Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2703: The undead are raging!


A large part of the reason why Du Xing did this was because of his sense of responsibility.

Du Xing led the team into Yang Wenpeng's team.

Yang Wenpeng's side had a lot of people, and Du Xing's side had no choice.

But now Du Xing must be responsible for the people he brought into Yang Wenpeng's team.

Otherwise, Du Xing wouldn't want to be the first bird at this time!

Yang Wenpeng was already furious.

Most of Yang Wenpeng's anger was due to the group of provocative people just now.

But now those provocative people have disappeared into the crowd.

Yang Wenpeng was worried and had nowhere to vent his anger, Du Xing directly became Yang Wenpeng's punching bag after saying these words.

"Du Xing, don't forget what you promised when you joined this team!"

"The decision-making power of this team is with me, you must listen to me!"

"They provoked the incident. Instead of helping me suppress these people, you educated me."

"Who gave you such power!?"

"If you continue to babble, get out of this team and go on the road alone to face the wave of undead!"

The vast majority of people in the team are unwilling to have conflicts, and the younger generation who can enter the assessment venue of the Huiyao Hundred Sons Sequence are all young arrogance.

These people are very grateful to Du Xing for standing up and trying to stop the conflict and prevent the dispute from escalating.

Du Xing's words are a step up for Yang Wenpeng.

As a result, Yang Wenpeng not only did not go down the steps, but instead accused Du Xing of the person who built the steps.

Yang Wenpeng's actions completely outraged the public.

Du Xing knew that what he and Yang Wenpeng said was useless, and Du Xing didn't want to conflict with Yang Wenpeng.

Not to mention that he is not going to usurp Yang Wenpeng's position as the leader in this team.

Du Xing said very simply.

"I decided to quit this team, do you guys want to quit with me?"

"If you have, you are welcome to walk with me."

"I can't guarantee that I can do anything in the face of the tide of undead, but I will definitely do my best to live and die with everyone."

"I won't abandon everyone when the undead are raging!"

While speaking, Du Xing looked at Yang Nuanxin and collided with Yang Nuanxin's eyes.

But soon Du Xing withdrew his gaze.

Du Xing is well aware of Yang Nuanxin's situation, at this time Du Xing can't force Yang Nuanxin anyway.

Du Xing was born in the main vein, so he is very clear about the power of the main vein over the branch veins for a force.

If he insisted on forcibly inviting Yang Nuanxin to leave together, he would definitely embarrass Yang Nuanxin.

It is also very likely that Yang Nuanxin will become the target of Yang Wenpeng's anger.

When Du Xing turned his gaze away, Yang Nuanxin's gaze was fixed on Du Xing.

Yang Nuanxin didn't want to stay in Yang Wenpeng's team any longer.

Firstly, it was because Yang Nuanxin hated being coerced by others, and her cousin, who came from the main line, had no regard for her at all, and used herself as a tool.

Secondly, Yang Nuanxin knew very well that if she stayed by Yang Wenpeng's side, her Purifying Rain Swan's ability to purify dead energy would be even more brilliant.

My own rain-cleaning swan is only for Yang Wenpeng and Yang Wenpeng's confidants to drive away the dead energy.

It will seriously affect your score in the selection of the Huiyao Baizi sequence.

Du Xing's words resonated with many people present.

Nearly half of the team walked towards Du Xing one after another.

When Du Xing first led the team to integrate in, he didn't have so much!

Nearly 500 people defended Du Xing, making Du Xing's team and Yang Wenpeng a rivalry.

The change in this scene made Wei Haodong, who had just provoked, panic.

I was secretly instigating, in order to pull down Yang Wenpeng and then take over the team by myself.

But now the team has been split directly, making it difficult for Wei Haodong to lead a team of thousands of people after pulling down Yang Wenpeng.

Such an accident happened entirely because of Du Xing.

Wei Haodong transferred his hatred to Du Xing.

As long as Du Xing is dealt with and the newly formed team over there has no leader, don't these people have to integrate back into the original team

At that time, I can also use Yang Wenpeng's selfishness, irascibility, and triggering team conflicts to pull Yang Wenpeng down.

Thinking of this, Wei Haodong shouted loudly.

"Think about it, the people in the team who have the ability to deal with death are all here now."

"If you leave together, even if you don't encounter the raging tide of undead, you will die from absorbing a large amount of dead energy!"

"Yang Wenpeng does have many problems in managing the team. We can reduce the power in Yang Wenpeng's hands, and then select a few people from the team to jointly manage the team."

