Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2718: The eight fallen pages!


The karmic fire lotus seal is attached to the target's body, forming red lotus patterns on the target's body.

The pattern of one layer of lotus pattern is very light, but when the number of layers of lotus pattern increases.

One after another lotus patterns were engraved on the bodies of the fifth page of falling rainbow and the eighth page of pupil shadow.

The lotus pattern looks mysterious and sacred, with a kind of magnificent power.

But the fifth page of falling rainbow and the eighth page of pupil shadow with lotus patterns added were not at all uncomfortable.

The two found that not only the flow of death energy in their bodies became sluggish, but even the mobilization of their own abilities was very obscure.

This made the two even more powerless when fighting against Lin Yuan's offensive.

In fact, if Lin Yuan had a normal duel with Zhuanghong Five Pages and Tongying Eight Pages, even if the two were not as strong as Lin Yuan, they definitely wouldn't be in such a mess.

The reason why the two have always been at a disadvantage in the battle with Lin Yuan has a lot to do with Lin Yuan's sudden attack.

The two didn't know about Lin Yuan's existence, so naturally they wouldn't enter the defensive state in advance.

If Lin Yuan appeared face to face with the two of them, it would be ready for the five pages of falling rainbow and eight pages of pupil shadow.

Even if the two can't beat Lin Yuan, it's not a problem if they want to escape!

If two people run in different directions, at least one can escape.

If it was a duel agreed upon by two strong men, a sneak attack would undoubtedly be a very shameless act.

But what Lin Yuan is doing now is not a duel, but the protection of the entire main world.

Crashing Rainbow Five Pages let out a coquettish drink.

"Who the hell are you!?"

"Didn't your Era Temple say that the purpose is not in this secondary world itself!?"

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows upon hearing this.

This charming woman with seven-color pupils mentioned the Jiyuan Temple and what Lin Yuan wanted to know the most.

It just so happened that this eight-page member was the one that Lin Yuan had decided to stay.

Lin Yuan didn't respond to the shocking cry of Zhuanghong Five Pages. It was obvious that this Eight Pages member regarded himself as a member of the Jiyuan Temple.

It shows that Tadian feels that in this world, only the Temple of the Era has such strength.

This made Lin Yuan feel even more afraid of the Jiyuan Temple.

The Temple of the Era said that its purpose is not in this secondary world, so what is the purpose of the Temple of the Era

Chun and Xia, who were watching this conflict from high above, blinked.

It has been a while since the two left the Temple of the Era.

The people in this pagoda would say so, most likely because they went to the Temple of Jiyuan on purpose to pay homage to the mountain gate.

Dong is trying to open up a special passage from this world to the sky outside the clouds, so the people in Tadian should see Qiu.

This statement is in line with Qiu's behavior style.

In Qiu's view, the existence of the Jiyuan Temple is to follow the sage, and naturally it has nothing to do with this secondary world.

But from the point of view of cause and effect, Lord Sage is rooted in this secondary world.

The will of the sage is the purpose of the Temple of the Era!

Before Qiu met Lord Sage, he didn't know what the purpose of the Jiyuan Temple was.

Chun and Xia confirmed that Lin Yuan is a sage, and it can be said that Lin Yuan and Ta Dian are deadly enemies.

The reason why the two did not make a move was because they were afraid of affecting Lin Yuan's growth.

Judging from the current situation, Lin Yuan basically has no tendency to lose.

Even if this Floating World Palm Venerable Lotus was contaminated with fire attribute aura, a mutation occurred.

In the end, it was because of cause and effect that he came to Mr. Sage before he awakened.

As a mascot worn by sages all year round, the Ukiyo Palm Venerable Lotus, even if the clean air in the body is transformed into a fire element, it still has the effect of cleansing the dirty soul.

The souls of Ta Dian, who use death energy as their energy source, are the most turbid.

Seeing that the battle situation was constantly leaning towards Lin Yuan, Chun and Xia sighed faintly.

It seems that it is not yet time for me and others to appear beside the sage!

Falling Rainbow Five Pages didn't get any reply after asking the question, only endless attacks in response.

The fifth page of the falling rainbow flashed behind the eighth page of Tongying in a defensive posture, and at the same time poked his finger on his forehead.

Immediately afterwards, a majestic energy emanated from Zhuanghong Wuye's body.

This majestic energy pierced through the sky, darkening the world.

A series of ferocious shadows sprang out from the body of Luohong Wuye.

The afterimages of these ghostly shadows are like gray rainbows.

These ghostly shadows hit the root system of the abyss red lotus, but they did not have even the slightest impact on the root system of the abyss red lotus.

