Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2713: The sword is shining!


It is true that Lin Yuan can explode a powerful combat power when he is integrated with the abyss red lotus.

But Lin Yuan has no way to kill the undead waves that are constantly emerging from the main world by himself.

Moreover, once Lin Yuan reveals his strength, it will undoubtedly alert Ta Dian.

Tadian probably knew of his existence.

Once Lin Yuan reveals his strength, it is tantamount to showing his card in front of the eighth page of the tower code.

This is of no benefit to Lin Yuan.

Right now, Lin Yuan can only pin his hopes on the demon worm Keira.

Lin Yuan couldn't help but secretly sighed as he watched Kaila constantly hatching demon embryos.

Or my own accumulation is not enough!

In the struggle with Ta Dian, Lin Yuan felt controlled by others.

Lin Yuan really dislikes pinning his hopes on one method.

If he can really protect the main world and defeat the tower code, Lin Yuan must prepare a lot of cards before going to the sky beyond the clouds.

After Lin Yuan's order was issued, all the masters of the reincarnation realm moved in an instant.

At the beginning of the outbreak of the undead natural disaster, except for the creatures in the dimensional cracks of the Zerg, the creatures in other dimensional cracks were more or less affected.

After the demon worm entered the arena, the creatures of other dimensional rifts got a chance to recuperate, which also allowed the masters of the reincarnation realm and the masters of the reincarnation realm to relax.

These masters of reincarnation are waiting for Lin Yuanxin's order.

If Lin Yuan did not issue new instructions for a long time, the existence of himself and others would be worthless.

Due to Wen Yu's management, all dimensional worlds are reformed in the form of legions.

After the masters of the reincarnation realm received the news, the news would immediately reach the ears of the masters of the reincarnation realm, masters and apostles.

Powerful masters and apostles have the ability to resist death energy by virtue of their own source power.

In the dimensional world, those who are really affected by death energy are those dimensional creatures who failed to become apostles.

The joint capture of the master and the apostles has picked out a large number of dead dimensional creatures from the tide of undead.

They were sent continuously to where Lin Yuan was.

The battle between the demon worms and the undead has only officially begun at this time.

Lin Yuan used [real data] to investigate these new dead dimensional creatures.

Lin Yuan discovered that the two dimensional creatures of the crossing dead and the saw-killing beast are the best main units for killing demon insects in the battle with demon insects.

When the demon worm absorbs the dead energy, the deceased will turn into a wraith, escape into the body of the monster worm and kill the soul of the monster worm.

This method of attack allows the Duan dead to continuously absorb soul energy as they continue to kill monster insects.

It will make its own rank continue to improve.

This non-consumable attack method allowed a Duer dead man to kill more than 60,000 demon insects in just one hour.

The speed of 1,000 per minute directly curbs the powerful reproductive ability of the monster insects.

Saw Killing Beast's method of using dead energy is a bit like Lin Yuan's use of spiritual energy through Xiao Hei's skill [Spiritual Essence Explosion].

Inspired by the saw-killing beast, the dead air forms sharp rectangular incisors that condense in the mouth.

These sharp rectangular incisors can easily take the life of one demon insect after another by biting.

Although the ability of the saw-killing beast to kill demon insects is not as good as that of the Due dead, the number of saw-killing beasts in the tide of undead is extremely large.

The demon worm can also hurt the saw kill beast in the battle.

The saw-killing beast can firstly absorb the dead energy to recover from injuries, and secondly, it can breed offspring by devouring the corpses of the same family.

Under the targeted attack of the demon insects, the number of the saw-killing beasts remained unabated.

After seeing these new dimensional creatures of the dead, Kaila spoke to Lin Yuan in a very serious tone.

"Master, we monster worms have infinite possibilities in evolution."

"As long as we get the genes of these dimensional creatures of the dead, we monster insects will be able to breed the means to restrain these dimensional creatures of the dead!"

"It's just that targeted breeding needs to consume energy and a time period. To shorten the time period requires a lot of energy pouring."

"Do you think you can let me take these dead dimensional creatures and demon worm embryos to your blessed land to breed quickly?"

"I will specially breed five to ten kinds of monster insects that target the dimensional creatures of the dead, and then see which of these monster insects has a better effect on the treatment of the dead and saw-killing beasts!"

"Every time there is a new dimensional creature of the dead, I can use this method to deal with it!"

When Keira said these words, she didn't have the slightest hint of flattery in her heart.

