Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2706: The final trial of the sequence!


Yang Nuanxin and Qin Dong subconsciously rubbed their eyes the moment they saw this coquettish and ferocious sea of flowers.

I thought I was wrong.

Immediately afterwards, the emotions in the hearts of the two can be described as extremely pleasant surprises.

Yang Nuanxin is a fan of Lin Yuan. Although Qin Dong is not a fan of Lin Yuan, he has been silently supporting Liu Jie in his heart.

But I have also seen the heroic figure of Lin Yuanyu making the sea of flowers engulf the tide of dimensional creatures.

Qin Dong had watched the video of the selection of the Huiyao Baizi sequence many times last year.

Being able to see this sea of flowers means that he and others are not far away from Lin Yuan.

As long as he can touch this sea of flowers, he is under Lin Yuan's protection.

This sea of flowers is a talisman for the undead, but it is a high-quality umbrella for the members who are participating in the assessment.

No matter how lethal Huahai is, it is impossible to hurt the members who participated in the assessment.

Even with the assistance of the aura professional from the auxiliary department just now, the aura in Jingyu Swan's body has already been overdrawn again.

Yang Nuanxin summoned back the Jingyu Swan, which had been injured again, and said to Qin Dong.

"Brother Dong, Master Lin Yuan's Huahai has the ability to clean up dead energy."

"The concentration of dead air here is extremely low, even ordinary people will not be affected much here."

"I'll put away the rain-cleaning swan first, so that the rain-cleaning swan can recover a bit."

Qin Dong heard the words and said very seriously.

"Nuan Xin, try not to use the Rain Purifying Swan unless necessary."

"Wait a while and join Lin Yuan's team, try to make the Jingyu Swan shine as much as possible when showing the Jingyu Swan."

"You're not good at fighting. Apart from the rain-cleaning swan, the other spiritual creatures also focus on functionality in the team."

"This gives you no advantage in competing with other people. All you can rely on is the ability of the spirit!"

There is no need for Qin Dong and Yang Nuanxin to talk about this. Yang Nuanxin and Qin Dong are teammates outside, but they are competitors with Qin Dong in this assessment space.

Qin Dong would say this to Yang Nuanxin, on the one hand, to thank Yang Nuanxin for his help.

On the other hand, Qin Dong also didn't want Yang Nuanxin to be retaliated by Yang Wenpeng after leaving the assessment space.

Last year's Brilliant Hundred Sons Sequence Assessment, many young people who participated in the selection were due to certain behaviors during the assessment.

Even if he failed to be selected into the Huiyao Baizi sequence, he still won a bright future.

This year, due to the natural disaster of the undead, people pay more attention to this hundred sub-sequence assessment than last year.

Yang Wenpeng's behavior will be cast aside as a negative teaching material.

Yang Nuanxin only achieved some achievements and received more attention.

In order to prevent being retaliated by Yang Wenpeng, a mad dog.

As long as Yang Nuanxin's identity and popularity are there, it will reach a certain height.

Yang Wenpeng's madness can be ignored, but the main branch of the Yang family cannot accompany Yang Wenpeng to go crazy for the sake of their own reputation.

Yang Nuanxin nodded heavily upon hearing the words.

Yang Nuanxin, who was sitting on the back of the swift elk, looked back at Qin Dong.

The eyes are opposite to Qin Dong's resolute eyes.

"Brother Dong, thank you for your suggestion, but I saw someone who was affected by the death qi had blood from their eyes and nostrils. I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it."

Qin Dong was not surprised at Yang Nuanxin's words when he heard the words.

Yang Nuanxin and Qin Dong were teammates in a team when they were in high school, and they were admitted to the same university.

Once again, the fate of the previous two years continued, and I have been teammates for five years.

Qin Dong understood Yang Nuanxin's character very well.

Yang Nuanxin's compassion has not changed in the past five years.

Compassion is a shining point in human nature, but it may not be able to add points to Yang Nuanxin in the current assessment.

If she and Yang Nuanxin ran into the sea of flowers created by Mr. Lin Yuan before running too far, Yang Nuanxin would probably propose to turn back with her and tell Du Xing the situation.

This is what Qin Dong is most afraid of encountering.

In this kind of matter, it doesn't make sense to reason with someone like Yang Nuanxin who is full of compassion.

But Qin Dong can be sure that if he really returns the same way, not only will he not be able to save Du Xing, but he will also ruin his chance with Yang Nuanxin.

Qin Dong is very clear about one thing, that is, Du Xing himself attaches great importance to this selection.

