Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2697: Pick a general!


It is not only the citizens who need to boost confidence in Huiyao, but also all the crown princes of Huiyao who need to regain confidence.

In the process of fighting against the natural disaster of the undead, Hui Yao's situation has always been very passive.

Huiyao's crown princes tried their best but found nothing.

It can be said that all the ways to change the situation were thought up by Lin Yuan.

Originally, the glorious officials were quite confident about this, but after the appearance of the dimensional creatures of the dead, the dead rot earthworm lost its effect.

The death energy spread everywhere to harvest life, which made Huiyao's subordinates completely nervous.

Now that the demon worms have changed the whole situation, human beings have the upper hand for the first time in the confrontation with the undead natural disaster.

After a month, I was not surprised to see the news sent by the cicadas through the mind letter paper.

Months later, I have already seen how strong the monster worm's ability to absorb dead energy is.

And these demon insects are still multiplying underground.

The more I think about the demon worms after a month, the more terrifying this race is.

More than once a month later, I rejoiced that this disaster was created by the undead, not by the demon insects.

Otherwise, in the face of these demon insects that can treat everything as food, the moon queen is afraid that the main world will be eaten up by the demon insects.

After Yue Hou confirmed Lin Yuan, after ensuring that the demon insects were completely under Lin Yuan's control, Yue Hou's hanging heart was completely relieved.

Lin Yuan used to be No. 91 in the Huiyao Baizi sequence, but now he has reached the No. 1 position and sits at the No. 1 position.

Lin Yuan has lost the opportunity to challenge, and can only wait to be challenged.

However, there are still 90 members of the Hundred Subsequence who have not challenged, and this sorting battle will continue.

It's just that after Lin Yuan had four amazing duels in a row, the rest of the duels seemed normal.

Its level is far from being able to compare with Lin Yuan's few duels.

However, after a brief sense of gap, the enthusiasm for sorting the Huiyao Baizi sequence increased again.

Every member of the Huiyao Baizi sequence is a household name in the Huiyao Federation.

Each has their own signature psychic and fighting style.

This year's internal sorting of the Huiyao Baizi sequence was conducted publicly for the first time, and this sorting battle has feasted the eyes of the citizens of Huiyao.

It turns out that this is the true strength of Hui Yao's younger generation!

Even many veteran powerhouses couldn't help feeling ashamed about this.

Wonderful duels were going on, and Tian Ningning became the busiest person in Huiyao at this time.

In order to ensure that there are no mistakes, Tian Ningning has to personally review every battle record.

After the last match, Liu Jie defeated Xia Qing and took the second place in the Huiyao Baizi sequence.

Tian Ningning breathed a sigh of relief.

At the very least, the battle record of the order of the Huiyao Baizi sequence will not increase my workload anymore.

Judging from the speed at which the teams he leads now have their combat records, they are far from meeting the requirements.

Combat records are time-sensitive, and Starnet officials delayed posting them instead, allowing others to post them instead.

It will appear that Xingwang is very slack.

Tian Ningning immediately contacted Liu Hao, hoping that Liu Hao could continue to send more people to his side.

Liu Hao had always had colored glasses towards Tian Ningning before, thinking that Tian Ningning could get to where he is now relying entirely on his status as Lin Yuan's exclusive reporter.

Working together this time made Liu Hao understand Tian Ningning's ability to handle affairs, and he couldn't help sighing secretly in his heart, no wonder Tian Ningning was chosen by Lin Yuan!

One person leads such a large team and manages everything in an orderly manner.

Not only can work efficiency be guaranteed, but there has not been any mistake so far.

The successive battles made all the audience feel excited, but no one felt sorry for the end of the sorting battle.

Because these viewers know that there will be the selection of the Hundred Sons of Glory next, and the selection of the Knights of Radiance and the Envoy of Radiance can be watched.

There must be a chance to see Lin Yuan make a move again in the selection of Huiyao Envoy.

It stands to reason that in previous years, every time after the end of the sorting battle of the Brilliant Hundred Sub-Sequences, the selection would take a few days.

Due to the urgency of the situation, the selection will start only half a day after this sorting.

Lin Yuan, as the number one in the current Huiyao Baizi sequence, needs to enter the virtual space of the assessment as a general, so he doesn't have much time to gather with other friends.

Liu Wencheng had mentioned it very seriously to Lin Yuan and others before.

