Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2714: All things burn to ashes!


Scarlet Yiye had just finished speaking, and Caihong Wuye couldn't help but say it.

"The resources of the secondary world and the dimensional world are basically gathered in the Huiyao Continent."

"An extra 10% of resources is a great wealth!"

"Cyanqing Molan, the two of you are really too greedy!"

"It can't be that the two of you have reached an alliance and are ready to work together to compete for interests in our collective!"

Among the eight members of Tadian, Sanye Qingqing is the most good-natured member.

But after hearing what Zhuanghong Wuye said, he almost couldn't hold back his hands on Zhuanghong Wuye.

Who doesn't know that Rainbow Falling Five Pages has been allied with Yingzhu Two Pages and is competing with other Eight Pages members.

How did Falling Rainbow Five Pages have the face to say such a thing

Crimson said in a deep voice.

"Okay, stop arguing!"

"After we occupy this second-level world, if we want to return to the Heaven Beyond Clouds to avenge our revenge, we must work together to upgrade this second-level world to a third-level world!"

"Hopefully after this we can clear up our grievances with each other."

Hearing the words of the crimson one page, Mooran four pages sneered.

Eliminate grudges? How can the grudges that have been formed for thousands of years be so easy to get rid of!

What the crimson page is saying now is nothing more than beautiful scene words.

If you hear too much about the scene, you will inevitably be disappointed.

Cyan Qing Sanye didn't know what Mooran Siye was thinking.

Cyan Blue Three Pages doesn't think that with the current strength of Tadian, it has the ability to promote this second-tier world to a third-tier world.

It is not so easy for a second-level world to advance to a third-level world!

It won't be long before this secondary world is stabilized, and a subsidiary dimensional world will be derived.

Tadian's current combat power is not up to the standard of the second-dimensional world.

In the world of the second dimension, there is the existence of the ruler of the reincarnation.

There is also a certain probability that there will be a powerful existence above the habitat.

It is impossible to even be promoted to the third-level world, let alone return to the sky outside the cloud to take revenge.

When he and the others were forced to flee like bereaved dogs, Scarlet Page should have known how strong the enemy was.

Rather than eating the pie painted by Scarlet One Page, it is better to gain some benefits in the current secondary world.

It is estimated that after occupying this secondary world, Tadian will split internally.

It has evolved into a situation where each eight-page member occupies the land as king.

The eighth page of Tongying seems to have nothing to do with the world, but in fact the eighth page of Tongying has already formed an alliance with the sixth page of Langying and the seventh page of Ji Wan.

The relationship between the three of them is even stronger than the relationship between himself and Molan Siye.

No matter what happens in the future, the current eight-page members of Tadian are in a cooperative relationship with each other.

Before successfully occupying this secondary world, everyone will gather together no matter how close they seem to be.

No matter what the purpose of the Era Temple is, whether it conflicts with the tower code.

As long as the Temple of Era exists in this world for one day, Ta Dian will have to be afraid of it!

Langying Liuye waited for the atmosphere to relax a little, and then spoke.

"Let's not waste time here, the most important thing is to integrate all the origins of the world of the dead into this main world!"

"Crimson, you and Yingzhu were the first to wake up, and Tong Ying was forcibly woken up, and her physical condition is the worst."

"This operation is led by you and Yingzhu, and the remaining five of us will cooperate from the side, so we won't let Tong Ying participate!"

Hearing Langying's sixth page, the brows of the first crimson page and the second page Yingzhu frowned at the same time.

It takes a lot of energy to fully integrate the origin of the dead world into this secondary world.

In the current situation, no one wants to overdraw themselves.

However, the crimson page knew that there was no way for her to reject Langying's proposal.

The second page of Yingzhu and the fifth page of falling rainbow never really convinced themselves.

When the third page of Cyan Qing and the fourth page of Mooran were also dissatisfied with themselves, the crimson page didn't want to offend the small group of the sixth page of Langying, the seventh page of Ji Wan, and the eighth page of Tongying.

Scarlet didn't express her position, but she knew that Yingzhu Erye was definitely unwilling to do so.

Sure enough, as the first page of blushing had predicted, the second page of Yingzhu said it directly.

"The order in which everyone wakes up is set early in the morning."

"Low ranking doesn't mean that there are no benefits to ranking low!"

"Before coming to this world, the danger has always been borne by the people at the top."

"If you don't want to consume energy on the sixth page of Lang Ying, then you can make up for the energy consumed by the eight pages of pupil shadow!"

