Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2733: The meeting between Lin Yuan and Yue Hou!


Seeing this news from Lin Yuan, Yue Hou's hanging heart was finally completely relieved.

Since Lin Yuan said that he will be able to return to Huiyao soon, it means that there is no problem with Lin Yuan's safety.

This can be described as double happiness for Yue Hou.

But months later, the news was not passed on immediately.

After a month, I plan to wait until Lin Yuan returns to Huiyao, and ask Lin Yuan for the specific situation before making arrangements.

Although the tower code was destroyed, the natural disaster of the undead was still going on.

The appearance of this undead natural disaster is a disaster for the entire main world.

It was this disaster that sounded the wake-up call for months later.

Although there were dimensional cracks opening in the main world before, the major federations have been in a relatively peaceful state.

Friction is also an internal dispute between federations on a continent.

This kind of friction can only consume the strength of the federations out of thin air, but it cannot enhance the ability of these federations to resist risks.

If Huiyao has always been in a state of being ready to fight risks.

Facing the natural disaster of the undead, Hui Yao would not be so embarrassed at the beginning.

So if possible, after the month, I hope not to clean up all the undead directly.

Instead, use these undead to sharpen the main world.

Boost the overall strength among the major federations in the main world.

A month later, I plan to discuss with the leader of Wangyang Labyrinth in person.

As the main world, the sea clan has greater strength than humans, so it is also necessary to join this training.

In a month's time, I plan to spend decades to fully mention the foundation of the main world.

In addition to their strength, the members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence selected this year also have outstanding leadership skills.

After a month, a large amount of resources will be given to Liu Wencheng, so that Liu Wencheng can personally improve the strength of the members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence.

Xuan Yue has been by Yue Hou's side during this time.

Cang Yue conveyed the will of the Queen of the Moon outside, while Xuan Yue followed the arrangements of the Queen of the Moon closely in the Huiyue Palace.

Coordinating everything around Yue Hou.

Ever since Lin Yuan left Huiyao a week ago, Yue Hou has been in a state of worry.

Let the always steady Yuehou only maintain her former calmness when she settles down to do things.

Otherwise, most of them are usually in a state of anxiety.

Now the anxiety on Yue Hou's face disappeared, revealing a look of excitement and joy.

Xuan Yue knew that there must be good news from Lin Yuan's side.

Usually, Lin Yuan said he would come back soon, and he would not ask more questions a month later.

But this time, I couldn't help but ask after a month.

[Moon Queen]: Xiaoyuan, how long will it take you to reach Huiyao

Lin Yuan saw the news sent by Yue Hou, and deeply realized Yue Hou's concern for him.

[Lin Yuan]: I will be able to arrive at Huiyue Hall at about two o'clock tomorrow afternoon!

Usually, Lin Yuan can directly teleport back to Huiyao through the space corridor placed in the crack of the underground space.

But now the underground palace has been taken into the spirit lock space by Lin Yuan, and that space has already lost its effectiveness.

Because after canceling this space corridor, the ethereal jellyfish can give birth to the main tentacles again.

Therefore, Lin Yuan had no loss.

Before returning to Huiyao, Lin Yuan had to command Qinglu Marsh Tortoise to re-transport Houtu City back to the Haiwen Continent.

Then let the goblins tamp the foundation of Houtu City on the mainland of Haiwen.

In the case of Tadian destroying the main world and restoring peace.

The Hanwen Continent will become the gateway for Huiyao to connect to the whole world.

During this period of time, Roland, Yi Huailong and Jin Qianxun, the three heads of the Continental Confederation of the mainland, all sent messages to Lin Yuan.

All three of them undoubtedly hope that the Shenmu Federation, the Hammer Federation and the Deep Brahma Federation can return to the Hewen Continent.

From the perspective of the three of them, it is not difficult to see the important strategic significance of the Hanwen Continent.

First of all, Lin Yuan has invested a lot of resources in the continent of Hewen.

Turned the Hanwen Continent into an impenetrable fortress.

Secondly, the Haiwen Continent is also rich enough, and it is also the homeland of the Shenmu Federation, the Hammer Federation and the Deep Brahma Federation.

The three definitely hope to return to their homeland to develop.

The Shenmu Federation, the Hammer Federation and the Shenfan Federation are under Lin Yuan's complete control.

If Lin Yuan has plans to let the Federation develop on the mainland of Haiwen.

The Shenmu Federation, the Hammer Federation, and the Deep Brahma Federation are undoubtedly the most suitable choices.

Before Roland sent a message to Lin Yuan to make a request, he asked the Suy people deliberately.

The Suy people supported Roland in fighting for this opportunity.

