Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2709: Tadian's misunderstanding!


One of the figures was dressed in Tsing Yi with a layer of light orange tulle covering it.

A head of light blue hair hangs down to the shoulders.

There was a faint glimmer of light in a pair of tender eyes.

A forehead belt is tied on the forehead, and on the forehead belt are five cyan crystals containing special energy.

Seen from the side, these five cyan crystals looked like long horns growing on the top of the woman's forehead.

The figure on the other side was tall, wearing a light green leather armor and a battle skirt made of a special dark green metal.

This kind of battle skirt made of chain armor is locked at the waist, not only does it not look feminine, but it has a different kind of heroism.

This tall figure was holding a folding fan in his hand, and several orchids were painted on the fan.

It's just that these orchids don't look very healthy, and they have been riddled with tiny insects.

If you stare at the man in green armor carefully, you will find that the man's chain armor is covered with a dense layer of worms.

These worms are exactly the same as the worms on the fan that ate the empty orchid.

These two people are the three pages of Qingqing and the four pages of moth orchid.

The third page of Cyan Qing took the initiative to ask to contact the Temple of Era on behalf of Tadian, which can be said to have taken a great risk.

There is a grudge between the tower code and the temple of the era.

Starting from its own interests, Cyan Blue Three Pages should not have made such a choice.

It's just that after the source of the world of the dead merged with the secondary world under his feet, Tadian had no way out.

The third page of Cyan Qing is not willing to be dragged on like the second page of Yingzhu and the fifth page of falling rainbow.

Scarlet Page has always wanted to be the leader of the crowd.

Crimson Page is indeed the strongest among all the people.

The reason why no one is convinced by One Page is because Every time something happens, One Page will only shrink back, unwilling to stand up and take risks for the team.

This made Scarlet Page unable to stand up as a leader.

Cyan Qing Sanye had already made up her mind, but when she arrived at the foot of Mount Four Seasons, she looked at Mount Four Seasons in the distance.

Cyan Qing Sanye couldn't help feeling a sense of fear.

The last time Tadian clashed with the Jiyuan Temple, eight people including himself were severely injured when a woman raised her hand.

The woman walked out of a temple in the Jiyuan Temple.

There are a total of four such temples, Jiyuan Temple.

In front of the Era Temple, Ta Dian really didn't have the confidence to be arrogant.

Cyan Qing Sanye couldn't figure out why the Jiyuan Temple chose to come to this second-level world.

It can't be the unknown prophet of the Temple of the Era, who came here specifically to target Tadian!

Thinking of the three blue pages, he shook his head.

Moth Orchid Four Pages said in a low voice upon seeing this.

"You have already said the words of Qing Qing, we will always meet the people from the Jiyuan Temple."

"The Era Temple has really started to move!"

"The gate of the Temple of the Era is open for the first time in these years. Only when we understand the plan of the Temple of the Era can we implement our tower code plan!"

Cyan Qing Sanye nodded upon hearing the words.

It is best that the purposes of the tower code and the temple of the era do not overlap.

If there is overlap, it can only be Tadian's purpose of avoiding the Temple of the Era to find a new way out.

After walking two steps forward, Sanye Qingqing raised his hand and grabbed Siye Lan's sleeve.

"Moth Lan, the relationship between the two of us is the best among the eight people."

"Before, I always advised you to cooperate with the instructions of the scarlet page, because we need someone who can take the lead."

"But now I'm disappointed in the Crimson Page!"

Mooran Siye heard the words, stretched out her hand to help Qing Qing Sanye straighten her smooth hair, and then said softly.

"Cyan Qing, I've never read the crimson page, so I can't say I'm disappointed."

"If I'm really disappointed, it's probably because I'm already disappointed with the whole Tadian."

"We all know what the appearance of the monster worm means."

"It's a time like this when no one has come forward, and even when you do, other people want to sit back and enjoy it."

"There is no choice to communicate with the Temple of the Era together."

"The weight of the two of us in the Era Temple is definitely not as great as the eight of us together."

Cyan Qing Sanye didn't expect her own complaint to cause Mo Lan Siye to be full of complaints.

But even so, what can be done

Ever since the origin of the world of the dead was fused with this secondary world, everyone's fate has been firmly tied to this secondary world.

If we hadn't been so anxious back then, I and the others could have brought the origin of the world of the dead back to the Heaven Beyond Clouds.

The Temple of the Era wanted to stop the natural disaster of the undead, so there was no need to release the demon worms.