"If you want to replenish this energy, you can't afford it!"

When the eighth page of Tongying heard what Yingzhu said on the second page, the expression on his face remained unchanged.

Said softly to Langying Sixth Page and Ji Wan Seventh Page.

"Langying, Ji Wan, you don't need to say anything more."

"Based on my current situation, I can still afford the consumption of the ritual."

"It's just that after the ceremony, I'm bound to fall into a deep sleep again, and I can't go to Huiyao with you!"

Before the eighth page of Tongying said this, the sixth page of Langying and the seventh page of Ji Wan were already very angry.

This second page of Yingzhu is simply too shameless!

I and others have been asleep for more than six thousand years, and they are inseparable from the second page of Yingzhu and the fifth page of falling rainbow.

Yingzhu Erye is the least qualified to say such words.

Ji Wan said like seven pages were torn.

"Anyway, I know that the mind of the Temple of the Era is not in this secondary world."

"If you don't agree with Langying's proposal, then we all just continue to wait."

"After the pupil shadow energy is fully recovered, we will start the ceremony again!"

"It's just that during this period of time, death can infect this secondary world more, and it will save us a lot of trouble!"

There must be at least six people participating in this ceremony.

The three of us are in a group, as long as the three of us make up our minds not to go, then if the other five want to perform the ceremony, they must turn to the three of us!

Now that the interior of Tadian has become like this, Langying doesn't mind making the situation worse.

Not only the eighth page of pupil shadow, but also himself and the sixth page of Langying also failed to absorb enough energy in the black coffin.

This made the three of them much worse than the first crimson page and the second page Yingzhu in terms of strength.

Yingzhu Erye has been clamoring to plan in advance, and she simply doesn't take the state of herself and others seriously.

After finishing speaking, Ji Wan Seven Pages winked at Tongying Eighth Page and Langying Sixth Page.

The three left the castle directly and returned to their own tower.

Within two days the other five pages had to be compromised.

Even if you don't agree to the conditions of the three of you, you must give a fair result that satisfies the three of you!

After Langying Liuye and the others left, the castle hall was eerily quiet.

Mooran Siye stood up and said.

"Kanqing, let's go too."

"Where are the two of us qualified to make decisions!?"

"Just wait until you have discussed the decision and then notify the two of us!"

"But you have to remember one thing, the interests of me and Qing Qing cannot be damaged any longer!"

It was obviously Yingzhu Erye who provoked the anger, but Yingzhu Erye did not discuss with Scarlet Yiye after the other five members of Tadian Eighth Page left.

Instead, he left the castle hall directly with Falling Rainbow Five Pages.

There was only a blushing page standing in place with a deep complexion.

After a while, a ferocious look appeared on the face of the crimson page.

Dark red tentacles drilled out from the back of the crimson page, and an ominous aura different from death condensed on the body of the crimson page.

The red mist emerging from the body of Crimson Yiying made the air clear and sweet.

But very soon, the crimson page took back the ominous aura about her body.

Looking in the direction outside the castle, there was an obscure killing intent in his eyes.

Lin Yuan has been concerned about the situation of the undead tide during this time.

Keira didn't dare to hide anything and told Lin Yuan everything she found out.

Lin Yuan was startled by the turbulence of the tide of undead at this time.

If it is said that when my master Yue Hou first came to inform me, the tide of undead at that time can be compared to the tide of dimensional creatures spewing out of the first-level dimensional crack.

The current tide of undead is equivalent in number to the tide of dimensional creatures spewing out of the fourth-level dimensional crack!

Thanks to Keira for hatching other demon embryos.

These monster worms devoured a series of new types of undead, led by the Saw Killer and the Due dead, and produced a large number of special monster worms in a targeted manner.

This makes the demon insects always able to resist the undead.

At the beginning, Lin Yuan was quite apprehensive, for fear of such a turbulent tide of undead.

The demon insect Keira will not be able to quickly breed targeted specialized demon insects to control the tide of undead.

But soon Lin Yuan realized that he was thinking too much.

The female worm hatched by the demon insect Kaila devoured the body of the undead dimensional creature in the spirit lock space, and obtained the gene of the undead dimensional creature.

In just two hours, you can specifically produce monster insects!

The biggest problem now is to deliver these specialized demon insects.

In addition to asking Wen Yu to transport these specialized monster insects with second and third level gene locks, Lin Yuan also mobilized the apostles and masters who came to send the dimensional creatures of the dead.

