Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2737: Hand it over to Iron Prison!


While speaking, the eyes of Manshui flickered with coldness.

This cold light did not fall on the Panlongzhigu group headed by Long Zhuo.

But the inside and outside of the words are full of targeting of the Coiling Dragon Valley.

Manshui's remarks can be said to be obviously suppressing Panlong Valley.

The resources of other forces present were reduced by 10% because of Coiling Dragon Valley, and some of their anger must be poured on Coiling Dragon Valley.

Today's incident is indeed a bit big, so big that even Manshui finds it a bit tricky.

Manshui is ready to come forward to prevent this conflict.

As a result, the people from Panlong Valley jumped out in advance.

What Panlong Zhigu did was not only slapping himself in the face, but also questioning his management of the other courtyard in the northern suburbs.

It will even shake his authority in the other courtyard in the northern suburbs.

Once he doesn't show any compromise, it will definitely make the other forces present feel that he is afraid of the Panlong Valley.

This will be detrimental to my future management of the Northern Suburb Hospital.

Without authority, if other forces dare to threaten themselves, how can they obtain resources

Manshui knew from the beginning to the end that what he did did not meet the requirements, and he was taking advantage of loopholes!

At the beginning, Manshui was afraid of having a bad influence, so he dared not encourage competition among the major forces.

But once people gain benefits, greed will be tempted and breed more and more.

Manshui, as the envoy of the farming garden, is definitely a big shot in the Huiyao Federation.

But Manshui's resource acquisition in the previous year was not as good as the current week's income.

As the saying goes, wealth is sought in insurance, and Manshui is willing to take risks for this wealth!

So even in the face of Panlong Valley, Manshui is still tough.

When Lin Yuan heard this, there was an astonishing killing intent in his eyes.

During this period of time, Lin Yuan really didn't put his mind on the other courtyard in the northern suburbs. Fighting against Ta Dian Lin Yuan consumed too much mind, and even blocked his life in it.

But Lin Yuan didn't spend much time in the northern suburbs, it doesn't mean that Lin Yuan has a problem with the arrangement of the northern suburbs.

When Lin Yuan told Yuehou that he wanted to set up the Beijiao Bieyuan,

It mainly emphasizes the fairness of resource distribution in the northern suburbs.

The amount of resources provided in each house is equal every day.

Lin Yuan can't remember who he gave the power to withhold these resources!

Long Zhuo's heart shuddered when he heard Manshui's words, he knew that Manshui was suppressing Panlongzhigu.

Long Zhuo had already sensed the changes in the eyes of the surrounding forces looking at him.

At this time, Panlong Valley must not back down.

Once Coiling Dragon Valley's retreat affects the interests of other forces present, other forces will definitely have hatred against Panlong Valley.

It is not conducive to the future cooperation between Panlong Valley and other forces.

Even if the Coiling Dragon Valley is one of the three top forces of the Glorious Federation.

However, Coiling Dragon Valley is a force whose function is to cultivate dragon spirits and creators.

It is to trade with other forces and obtain resources.

Founder resources were the most precious resources before Huiyao Federation.

But now, because Lin Yuan has released a large amount of creator resources, the resources of high-end creators among the Huiyao Federation forces will be flooded in a short period of time.

This will affect the forces that function as teachers.

Long Tao only asked himself to stop the conflict in the other courtyard in the northern suburbs, but he didn't say that he wanted to provoke hundreds of forces for Panlong Valley.

Rather than letting these hundreds of forces feel dissatisfied with Panlong Valley, it would be better to fight to the end with Manshui, one of the five master cultivators.

There must be a right and wrong in everything, Long Zhuo felt that Manshui did not dare to make things big.

Once this matter gets bigger, it will only do harm to Manshui, not good.

No matter how much Tian Feng of Gengyuan protects his shortcomings, it is impossible to protect Manshui, the farmer who made a big mistake!

Thinking that Long Zhuo said something that was enough to shock the jaws of everyone present.

"Lord Manshui, you are indeed the manager of the Northern Suburb Hospital."

"Our major forces have always respected you and are willing to support your work."

"I've always had a question, whether you allow the major forces to compete with each other for resources in the northern suburbs, and there have been several vicious snatching incidents!?"

Long Zhuo's words made Manshui's face even more gloomy, and he didn't give Manshui a chance to speak, Long Zhuo continued.

"I would like to know if your majesty have given you the power to withhold resources?"

"If those embezzled resources are re-deposited, it will be fine as a punishment."

"But how did I hear that you, Master Mangshui, took it into your pocket? And you also used these resources to strengthen the spirit?"

Long Zhuo was very frightened when he said these words.

