Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2686: It's Lin Yuan's turn to make a move!


The battle between Lin Yuan and Mu Yan still caused a tsunami of public opinion on the star network.

This public opinion turmoil centered on Lin Yuan did not stop because of the confrontation between other members of the Brilliant Hundred Sequence.

When Lin Yuan was fighting the Freedom Federation Mission before, he did not use this ability.

At that time, Lin Yuan used many moves in the battle, and his cards were exhausted.

In other words, such a powerful hole card was prepared by Lin Yuan in the current year.

More importantly, with the entry of those high-star creators, the methods used by Lin Yuan were picked up again and again.

In the end, it was confirmed that what Lin Yuan sent was a fungus that could release spores.

And Lin Yuan became an A-level Reiki professional when he just turned nineteen.

Becoming an A-level spiritual energy professional before the age of thirty can be called a top genius!

Lin Yuan's strength at this time has already surpassed the perception of others.

If those who were promoted to A-level aura professionals before the age of thirty can be called geniuses, then what is Lin Yuan

The devil among geniuses!

In the next twenty or so duels, no member of the Hundred Sequence chose Lin Yuan to challenge.

It's not that no one has the idea of challenging and paying tribute to their idols like Mu Yan did.

It's just that after learning about Lin Yuan's strength, these members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence had to consider one thing.

That is, is he really qualified to pay tribute to Lin Yuan

After the thrilling assessment of the Hundred Sons Sequence a year ago, members of the Hundred Sons Sequence, including Mu Yan, regarded Lin Yuan as their idol.

Even Lin Yuan's brother Gao Feng had the same feeling.

Lin Yuan's leadership, execution ability, and heroic demeanor of controlling the sea of flowers and solving the swarm of insects are really dazzling, so dazzling that they can become an indelible mark in a person's memory.

Because these hundred sub-sequence members are selected based on their comprehensive ability, and they don't blindly pursue strength.

Only three broke into the top 80.

For this situation, Liu Wencheng, as the actual manager of Huiyao Temple, had expected it!

Changed the way of selecting the members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence, no longer only based on strength and quality as the criterion.

As a result, the newly selected members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence are weaker than the previous ones in terms of pure strength.

But as long as they can gain a firm foothold in the Huiyao Baizi sequence, all of them are goals worth cultivating.

Members of the Hundred Sub-Sequence of Huiyao will be removed from the Hundred Sub-Sequence after serving for a maximum of ten years, or when they reach the age of thirty.

In less than ten years, all members of the Baizi Sequence will meet the new selection criteria.

Let Huiyao more comprehensively cultivate the leaders of Huiyao's younger generation.

In an extraordinary period like the natural disaster of the undead, fighting the undead has become the main theme.

Huiyao can still afford to wait ten years.

At this time, a huge dragon lizard with a height of three floors bit off the neck of a purple-haired male lion.

Announcing the end of this bloody duel.

"Sequence Ninety-Two Violent Lizard Zheng Dui succeeded in the challenge, promoted to No. 76 in the Hundred Sub-Sequence!"

"The original Baizi sequence ranks seventy-six Beast Lu Huai is downgraded to sequence ninety-two."

"Challenge opportunities are still based on the original opportunities."

Lu Huai glanced helplessly at Zheng Dui, who had just defeated him. Zheng Dui's spiritual creature could be said to have completely restrained himself, and beat him extremely furiously.

After exhausting the herd, only two lizards were dealt with, leaving the giant dragon lizard unable to deal with it.

Don't look at me now that I have dropped to Sequence Ninety-two, but I can still choose my opponent at the position of Sequence Seventy-six.

Lu Huai had already identified his target, and it would not be a problem to rush into the top 70 of the sequence.

Zheng Dui can restrain himself, and others can restrain Zheng Dui as well.

Regardless of the fact that Zheng Dui is now fixed at the position of Sequence Seventy-six, it is not known whether he will be pulled down later.

In the annual ranking of the Huiyao Baizi sequence, there are many members of the Baizi sequence who are trying their best to rank higher in the exam.

Not only to win honor for myself, but also to hope to prevent being eliminated in the selection of the hundred sub-sequences next year.

Everyone has come step by step from the rookie period. During the rookie period, they often pulled down the old strong players.

Naturally, they dare not look down on these newcomers at the moment.

When Zheng Dui and Lu Huai returned to their seats, all the audience watching on Xingwang, those commentators who were used to seeing big scenes, and the reporters held their breath at the same time.

Because it's Lin Yuan's turn to choose an opponent next!

Everyone is looking forward to this moment.

Liu Wencheng looked at Lin Yuan with burning eyes, raised his arms high and shouted.

