Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2736: Manshui's wrist!


The main players of the Longmen Club, like Zhao Xiaochun and Fang Duoduo, felt that Long Tao was serious and cold when he first came into contact with him.

But after being in contact with Long Tao for a long time, the stereotype of Long Tao will soon be broken.

Long Tao's seriousness is mainly reflected in his work, but in life, Long Tao is a sweet bean who is very considerate of his friends and considers his friends.

This made Long Tao look rather contrasted.

It is precisely because of this reason that Fang Duoduo and Zhao Xiaochun are both members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence, and the reason why they still love Long Tao, the captain, so much.

Long Tao and Lin Yuan met for the first time in the Huiyue Hall of Qingyue Mountain.

When he first met Lin Yuan, Long Tao didn't take Lin Yuan seriously.

It is inevitable for young people to be arrogant, especially when Long Tao was already in the third place in the Huiyao Hundred Sons sequence.

But on the side of Qingyue Mountain, Long Tao remembered Lin Yuan for the first time.

Xuan Yue's attitude towards Lin Yuan is much more friendly than that of others.

He and Cheng Rui were asked to compete with the tea waiter, and Lin Yuan became Yuehou's disciple without doing anything.

This let Long Tao know that Yuehou had always preferred Lin Yuan in his heart from the beginning.

He and Cheng Rui are just Lin Yuan's foil.

Knowing that he could be favored by Yue Hou, Lin Yuan must have something special.

But Long Tao was still not convinced by Lin Yuan.

I always want to find a chance to compete with Lin Yuan.

Long Tao will become friends with Lin Yuan, which is Lin Yuan's second identity of "black".

As a talented young man, it was difficult for Long Tao to admire someone.

Long Tao will pay attention to Hei and develop a good impression of Hei.

It was because Lin Yuan saved Mopan Town, a small town outside Denglong City, as a black man.

After learning about Mopan Town, Long Tao was sure that if Lin Yuan hadn't protected Mopan Town, Mopan Town would have been wiped out by the insect swarm.

The entire town, together with its residents, will become food for the sea of insects.

A young man who clearly has the ability to escape but sticks to it makes Long Tao really want to find an opportunity to make friends with Hei.

It was a coincidence that Chen Hongfeng and Lin Yuan, who had been favored by Long Tao in the reserve team of Longmen Club, were matched together.

Just in time for the main team of Longmen Club to lack a teammate, Long Tao came up with the idea of pulling black into the team.

At that time, Lin Yuanhei's identity had just emerged on the Star Network, and he hadn't shown much strength yet.

Long Tao invited Hei with the idea of cultivating Hei.

As the young master of Panlong Valley, the Dragon Gate Club is also one of the top second-tier club guilds.

Long Tao had many chances to be selected into the first-tier club, which made Long Tao very confident.

It's a pity that Hei rejected his invitation.

Later, Long Tao took all the players from the Longmen Club to practice in the controlled dimensional rift in the suburbs of Wangdu.

Not only did he encounter the accident, but he also happened to meet Hei in reality.

After that battle, Long Tao thoroughly understood Hei's strength, and he also regarded Hei as a friend in his heart.

Otherwise, as a front member of the Huiyao Baizi sequence, Long Tao would not let his exclusive reporter and Tian Ningning jointly hold a press conference to make a name for himself!

The establishment of the friendship between Long Tao and Lin Yuan can be said to be mainly related to Lin Yuan's "black" identity.

This made Long Tao's relationship with Lin Yuan still pure even after he found out about Lin Yuan's identity.

Later, Long Tao has been helped by Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan was willing to trade with Panlong Zhigu when he brought out such treasures as the golden lotus brocade plant.

Let Panlongzhigu and Liyun Niaokan become the first two forces to get the golden lotus brocade plant.

After that, Coiling Dragon Valley developed rapidly.

Now Panlong Valley can become one of the three top powers of Huiyao, which is the foundation laid at that time.

Lin Yuan also took out precious materials such as rule crystals to help his father and grandfather improve their strength.

Let the Long family also have a strong man with a hand in immortality.

Lin Yuan can be said to be the biggest behind-the-scenes driving force for Panlong Valley to become one of the three top forces of Huiyao.

Long Tao knew how much Lin Yuan had done for himself.

Long Tao has always been very grateful to Lin Yuan in his heart.

It's just that Long Tao knows very well that he has nothing to help Lin Yuan.

Everyone always has friends who are better than themselves.

In addition to resource interaction, friends also have emotional interaction.

Those who go to the Northern Suburb Courtyard from Panlongzhigu will inform Long Tao of the situation in the Northern Suburb Courtyard.