Keira didn't want to gain benefits in the spirit lock space, but knew that only in this way could he better solve the problem for Lin Yuan.

He had already caused Lin Yuan's dissatisfaction before.

Kayla hoped to have a chance to redeem herself.

Lin Yuan couldn't help feeling a little more at ease when he heard Keira's words.

If Keira was not sure, she would definitely not say such big words to herself.

The area of the spirit lock space has expanded to half the size of Xia County.

Hu Quan has been building in the Suo Ling space, but one-tenth of the area of the Suo Ling space has not been completed.

You can choose an area and build a demon nest for Kaila.

Let Keira settle down in the spirit lock space.

Use the pure aura that costs nothing in the spirit-locking space to strengthen the monster clan and serve yourself.

"Kayla, I know you miss the aura in my space."

"I will let people build a nest for you in this space according to your wishes."

"You can breed the demon worms in it for me with peace of mind!"

"If you have any needs, you can just ask me."

"Remember to try not to release the female worms you bred."

"Tadian has probably assembled a group of strong people now to search for these female insects."

From Lin Yuan's point of view, the way in which the monster mother worms expand their population is very similar to the way those carcinoid spiritual creatures breed swarms.

The best way to control carcinoid insects is to catch the female insects first.

After the female worm is controlled, the nest is cleaned.

Otherwise, unless the entire insect nest is wiped out with a powerful force, the insect nest will become more and more flooded.

It is impossible for Ta Dian to not know how to control and wipe out the demon insects.

Keira was overjoyed when she heard the words.

Lin Yuanken specially built a worm nest for himself in the spirit lock space, which can be said to be the greatest gift to himself.

Being able to absorb such pure aura at will, the future of my own monster group is limitless!

With such gifts, Kayla couldn't ask for more.

"Master, don't worry, I will only release the female worms of the second-level gene lock and the third-level gene lock."

"The other mother worms will stay with you."

"Kayla will never let you down this time!"

Lin Yuan is actively preparing for the battle, and Ta Dian is also not idle.

Crimson Yiye, Yingzhu Erye and others were anxiously waiting for news when Cyanqing Sanye and Mooran Fourth Ye visited the Temple of Era.

The crimson page is even ready, if the Jiyuan Temple doesn't give the third blue page and the fourth page moth orchid a chance to speak, and directly kills the third page blue and the fourth page moth orchid.

I took the tower code and hid it again.

Slow down as much as possible the speed at which the world of the dead assimilates and absorbs the source of this secondary world.

Try to avoid the edge of the Temple of the Era, and secretly inquire about the purpose of the Temple of the Era.

If the two return successfully, they bring good news.

Make sure that there is no dispute on the target between the tower code and the temple of the era.

Then it is necessary for Ta Dian to act comprehensively to get rid of this monster that came from nowhere, and then take control of the main world as soon as possible.

After the world of the dead completely devours the origin of the second-level world, I and others can make plans for the world of the dead to be promoted to the third-level world.

Maybe at that time, you can be promoted to the third-level world level in the world of the dead, and ask the Temple of the Era for help at some cost!

Crimson Yiye has already thought of Cyan Blue Third Ye and Moth Orchid Fourth Ye, and will have a lot of opinions on herself and the other members of Tadian Eighth Page.

But Crimson Page didn't care about that.

Because from the perspective of Scarlet Page, the fate of everyone has already been bound together.

Over the years, everyone has a lot of grievances in each other's hearts, but they can't do anything to each other, and they can't get rid of each other.

Cyan blue three pages and moth orchid four pages were returning to the Tadian, smelling the strong dead air.

In my heart, I couldn't help but feel a feeling of surviving after a catastrophe.

Even though the two were extremely disappointed with their colleagues in Tadian, they still informed the other eight-page members of the news from the Temple of Era as soon as possible.

Yingzhu Erye asked with a slightly questioning tone when he heard the words.

"Are you sure the news you asked is true?"

The reason why Yingzhu Erye raised such a question is because in Yingzhu Erye's opinion.

If the Temple of the Era had no idea about this first-level world, it would not have been reclusive in this first-level world for so many years!

When any force or person acts, they must have their own logic.

If the Jiyuan Temple didn't have any views on this first-level world, then Yingzhu Erye really couldn't think of the purpose of the Jiyuan Temple.

Yingzhu Erye's questioning is a subconscious behavior.

