Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2681: Duel among the clouds!


The current members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence have more or less a certain understanding of the undead.

Although the Glorious Holy Church has not released any missions targeting the undead, members of the Glorious Hundred Sons Sequence spontaneously went to the vicinity of the Undead Well for reinforcements.

On the one hand, it is to experience oneself, and on the other hand, it is also to make a contribution to Huiyao.

Every citizen of Huiyao who is selected to enter the Hundred Sons Sequence has a sincere heart.

Some members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence are indeed arrogant and lacking in character.

But in the face of big right and wrong, he can put himself in the right position.

Since you are a role model for Huiyao's younger generation, you need to do something for your role as a role model.

It is precisely because of their understanding of the undead that almost none of the members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence are willing to survive in a simulated environment full of undead.

Building a stage in reality takes a lot of time, resources and effort.

If you want to build a stage on the Starnet, you only need to adjust the network space of the Starnet with the holy source thing that represents the Starnet structure.

For this grand event, Xuan Yue specially set up a grand stage with the other two crown princes.

Since it is to boost morale, hardware facilities are also essential!

After the transmission, each member of the Yaoyao Baizi sequence went to his seat, and the Huiyao Temple had a stone pillar of honor standing specially for the members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence.

Since the competition is being conducted in cyberspace, these pillars of honor have all been moved to the star network without exception.

Lin Yuan stood on this stone pillar with a diameter of about three meters, and when he looked around, he saw billowing clouds beneath his feet.

Seeing this, Lin Yuan couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

The setting of this scene is indeed very grand, and Lin Yuan, the real honor stone pillar of Huiyao Temple, has stood on it before.

Standing on the honor stone pillar tens of meters high and looking down, you can clearly see the things on the ground.

But now on the star network, the honor stone pillar tens of meters high has become thousands of meters high, and every member of the Huiyao Baizi sequence is like being in the clouds.

Being able to become a powerful Reiki professional has been tempered even if he is afraid of heights.

There was a seat on the stone pillar, and Lin Yuan sat leisurely on the armchair.

Lin Yuan felt that if there were no accidents, no one would take the initiative to challenge him.

He is currently ranked at the ninety-first position of the sequence.

After the newly promoted nine members of the Brilliant Hundred Sequence finished selecting their opponents, it was Lin Yuan's turn to make the selection.

Lin Yuan raised his head and glanced at Long Tao, Liu Jie and Xia Qing in the distance.

Lin Yuan was not prepared to give up in any of the three duels, and Lin Yuan was ready to fight the next three rounds.

Use these three battles to boost the morale of Hui Yao.

It happened that Lin Yuan also wanted to see what progress Long Tao, Liu Jie, and Xia Qing had made during this period of time.

Lin Yuan knew Long Tao's strength.

When Lin Yuan went to Panlong Valley as a guest, Long Tao had revealed the truth to Lin Yuan.

Long Tao plans to go all the way to Hei, mainly to breed Neptune Mosasaur.

Long Tao has now become an A-level aura professional, and the Sea King Mosasaurus should have stimulated the main dragon blood hidden in his body after he was promoted to the mythical species.

He has become a ruthless character of the dinosaur lineage among the main dragon species.

Since Lin Yuan became a Reiki professional, he hasn't seen any big scenes in Xia County.

The biggest scene Lin Yuan had ever seen in Xiajun was when Dong Haiyu sent his own wolf-like spiritual creature to clean up the tide of alien beasts.

At that time, what shocked Lin Yuan the most was not the platinum-ranked wolf spirit creature, but the mighty and fearless insect swarm.

After leaving Xia County, Lin Yuan really embarked on the journey of aura professional.

When it came to the match between Longtao in the royal capital and the tea servant of Huiyao Palace, Lin Yuan understood for the first time the meaning of the young Tianjiao, and also knew the direction of his efforts.

At that time, Long Tao was like stars, and with Lin Yuan's strength, he could only look up to him.

But now Long Tao is no longer Lin Yuan's opponent.

Liu Jie is most familiar with Lin Yuan, but Liu Jie has been developing in seclusion for the past six months.

Lin Yuan has never seen the specific strength of the goblin born from the combination of the cocooned fairy embryo of the original creature and the carcinoid carcinoid. Lin Yuan has not seen the specific strength that can be displayed in battle.

As for Xia Qing, Lin Yuan only knew that Xia Qing was very strong, but he didn't know what Xia Qing's real strength was.

For these three battles, Lin Yuan was still looking forward to them.

The member of the Huiyao Baizi sequence named by Liu Wencheng just now was named Mu Yan. At this time, Mu Yan was nervous and apprehensive.