Long Tao knew that Lin Yuan was now putting all his thoughts on resisting the natural disaster of the undead.

The attention of His Majesty Hui Yao was also on the tide of undead.

It was originally planned that the selection of the Radiant Knights and Radiant Envoys immediately after the selection of the Hundred Sons of Radiance was postponed.

Let Long Tao know that something extremely urgent must have happened.

It is precisely because the minds of the crown princes are not focused on the other courtyards in the northern suburbs that people like Mangshui have the opportunity to take advantage of it and dare to do things.

Long Tao definitely has no way to correct Manshui's thoughts.

As one of the five major farming envoys, Manshui's position in the farming garden was second only to Tian Feng.

It is equivalent in status to the left and right ministers of Zhenling Division.

As long as the awns water is not too much, Long Tao thinks it is better to deal with the awns water by himself after His Majesty Tian Fengmian finds out the situation!

In this way, Tian Fengmian won't lose face, and Panlongzhigu won't get into unnecessary trouble.

With the current status of Coiling Dragon Valley, to target a farming envoy in front of other forces would cause a lot of turmoil.

But out of his affection for Lin Yuan, Long Tao deliberately selected one person from all the people in Panlong Valley who were in the other courtyard in the northern suburbs.

The selected person was none other than Long Zhuo.

Long Tao emphasized to Long Zhuo that once there is a bloody conflict in the other courtyard in the northern suburbs, it must be stopped as soon as possible.

The Beijiao Bieyuan was assigned because of Lin Yuan's request.

Even if Gengyuan managed the Beijiao Bieyuan on his behalf, Lin Yuan would inevitably be affected if something happened to the Beijiao Bieyuan.

As a friend, Long Tao did not want Lin Yuan's reputation to be damaged.

As for why Long Tao chose Long Zhuo, this younger generation who once wanted to shake his position.

It was because Long Tao had decided to focus on improving his own strength.

Long Tao is going to train a few confidants, and let these confidants manage Panlong Valley on his behalf.

Long Zhuo can meet Long Tao's requirements in all aspects.

This arrangement is the touchstone of Long Tao to Long Zhuo.

Long Tao talked about his thoughts with Long Zhuo seriously.

Long Zhuo felt that fate was unfair since he was a child, and what Long Zhuo has been pursuing is nothing more than some power assigned to Panlong Valley.

Now Long Tao is willing to hand over the power to himself, which makes Long Zhuo's desire satisfied.

Ambitious people will become a very handy tool if their desires are satisfied.

Long Tao was not afraid that Long Zhuo's desire would become bigger and bigger in the future, and he would not be satisfied with the power at hand.

In order to ensure that even if he puts his mind on improving his strength, Long Tao can still guarantee 100% control of Panlong Valley.

Long Tao will use spiritual objects to control Long Zhuo, who he has chosen.

This made Long Tao not only feel at ease in using Long Zhuo and others, but also willing to invest resources.

In addition to being ambitious, Long Zhuo's three views are still very upright.

Also has a strong sense of justice.

This made Long Zhuo very dissatisfied with Quadruped Beast Realm's behavior of grabbing resources from other forces.

Following Long Zhuo's order, the strong men in Panlong Valley summoned spirit creatures one after another.

In a short time, the battle situation was brought under control.

Gao Huan, the leader of the Quadruped Beast Realm, never expected that the people from Panlong Valley would participate in this struggle.

Gao Huan asked in fear.

"What do you mean by Coiling Dragon Valley!?"

"Could it be that you want to help the Spirit Snake Valley Jian who is attached to you!?"

The relationship between the major forces in the Northern Suburb Bieyuan is intricate, and many forces are connected with each other.

Because of this, big powers will choose to be wise and protect themselves, and it is rare for a power to force a power to stand out.

If Panlongzhigu insists on helping Lingsnakegujian to stand out, it would be tantamount to breaking the unspoken rules here.

Before Long Zhuo heard the words, a cold voice sounded from not far away.

"It's so lively here!"

"You are all gathered here, is there nothing to do?"

"Every day someone will distribute resources to you, don't you know how to use these resources to improve and consolidate your rank?"

While talking, the tall and thin man, dressed in brown clothes embroidered with green grass and wood patterns, first cast his eyes on the two people in the four-legged beast field and the snake valley.

But soon the tall and thin man looked away and frowned at Long Zhuo.

Although he didn't say anything, his momentum pressed towards the people on the side of Panlong Valley.

The tall and thin man was expressing his dissatisfaction in this way.

This tall and thin man is Manshui, who is in charge of managing the Northern Suburb Bieyuan, one of the five major farming envoys.

If Long Zhuo had faced off against someone like Manshui, he would have been so cowardly.