However, it was Yingzhu Erye's subconscious behavior that angered Mo Lan Siye.

Moth Orchid Four Pages said in a cold voice.

"Yingzhu Erye, what qualifications do you have to question the authenticity of the news we got?"

"If you really doubt our news, you can go to the Temple of the Era and ask yourself!"

"I don't know who was behind at the time!"

Cyan Qing Sanye also frowned and looked at Yingzhu Erye, his eyes were full of dissatisfaction and anger towards Yingzhu Erye.

It is impossible for Yingzhu Erying to not know how much risk the two of them took to get this news.

If you have to question any news that is beneficial to Ta Dian, then Ta Dian should just shrink back and be a human being!

The eighth page of Tongying also glanced dissatisfiedly at the second page of Yingzhu, and smoothed things over.

"The news from Qingqing and Mooran cannot be false. We, Tadian, can finally fight back against the natives of this world!"

Moth Orchid Four Pages said in a cold voice.

"Hasn't Tadian's counterattack against the demon insects started a long time ago?"

"Before we came back, you sent the dead and saw-killing beasts out."

"You don't want to use this method to spy on the attitude of the Temple of the Era?"

Mooran Siye almost didn't say that this method was using himself and Qingqing Sanye as bait.

But everyone else in Tadian understood the meaning of the four pages of Mooran.

This made eight pages of Tongying, six pages of Langying, and seven pages of Ji Wan feel quite embarrassed.

At the beginning, this decision was proposed by the fifth page of falling rainbow, and made by the first page of crimson.

Although the two didn't say it clearly, but the eighth page of Tongying, the sixth page of Langying, and the seventh page of Ji Wan all knew in their hearts that the crimson page did have such a purpose.

And I and others also acquiesced in this situation.

Because at the beginning, I and others really needed to understand the attitude of the Era Temple!

Tongying Eighth Page felt somewhat sorry for Mooran Fourth Page and Cyan Blue Third Page.

In the case that Tadian has already taken action, the smooth return of the third page of cyan blue and the fourth page of moth orchid shows a lot of things in itself.

In the case of her own loss, Yingzhu Erye questioned it.

Isn't it tantamount to looking for a reason to attack the three pages of Qingqing and the four pages of Moth Orchid

It seems that in some follow-up plans in the future, it is inevitable that the third page of blue blue and the fourth page of moth orchid will take advantage of it!

If the crimson page didn't go to pick up the moth orchid page four, anyway, the eight pages of pupil shadow have already smoothed the game.

Scarlet changed the subject of the page.

"Since the mind of the Era Temple is not in this secondary world, we will integrate all the origins of the world of the dead into this secondary world within a week."

"Then we all set off to clean up all the forces that affect the world of the dead and occupy this secondary world!"

Speaking of this scarlet page, she paused before continuing.

"Three pages of Cyan Qing and Four Pages of Mothed Lan made the trip to the Temple of Era really hard."

"You two stay in the castle!"

It is impossible for Crimson Page to completely disregard the feelings of the two members of Page 8, and it is necessary to make some compensation to them.

The current decision is the way Scarlet Page compensates the two of them.

The third page of Qingqing and the fourth page of moth orchid snorted coldly when they heard the words, and they didn't buy the arrangement of the red page.

In this second-level world, apart from the people of the Temple of the Era, where is there any danger

Scarlet Yiye used this method to find love for the two of them, and it was too careless!

Everyone has been asleep for more than six thousand years. Who doesn't want to exercise their muscles and bones just after waking up

And in the process of cleaning up this second-level world powerhouse, a lot of spoils can be obtained.

Staying in the castle to watch the house, where is the chance to get these loot

Moth Orchid said forcefully on four pages.

"Kan Qing and I will also join this cleanup plan."

"Now the main world, the core of the natives of the secondary world, is concentrated in the Huiyao Continent."

"I suggest that the eight of us go to the Huiyao Continent together and clean up the Huiyao Continent first."

"Firstly, it saves time and effort most, and secondly, it can also deter other forces in this secondary world."

"After sweeping the Huiyao Continent, Qingqing and I will each get 20% of the income, and the six of you will each get 10%."

The four pages of moth orchid are not so much making a plan as they are setting conditions.

Mooran's words on the fourth page made the brows of the other eight-page members of the Tadian frowned.

Yingzhu Erye was about to speak when she was interrupted by Scarlet Yiye.

"Okay, let's divide the spoils according to what you said!"

(end of this chapter)