If the natural disaster of the undead can be successfully ended, the Sui people will also bring those people from the Seven Dark Kingdoms and the Sandbar Continent back to the original continent.

It's just that the Suyi people knew that Lin Yuan was busy with a lot of things now, so they deliberately emphasized that Roland should never urge Lin Yuan.

Now at this time, I and others can't help Lin Yuan, so naturally I shouldn't add trouble to Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan was indeed too busy during this time to deal with these trivial matters.

Wen Yu was also busy with other things, so Lin Yuan didn't hand over these trivial matters to Wen Yu.

Lin Yuan has already given orders to Qinglu Marsh Turtle.

After the Qinglu Marsh Turtle transported Houtu City back to the Hanwen Continent, Lin Yuan let the Qinglu Marsh Tortoise carry monster insects for a long voyage.

Send a large number of demon insects to the positions where the world map of each dimension borders the main world map.

Lin Yuan, who was sitting on the back of the Butterfly, did not choose to rest, but took out the letter of thought.

Prepare to investigate the matters hoarded during this time.

Soon Lin Yuan saw the appeal of Roland, Yi Huailong and Jin Qianxun.

After Lin Yuan pondered for a moment, he was ready to agree to the three of them to let the Shenmu Federation, the Iron Hammer Federation and the Deep Brahma Federation return to the Haiwen Continent for development.

The size of the Hewen Continent is not small. The Shenmu Federation, the Hammer Federation, and the Deep Brahma Federation have taken root in the Hewen Continent, and it will not affect the Hewen Continent to become a glorious portal.

On the contrary, the existence of these three federations can save Hui Yao a lot of trouble.

These three federations have been completely integrated by Lin Yuan, and they can be regarded as Lin Yuan's direct lineage.

Lin Yuan is relieved to let these three federations manage Huiyao's portal.

And besides Huiyao, Lin Yuan's resources were basically distributed in the Shenmu Federation, the Hammer Federation and the Deep Brahma Federation.

The overall strength of these three federations will become stronger and stronger.

Even if it is not as good as the Freedom Federation and the Azure Federation now, it is almost able to gain a firm foothold in the seats of the second-rate Federation.

Because these three federations are all controlled by themselves, the communication has become closer.

Although it is not possible to integrate with each other, they can implement their own decisions with one heart.

Lin Yuan replied to the three of them.

Yi Huailong is using the light of his younger brother Yi Huailu to rapidly improve his own strength with the help of Yi Huailu, a five-star creator.

Yi Huailong could clearly feel that with the strengthening of the overall strength of the Shenmu Federation, if his own strength could not be improved, it would be difficult to secure his position as the master of the Shenmu.

Once the strength does not match the status, some people will criticize themselves behind their backs.

Once these criticisms spread, they reached Lin Yuan's ears.

Yi Huailong was very afraid that Lin Yuan would replace him.

Jin Qianxun also thought the same way.

It's just that Jin Qianxun doesn't have a five-star creator around him, which is not as convenient as Yi Huailong's ability to improve his strength.

Jin Qianxun does have some overlap with Weng Queji, a five-star creator.

Ke Weng only serves Lin Yuan alone, and doesn't care about himself at all.

Therefore, Jin Qianxun had to do his best to develop the Deep Brahma Federation, trying to let Lin Yuan discover his own value as soon as possible.

Compared to Yi Huailong and Roland, Jin Qianxun was somewhat less confident.

Because Jin Qianxun knew very well how she became the Lord of the Deep Brahma Federation.

Roland didn't develop the Hammer Federation much during this time.

Roland cultivated several royal servants by his side, and these royal servants could help Roland handle the corresponding work very well.

It can be said that Roland devoted most of his energy during this time to helping the Suy people manage the people on the sandbar continent.

After the Sui people migrated alone, it was difficult for them to take care of the management of the aborigines on the sandbar continent.

After all, it didn't take long for the Suy people to take over the Seven Dark Kingdoms.

Roland's help relieved the Suy people a lot of pressure, and also made the Suy people quite moved.

The Suyi people knew that Yi Huailong, Jin Qianxun, and Roland had been fighting secretly.

Roland's willingness to help him at this time is enough to show Roland's sisterhood towards him.

Suy people always like to measure the value of a person before making friends with them.

Roland is very good at managing the federation.

The old king of the Hammer Federation trained Roland as the crown prince, which can be regarded as very discerning.

It's just that Roland lacks energy and lacks ambition.

This made it basically impossible for Roland to be taken by Lin Yuan to the sky beyond the clouds in the future.

The Sui people always like to make friends who are useful to them.

But no matter what happens in the future, Roland is his sister.

Roland and Jin Qianxun received Lin Yuan's reply almost at the same time, and they were very happy.