The treasure in the Temple of Era has the ability to separate out the earth veins.

If the Era Temple wants to end the natural disaster of the undead, it can pull out the earth veins of this second-level world.

Then directly purify the earth veins.

Even if you don't take the initiative to purify the earth's veins, as long as the earth's veins are not wrapped in dead energy, they still have the ability to purify themselves.

So in this second-level world, there are third-party forces from the sky beyond the clouds.

Thinking about the good in everything, the actions of the Temple of the Era are most likely not because of Tadian, but because of another force.

It's been a while since the Scourge of the Undead began.

The Temple of the Era did not start its operations at the beginning. The operation of the Temple of the Era started after the appearance of the demon insects.

At this moment, a powerful coercion pressed on the third page of Qingqing and the fourth page of Moth Orchid.

An extremely cold voice sounded in the ears of Qing Qing San Ye and Mo Lan Si Ye.

"You Tadian guys who came out of the filth have been standing near my Era Temple for a while."

"Why do you Tadian want to come to my Era Temple to grab something!?"

Cyan blue third page and moth orchid fourth page had no choice but to show their aura to resist this coercion.

This powerful coercion made the third page of Qingqing and the fourth page of Moth Lan very strange.

Obviously, this coercion did not come from the strong man who injured him at the beginning.

However, the strength of the person who released this coercion and the strong person who injured himself and others is probably almost the same.

This person is definitely a senior member of the Temple of the Era!

Cyan Qing Sanye explained in a low profile, as if she didn't understand the teasing and sarcasm in Qiuhua.

"It was our Tadian who did something wrong back then, and our Tadian has also been taught a lesson."

"This time I came to our Tadian with sincerity, and I want to have a good talk with your Era Temple.

"I hope the two sides can reach some cooperation and achieve a win-win situation!"

Moth Orchid Four Pages also echoed.

"Yes, it was a decision made by one of our members that it happened that year."

"The rest of us have no intention of being an enemy of the Temple of the Era!"

Qiu's figure appeared directly above the heads of Sanye Qingqing and Page 4 Mooran.

Those beautiful red phoenix eyes are looking down at the third page of cyan blue and the fourth page of moth orchid.

Before he was sure whether these two guys were related to the sage, Qiu would not do anything to the third page of blue blue and the fourth page of moth orchid.

On the contrary, Qiu wants to chat with the third page of Qingqing and the fourth page of moth orchid to learn more about the situation.

But Qiu was very disgusted with what Mooran Siye said, that the looting of the Jiyuan Temple was just a decision of a Tadian member.

I don't believe Mooran's four pages of rhetoric at all.

If the era clock was snatched back then, it was really only the decision of one member of Tadian.

Then why are all the eight pages of the Pagoda Code involved in this matter!

The Jiyuan Temple has been waiting for the sage to wake up, and Tadian, a group of rebellious boys from the third-level world, has never been seen by Qiu.

The awakening of Lord Sage is not only related to this world that has just risen to the second-level world.

Any objective factor can be counted as a condition to promote the awakening of the sage.

From the perspective of Tadian in Qiu, the existence of Tadian is also an important part of the recovery of Lord Sage!

If Ta Dian hadn't wanted to snatch the Jiyuan Clock, Chun wouldn't have acted in anger.

Chun has always blamed himself for this, for fear that he injured Tadian Baye and put Tadian Baye in a near-death state, which would affect the recovery of Lord Sage.

Because she knew what had happened, the words of Mo Lan Si Ye and Qing Qing San Ye were like farting to Qiu's ears.

"What do you have in the tower code that you want to cooperate with our Era Temple?"

"The mind of our Era Temple is not in this second-level world itself. There should be nothing that needs your towers and horses."

Qiu's words were full of contempt.

Qiu looked down on Ta Dian not because everyone in Ta Dian was weak.

Strength is not a criterion to measure the nobility of a life.

Even ants have their own way of survival.

Ta Dian's background itself will be criticized.

Tadian didn't want the world of the dead he was in to merge with the third-level world attached to him, not because these people in Tadian wanted to defend their homeland.

It is Ta Dian who wants to steal the origin of this third-level world in turn.

In the end, Tadian's goal failed, but he was unwilling.

I had no choice but to flee to this world with the origin of the world of the dead.

This secondary world was pawned by the tower as its own hotbed.

The purpose of the tower code is to sacrifice all the living beings in this world, and use the original dead energy of this world to forcibly merge this world with the origin of the world of the dead.