Mu Yan has just been a member of the Huiyao Baizi sequence for a year, and she is one of the few geniuses who survived the thrilling insect swarm.

Although there is no lack of reasons for Lin Yuan's shelter to be able to survive until the end, Mu Yan also has real strength after all!

If it weren't for this, no matter how close Mu Yan was to Lin Yuan, it would be difficult to become the last ten survivors!

Mu Yan has worked very hard this year, and since she has become the pride of the family by being selected in the Huiyao Baizi sequence, there is no reason for her to be brushed down again.

Just looking at these seniors in front of her, Mu Yan found it difficult to calm down.

Mu Yan secretly looked at Lin Yuan.

I heard that Lin Yuan seemed to have just come of age, five years younger than himself.

Such a young man can break through all obstacles, so why not himself!

As early as a year ago, Lin Yuan's image had been deeply imprinted in Mu Yan's heart, and he became an idol that Mu Yan followed in her heart.

Some people just talk about idols, but some people keep idols in their hearts.

Let idols become the driving force for future progress.

Mu Yan is the latter, Mu Yan is diligent, but there are always times when she is lazy.

But whenever Mu Yan thinks of Lin Yuan in her mind, Mu Yan will arouse her fighting spirit and continue to train herself.

This forced Mu Yan's always strict tutor to persuade Mu Yan to take a rest.

Mu Yan clenched her fists tightly, with an extremely tough look on her face.

Set a small goal first and break into the top 80!

I am still young, as long as I keep my seat in the Huiyao Baizi sequence, it is not impossible to sprint to the top 30 when I am 27 or 8 years old.

In addition, now that Huiyao is going to pour a lot of resources into the members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence, the fact that the Bronze-rank legendary quality spirits can be used as rewards is enough to illustrate this point.

One hundred Bronze-rank legendary quality spiritual creatures, and they are also tailor-made according to the will runes they have comprehended.

Such a sum of wealth made it hard for Mu Yan, who was born in a family of masters, to imagine.

At this moment, Mu Yan met a pair of eyes as calm as water.

Seeing these eyes, Mu Yan panicked subconsciously.

The flustered Mu Yan covered her chest with her left hand.

Because of Lin Yuan's cleverness, he infinitely expanded his spiritual sea, which transformed Lin Yuan's ability to detect the surrounding environment into a feeling called spiritual perception.

Even if Lin Yuan closed his eyes and meditated there, he could feel the eyes peeping at him from all around with his spiritual sense.

Lin Yuan had some impressions of Mu Yan. During the last selection of the Huiyao Baizi Sequence, Mu Yan led more than 200 aura professionals to shuttle among the various fronts.

I don't know how many young people who participated in the selection have been saved.

Compared with Mu Yan's personal strength, Lin Yuan admired Mu Yan's coordination ability more.

The members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence have been examining character and strength before, but in Lin Yuan's view, the ability to coordinate and execute is also an important part of an individual's ability to show strength.

Lin Yuan smiled at Mu Yan, then turned his head to look at the whirlpool in the center of the cloud.

At this moment, the vortex dissipated, startling the flowing clouds.

An arena in mid-air showed the whole picture.

The edge of the arena is covered by flowing clouds, and its area is about twice the size of a normal arena.

The arena is covered with a layer of sapphire bricks, which are not a kind of stone with strong resistance to blows.

This gladiatorial arena obviously only borrowed the appearance of sapphire bricks.

Since the previous challenge used the method of ring station, it will be carried out in this arena among the clouds.

The environment on the arena must not be destroyed.

Liu Wencheng's figure appeared in the center of the arena out of thin air.

Liu Wencheng raised his arm and shouted loudly.

"The fifth era has become the brand of the times, and the undead disaster has opened the prelude to the sixth era."

"Huiyao has not only been fighting against the undead, but also redeeming and ruling the humans and sea creatures in the entire main world."

"Our Huiyao has made many achievements in resisting the undead, whether it is the treatment of the death aura or the healing of the wounded infected by the death aura, we have already achieved initial results."

"In the past few days, the wells of the undead have returned to calm. Our glorious soldiers are working hard all the time, throwing their heads and blood for the homeland under their feet."

"Huiyao's younger generation is also always ready to take on the burden left by their predecessors."

"The sequence of the Huiyao Baizi sequence will show the outstanding demeanor of the younger generation of Huiyao!"

"Now I announce that the selection of the Hundred Sons of Glory has officially started!"

"The opponents will be selected from the last one, and each time an opponent is defeated, the opponent's original seat can be occupied."