"Before when you were assessed and entered the sequence of the Hundred Sons of Glory, it represented only you personally."

"But now you shoulder the qualifications to recommend members of the Hundred Sub-Sequence, this is the responsibility entrusted to you by Huiyao, you must be extra cautious when recommending!"

Liu Wencheng had just received the news from Yue Hou half an hour ago.

Liu Wencheng knew what Yue Hou meant.

In fact, Liu Wencheng did not intend to let the decision made by this reform last for a long time.

It only takes three to five years to establish a new change of members of the Hui Yao Hundred Sub-Sequence, and no longer use force as the selection criteria for the Hui Yao Hundred Sub-Sequence.

Liu Wencheng can take back the responsibility of selecting the members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence.

Since the establishment of the Huiyao Temple, Liu Wencheng has been managing the Huiyao Temple.

Liu Wencheng watched Lian Yuehou and others grow up.

As a wise man, Liu Wencheng will be as thoughtful as possible about everything.

After speaking to the top ten hundred sub-sequence members including Lin Yuan, Liu Wencheng began to study where each of the ten glorious hundred sub-sequence members should stand.

It is very critical for everyone's station arrangement.

Because Liu Wencheng couldn't let the audience who watched the selection of the Huiyao Baizi sequence feel that the natural disaster of the undead is nothing.

What Liu Wencheng wants to present in the star network is the real scene near the well of the dead, so the so-called position is very important.

Once there is a problem with the position, it is very likely that some of the ten members of the hundred sub-sequence will be buried in the wave of undead.

If this is the case, it will not only lose the momentum of this member of the hundred sub-sequence, but also affect the confidence of Huiyao citizens.

Since ancient times, it is difficult to have both, and Liu Wencheng must pay more attention if he wants to have the best of both worlds.

In the end, Liu Wencheng decided to put Lin Yuan and Liu Jie on the edge of one left and one right.

These two positions are under the greatest pressure, and the remaining eight people form a row of four on the entire map, evenly distributed on both sides.

This is the safest arrangement.

It's just that Lin Yuan and Liu Jie alone have to bear the heavy pressure of the other four.

Liu Wencheng spoke seriously to Lin Yuan and Liu Jie.

"The two of you teleported in will be in the two most dangerous positions. This kind of pressure is no worse than facing an undead well alone."

"The difference between facing the real undead well is that the strength of these undead is controlled below the diamond level."

Lin Yuan and Liu Jie looked at each other when they heard the words, what they were most afraid of was crowd tactics.

As long as Lin Yuan releases the red thorns, Liu Jie releases a few carcinoid worms at will, which can invalidate the human sea tactics.

"Your Majesty Liu Wencheng, don't worry, we will take up this responsibility!"

Speaking of this, Lin Yuan paused.

"There are still three hours before the selection of the Hundred Sons of Glory begins, and I need to leave for a while to prepare for the promotion of spiritual objects."

Liu Wencheng nodded with a smile on his lips.

Lin Yuan's spiritual creature is going to be promoted again, which is definitely good news!

"Go, just remember to come back half an hour before the start!"

"The star network broadcast will start half an hour before the start, and you need to enter the venue in advance to wait."

Liu Wencheng is very tolerant to every member of the Huiyao Baizi sequence in these small matters.

As long as the business is not delayed, Liu Wencheng can understand any urgent matters.

Lin Yuan immediately returned to Guiyuan Manor after hearing the words, and summoned Gold Chines from the cultivation room.

Then, after preparing the dragon liver and phoenix blood and all the spiritual materials needed by the Golden Wings to improve their strength, they immediately set off and returned to the Glorious Temple.

Lin Yuan is looking forward to the selection of the Huiyao Baizi sequence.

One reason is that Lin Yuan has not had many opportunities to go near the well of the undead to experience the power of the tide of undead in person.

When Lin Yuan went there last time, the natural disaster of the undead had just appeared.

The situation of the undead now is completely different from before.

Secondly, Lin Yuan was a participant when he participated in the selection of the Huiyao Baizi sequence last year, and he had to compete with other people for the seat.

But now Lin Yuan is no longer a participant, but an examiner of the assessment.

Lin Yuan is very willing to have a detailed understanding of the strength of Hui Yao's younger generation after a lapse of one year.

There is nearly half an hour of preparation time before entering the arena.

Xia Qing coughed lightly at Lin Yuan, and then spoke to Lin Yuan seriously.