After these apostles and masters sent off the dimensional creatures of the dead, each of them would leave with a batch of specialized demon insects.

The confrontation between demon insects and undead is a process of supporting war with war.

The undead appeared continuously, relying on the dead energy in the earth veins.

The monster worms are produced continuously, relying on the wave of undead itself.

In the past few days, some rather powerful dimensional creatures of the dead have appeared one after another.

But these new undead were all dealt with in the same way.

Lin Yuan felt that this situation would continue for a while, and Tadian saw that human beings could not be destroyed through the tide of undead, and the eight members of Tadian would definitely want to do it irresistibly.

Lin Yuan didn't seem too busy during this time, and he didn't make preparations for improving his strength.

But Lin Yuan has not been idle all the time through the abyss red lotus locked by Mobius.

After controlling the five dimensional worlds, Abyss Red Lotus has been using the exclusive feature [Lotus Lock Myriad Realms] to control the core of the continental veins of the main world.

With the increase of Mobius' rank, the abyss red lotus, which was originally a tenth-level fantasy with five transformations at the diamond level, has quietly been promoted to the level of the second-level mythology at the tenth level of the lord level!

[Spiritual creature name]: Abyss Red Lotus

[Spiritual Species]: Abyss Red Lotus/Abyss Red Lotus

[Spirit Level]: Lord Rank (10/10)

[Spiritual Items]: Fire Department

[Spiritual Object Quality]: Mythology Second Realm


[Lian Nirvana]: When choosing to die independently, it will gather all its energy in the lotus seeds, and the lotus seeds will germinate and pass on its own life and blood.

[Fire Blossom]: Fill the surroundings with fire elemental energy, get rid of other energies other than the fire element, and deprive other beings of control over the fire elemental energy.

[Yehuo lotus seal]: The lotus seal will imprison the target's current access to energy, and each layer of lotus seal will seal the existing energy and blood.

[Net breath lotus flame]: The flame burns to form a lotus coffin, designate a space to seal up the current space, time and established substances through burning, and maintain the current state.

[Law of the Lotus Realm]: Command the life of the world with the core of the world you have mastered, and those who do not follow will be deprived of the means to continue to obtain energy from the current world.

[Kamma Lotus Possession]: Combine with other living beings, combine the world energy mastered by the lotus lock with itself, and pour the energy into itself to increase itself.

[Burning Lotus Nirvana Dance]: Burn the body as a nutrient, let yourself turn into lotus seeds and enter the state of lotus nirvana. Burning the body can double the effect of karma lotus possession, and lock the world connected by the lotus. Protect.

Exclusive features:

[Red Lotus Karma]: Burn things, burn away the cause and effect of the target, existing blood and energy levels, and apply the Karma Fire Lotus Seal on the target through burning.

[Lotus Lock Myriad Realms]: When touching the core of a world, you can wrap the lotus root around the core of the world, and use the core of the world as an energy source to form your own lotus root to invade the world.

[All things burn]: Supplement yourself with fire elemental energy, burn everything and energy, the purer the fire elemental energy you invest in yourself, the higher the level of the burned things and energy. When it is insufficient, it will affect its own source (severe damage to the source may affect the performance of Lian Nie).

The skills and exclusive features acquired by Abyss Red Lotus from being promoted to the lord-level mythical species brought surprises to Lin Yuan.

It also gave Lin Yuan more confidence to fight against Tadian when he merged with Abyss Red Lotus.

The combination of Lin Yuan and the abyss red lotus triggers [Kamma Lotus Possession], and the power of the five dimensional worlds and the main world will be blessed to Lin Yuan.

This had already been used by Lin Yuan as his trump card.

But the mythical skill [Burning Lotus Nirvana] can double the combat effectiveness of [Kamma Lotus Possession].

Although it will reduce the rank of Abyss Red Lotus entering the "Lian Nirvana" state, but in Lin Yuan's view, everything is worth it.

This greatly raised the upper limit of Lin Yuan's strength.

The exclusive feature [All things burn to ashes] allows Lin Yuan to use the energy of the fire element as the basis, and use the abyss red lotus to burn other things and energy.

Lin Yuan has no shortage of fire elemental energy, and the fire elemental shells in the spirit lock space spit out goddess-level elemental pearls every moment.

As Mobius' rank continued to rise, the aura decomposed from the Hualingchi became more and more pure.

(end of this chapter)