Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 28: Transaction complete


At this time, Lin Yuan suddenly heard a strange and cold but very kind voice coming from beside his ear.

"Lin Yuan, I can finally communicate with you after being promoted to the elite level!"

The voice sounded in Lin Yuan's mind, and Lin Yuan quickly reacted.

The sound came from his first contract spirit, Mobius.

Lin Yuan was delighted that Mobius could communicate with him.

Spiritual objects are always the closest partners of Reiki professionals. The last time I felt Mobius, Mobius was so weak that he could only convey a vague consciousness.

Lin Yuan has always been thinking of ways to enhance Mobius's consciousness, but now after Mobius's level has been raised, he did not expect that the problem that made Lin Yuan at a loss would be solved in one go.

"Xiao Wu, last time I saw you were still so weak, have you fully recovered now?"

A cool voice replied.

"I can only maintain this state for half an hour every day, and now I am recovering to tell you the function of the spirit-locking space."

Lin Yuan heard that Mobius could only maintain this state for half an hour a day, and his heart became more determined to quickly promote Lily Lily to the bronze rank.

By then, Mobius' situation will definitely be a little bit better than it is now.

People can feel the thoughts of spirits, and so can spirits. Mobius's already cold voice was also tinged with warmth at this time.

"Lin Yuan, this spirit-locking space is like a small dimensional space. You can transform this space at will and store spirit objects, just like a secret base."

Lin Yuan was communicating with Mobius.

After Mobius told Lin Yuan the function of the spirit-locking space, Lin Yuan chatted with Mobius.

Mobius and Lin Yuan traveled together, and they were possessed at birth, just like twin brothers.

Mobius and Lin Yuan chattered nonsense and had a good time.

Half an hour has passed, and Mobius has turned into a man who can only simply convey his thoughts.

Lin Yuan thought in his heart that after he transformed these more than 150 pots of green radishes into elite-level spiritual objects, he would become a D-level professional, and the speed of transforming spiritual energy would increase.

At that time, I will have the strength to beat elite-level spirits to copper-level spirits.

Lin Yuan did not exit the spirit lock space, but placed Lily Lily by the pool in the spirit lock space, then dug out a small piece of low-quality energy ore from Lily Lily's stone basin, and threw it in the pool.

Lin Yuan found that the low-quality energy ore quickly disappeared in the pool, and the aura in the low-quality energy ore also ran into the pool.

The crystal water pool slowly diffuses the aura into the spirit-locking space.

There is no spiritual energy in the spirit lock space, so it is not suitable to place spiritual objects in it.

But if a large number of energy ores with energy are thrown into this pool now, I'm afraid that soon the aura in the spirit-locking space will be many times stronger than the outside world.

Just by placing the spiritual object in the spirit lock space, the advancement speed of the spiritual object will be much faster than that placed outside.

I strengthened the spiritual things in this spirit-locking space. With such a strong concentration of spiritual energy, I don't know how much faster I can transform the spiritual energy than outside.

Of course, all of this requires a large amount of federal currency as support, because even low-level energy ores are not cheap.

Lin Yuan thought that he had earned more Federal Coins before, but now that he looks at it, he needs more Federal Coins. It seems that he still has a long way to go in making money in the future.

After leaving the spirit-locking space, Lin Yuan began to strengthen Qingluo.

In the past few days, apart from eating, sleeping and chatting with Mobius for half an hour every day, Lin Yuan has been strengthening the one hundred and fifty pots of green radishes.

After the seventh day agreed with Yang Mingkai, Lin Yuan could barely strengthen the hundred pots of green radishes to the elite level.

At this moment, Lin Yuan only felt that the aura reserve in his body was about to reach an order of magnitude.

After reaching the order of magnitude, the aura in one's body can reach a breakthrough, allowing the thin gas-like aura in one's body to be transformed into a thick mist-like aura.

And at that time, he can become a D-level aura professional.

In the past seven days, Yang Mingkai has started to continue working on the matter of the spiritual creature cultivation base.

This time, Yang Mingkai rented the workshop of the spiritual object cultivation base, because Yang Mingkai really didn't have enough money to build a spiritual object cultivation base by himself.

After renting the spiritual cultivation base, the facilities inside are all ready-made, and now Yang Mingkai is waiting for Lin Yuan's seventy pots of elite-grade green radishes.

After getting these elite-grade green radishes, Yang Mingkai can just breed them by branching with the previous twenty or so pots.

Although Yang Mingkai left Lin Yuan's phone number, he never dared to call to urge Lin Yuan. There must be a creator behind such a large amount of goods.

I made an agreement with Lin Yuan, and calling to ask halfway not only showed that I didn't trust Lin Yuan, but if the matter didn't work out, it would also put pressure on Lin Yuan.

So when the appointed time came, Yang Mingkai nervously came to the door of Lin Yuan's small shop, and knocked on the door.

Lin Yuan opened the door, and Yang Mingkai was directly dazzled by the rows of elite green radishes in Lin Yuan's store. So many elite green radishes were placed here, exuding the breath of federal currency, which made Yang Mingkai swallow his saliva .

"Brother Yang, all the elite green radishes are here. You said you wanted another seventy-six pots, so you can pick out seventy-six pots out of the hundred pots."

When Yang Mingkai came in, he felt that there were more green radishes in this room than he wanted. Now that there were a hundred pots, Yang Mingkai couldn't help laughing and said.

"Brother, have you found a seller for the twenty-four pots of green radishes left?"

As soon as he said this, Yang Mingkai felt that he had made a mistake. How could such a good thing as elite green radish still worry about buyers

But Yang Mingkai really wanted to tighten his belt and buy these hundred pots of green radishes.

At that time, the more than 120 pots of elite-level green radishes can completely make their spiritual cultivation base only cultivate green radishes in the early stage.

Qingluo has always been worried about sales, so he only needs to accumulate slowly, and it will grow bigger and bigger like a snowball.

Lin Yuan originally planned that after Yang Mingkai took away the green radish, he would hang the remaining elite-grade green radish in the spiritual shop opened on the star network.

As early as when Lin Yuan first came back, he had already applied for the opening of the spiritual object shop, and the application was completed yesterday.

It's just that Lin Yuan doesn't have any goods listed in his Starnet store.

Since Yang Mingkai wanted to pack these one hundred pots of elite-grade green radishes, Lin Yuan would be spared the trouble of hanging these twenty-odd pots of green radishes on the star network.

"Brother Yang, if you want all of them, then I will sell all the hundred pots of green radishes to you at the previous price."

Yang Mingkai was overjoyed, and felt that Lin Yuan was simply too interesting.

I already had a very good impression of Lin Yuan's attitude, but now I'm afraid that Lin Yuan will show a little intention of sworn friendship with him, and Yang Mingkai is afraid that he will be able to pull Lin Yuan to become a friend of eight obeisances immediately.

Seeing Yang Mingkai's happy look, Lin Yuan took another look at the hundred pots of elite green radishes in the room, and felt that being a creator is really a good job.

(end of this chapter)