"Grandpa always praised me for being great before, and I also know that your strength must be very strong."

"I watched your duel with the Freedom Federation Mission last year."

"I thought I would be able to stalemate with you for a while when I met you, but I didn't expect that I would lose so thoroughly!"

Xia Qing's voice was so dry that it sounded stiff.

It was as if Xia Qing refused to accept Lin Yuan!

But anyone who is familiar with Xia Qing knows that Xia Qing is shy.

The inner panic made the voice become like this.

Otherwise, Xia Qing's voice would often not have any emotions attached to it.

Lin Yuan hurriedly said upon hearing this.

"Your strength is already strong enough. If your Fudou bloodline can go further, Yinyin will definitely not be your opponent!"

When Lin Yuan was talking to Xia Qing, he could clearly feel Xia Qing's admiration and yearning for him.

This kind of gaze is like when Lin Yuan looked at the senior he looked up to in his previous life.

Xia Qing pursed her lips when she heard Lin Yuan's words, and said it honestly.

"Lin Yuan, you don't have to give me face."

"Even if you don't try your best, as long as you want to win, you can defeat me soon."

"Don't forget that you only used two spirits when you were fighting me, but I used four."

"It also includes my holy source!"

"I thought you were the only one stronger than me among the younger generation, but Liu Jie is also stronger than me!"

"If your fungus spiritual creature is facing the swarm, it really won't be effective."

After finishing what she had to say, Xia Qing walked aside silently.

In his mind, he replayed the duel with Lin Yuan just now.

The members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence, including Lin Yuan and Liu Jie, don't know much about Xia Qing.

One reason is that neither Lin Yuan nor Liu Jie are gossipers.

Secondly, it was also because Xia Qing was not the sociable personality.

The first feeling that Xia Qing gives people is arrogance.

However, what Xia Qing said today changed everyone's views on Xia Qing.

Xia Qing was indeed arrogant, but Xia Qing was able to look directly at her own situation and dare to face failure.

And admit the problems in your previous speech.

These are Xia Qing's advantages, which are very difficult for the younger Tianjiao to possess.

This shows that Xia Qing is a very pure person.

Lin Yuan walked to Liu Jie's side and patted Liu Jie's shoulder.

"If Brother Liu's halberd horn strikes against the Tiandou goblin, if it hits, even the immortal spirit will be severely injured!"

"If I were in that sand ball, no matter how much metal was deposited inside the source sand, I would be shocked to death in it!"

Liu Jie has already adjusted his mentality. He no longer regards individual combat strength as a manifestation of his own value, but shifts his focus to the functionality he can demonstrate.

The change of thinking made Liu Jie more confident.

"Lin Yuan, I have a few cancer spirits here, you can help me choose one when I go back."

"Let's see which two of these are more suitable for my lineup!"

Gao Feng has also become an A-level aura professional, and Breeze Hibiscus, two Lingquan lilies and Huangquan lily have all been promoted to the level of the lord-level mythical species.

Gao Feng was able to defeat his opponent by relying on the strength of the spirit's body.

If Gao Feng is still stuck at the level of a B-level aura professional, as a pure support, it is very likely that he will overturn and return to the selection of members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence.

Lin Yuan always felt that if aura professionals had a stable team, they could focus on one direction when developing their abilities.

Now Lin Yuan has determined that multi-faceted comprehensive development is the path that a Reiki professional should choose.

The road of the strong can indeed be walked with partners, but the role played by partners is more of encouragement than support.

Gao Feng's temperament is a little easygoing, and he doesn't have much drive.

The position of a pure support fits Gao Feng's personality very well.

During this period of time, most of Long Tao's thoughts were on the management of Panlong Valley.

Although I adjusted my mentality in time, a person's mental strength is limited.

This duel was still lost to Wang Fan, and he almost overturned when he was duel with Shi Xu.

This made Long Tao more determined to let go of the management of Panlong Valley and focus on the idea of improving personal strength.

Long Tao didn't want to spend decades on the affairs of Panlong Valley, and let his own strength fail to keep up.

Those peers who were not as good as him before became stronger than him one after another.

The duel with Lin Yuan made Long Tao know that it was impossible to catch up with Lin Yuan.

But he is also a disciple under the crown, and he still has a chance if he is not left behind by Zong Ze, Gu Lang and others.

(end of this chapter)