Over the years, Du Xing has always regarded the Huiyao Baizi sequence as the direction and goal of his efforts.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't hold on any longer, Du Xing wouldn't have made such a proposal.

How fast the undead move, as a Qin Dong who is good at detecting spiritual objects, is very clear.

The undead engulfed Du Xing and the others less than two minutes after he and Yang Nuanxin left.

But these thoughts can't be explained to Yang Nuanxin.

Even if she explained it, Yang Nuanxin probably wouldn't agree with her choice.

Whether it's out of the feelings of his teammates or some other friendship, Qin Dong is unwilling to have conflicts with Yang Nuanxin on this kind of matter.

Qin Dong let the swift elk rush towards the sea of flowers.

When I got closer, I saw that the gill-like petals on the huge red flowers were constantly opening and closing, and the sharp teeth on the petals were constantly refracting the light with the continuous dancing of the vines.

Qin Dong was both shocked and terrified.

Just when Qin Dong was thinking about how to wade through this dense sea of flowers, the sea of flowers parted ways by itself.

The road was tortuous and deep, but Qin Dong and Yang Nuanxin were very relaxed in their hearts.

When they arrived in the sea of flowers, they no longer had to worry about the intrusion of the undead. The two of them successfully entered the second stage of selection.

The two of them will have the opportunity to meet Lin Yuan up close in the star network.

Liu Jie wasn't idle either, and had been using the swarm to monitor the assessment members on his side.

Liu Jie also chose to use the swarm of insects to redeem those outstanding young people with shining points.

Long Tao, Xia Qing and others are also doing similar things.

It's just that the formation is much smaller than Liu Jie and Lin Yuan.

At present, all the younger generations who can come to the core area to meet up have basically arrived.

Most of those who have not yet arrived have already been buried in the belly of the undead.

Lin Yuan's sea of flowers and the fringe area covered by Liu Jie's insect swarm could already clearly feel the tremors of the ground.

The dead air is also sweeping towards the pure land in the core area of the assessment site.

Lin Yuan made an inventory of the personnel.

There are always only forty-seven assessment members coming here on my side.

After communicating with the letter paper, Lin Yuan found that there were quite a lot of assessment members who came to his side smoothly.

There were only twenty-one assessment members successfully received by Shi Xu's side.

Lin Yuan secretly sighed in his heart, Liu Wencheng set the difficulty of this assessment too high!

It was very troublesome for all the members of the assessment site to find their seats in the last assessment venue.

This time, the area of the assessment site was doubled, and many outstanding young people should have died on the way.

But the more difficult the environment, the more elites can be screened out.

Of course, more than 300 people were able to successfully reach the core area, thanks to Lin Yuan and Liu Jie.

It's not that the sea of flowers and the swarm protected those assessment members.

As examiners, Lin Yuan and Liu Jie must ensure the fairness of the assessment.

Except for those assessment members who were specially rescued by Lin Yuan and Liu Jie, everyone else was in a completely level playing field.

The sea of flowers and the swarm of insects reduce the difficulty of the assessment, mainly because of the absorption of dead energy in the environment.

Let the concentration of dead air in the assessment space not exceed the unbearable level of spiritual energy professionals.

If it weren't for this, five hours ago, with the outbreak of the undead tide, the dead gas concentration in the air would have reached at least 23% or more.

No matter how strong the physical fitness of a human aura professional is, as long as they are in an environment where the concentration of dead energy exceeds 18%, they will immediately become corrupted.

Liu Wencheng did not expect that there would be only so few people left to reach the core area.

It stands to reason that more than 300 people have reached the core area, and they can start preparing for the group arena.

It's just that such a test is really biased.

Liu Wencheng passed the message to Lin Yuan and others through the letter in his mind, and asked the remaining 300 people to randomly form thirteen groups.

There is no limit to the number of people in each group, and then let these groups hunt the undead separately.

Those who survive in the end will share the points for hunting the undead equally.

Lin Yuan thought about the exam questions arranged by Liu Wencheng, and he understood Liu Wencheng's intentions.

More than 300 people gathered together and divided into thirteen groups, and thirteen captains would be elected immediately.

These thirteen captains can be said to be the thirteen most leadership among the assessment members in this field.

Teams with different strengths and weaknesses work together to hunt the undead. It stands to reason that the team with the larger the number will have an advantage.

But the points for hunting the undead have to be divided equally according to the number of the team.

This makes the advantage of a large team infinitely reduced.

However, there are still advantages.