On the contrary, the attacks of these ghostly shadows aroused an inexplicable energy inside the abyss red lotus.

The appearance of this energy made Lin Yuan quite curious.

Could it be that Abyss Red Lotus showed an evolutionary trend in the battle with Tadian Eight Pages!

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan shook his head.

The emergence of this situation is not so much evolution as the awakening of blood.

It seems that the blood of Abyss Red Lotus is not as simple as it seems on the surface!

At this moment, Mobius' voice sounded in Lin Yuan's ear.

"Partner, I seem to remember something again!"

"I should have already guessed why Tadian planned to use the plan of Su Sheng of the Sleeper by now."

"I also understand the mystery of the world level!"

"Partner, Tadian is probably a group of thieves from the sub-dimension world of the third-level world."

"From the perspective of world advancement, the integration of the dimensional world into the main world to which it belongs is a win-win process."

"But there are always some arrogant guys in the dimensional world who don't want to do this."

"Not only do you want to break away from the main world you belong to, but you also want to steal the main world you belong to."

"These guys never give up after their failures, and carry the origin of their own dimensional world in a vain attempt to make a comeback."

Lin Yuan listened to the voice of Mobius in his mind, and started talking with Mobius.

"If the partner is like this, what will happen to the third-level world?"

When Mobius heard Lin Yuan's inquiry, he answered affirmatively.

"That third-level world will forever lose the chance to advance to the fourth-level world."

"What Tadian has to do now is to use the source of the dimensional world that contains the dead energy to devour the source of the main world."

"This should be the real purpose of Su Sheng's plan!"

Lin Yuan thought secretly when he heard the words.

Even if I caught the eight pages of withering and heard about the eight pages of withering, I still didn't get the real answer.

This is not because the withered eight pages did not tell the truth to herself, but that the withered eight pages were also kept in the dark and did not know the real situation.

Otherwise, the withered eight pages would not be able to escape the perception of the Xuntian Heart Flame Mushroom.

As for whether Mobius's guess is accurate, it will be clear after a while that the real eight-page member of Tadian is caught!

"Partners, for the good of the Lord World, this catastrophe must end as soon as possible!"

"Otherwise it will not only cause irreversible damage to the leylines, but may also cause a dimensional world that does not match it due to the tampering of the energy of this secondary world!"

When Lin Yuan was talking with Mobius, the attack not only didn't stop, but became more fierce.

Lin Yuan's attack mainly focused on the eight pages of pupil shadow.

Lin Yuan used the exclusive feature of Abyss Red Lotus [Red Lotus Fire].

[Red Lotus Fire]burned on Tongying Baye's body.

What is burned on the eight pages of pupil shadow is not flesh and blood, but its own cause and effect, existing blood, and its own energy level.

This kind of burning can be said to be the annihilation of a life in existence.

During the burning process, [Ye Huo Lian Yin] was still attached to Tong Ying Ba Ye's body.

These [karma fire lotus seals] sealed the body of the eight pages of Tongying, making the eight pages of Tongying like an alchemy furnace!

At this time, when the eight pages of pupil shadow are using their own energy, it is already difficult for the dead energy energy to break through the overlapping layers of karmic fire lotus seals.

Because the Karmic Fire Lotus Seal could seal the target's abilities, it made it difficult for Tongying Eight Pages to even use some means of self-protection.

Lin Yuan only used [Red Lotus Karma Fire] to burn eight pages of Tong Ying, but did not kill the five pages of Rainbow Falling.

The five pages of the falling rainbow resisted the attack of the black lotus root, and from time to time, a new lotus seal of karmic fire was added.

While watching the eight pages of pupil shadow being refined by the red lotus fire.

Five pages of falling rainbow can feel that the origin of eight pages of pupil shadow is being rapidly damaged.

At this time, Hitomi Eight Pages' injuries were already more serious than before the deep sleep.

Falling Rainbow Five Pages could feel that the attacker was keeping his hand away from him, otherwise the lotus seal on his body would not be less than Tongying Eight Pages.

Why didn't the crimson flame burn himself

Crashing Rainbow Five Pages' mind became active, and he had vaguely guessed the enemy's purpose in doing so.

Most of the other party wanted to inquire about Ta Dian's information through him.

At the juncture of life and death, Zhuanghong Wuye didn't mind betraying the tower code.

But if he betrayed Tadian, would he be able to survive

At this moment, Rainbow Falling Five Pages already understood that the person who attacked herself and Tongying Eight Pages could not have come from the Temple of Era.

Because the details of the Tadian Temple have already been figured out.

It seems that I and others have always underestimated the natives of this secondary world!