"The members of the defeated hundred sub-sequence will be relegated to the challenger's seat."

"Everyone has three chances to challenge."

The members of the Brilliant Hundred Sequence present all knew the selection rules very well.

The reason why Liu Wencheng spoke in such detail was to take care of the audience watching the game.

In fact, what Liu Wencheng said earlier was not addressed to the members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence present.

As long as the trials of the Brilliant Hundred Sequence go smoothly, every member of the Brilliant Hundred Sequence will show their strength.

Enough to elevate the glorious atmosphere a lot!

But this is a way to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause, and the atmosphere ignited is only temporary.

Liu Wencheng must let all the citizens of Huiyao know that the officials and creators of Huiyao have been working hard, and these efforts have already paid off.

After the citizens of Huiyao understand this point, the atmosphere ignited by the selection of the sequence of Huiyao's hundred sub-sequences will only become more and more explosive, and the burning will be even higher!

Liu Wencheng was the first to understand the power of monster insects after he followed the moon like the cicadas.

But afterwards, Liu Wencheng went to Denglong City and saw with his own eyes how the demon worms solved the tide of undead.

The way the demon worms deal with the tide of undead is beyond Liu Wencheng's understanding.

Liu Wencheng had a feeling, as if those undead, which were extremely dangerous to humans, were food emerging from the ground for demon insects.

Through Liu Wencheng's careful observation, he couldn't find any special methods for those dimensional creatures to fight against demon insects.

Just like the undead are the natural enemies of human beings, demon insects also exist as the natural enemies of the undead.

Liu Wencheng also thought about a question, if the changes brought about by the Sixth Era were not a natural disaster of the undead, but a disaster brought about by demon insects.

Can human beings really stand in a stalemate with monsters like they are in a stalemate with undead!

Thinking of this, Liu Wencheng subconsciously shook his head.

Demon worms are highly intelligent beings. After Liu Wencheng's observation, the seventeenth wave of offspring bred by monster worms with level 2 and 3 gene locks still have a higher IQ than a twenty-year-old young man.

Although the monster worms are not good-looking, they are actually a highly intelligent race.

Highly intelligent races have strong social and obedience abilities, and can use cunning tactics and strategies in battle.

It is not comparable to these undead who only act on instinct!

Liu Wencheng felt that it was necessary for him to talk to Yue Hou and ask Yue Hou if Lin Yuan could control the demon worm 100%.

Don't stop the natural disaster of the undead through the monster worm, but in the end the monster worm stood on the opposite side of the human being and destroyed the human being!

Liu Wencheng was thinking about things in his heart, but he was making arrangements in an orderly manner.

There is no commentary in this gladiatorial arena arranged in sequence.

But in the public live broadcast room of Xingwang, all the well-known commentators who hosted Huiyao's major events, without exception, set up their own channels to explain this prosperous world!

The anchors and reporters of Xingwang also moved.

During this period of time, since the news of the undead natural disaster was conveyed by Huiyao, the benefits of the anchor commentary on the Star Network were at least two-thirds less than the original.

In the face of a catastrophe, where are people still interested in spending time on the Star Network

Now that such a grand event is encountered, these anchors and reporters have no reason not to participate in it.

Liu Hao has been watching the live broadcast data of Xingwang, and Liu Hao is very satisfied with the attention paid to this grand event.

After thinking for a while, Liu Hao called Tian Ningning.

The phone rang twice before being picked up by Tian Ningning.

"Brother Hao, do you have any instructions?"

"My side has already started preparing to write combat records."

"Although those duels are the most important, the battles of other members of the Brilliant Hundred Sequence also have extraordinary significance!"

Liu Hao agrees with Tian Ningning's approach.

Liu Hao knew that Tian Ningning was a very safe person, otherwise Tian Ningning would not have become Lin Yuan's exclusive reporter.

Even if Lin Yuan took a fancy to Tian Ningning, if Tian Ningning didn't have such ability, he would have been replaced by Yue Hou long ago.

Knowing from Zuo Ming and Liu Hao, Yue Hou treated Lin Yuan as his eyeball.

Even though he knew that Tian Ningning was doing things safely, Liu Hao still had to confirm with Tian Ningning because the matter was of great importance.

"Ningning, are you sure everything is ready?"

"You won't make mistakes in the reports of those important matchups, right!?"

"If there is still a problem of insufficient manpower, I will also send my team to you for temporary deployment."

"Remember not to be afraid of ten thousand, just in case."

"You have a great responsibility, and you must not make any mistakes!"

(end of this chapter)