Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2691: One move determines the outcome!


After a little exploration, Lin Yuan had a precise understanding of the ability of the bloodline of the barren spirit to fight.

Huo Dou is a beast of fire, capable of devouring all fires in the world.

Things and even excrement that he comes into contact with will turn into blazing flames.

This little thing that looks like a Shiba Inu is extremely lethal.

The normal-level skill [Fire Melting] allows Fudou to invade the enemy through the element of fire.

The energy of the fire element penetrates into the interior of other targets and transforms the energy in the target's body.

The most terrifying thing is that Fu Dou can deploy these transformed energies.

This makes those targets who are weaker than Fudou exist in the same space as Fudou, and Fudou has the ability to directly execute other lives.

The energy accumulated in the body of other living beings since they grew up will become the place dominated by Fu Dou.

Yingyu is very good at group fighting, but compared with Fudou, Yingyu's group fighting ability is much weaker.

If Yinyin's rank is lower than that of Fudou, and there is no protection from the [Word Spirit Temple].

Yinyin's body was probably on fire at this time.

Fudou's elite level skill [Hua Blast] is a method that Fudou usually uses in battles with spirit creatures of the same level.

The flames spawned by Fudou are very violent, if not for the active suppression of Fudou, the explosion effect will be triggered every moment.

Once Fudou uses the skill [Disaster Explosion], the sparks will explode in an instant.

Exploding sparks set all targets hit in a searing effect.

The blasting effect penetrates the armor, and the burning effect can trigger the skill [Melting Fire].

While further killing the target, it can also replenish energy for the fight.

Lin Yuan looked at Xia Qing, and saw obvious surprise in Xia Qing's eyes.

Lin Yuan knew that when Xia Qing summoned her barren blood spirit, Huo Dou, she was targeting not only her own spirit, but also herself.

It's just that Lin Yuan's holy source thing, the princess with the holy sword in her arms, protected Lin Yuan from the influence of the fire element on herself.

With the queen's star rating, plus the princess has even absorbed the immortal body of the fire attribute.

As long as Fudou can't touch Immortal, Fudou can't hurt Lin Yuan with the energy of the fire element.

Lin Yuan used this ability before in the battle with Zong Ze, and now this ability has become stronger.

Fudou failed to have any influence on Lin Yuan, Xia Qing did not let Fudou attack Lin Yuan immediately.

Instead, let Fu Dou accumulate energy first.

One after another [Blame Lanterns] appeared in Xia Qing's half.

These [Burning Flame Lamps] have the effect of inducing the regeneration of fire elements.

More than a dozen [Flame Lanterns] stood up, letting Lin Yuan know that Xia Qing planned to fight a protracted war.

As for the effect of breaking the invisibility of the [Burning Flame Lamp], it had no effect on Lin Yuan.

Because Lin Yuan didn't have a spiritual creature that was good at sneaking.

It's a pity that Xia Qing didn't know this.

When fighting against anyone, Lin Yuan can at least have a 50-50 split with the opponent in terms of information.

The same is true even for creators with five stars or above.

[Penetrating Flames] and [Flame Chasing Conduction] are another set of linkage between fire attribute skills.

[Penetrating Flame] It is Fudou who transmits his own fire elemental energy into the surrounding environment to change the environment.

Then let its own fire element burn the target in the environment.

And [Flame Chasing Conduction] is that whenever a target is burned by [Earth Penetrating Flame], [Earth Penetrating Flame] will be transmitted in a chain among other creatures in the space, applying a burning effect to the target.

Like the skill [Burst], multiple skills of Fudou can superimpose the burning effect.

This burning effect is in line with the exclusive feature [Burning Soul].

Triggered every time the target falls into the Burning Soul state three times, briefly stunning the target's soul.

The lethality of one soul oblivion effect may not be strong, but once the soul oblivion effect is triggered three times, the soul is very likely to faint.

The burning effect can be easily hung on others through the skills of Fudou.

The effect of oblivion will also appear one after another in the battle, adding variables to the battle.

If Xia Qing is not fighting Lin Yuan but someone else, the effect of obliterating the soul can even make a comeback.

After all, a sudden loss of consciousness during an important battle is very likely to change the situation of the battle.

The lethality and control attached to the exclusive feature [Burning and Oblivion Soul] are enough for Fu Dou to gain a firm foothold in the crowd of desolate blood spirits.

The exclusive feature [Fire Body] is a very strong self-protection ability, and it is also an increase of one's own strength.

[Body of Fire] Let Fudou completely melt his body into the flames, making the flames a part of his body.

Once attacked by an external force and melted into the flame, the flame will be fully amplified.

Make Fudou's skills more lethal.