"It's the turn of Sequence Ninety-One Miracle Lin Yuan to choose an opponent. I wonder who Lin Yuan is going to choose?"

Lin Yuan stood up from his seat for the second time upon hearing this.

After getting up, Lin Yuan looked in the direction where Long Tao, Xia Qing, and Liu Jie were located.

Since it was to boost the morale of the people of Huiyao, Lin Yuan's three duels must be full.

If it is said that Mu Yan and others were amazed by Lin Yuan in the sequence of Huiyao Hundred Sons, they would regard Lin Yuan as their target.

Then there is actually such an existence in Lin Yuan's heart, and this person is Long Tao!

The first time Lin Yuan left the small place in Xia County, he went to the main city of Bauhinia City.

Not long after staying in the main city of Bauhinia City, he headed to the capital.

It can be said that the duel between Long Tao and the tea servant truly revealed the magnificent chapter of the world of spiritual things in Lin Yuan's heart, allowing Lin Yuan to understand the strength of the top young generation!

It left a deep impression on Lin Yuan's heart.

Now Lin Yuan also wants to give himself an explanation.

Long Tao was originally ranked second in the last ranking of the Huiyao Baizi sequence, but because Xia Qing gave up the position of sequence one to Liu Jie, Xia Qing defeated Long Tao again.

Let Long Tao be in the position of Sequence Five.

Lin Yuan said loudly to Liu Wencheng.

"I choose to challenge the sequence Wuhanhai Longtao."

When Long Tao heard Lin Yuan's call, he stood up excitedly. It was an honor to be hit by Lin Yuan.

Long Tao thought that Lin Yuan would go directly past him to challenge Liu Jie and Xia Qing.

Long Tao was accepted as a disciple by Iron Prison, and Iron Prison was extremely strict with Long Tao's management.

It's a pity that Long Tao's future direction has been determined because of the contract with five spiritual creatures.

After contracting the spiritual objects of the Bloodline of the Desolation, Long Tao had no way to contract more spiritual objects.

This made Long Tao only have the bloodline spirit of the barren as his hole card.

Long Tao's sea king mosasaur, two blue dragon mothers, a wave killer whale, and the shark-eating dragon shark that Long Tao has rarely used.

Before being promoted to the Mythical Species, they all received water element goddess-level elemental pearls provided by Lin Yuan to help their five spiritual creatures improve their bloodlines.

Long Tao's current achievements and strength are inseparable from Lin Yuan.

Even if he knew he couldn't defeat Lin Yuan, Long Tao still had to fight Lin Yuan well.

Long Tao walked to the arena in the clouds, looked at Lin Yuan in the distance, Long Tao pondered for a moment, but did not summon all his spiritual creatures.

Sharks like the shark-eating dragon exist as a mobile fortress in battle.

As long as Long Tao stands on the back of the Shark-eating Dragon Shark, the Shark-eating Dragon Shark can protect Long Tao.

Lin Yuan did not choose himself to fight against himself, but to have an exhibition match.

Therefore, it is impossible for Lin Yuan to attack himself directly.

Long Tao didn't intend to use the shark-eating dragon shark in this competition.

The two blue dragon mothers are good at large-scale attack and control. After being promoted to the mythical species, one focuses on attack ability, and the other focuses on control ability.

These two blue dragon mothers can create a water environment to the maximum extent with the sea king mosasaur.

As for the Wave Killer Whale, the Wave Killer Whale is indeed the core of Long Tao's five spiritual creatures.

The skills and exclusive characteristics of the wave killer whale can condense the energy of the other four spiritual creatures to carry out a higher-level attack.

Facing a powerful opponent in the contest between the Longmen Club and the star network, the wave killer whale is the spiritual creature that Long Tao must call.

But it was the spirit creature of the barren blood that Long Tao didn't want to reveal his contract with.

The spiritual creature of the blood of the wilderness that Long Tao contracted would consume a lot of power. If Long Tao sent the wave killer whale to attack Lin Yuan, the energy in his body would not be enough to use the spiritual creature of the blood of the wilderness.

So in this battle, Long Tao only summoned the Sea King Mosasaurus and two Youlan Dragon Mothers.

At this time, the Neptune Mosasaur, who had been promoted to the mythical species, was more than 800 meters long, and the main dragon blood was completely stimulated in the body, which made the Neptune Mosasaur's dragon prestige change drastically.

As a spiritual creature of a dinosaur species, every part of the Neptune's body is a powerful killer.

Two blue dragon mothers floated high in the sky, tentacles about 100 meters long hanging down from the canopy, scattering handfuls of misty rain.

The sea king mosasaurus roared, and Wang Yang gathered beside the sea king mosasaur in an instant.

