contributed by all the federations in the main world.

These powers of faith show how important Lin Yuan is in Hui Yao.

Lin Yuan didn't want to lose his word to Jin Chi, nor did he want to disappoint the trust and admiration of Hui Yao's creatures.

Yue Hou heard the words and stood up, helping Lin Yuan straighten his collar.

"Xiaoyuan waits for the selection, and all of Huiyao's crown princes will attend in person."

"The teacher will watch how you climbed to the top step by step!"

If Lin Yuan's strength hadn't been overwhelmingly stronger than Xia Qing, Zong Ze and the others, they wouldn't have said such things a month later.

But judging from Lin Yuan's current strength, it cannot be measured by the standards of the younger generation at all!

Yue Hou has never seen Lin Yuan make a move, but Yue Hou can be sure that it is absolutely impossible for him to defeat Lin Yuan in a fight.

If Lin Yuan's strength is not strong enough, it is impossible to gather so many strong people around him, and it is impossible to keep Hui Yao safe.

What Yue Hou said to Lin Yuan now is not an expectation, but a statement of a fact.

No matter Lin Yuan's contribution to Hui Yao or Lin Yuan's strength, they all deserve the status of Hui Yao envoy!

The thirteen of Huiyao's crown princes added up in the undead natural disasters, and their contribution to Huiyao was not as great as Lin Yuan's contribution to Huiyao.

Lin Yuan nodded upon hearing this.

The monsters and insects showed their natural enemy-like advantages against the undead. The addition of the monsters and insects will greatly shorten the duration of the natural disaster of the undead.

The ultimate showdown between myself and Ta Dian is not far away!

(end of this chapter)