When the flame is extinguished when encountering a strong enemy, Futo will return to the state before melting the fire.

Although Fudou will still exhaust his own vitality in the end, it is equivalent to giving Fudou a new life, allowing Fudou to use his abilities wantonly.

The skill [Karma Seed] acquired by the diamond rank is a kind of ability to manipulate karma, which is similar to the Karma Gladiolus contracted by Ji Feng in terms of ability.

As long as the two parties contact each other and feel each other's existence, cause and effect will be formed.

Once the cause and effect reach the limit, it will condense into a curse.

Targets with Bane take amplified fire damage.

It can be said that the exclusive feature [Cause and Effect Seed] is an improvement to the whole Fudou.

Making Fudou equal to having two lives.

At a critical juncture, Fudou will be reborn because of the body of fire, which will have a great impact on the stalemate of the battle.

The exclusive characteristic obtained by promoting the Mythical Seed [Cause Seed Sentence] is a linkage with the skill [Cause and Effect Seed].

Scourge can also apply the Obliterate effect to the target.

There will be an oblivion effect for each curse consumed.

Combined with the exclusive feature [Burning the Oblivion Soul], the effect of the Oblivion Soul can be superimposed quickly.

Just looking at Fudou's data, Lin Yuan knew that Xia Qing must have put a lot of thought into Fudou's cultivation.

Otherwise, it is impossible to have so many linkages between the various skills of Fudou, and the skills and exclusive characteristics can also cooperate with each other.

No matter how perfect Fu Dou's ability is, Lin Yuan still has a way to deal with it.

First of all, the princess can completely suppress Fudou.

How do you want to release skills, exclusive characteristics can be.

No matter how many times it is blasted or burned, Lin Yuan will not be harmed under the protection of the princess.

Because the princess absorbed the holy source thing on the five pages of truth, and the source totem of the double kings in the temple of grace.

Most of the queens and daughters are the products of the double kings, and the source totems that absorb the double kings belong to the same source.

Now the princess's star rating is one step away from breaking through nine stars.

Not to mention among the strong men of the younger generation, even among the strong men of the older generation, there are few people with a higher star rating than Lin Yuan's Holy Origin Object.

But Lin Yuan didn't despise Xia Qing, because Xia Qing also had something from the holy source that he didn't use.

There is restraint among the things of holy origin, and it is not necessarily true that the things of holy origin of low stars cannot restrict the things of holy origin of high stars.

Zong Ze once said during the dinner at Guiyuan Manor that he suffered a great loss from Xia Qing's holy source.

Lin Yuan was quite curious about Xia Qing's holy source.

Yinyin's strength is strong enough, especially after drawing the energy in the sun.

It's a pity that Fudou is good at protracted warfare, and the flame is both Fudou's fighting tool and Fudou's shelter.

Yinyin had already consumed a lot of energy when fighting against Xia Qing's three spirit creatures.

The confrontation between Yinyin and Fudou will most likely end in Yinyin's failure.

Lin Yuan conveyed his thoughts to Yinyin.

Yinyin did not continue to insist, Yinyin knew very well what the purpose of this battle was.

If you continue to fight, it won't look ugly if you lose, but if you lose, you will lose after all.

In order to boost Hui Yao's morale, Lin Yuan must win this battle beautifully.

Yinyin, who was located in the center of the Lingling Temple, waved his hand, and four fairies appeared around the Lingling Temple.

The four fairies carried the Yanling Temple to Lin Yuan's side.

Yinyin came out of the Yanling Temple.

At this moment, Yinyin was not suppressing Xia Qing's side with firepower, but turned into the main body after a soft cry, and stood on Lin Yuan's shoulder.

Yinyin, who was originally fighting, became a spectator at this time.

Fu Dou is good at fire attacks, and Lin Yuan also has spiritual creatures that are good at fire attacks.

Lin Yuan originally planned to send Golden Chi and Huo Doudou together, but soon Lin Yuan gave up on this idea.

Gold Wing, who has been promoted to the Phantasmal Species of the Diamond rank, can not lose the wind in the battle against Fudou by virtue of his own ability.

The two elements of wind and fire complement each other, and the burning of the flame will induce airflow and promote the growth of the wind element.

In a windy environment, Gold Wing can fight back and forth with Huo Dou.

But it is a bit difficult to defeat Fudou.

He already understood Xia Qing's strength, and Lin Yuan was ready to make a quick decision.

Lin Yuan is looking forward to the battle with Liu Jie more than the battle with Xia Qing.

Even though Liu Jie doesn't have desolate beasts, none of the insect carcinoid spirits under Liu Jie's control turned into goblins could be worse than the desolate bloodline spirits.