"Du Xing, you are so prestigious now, you can split the team with a wave of your arms."

"You must be able to become a member of the management team!"

Wei Haodong started his own path of yin and yang again, turning black and white with one mouth.

What Yang Wenpeng cares most about is his authority in the team.

Wei Haodong cut Yang Wenpeng's power as soon as he opened his mouth, which can be said to have pierced Yang Wenpeng's heart with a knife, completely igniting Yang Wenpeng's anger!

At the same time, Du Xing's leadership and protection of the team subtly polluted the pursuit of power.

He wanted those who stood behind Du Xing to feel that he was being used by Du Xing!

Du Xing heard the meaning of Wei Haodong's words, and was about to refute.

I heard Yang Wenpeng's evil voice.

"If you don't choose to stand on my side, sooner or later you will suffer!"

"When the time comes, don't come begging me!"

Speaking of this, Yang Wenpeng took a deep breath.

"Yang Nuanxin is a little cousin of mine from a collateral lineage, she can only listen to me."

"Those who stand up now can still be sheltered by the rain-cleaning swan. I will give you half a minute to think about it."

Yang Nuanxin has been suppressing her anger, and her heart is extremely tormented.

Yang Nuanxin had already betrayed her teammates and was forcibly pulled over by Yang Wenpeng.

Now Yang Wenpeng is actually using himself as a bargaining chip, and he is still belittling the background of his branch in words.

Yang Nuanxin took two steps back, and summoned his other spiritual creature, the Sword Goose Cutting Feather.

Yang Nuanxin grabbed the feet of the Zhan Yu Sword Goose, and the Zhan Yu Sword Goose spread its wings and flew directly to Du Xing's side.

Because of the transfer of her contractor Yang Nuanxin, Jingyu Swan also followed Yang Nuanxin to Du Xing's team.

Yang Nuanxin didn't just ask Jingyu Swan to protect her side, but gave instructions to Jingyu Swan.

"Let it rain over the crowd, try to cover everyone!"

After giving the order, Yang Nuanxin said to Yang Wenpeng in a cold voice.

"Yang Wenpeng, I was wrong from the beginning."

"I shouldn't have been threatened by you in this assessment of the Brilliant Hundred Sons Sequence."

"Have my teammates forced to join your team and watch you go crazy wasting so much time."

"Yang Wenpeng, you are selfish and not suitable for controlling the team at all!"

"There is also the group of people gathered around you. In the face of disasters, not only do you not have the awareness to share resources, but you even take advantage of them."

"You are not worthy to be a member of the Huiyao Baizi sequence!"

Yang Nuanxin seemed to be resigned, but she got angry and pointed at the core of the problem, which really shocked Yang Wenpeng and the group of people around Yang Wenpeng.

Yang Wenpeng never imagined that Yang Nuanxin, who came from his own branch, would stand on the side of his opponent.

And after passing by, Yang Nuanxin bit herself hard.

He actually said that he was not qualified to be a member of the Huiyao Baizi sequence!

This sentence is likely to be magnified if it is broadcast live.

Anger is nothing but anger, and Yang Wenpeng, who is in a rage, still has reason.

That's why she didn't insult or threaten Yang Nuanxin.

Du Xing understood Yang Nuanxin's previous choice very well, and he didn't blame Yang Nuanxin at all in his heart.

If Yang Nuanxin insisted on standing on her side, Yang Wenpeng would definitely embarrass Yang Nuanxin's family as a member of the main line after the assessment.

This kind of thing is not uncommon. There are many branch branches of the power who offended the main branch and were demoted as handymen by the main branch.

There are even a lot of people who have been cleaned up by the main line.

Now Yang Nuanxin openly defied Yang Wenpeng and challenged Yang Wenpeng.

In this selection of the Brilliant Hundred Sons Sequence, it should be a fairly big news.

As long as someone continues to be critical, even if Yang Nuanxin fails to make any splashes in the assessment of the Huiyao Hundred Sons Sequence, the main line of the Yang family will not be too embarrassing for Yang Nuanxin's branch.

Yang Wenpeng is irritable and irritable, he only cares about the present, and he doesn't have any high-level thoughts.

But the rest of the Yang family's main line will definitely not let Yang Wenpeng mess around.

And Du Xing thinks that Yang Nuanxin has great potential.

Under the circumstances that the vast majority of spiritual creatures have nothing to do with the dead energy, Yang Nuanxin deserves to be cultivated by Huiyao just because the Rain Purifying Swan can purify the dead energy.