Previously, Long Zhuo didn't have the opportunity to be a big man like Manshui.

However, as a child of the Long family, no matter how nervous Long Zhuo was, he had to make the most beneficial choice for Panlong Valley.

As for the impact of these words on Mangshui, it was not Long Zhuo's concern.

When Manshui targeted Panlongzhigu, it didn't leave room for Panlongzhigu at all.

All the major forces present knew what was going on with Manshui's actions.

But the people of all major forces present did not expect that Long Zhuo would directly point out this matter.

Long Zhuo's words were equivalent to stripping away the awns water and putting it in front of everyone.

Panlong Zhigu has the confidence to confront Manshui, the farm envoy, which is enough to show that Panlong Zhigu has an amazing hole card behind him.

The farming envoy is not so easy to offend!

When Manshui heard Long Zhuo's words, his face turned red and white with anger.

But he didn't open his mouth for a long time.

No matter how courageous Manshui was, Manshui would not dare to say in public that Tian Feng gave him the right to withhold resources.

It’s fine if those resources are not spent by yourself, you just need to fill them up again.

But those resources have been completely spent by myself.

In this case, even if you want to make up, you can't make up.

Before, Manshui wanted to teach Panlongzhigu a lesson, to make Panlongzhigu more interesting.

Never thought that Panlongzhigu would be so tough on him.

For a moment, Manshui didn't know how to end it.

At this moment, a majestic voice full of anger exploded in the sky above the other courtyard in the northern suburbs.

"Mangshui, what did I tell you when I asked you to come to the other courtyard in the northern suburbs? I think you haven't forgotten it!?"

Hearing this majestic voice, Manshui couldn't help trembling in anger, and looked towards the sky in horror.

I saw a well-built old man looking at me with disappointment.

Manshui replied with a trembling voice.

"Your Majesty Tian... Tian Feng, you..."

Tian Feng said viciously when he heard Manshui addressing him.

"Don't call me your majesty, what have you done so that I still have the face to continue to be called my majesty!?"

"Say! How did I arrange you when I asked you to come!?"

The five farming envoys can be said to be Tian Feng's right-hand men, and they have been by Tian Feng's side for decades.

Although Manshui was not the one who stayed with Tian Feng the longest among all the farming envoys.

But it is definitely the most thoughtful and exciting one.

It's just that now it seems that Manshui has completely misused his spirit energy.

Not only did Manshui live up to his trust, but he also damaged his image.

Tian Feng was so angry at this time, and it had little to do with Manshui's damage to his image.

It's more because Tian Feng felt that he didn't know people well, and he was ashamed of Yuehou's trust in him, and also ashamed of the resources Lin Yuan provided for Huiyao.

Just like Manshui doesn't know how to explain to Tian Feng now.

Tian Feng didn't know how to explain to Yue Hou and Lin Yuan.

Manshui came back to his senses after being horrified.

Manshui knows Tian Feng's character very well.

Unless he finds an absolutely reasonable reason for this matter, Tian Feng will never let him go.

But Manshui racked his brains, but he couldn't come up with a reasonable explanation.

Tian Feng saw that Manshui hadn't answered him for a long time, and the majestic coercion and killing intent enveloped Manshui.

Only then did Manshui interrupt his thinking, gritted his teeth and spoke.

"You asked me to distribute the materials fairly, so as to prevent various forces from competing for the materials and fighting each other."

"And urge the people in the other courtyard in the northern suburbs not to increase the strength of spiritual things without authorization."

None of the major forces present at the scene thought that Tian Feng, the crown prince, would be in the northern suburbs.

And he even targeted his subordinates as soon as he appeared on the stage.

After listening to Manshui's words, everyone finally understood why Tian Feng was so angry.

Don't blame Tian Feng for being angry at all, Manshui's actions completely violated Tian Feng's request.

It can be said that the approach is exactly the opposite of what Tian Feng requested.

Tian Feng asked Manshui to maintain fairness and prevent disputes.

But Manshui induced disputes and injustice for his own selfish desires.

Tian Feng looked down at Manshui and was silent for a while.

Then he asked Manshui why every word.

Manshui's throat tightened when he heard Tian Feng's words, and he was about to beg for mercy.

Tian Feng attaches the most importance to affection, especially to his old subordinates.

Before Manshui's words were spoken, a light and joyful voice was heard beside Tian Feng.

"Your Majesty Tian Fengmian, the result of this incident is already clear, so there is no need to ask why for everything."

Everyone raised their heads subconsciously when they heard the words, and saw a young man standing one figure behind Tian Feng.

The expression on his face was calm and calm, but there was a decisive killing intent in his eyes.