After replying to Lin Yuan's message, Roland immediately told the Suyi people about the situation.

The Suyi people had expected that Lin Yuan would agree to the request of Roland and others.

The Suy replied to Roland.

[Suyen]: When I finish dealing with the matter at hand, I will help you develop the Hammer Federation as before.

[Suyen]: Roland, thank you for helping me during this time!

After the Suyi people understood Lin Yuan's goal, they no longer focused on the main world itself.

The Suyes also want to go to a world other than the main world with Lin Yuan.

The Suy people are going to cultivate the Fourteen Nuts under their command.

Let Fourteen Suguo manage the Dark Federation and the entire Sandbar Continent on his behalf.

Then the Suyi people themselves carefully cultivated a group of talents.

Because the fourteen poppies, as the sacred source of the Suyi people, absolutely love the ability of poppies.

If he left the main world, the fourteen nuts would also be taken away.

Warren also sent many messages to Lin Yuan.

Warren was extremely excited during this time.

As a maritime federation, the Storm Federation lacks mineral resources.

Timber resources also depend on logging on small islands outside the Storm Federation.

Therefore, the materials for building ships are greatly limited.

Having been in that environment before, Warren didn't feel that way.

It was only after receiving the wood and metal provided by Lin Yuan that Warren realized that the resources he had come into contact with before were too scarce!

With so many resources at his fingertips that he hadn't had access to before, Warren could try to create ideas that weren't possible before.

It didn't take long for Warren to make a discovery.

[Warren]: Lion, I found that completely jade-like wood can resist the corrosion of seawater 100%, especially the sea mulberry wood that fits the water element!

[Warren]: If you use completely jade-like mulberry wood to collage the bottom of the ship, and use solid buoyant steel to build the skeleton of the ship, you can realize long-distance voyages in various sea areas of the main world!

[Warren]: There is something like a sleepy spirit box that can store sufficient living resources.

[Warren]: As for the power issue, whether it is using a spiritual creature that releases plasma or using a domesticated aquatic spiritual creature is a good way!

[Warren]: I think that after the undead disaster is over, the main world will enter a great age of exploration.

Warren thought carefully when sending Lin Yuan a message, and did not express his opinion casually.

The establishment of the Federation of Nations made Warren discover that the integration of the major federations in the main world has reached the point where it is imperative!

Island whales can fulfill the purpose of communication between human federations.

But the number of island whales is too rare.

Such a rare number of island whales is not enough to support the needs of exchanges between federations.

In the case that the ship can satisfy long-distance voyages, it will definitely become popular!

Those federations that don't have island whales have no choice.

And those federations that own island whales are more willing to sell more of the federation's specialties and obtain external scarce resources.

Lin Yuan controls the dimensional creatures in the water world, and also makes friends with the Wangyang Labyrinth.

The dimensional creatures of the water world, the sea race and humans, have developed a cooperative relationship due to this disaster.

Most of those sea beasts will not maliciously attack human ships after the undead disaster is over.

All that humans need to resist is the influence of natural factors at sea.

After thinking about it, Warren felt that it was necessary for him to inform Lin Yuan of his thoughts.

When Lin Yuan saw the message from Warren, he secretly praised Warren's vision.

In fact, Lin Yuan handed over the spiritual materials from the dimensional world and a large amount of completely jade-like wood to Warren, in order to promote this positive change in the main world.

When the time comes, Lin Yuan will have a detailed discussion with Warren on specific matters.

Therefore, Lin Yuan did not give a detailed reply to Warren.

Looking at the outline of Huiyao Continent in the distance, Lin Yuan felt a strong sense of accomplishment and belonging in his heart.

Lin Yuan asked the Butterfly to land on the edge of Huiyao Continent.

The edge of the Huiyao Continent is covered with spatial nodes marked by Lin Yuan's tentacles of ethereal jellyfish.

Lin Yuan uses the space node to travel, which is much faster than the flying butterfly!

Lin Yuan didn't go back to Yuan Manor to clean himself up.

Lin Yuan is now in a clean body, no matter whether he takes a bath or not, his body will be in the cleanest state.

Lin Yuan directly entered the apse of Huiyue Hall.

As soon as she appeared in the apse of Huiyue Hall, she met the eyes of the Queen of the Moon.

Xuanyue stood behind Yuehou.

Lin Yuan uses space nodes for teleportation, and there will be no obvious spatial fluctuations in the teleportation location.

So Yuehou and Xuanyue should have been waiting here for themselves.

Lin Yuan reached out and touched the broken hair on the back of his head, and said to Yue Hou with a smile.

"Master, just as I replied to you through the letter in my mind, everything is going well!"

(end of this chapter)