Yang Wenpeng stared at Yang Nuanxin with a sullen expression, which made Yang Nuanxin feel terrified.

At this moment, there was a crackling sound in the distance.

These small sounds were not made by a few units, but a sound that was obviously made by a large team when they were marching.

"It's not good! There is a tide of undead rushing here in the south!"

"We have to get out of here quickly now."

"The number of undead in this wave of undead exceeds 100,000, which is simply not something that a team like ours can resist!"

"Why is our luck so bad that we ran into such a big wave of undead!"

The internal conflict in the team was interrupted by the screams of several members responsible for scouting.

A wave of undead composed of hundreds of thousands of undead can easily swallow a team of about 3,000 people.

Only a team of more than 5,000 people can consider a touch with such a large wave of undead.

But if you go on hard, you will basically not end well.

Everyone was not clear about the direction of travel, and now they can only move in the opposite direction of this wave of undead.

Because the conflict was interrupted by the sudden wave of undead, Yang Wenpeng was still the leader of the team and was not replaced.

But those who had chosen to stand in line with Du Xing no longer obeyed Yang Wenpeng's orders.

Only follow Du Xing's instructions.

In the face of the disaster, it was Du Xing who used his overall view to cater to Yang Wenpeng's instructions, so that the team could be maintained smoothly.

When Yang Nuanxin assisted Yang Wenpeng before, all the assessment members on Yang Wenpeng's side did not face their death.

Now that Yang Nuanxin was assisting Du Xing's side, the faces of several confidantes in the small team around Yang Wenpeng gradually turned pale, and blood began to ooze from their eyes and noses.

Everyone is an assessment member, and when Yang Wenpeng can bring benefits to several people, several people are willing to curry favor with Yang Wenpeng.

But when Yang Wenpeng couldn't bring him any real benefits, he always had the idea of betraying Yang Wenpeng.

The importance of Yang Nuanxin in the team has become even more important because of the raging undead.

Du Xing was deeply aware of this.

Du Xing did not regard Yang Nuanxin as his amulet, but regarded Yang Nuanxin as an important resource for the team's combat readiness.

Equipped Yang Nuanxin with ten auxiliary Reiki professionals to help Yang Nuanxin recover her energy.

The net rain swan serves the whole team through non-stop rainfall.

This team does not only refer to the more than 500 people who responded to Du Xing, those members who did not respond to Du Xing were still protected by Yang Nuanxin.

No matter how powerful the Purifying Rain Swan is in purifying dead energy, it is still only a platinum-rank spiritual creature.

Most of the assessment members, including Yang Nuanxin, were affected by death anger.

However, the existence of Jingyu Swan can sustain everyone to continue their journey.

Du Xing led the crowd to adjust their orientation, using a C-shaped route to avoid the tide of tens of thousands of undead.

For the current stage of undead eruption, the team composed of tens of thousands of undead is only a very inconspicuous part of the undead tide.

The assessment member in charge of reconnaissance in the team, after placing his flying spirit creature farther away.

Several undead groups with a scale of hundreds of thousands were discovered.

These undead groups met each other, and after a small-scale struggle, the two undead groups were able to blend together perfectly.

After these assessment members in charge of reconnaissance discovered that several million-level undead waves had merged not far from themselves and others.

All of a sudden, I lost the courage to move on.

There was no need for the reports from the assessment members in charge of reconnaissance, and everyone already felt the violent tremors from the distant land.

Du Xing was after Yang Wenpeng proposed to use the method he used just now to avoid the tide of undead composed of millions of undead.

Du Xing knew that no matter what the reason was, he should not stay in this team any longer.

The type C evasion method is basically known to anyone who has participated in an adventure group.

When the adventure group cleans the battlefield, in order to avoid contact with the tide of small dimensional creatures, they will often use the C-type evasion method.

It's just that type C evasion is only suitable for evading enemy teams below medium size.

Facing a wave of millions of undead, it is impossible to avoid the diameter of this wave of undead.

In the end, it will definitely collide with the tide of undead.

The only way to survive now is to sprint forward as much as possible, hoping to see the figures of those ten adults not far ahead.

After Yang Wenpeng gave the order, Du Xing pointed forward and said.

"If someone wants to achieve better results in the assessment, instead of waiting to die here."

"Come forward with me!"

"Cooperate with spirits as much as possible to prevent the undead behind you from catching up."

(end of this chapter)