Seeing the eight pages of pupil shadow gradually fading away beside him, five pages of falling rainbow not only did not feel that eight pages of pupil shadow were pitiful.

On the contrary, there was endless hatred for Hitomi Eight Pages.

If it hadn't been for Hitomi Eight Pages who recommended him to investigate the situation, he wouldn't have to suffer such a rapid attack now, and he would soon be taken as a prisoner!

The energy in Lin Yuan's body faintly showed signs of being overdrawn.

A dragon chant resounded throughout the valley.

Lin Yuan released Xiao Hei, and asked Xiao Hei to recover energy for himself through [Zing Ling].

With everything going so smoothly, Lin Yuan did not choose to open the [Aura Seal].

Nor did Abyss Red Lotus use its skill [Burning Lotus Nirvana Dance] and its exclusive feature [All Things Burn].

Once some hole cards are used, it will take some time to recover.

Lin Yuan is going to use his blade on the other six pages of the Anti-Ta Code.

Lin Yuan was in a stalemate with the eighth page of Tongying and the fifth page of Zhuanghong while recovering his energy.

The hard work paid off, and the soul of Tongying Eight Pages was completely destroyed.

And the body of Tongying Eight Pages became much stronger than before under the burning and tempering of the red lotus fire.

A ray of gray light separated from the eight-page body of pupil shadow and turned into a book.

There is a ghostly phantom behind this tome.

Upon seeing this, Lin Yuan immediately recognized this scroll as a secret treasure of the world of the dead.

The level of secret treasures in the subsidiary dimensional world of the third-level world is much higher than that of the subsidiary dimensional world of the first-level world.

Lin Yuan accidentally absorbed a secret treasure from the world of the dead because of touching it, and fell into a coma for nearly a month.

Although this kind of fainting will not cause much damage to Lin Yuan's body, it is the process of controlling and assimilating the secret treasure of the world of the dead by the fountain of faith in his own god.

But under the current situation, how could Lin Yuan fall into a deep sleep because of absorbing the secret treasure of the world of the dead

Lin Yuan grabbed the book with the roots of the abyss red lotus, and carefully sealed the book.

After he defeats the tower code, it will not be too late for Lin Yuan to collect all the treasures of the dead in the tower code and absorb them!

Now only he and the eight-page member of Tadian with seven-color pupils are left.

Lin Yuan knew it was time for him to show up.

The yellow sand surged rapidly in this canyon.

Lin Yuan's figure stood in the air, facing the five pages of falling rainbow.

Lin Yuan asked in a calm tone to the fifth page of Zhuihong.

"I think now we can have a good talk!"

"I don't know which page of the tower code you are, how should I call you?"

Lin Yuan's calm tone gave Zhuihong Wuye a creepy feeling.

This young human being in front of him must have a monstrous hatred for him in his heart.

Tadian is using the living beings of the entire secondary world as fertilizer to breed the fertile soil for the dead.

For this secondary world, Tadian is a long-planned invader.

Feeling the confinement of the lotus seal on his body, the five pages of falling rainbow can be confirmed.

As long as the young man was dissatisfied with one of his answers, the red flame that had just burned on Tongying Eight Pages would definitely burn on him!

"My name is Zhuohong, and this is the fifth page of the Pagoda Code."

After answering Lin Yuan's question, Falling Rainbow Five Pages didn't say much.

Instead, he observed Lin Yuan seriously with his eyes.

Lin Yuan looked at the behavior of Zhuanghong Wuye, and knew that Zhuanghong Wuye was a smart guy.

Lin Yuan is unwilling to be an enemy of smart people.

There is a terrible price to be paid for the slightest carelessness in making enemies of intelligent people.

But Lin Yuan likes smart captives.

Smart captives understand the truth that those who understand current affairs are heroes, and they can ask more answers they want to know.

"You should know why I left you instead of letting your soul dissipate."

"I'll give you a chance to say three sentences, I hope your three sentences can move me."

While speaking, Lin Yuan's palm was ignited with raging red lotus karma.

Originally, Lin Yuan had a lot of questions he wanted to ask Zhuihong Wupage.

But because of the recovery of Mobius' memory, Lin Yuan has now basically understood the purpose of Tadian.

If the five pages of falling rainbow are smart enough, these three sentences will definitely arouse my interest.

It also let Lin Yuan know from which direction to ask Zhuanghong Wuye for information.

Ta Dian can even sense the leakage of dead energy in the ground veins, and sent strong men to investigate.

Now I must know that the leakage of dead energy in the ground veins has not been cured, but has become more and more serious.

It is even possible to know that another member of the eight-page tower code has died.

Lin Yuan had to speed up his inquiry about the five pages of the falling rainbow!

(end of this chapter)