Tadian is both an invader, a plunderer, and a destroyer.

Even if such a group of people were stronger than Qiu, it would be difficult for Qiu to respect them.

Qiu felt that even if Lord Sage hadn't woken up, he wouldn't stand with such a group of people!

The third page of Qingqing and the fourth page of Mooran both heard the sarcasm and contempt in Qiu's words.

However, because of Qiu's words, the two of them became emotionally excited.

Qiu said that the mind of the Jiyuan Temple is not in this second-level world itself, does it mean that he and others use the origin of the world of the dead to occupy this second-level world, and will not offend the Jiyuan Temple!

If this is the case, the two of them have nothing to continue talking with the Jiyuan Temple.

Cyan Qing Sanye was very repulsed by the fact that Tadian and Jiyuan Temple were really going to cooperate.

Together with the Temple of the Era, it can be said that Tadian will never have the initiative.

Qiu didn't know that his words had caused such a big misunderstanding in Cyan Qing Sanye.

Qiu was assigned the task of contacting Tadian.

Now that Tadian's people took the initiative to contact him, his mission was considered completed.

Cyan blue three pages and moth orchid four pages looked at each other, and they both saw joy in each other's eyes.

"Our Tadian very much hopes to cooperate with the Temple of the Era. It is a pity that we have no chance this time!"

"In the future, if there is anything in the Temple of Era that needs assistance from Tadian, you can just ask."

After confirming that the Temple of Era doesn't care about this secondary world, Tadian not only doesn't need to worry about the Temple of Era anymore.

Instead, you can make friends with the Temple of the Era.

Once the origin of the world of the dead is combined with this second-tier world, Tadian must work hard to promote this second-tier world to the third-tier world.

Maybe there will be a time when you need to ask the Temple of the Era for help.

Qiu didn't want to keep the two eight-page members of the tower code.

When the two were about to leave, Qiu suddenly thought of something

He stopped the three pages of Qingqing and the four pages of moth orchid.

The figures of the two stagnated, and their bodies turned around stiffly.

She didn't know what Qiu meant by calling the two of them suddenly.

Could it be that what Qiu said just now was to make the two of us feel bad!

At this moment, the two only listened to Qiu's serious question.

"Are there any people in your tower code who are undergoing rapid transformation?"

The third page of cyan blue and the fourth page of moth orchid froze when they heard the words, and then began to think secretly.

There are only eight real core members of Tadian.

The eight pages on the bright side are just a substitute for myself and others when they are sleeping.

In addition, there are singers and leaders of each tower code.

These singers and lead readers never pay attention to the third page of cyan blue and the fourth page of moth orchid.

And after merging this secondary world with the origin of the world of the dead, both the singer and the leader have been replaced by dimensional creatures of the dead.

There is no such thing as Qiu mentioned in the pagoda code.

The moment he saw the expressions on the faces of Qing Qing San Ye and Mo Lan Si Ye, Qiu had the answer in his heart.

It seems that most of the sages are not on their side.

But Qiu is not completely sure, who knows if the transformation of Lord Sage is deeply hidden

After Qing Qing Sanye and Mo Lan Siye left Siji Mountain, the two have been thinking about Qiu's problem.

Could it be that the Temple of the Era wanted to find someone who could transform quickly!

The younger generation in this world will always encounter various opportunities, and there are not a few people who are undergoing rapid transformation as Qiu said.

What is the Temple of the Era looking for such a person

After thinking about it for a while, the third page of Qingqing and the fourth page of moth blue specially discussed this, but they didn't discuss the reason.

In the end, the two decided not to put their minds on this matter.

Since the Temple of Era doesn't care about this second-level world, it's time for Tadian to counterattack the monsters!

The demon worms are indeed a powerful race, and every demon worm queen in their prime has the ability to destroy a fourth-level world.

But this is not the Heaven Beyond the Clouds, there is no pure aura that can be absorbed by the demon insects.

This has greatly affected the potential of the monster group.

Judging from the scale of the monster worm, the ethnicity of this monster worm is quite weak.

Demon worms can indeed use death energy as energy.

In the dimensional world of the dead, there are not only dimensional creatures that spread dead air.

Tadian will give priority to dispatching these dimensional creatures of the dead who can spread death, mainly to change the environment of the main world.

Those predators among the dimensional creatures of the dead can feed on demon insects in turn.

If you can catch the female worm of the demon worm, turn the female worm of the demon worm into an undead.

Tadian's subordinates will have one more weapon of war.

(end of this chapter)