Because the more people there are, the easier it is to hunt and kill the undead, and the dead people in the team will not share the score with the living.

In addition to the competition of leadership, combat effectiveness and execution ability, this test is also a competition of human nature.

Lin Yuan felt that it was a cruel thing for these young people to expose the evil of human nature under the pressure and the trend of reputation under the watchful eyes of the public.

Liu Wencheng would do this, probably because Liu Wencheng wanted to let the wise people of Huiyao know that this way of selecting Huiyao's hundred sons can better identify a person's strengths and weaknesses than ring battles.

In the world of Reiki professionals, enough resources are enough to turn a person into a genius.

With the resources provided by Lin Yuan, Liu Wencheng is more willing to let people with high moral character set an example for the younger generation.

Yang Nuanxin, Qin Dong didn't expect to see Du Xing and several former team members here.

Yang Nuanxin and Qin Dong were surprised and surprised, but they were more filled with joy in their hearts.

"Brother Xing, how did you escape from the wave of undead!?"

Qin Dong walked up to Du Xing, reached out and patted Du Xing's shoulder, and then looked up and down at Du Xing.

It was confirmed that Du Xing had no obvious injuries.

It's just that Du Xing's body infected by death energy has not recovered yet, which makes Du Xing look quite haggard.

At this time, Yang Nuanxin had summoned the Jingyu Swan, and let the Jingyu Swan drop rain to protect the thirty people in front of him.

The other surviving assessment members looked at Yang Nuanxin in surprise, they didn't expect Yang Nuanxin to have such a magical creature!

Yang Nuanxin, who owns this spiritual object, must have been shining in this assessment.

Qin Dong sighed, what he said to Yang Nuanxin earlier was in vain.

In the end, there were only ten people in the Huiyao Baizi sequence, and there were more than forty members of the assessment team in Guanglinyuan.

Most of the other nine examiners had the same number of people.

I and others will definitely have to compete in the end.

If I were Yang Nuanxin, I would definitely restore Jingyu Swan's energy as much as possible at this time.

Instead of letting the rain-cleaning swan sway the rain, use the weak healing ability contained in the rain to help everyone heal the bodies infected by the dead air.

Mu Yan, as the last ten members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence, re-entered the selection of the Huiyao Baizi sequence.

Mu Yan did not expect that she and Lin Yuan were so predestined.

The direction I ran all the way happened to be where Lin Yuan was!

At this moment, Lin Yuan was adjusting the sea of flowers, and one path after another appeared in the sea of flowers.

At this moment, everyone only heard what Lin Yuan said.

"You go forward along these paths, and after a few hours, you will be able to gather with other members of the assessment team."

"By then you will have the final selection."

"The remaining one hundred people will be selected for a round-robin arena battle."

Among the crowd, Mu Yan was the most familiar with Lin Yuan. Mu Yan raised her hand and asked Lin Yuan.

"Master Lin Yuan, I wonder if you can reveal to us some information about the content of the final assessment?"

"We all gathered by your side by fate. In the end, since we have to compete with other assessment members, we will determine the quota of 100 people for the ring battle."

"We might as well hug each other to keep warm and help each other."

Lin Yuan had already seen Mu Yan's leadership ability in the last selection of the Huiyao Baizi Sequence.

Both Mu Yan and Du Xing are capable of leading the team as leaders.

According to the rules, after Liu Wencheng decided on the content of the assessment, he could inform him of the situation.

Lin Yuan thought to himself when explaining the final assessment rules.

I don't know who will gather the forty people around me in the end

A few hours along the road is enough time for the few leaders in the team who want to take the lead to play games.

Du Xing's advantage is that there are four or five assessment members who were redeemed by Lin Yuan, and Qin Dong and Yang Nuanxin were originally on Du Xing's side.

Mu Yan's advantage lies in the fact that Mu Yan, as a member of the previous Huiyao Baizi sequence, is far more prestigious than Du Xing.

It is easier to attract other assessment members.

After knowing the rules of the final assessment, the audience of Xingwang knew that the final assessment would be very intense.

However, the minds of the Star Network audience were not focused on these people at this time.

At this time, the audience of Xingwang is paying attention to the collision between the sea of flowers, the sea of insects and the tide of undead.

The sea of insects collided with the tide of undead, and the two showed a state of canceling each other out.

The corpses of those undead were dragged into the creep blanket by a large number of mycelium tapeworms for decomposition, and transformed into energy that could restore injuries and provide power for the swarm.

(end of this chapter)