What's more, after Liu Jie's careful matching and selection, there is a close coordination between the goblins that these insect carcinoids turned into.

Liu Jie's combat system has been determined. Except for those carcinoid insects that turned into fairies, other carcinoid insects have also been upgraded by Liu Jie.

The disasters caused by diamond-level tenth-level legendary-quality carcinoid spirits, sometimes it takes a lot of effort and time to solve the disasters even with the eternal spirits.

In this battle with Liu Jie, Lin Yuan couldn't guarantee that he could win against Liu Jie without using his hole cards.

With a wave of Lin Yuan's hand, the Xuntian Heart Flame Mushroom spewed out a large number of spores.

After these spores entered the environment full of fire elemental energy, not only were they not affected by Fu Dou's ability.

On the contrary, these thin spores became more abundant.

The Xuntian Heart Flame Mushroom just shook the canopy lightly, and millions of spores floated on the arena.

Xia Qing had already issued an order to Fu Dou at this time.

"After setting up the [Blame Flame Lamp], use [Melting Fire], [Cause Explosion], [Penetrating Earth Flame], and [Chasing Flame Conduction] at the same time."

The originally restless purple sea of flames began to vent its power outward.

But at this moment, Xia Qing suddenly felt that her spirit was being attacked from the outside world.

Fu Dou let out several miserable barks one after another.

As a spirit creature that has been cultivated to the peak of the second realm of mythology in a perfect way, the Xuntian Heart Flame Mushroom has an aggressiveness that cannot be compared with ordinary spirit creatures of the second realm of mythology.

The Xuntianxin Flame Mushroom is also used by [Yanqin], [Penetrating Body Burn] and [Fennian Burn].

The first thing the spores enter the body attacks is Futo's heart, spirit and soul.

After the spores occupy the heart and brain, with the heart and brain as the core.

The assault on the mind, spirit and soul becomes more violent.

It was so intense that Fu Dou stopped his forward movement under the triple trauma of mind, spirit and soul.

The skill [Yanqin] of Xuntian Heart Flame Mushroom can absorb the energy in the target's heart and brain to feed back to itself.

What they do is to use the energy of the other party to kill the other party.

The effect of Xuntian Xinyan Mushroom's skill [Penetrating Body Burn] is not obvious.

Fudou is not afraid of the burning of the body, the burning of the body will not have any effect on Fudou.

The reason why Lin Yuan let the Xuntian Xinyan Mushroom use [Burning Through the Body] is to let the Xuntian Xinyan Mushroom imprison Fudou.

To prevent Fudou from melting into the flames.

Xia Qing would feel that her spirit, heart, and soul had been attacked, and it was the skill [Burning Fraction] that had an effect.

Xia Qing suffered the same triple trauma as Fu Dou.

Under this kind of torment, Xia Qing's body was on the verge of falling, and she tried her best not to let herself groan.

But Xia Qing's will to fight has been greatly shaken.

Lin Yuan secretly said in his heart.

Unless the opponent's level is much higher than the Xuntian Heart Flame Mushroom, or has powerful means to protect the mind, spirit, and soul.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to protect itself from the attack of the Xuntian Heart Flame Mushroom.

Now that he has already started, he still thinks about a quick battle.

After Lin Yuan confirmed that enough spores had entered Fudou's body to form a strain, Lin Yuan ordered the Xuntian Heart Flame Mushroom.

The exclusive feature [Collapse and Destroy] was activated.

The strains that grew in the bodies of Fudou and Xia Qing, the bloodline spirits of the wilderness, were sacrificed in just a moment.

While being sacrificed, these strains took away an equal amount of energy from Xia Qing and Fu Dou's bodies, and collapsed through this energy.

Xia Qing didn't even notice the invisible and intangible attack of Xuntian Xinyan Mushroom.

By the time Xia Qing wanted to summon the holy source thing, it was already too late.

Seeing Xia Qing's end in the arena, Mu Yan, who was frustrated on the stone pillar, couldn't help but think of her fear of being dominated by Lin Yuan in this way.

At that time, I didn't react at all, and my heart, spirit and soul were severely traumatized one after another.

Mu Yan didn't have the courage to endure the feeling from the three layers of heart, spirit and soul at all.

Even people like Xia Qing were defeated by Lin Yuan's trick, so it's not shameful for him to be defeated without any preparation!

When Xia Qing regained consciousness again, she had already returned to the stone pillar.

Xia Qing watched Lin Yuan purse his lips tightly, and it took him a long time to say anything.

"You can't have anyone in the younger generation who is your opponent with this trick alone!"

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, knowing that Xia Qing was out of temper.

However, this trick of mine really doesn't work for everyone.

At least for Liu Jie, it has no effect!

(end of this chapter)