But this time standing behind Long Zhuo is Long Tao, the entire Panlong Valley.

So even in the face of a big man like Manshui, Long Zhuo was still able to remain calm.

Not only that, Long Zhuo also spoke to Manshui first.

"Lord Manshui, you have been ordered to manage the Northern Suburb Hospital."

"Although you are under the name of Tian Feng, you are working for Master Lin Yuan."

"You acquiesced in the competition for resources among the major forces, and made the strong in the other courtyard in the northern suburbs guard against each other."

"Conflicts between major forces continue to intensify."

"If you don't take good care of the atmosphere in the other courtyard in the northern suburbs, there will inevitably be troubles in the future!"

Manshui frowned tightly upon hearing this.

Looking at Long Zhuo with unfriendly eyes, he thought about it for a while.

What is the intention of the people of Panlong Valley when they say that!

For Panlong Valley to become one of the three top forces in the Glory Federation, there must be someone behind it.

If a small person like Long Zhuo dared to talk to him like this, someone must have instructed him!

Manshui thought for a while, and felt that Hui Yao's subordinates didn't know about this matter.

If he had known, Tian Feng would have asked him to question him a long time ago!

After thinking about it again and again, Manshui felt that Panlong Zhigu's actions were probably to threaten him.

So as to get some benefits from yourself.

There are many resources that Manshui can control, but these resources cannot reach Manshui's own pocket.

If you can cooperate with Coiling Dragon Valley, get some kickbacks from Coiling Dragon Valley.

Manshui can obtain more resources than before.

Manshui is going to make this big thing into a small one first, and make it a small matter.

Then go to communicate and negotiate with Long Zhuo in private.

"The atmosphere in the other courtyard in the northern suburbs is indeed getting worse. If there are forces that want to compete with each other in the future, they are not allowed to collude with other forces to find helpers."

"If any force does this again, it will directly deduct 30% of the resources in the next three months."

"Spirit Snake Valley Jian has found helpers today."

"Because I just put forward the regulations, small punishments and big punishments, I will take back the two houses in the Lingsnake Valley for distribution afterwards!"

"If the people in Spirit Snake Valley are not convinced, you can come to me."

Lin Yuan who was in the dark frowned tightly when he heard Manshui's words.

Manshui is very good at drilling, and even his words are full of drilling.

Manshui first agreed with Panlongzhigu's opinion, which can be regarded as appeasement to Panlongzhigu.

But then Manshui used his new rules to severely punish the forces attached to the Coiling Dragon Valley.

The purpose is to use this method to establish prestige in front of other forces present.

In private, Manshui would probably communicate with Longzhuo.

By then, Manshui will definitely not have the same attitude as it does now.

If Manshui really wanted to punish Spirit Snake Valley, he could just take away the resources of Spirit Snake Valley.

But Manshui hinted that people from Lingsnake Valley could come to him.

It was clear that he wanted to privately gain some benefits from Spirit Snake Valley.

At this moment, Lin Yuan's Xinnian stationery received a message from Tian Feng's reply.

[Tian Feng]: Xiaoyuan, have you arrived at the other courtyard in the northern suburbs yet? Why did you find me in the past

[Tian Feng]: I just finished the royal court meeting, and I can reach the other courtyard in the northern suburbs in at most five minutes.

[Tian Feng]: Manshui's ability is excellent, if there is any emergency, you can let Manshui handle it for you!

After reading the message from Tian Feng, Lin Yuan did not reply to Tian Feng.

Instead, he directly put away the letter of thought.

Tian Feng, as the head of the farm, did not know people clearly, which caused such a big problem.

Presumably, the emergence of this incident should allow Tian Feng to re-evaluate his subordinates.

Compared with ability, Lin Yuan values quality more.

People with good qualities in this world also do not lack abilities.

Originally, Lin Yuan was ready to make a move after listening to Manshui's words.

Since Tian Feng will arrive at the scene within five minutes, let Tian Feng solve it himself!

Long Zhuo sighed secretly when he heard Manshui's words.

Manshui's words can be said to be watertight.

Manshui made it clear that he wanted to rectify the atmosphere of the other courtyard in the northern suburbs, so that he could no longer attack Manshui.

To attack Manshui again would be beyond Long Tao's arrangement for him.

It's like taking the initiative to find trouble for the family.

Manshui has been observing the expression on Long Zhuo's face.

Seeing that the arrogance on Long Zhuo's body subsided, Manshui changed the subject.

"Because the bad influence has appeared, it has made the forces of Panlong Valley feel uncomfortable."

"In the next week, all the troublemakers will reduce their resources by 10% for each house."

"Take it as your reflection!"

(end of this chapter)