Lin Yuan was not in a hurry to summon the spirit, but gave priority to using the real data of Mobius' skills to investigate Long Tao's sea king Mosasaurus.

[Spiritual creature name]: Sea King Mosasaur

[Spiritual Species]: Mosasaurus/Imperosauridae

[Spirit Level]: Lord Rank (7/10)

[Spiritual Item Type]: Water System

[Spiritual Object Quality]: Mythology Second Realm


[Vortex]: Disturbs the water area so that the water is full of strong pulling currents.

[Eight Dragon Shadows]: The dragon shadows float and change into eight layers of dragon shadows, and each dragon shadow has 60% of the attributes of the body.

[Sea Bite]: Use the sea current to form a bite, and the bite force is equal to its own bite force.

[Neptune Dragon Breath]: Exhales the unique destructive breath of the emperor dragon among the dragon species.

[Wrath of the Ocean]: Unleash all the power hidden in the ocean to make a destructive tremor, the extreme tremor power in the water can crush everything in the sea.

[Water barrier]: Condensate itself to create water element energy in the water area, so that the water element energy loses all property changes, so that the water element energy forms an airtight element space, which can effectively prevent external energy from being transmitted in the water area, and Ban the target.

[Desolate Ancient Longwei]: The dragon's might is materialized and transformed into individuals with half the strength of the main body. These individuals have a chance to trigger effects such as shock and terror when attacking the target. Targets affected by the terror effect will lose combat consciousness for a certain period of time.

Exclusive features:

[Water Control]: Use the power of water to be meticulous and control the flow of water.

[Extreme Sea]: Gather water elements, accumulate water to form rivers, and hundreds of rivers flow into the sea, forming a controlled sea area.

[Reversing sea pressure]: Use the self as the base point, irrigate all the waters generated by itself towards this base point, and then smash the majestic waters towards the target, restrict the target's actions, and destroy the target's body. This ability only It can be offset by the ability of elements of the same attribute, and the energy of elements of different attributes will be assimilated and absorbed by the energy of water elements.

After a little exploration, Lin Yuan had a certain understanding of the strength of the Neptune Mosasaur.

Zhou Luo also contracted a Sea King Mosasaurus, which was obtained from the Coiling Dragon Valley.

The strength of Zhou Luo's Sea King Cha Canglonghai has not been promoted to the mythical species of the lord rank, and is currently only at the level of the fantasy species of the diamond rank.

Because Zhou Luo lived and died together with Lin Yuan and Liu Jie in the dimensional crack of the controlled water world.

If it wasn't for Zhou Luo, Lin Yuan and Liu Jie would probably be left in the dimensional crack of the water world forever.

Because of this friendship, Lin Yuan has always taken great care of Zhou Luo, and provided Zhou Luo with top-notch resources.

This makes Zhou Luo's contracted Sea King Mosasaurus better than Long Tao's in terms of ability.

Fortunately, in the process of being promoted to the mythical species, Long Tao used the water-attribute goddess-level elemental pearls to further activate the blood of the Neptune Mosasaur.

That's why Neptune Mosasaurus had powerful skills like [Desolate Ancient Dragon Might] and powerful exclusive features like [Reversing Sea Pressure].

Lin Yuan, Long Tao's two blue dragon mothers, did not investigate.

Because Lin Yuan had already investigated Long Tao's two Youlan dragon mothers before.

Long Tao's two Youlan dragon mothers have good control and aggression, but control and aggression are very precious to fantasy species.

But for mythical creatures, functionality is the most important thing!

Long Tao's two blue dragon mothers lack functionality, and cannot be classified as the first echelon in terms of the level of spiritual objects.

Long Tao once talked with Lin Yuan about his spiritual creature.

Due to premature contracting of spiritual objects when he was young, Long Tao has always been at a disadvantage in the competition with Zong Ze, Gu Lang and others.

However, Long Tao could only accept this situation, and there was no other way to change this situation.

Otherwise, the two blue dragon mothers and the shark-eating dragon shark Long Tao would not choose the contract.

Lin Yuan saw that Long Tao had not summoned the new signature spirit creature, the Wave Killer Whale, so he knew that Long Tao's spirit creature with the blood of the Desolation must have been successfully cultivated.

And Long Tao is going to use it in this duel with himself.

Lin Yuan smiled lightly and raised his hand, calling out Xiao Hei.

Long Tao has always been famous for his contracted dragon spirits, and he is the only member of the Huiyao Baizi sequence whose spirits all have dragon blood.

But if compared to the dragon blood of the spiritual creature, Lin Yuan is not afraid of anyone among the younger generation!

Lin Yuan's Xiao Hei became a five-clawed spirit dragon of the genus Clawosauridae in the process of being promoted to the mythical species.

(end of this chapter)