Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 29: Breakthrough D-level aura professional


One hundred pots of green radishes were carefully fixed on the tumor-crested salamander by Yang Mingkai, packed away and taken away.

And Lin Yuan also got 3.3 Huiyao coins in this transaction. If the Huiyao coins are converted into federal coins, it is 3.3 million federal coins.

If you let Lin Yuan know about the money he earned before, he has the ability to make money by making spiritual things evolve.

Now the income of the three points and three Hui Yao coins made Lin Yuan realize that money is no longer a obstacle in front of him.

What I have to do is no longer thinking about how to make money, but to better transform the money into my own strength.

It's okay when the spiritual evolution is low-level, but it needs a lot of resources to pile up when it reaches a high level.

Take Suo Ling Space as an example, if Lin Yuan wants to transform it, he doesn't know how much resources will be consumed.

Lin Yuan felt that it was necessary for him to become a hoarder, hoarding resources crazily.

Experience the happiness that only hoarding rats can experience.

Two days later, when Lin Yuan was evolving the thirty-fourth pot of green radish and reached the elite level.

Suddenly, Lin Yuan felt that the huge thin gas-like aura in his body was compressed for a while, and finally was compressed violently into a mist-like aura.

Now this misty aura of my own is very thick, as if it can become liquid when it becomes thicker.

If the misty aura really turns into a liquid, then he has reached the threshold of a C-level aura professional.

Lin Yuan picked up another pot of elite-level green radishes, and found that after he became a D-level aura professional, it only took less than ten minutes for this pot of ordinary-level green radishes to become elite-level, saving more than six times the time .

At this time, Lin Yuan only heard two slight sounds coming from his body.

Lin Yuan looked down and found that the two slight sounds came from Clever and Yinyin respectively.

In the past few days, when I was evolving spiritual things, my cleverness and sound always depended on me.

And now Clever and Yinyin have broken through the limit of the ordinary level on their own body and reached the elite level.

Lin Yuan checked Yinyin and Congming's data, and Lin Yuan was quite surprised to see Congconghe Yinyin's elite skills.

[Spiritual creature name]: Hundred Questions Beast

[Spiritual Species]: Felidae/Smart Cat

[Spirit Level]: Elite Level 1

[Spiritual Department]: Spiritual Department

[Comprehension quality]: elite quality


[Precise memory]: When memorizing things, I can remember every detail accurately.

[Knowledge Analysis]: It can carry out diversified preliminary analysis on the knowledge of memory.

The analysis of skills and knowledge comprehended by the smart elite can systematically integrate the knowledge of smart memory.

Then integrate and analyze on the basis of the original knowledge, such skills really surprised Lin Yuan.

Even a high-level scholar might not be able to accurately memorize the knowledge recorded in hundreds of books.

It is even more impossible to fully analyze the details of the knowledge in these hundreds of books.

This elite-level skill directly makes Congming a wise man, a walking knowledge database, and a master of data analysis.

This really made Lin Yuan feel that the name he gave to Cong Ming was well deserved.

At this time, the evolved smartness suddenly spoke.

"Lin Yuan, I can remember more things now."

While speaking, Cong Cong was bouncing on Lin Yuan's lap, shaking his head happily, as if begging for praise.

Lin Yuan stroked the fur on Clever's head and asked.

"Smart, how much can you remember now?"

There is no change in the body shape of the intelligent evolution to the elite level, but the silver-gray gradient hair has become thicker and more shiny.

The clever little head tilted, and then said quickly.

"Lin Yuan, what I could remember before was one energy biscuit, but now I can remember as many as five energy biscuits!"

For the clever metaphor, Lin Yuan rubbed his smart chin with some distress.

Smart also immediately snorted in enjoyment.

The most delicious thing this snack guy has eaten before is braised pork, so he uses braised pork as a metaphor for everything. Now the best thing he has eaten is energy biscuits, so as a metaphor, he has changed from braised pork to energy biscuits .

The growth of smart memory really surprised Lin Yuan.

In the beginning, smartness evolved from a knowledge reserve of three or five books to an ordinary level to a knowledge reserve of one hundred books.

But now that he has been promoted to the elite level, his memory has actually been enhanced again, becoming a knowledge reserve of five hundred books.

An ordinary person may not be able to read five hundred books in his life, let alone write down all five hundred books.

Before Lin Yuan had to screen books when he asked Cong Cong to learn books, now he can completely let Cong Cong write down all the books of junior scholars, spiritual object observers, and spiritual material analysts.

There may even be room for cleverness to learn some other aspects of knowledge in advance.

Lin Yuan was very pleased with the breakthrough of the Hundred Questions Beast to the normal level, and now it has brought such a big surprise to Lin Yuan to break through to the elite level.

It has to be said that the evolved Baiwen Beast is more like a perfect housekeeping beast.

At this time, Yinyin, who was a little confused after evolution, also woke up.

[Spiritual creature name]: Sound Bird

[Spiritual Species]: Blue Finch / Kingfisher

[Spirit Level]: Elite Level 2

[Spiritual Object Type]: Sound System/Air System

[Comprehension quality]: elite quality


[Sound Spike]: Launch a spike made of sound from the designated target.

[Turbulent Flow]: Flap the wings to send out continuous rapid and irregular airflow.

Yinyin was about to fly to Lin Yuan's pinna, and just as she was about to flap her wings to take off, she saw her own feathers.

Yinyin immediately chirped in surprise.

Maybe it's because of Yinyin's failure to evolve the Diva bird. The Diva bird's feathers are blue, so Yinyin has always had a special liking for blue.

And now the feathers on Yinyin's body have completely changed from cyan to blue.

It's just that Yinyin's appearance is completely different from Diva's.

First of all, Yinyin is still half the size of a slap before, and there is no slight change in body shape due to the reminder of the level increase.

On the contrary, it is more delicate and compact. The blue color of the feathers on its body is not the dark blue of the diva bird, but the blue of the sky like a cloudless sunny day.

The kind of blue color that can suck people's eyes in at a glance.

On Yinyin's blue feathers, there are faint lines again, the lines are slightly lighter in color, Lin Yuan can't see what they look like for a while, but just like faint cloud patterns.

There are traces of the evolution of spiritual things, and they will not evolve something special for no reason, and then disappear in the next evolution.

So the moiré, which cannot be seen at present, should have reached the copper level, so that it can be seen clearly what its function is.

(end of this chapter)