This boy was Lin Yuan who had just become number one in the Hundred Sons of Huiyao.

Ordinary people in Huiyao may not know Lin Yuan's great achievements.

But people from all major forces know that Lin Yuan has facilitated the integration of the main world and the dimensional world.

The creatures who have been guarding the main world have been fighting against the natural disasters of the undead.

It was also because of Lin Yuan that he and others were able to obtain these resources in the Beijiao Bieyuan.

Lin Yuan can be said to be the patron saint of the main world now, and he is fully qualified to stand shoulder to shoulder with His Majesty Tian Feng.

Even standing in front of Tian Fengmian is all right!

But Lin Yuan maintained his respect for Tian Feng in his heart.

This made Lin Yuan very respectable!

Tian Feng didn't notice Lin Yuan's aura when he came, and he didn't expect that Lin Yuan had already arrived at the other courtyard in the northern suburbs.

The reason why Tian Feng came to Beijiao Bieyuan was because he received news from Lin Yuan.

Most likely when Lin Yuan sent himself a message, he was already in the other courtyard in the northern suburbs.

Lin Yuan didn't show up to stop the disturbance, he was trying to save face.

Allow yourself to dispose of mans water yourself.

Manshui's fault is too great, and only by disposing of Manshui himself can he wash away his faults.

Tian Feng is very grateful to Lin Yuan for thinking about himself.

In fact, Tian Feng could guess why Manshui did this.

Manshui would do this simply because Manshui couldn't bear the temptation of this huge resource.

It is even taking advantage of the natural disaster of the undead, which is a disaster for the entire main world, to take advantage of loopholes.

Such behavior can be said to be a heinous crime.

When everyone was thinking of improving Huiyao's strength to fight the disaster, Manshui, a moth, wanted to hollow out Huiyao.

The moment Tian Feng showed killing intent in his eyes, he had already decided to get rid of Manshui.

Tian Feng would ask why, not for Manshui to explain.

Instead, he was expressing his chilling heart.

Tian Feng turned his head to look at Lin Yuan, and was about to bow to Lin Yuan to express his apology.

At this moment, Tian Feng saw Lin Yuan respectfully bowing to him as a junior.

Then he shook his head lightly to himself.

A few spores of Xuntian Xinyan Mushroom fell on Tian Feng's body, and Lin Yuan sent a voice transmission to Tian Feng through the spores of Xuntian Xinyan Mushroom.

"Uncle Feng, everyone sometimes knows people but doesn't know them."

"Manshui was driven by desire to make such a choice. It is Manshui's own fault and has nothing to do with you!"

"So you don't need to blame yourself too much!"

"Now it's the end of the undead disaster, and you will be in charge of the entire farm!"

Lin Yuan can understand Tian Feng's self-blame.

Lin Yuan's respect for Tian Feng is not fake.

Tian Feng has been working hard for the development of Huiyao all the time, even at the expense of a lot of his wealth.

If Lin Yuan's ignorance caused trouble, Lin Yuan would also blame himself very much.

But Lin Yuan didn't want Tian Feng to deny himself because of this incident.

How could Tian Feng not understand the meaning of Lin Yuan's words

Tian Feng stretched out his hand and patted Lin Yuan's shoulder, then said to Manshui in a cold voice.

"In Manshui, I will hand you over to the Iron Prison in a while, and the Iron Prison will personally try you."

"Your behavior is worse than undead, you need to pay for your greed!"

After all, a twig appeared behind Tian Feng.

This twig rolled towards the mans water, and directly absorbed the mans water into the twigs.

The entire Huiyao can be said to be the most deterrent to all forces in Iron Prison.

The iron prison is in charge of the prison, and the sin-cleansing pond is also under the management of the iron prison.

If Tian Feng handed over Manshui to Iron Prison for trial.

After Manshui spit out his crimes, most of them have become corpses buried under the weeping willows.

Afterwards, Huiyao will announce the decision on the handling of the Mangshui farming envoy.

Immediately after Tian Feng appeared, Manshui was sanctioned, letting the major forces present know that Tian Feng had no knowledge of Manshui's evil deeds before.

Tian Feng has been directing Gengyuan to provide resources for those ordinary people in Huiyao, so as to ensure that the operation of Huiyao will not be paralyzed due to lack of resources.

Although this situation has something to do with Tian Feng's arrangement.

However, Tian Feng's actions at the moment allowed Tian Feng to regain the respect of members of the major forces.

Tian Feng used his holy source to imprison Manshui, without giving Manshui any chance to argue.

Lin Yuan watched Tian Feng leave, and Lin Yuan was not in a hurry to leave after Tian Feng left.

Instead, a flash of space came to Long Zhuo's side.