Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 34: Thin dragon blood


When Lin Yuan approached the pool, he felt that the aura was much stronger.

The middle-aged woman pointed to the spirit-absorbing goldfish in this pool and said.

"The small ones in the pool are all ordinary-grade, and the red goldfish that is more than twice the size of the other spirit-absorbing goldfish is elite-grade."

Lin Yuan asked curiously.

"What are the prices of common-level and elite-level spirit-absorbing goldfish?"

The middle-aged woman chuckled.

"You don't need to call out one boss at a time, I should be much older than you, just call me Sister Xin."

"Ordinary-level spirit-absorbing goldfish, regardless of species, are all 0.5 Huiyao coins.

My price for an elite-level spirit-absorbing goldfish is five Huiyao coins. "

Even if Lin Yuan already wanted the elite-level spirit-absorbing goldfish, the price would be very high, but he couldn't help but click his tongue when he heard that he wanted five huiyao coins.

Seeing Lin Yuan's surprised look, Zhou Jiaxin added.

"The price I quoted for this elite-level spirit-absorbing goldfish is already very cheap, because the breed of the elite-level spirit-absorbing goldfish here is very poor. If it is a better variety, the price can at least be sold for more than seven radiance coins. Some places sell common spirit-absorbing goldfish with different prices depending on the species, but in my place, the price of ordinary-level spirit-absorbing goldfish is the same, and buying them back is just a matter of choice. If you want this thing to evolve, there are very few creations. The teacher is willing to take the order."

Lin Yuan nodded after listening.

Spirit-absorbing goldfish is actually a general term for all kinds of goldfish before the recovery of spiritual energy.

Like dragon eye, gilt, Lanshou, Thai lion, butterfly tail, these types of goldfish are all spirit-absorbing goldfish.

It's just that there is not much difference between these different spirit-absorbing goldfish between the ordinary level and the elite level, but after reaching the bronze level, the direction of evolution is different.

What Lin Yuan wanted to buy this time was the dragon eye variety among the spirit-absorbing goldfish.

It is said that if the dragon eye breed returns to its ancestors before history, it may definitely stimulate the thin blood of the dragon species.

That would be jumping directly over the Dragon Gate, although the possibility of this is extremely small.

There was also a dragon-eyed spirit-absorbing goldfish that was bred to a bronze level by a high-level creator before, and a prehistoric atavism occurred, awakening the blood of the dragon species.

The spirit-absorbing goldfish that had awakened the blood of the dragon species was directly put up for auction in the Treasures Pavilion of Xingwang.

Finally, the sky-high price was auctioned.

Now Lin Yuan wanted to try if he could stimulate the dragon blood of the dragon-eyed goldfish when he was on the bronze stage.

In fact, even if it can't be stimulated, it's not bad for Lin Yuan. The basic skills of the spirit-absorbing goldfish are already strong enough.

Lin Yuan wanted to buy a spirit-absorbing goldfish for an experiment to see how long it would take for the spirit-absorbing goldfish to upgrade itself.

Let's see if the spirit-absorbing goldfish's promotion speed will be doubled in the spirit-locking space with rich aura.

If the advancement speed of the spirit-absorbing goldfish in his spirit-locking space is fast enough, then his future store can focus on selling elite-level spirit-absorbing goldfish.

In this way, the popularity of the store will soon start.

Of course, all of this will have to wait until Lin Yuan completes the orders for the five web-spraying spiders.

Because now Lin Yuan really doesn't have enough capital to buy spirit-absorbing goldfish.

Lin Yuan selected a normal-grade first-grade dragon eye goldfish that was black enough and healthy enough from the spirit-absorbing goldfish pond.

The remaining Qian Linyuan plans to buy more energy ores to increase the concentration of aura in his spirit-locking space, and see how much his spirit-locking space can hold aura.

Lin Yuan bought a full two thousand catties from Sister Xin at the price of five hundred federal coins per catty of inferior energy ores, and now Lin Yuan only has 0.9 Huiyao coins left.

Lin Yuan was not idle with the zero point nine Huiyao coins, and bought some butterfly shells.

Diebei is a kind of deep-sea spiritual creature, and Diebei is made of the shell of Diebei after polishing, and there are various patterns.

The shells of butterfly shells have many colors, and the prices of butterfly shells of various colors are not much different.

Lin Yuan chose the yellow butterfly shell, and chose the shape of the flower to be polished into the shape of a ginkgo leaf. The finely polished butterfly shell has a pearl-like luster.

The main function of these butterfly shells is actually to feed the spirit-sucking goldfish.

As a spiritual material, butterfly shells can slightly promote the awakening of blood vessels of water-type spiritual creatures.

In addition, these golden-yellow butterfly shells polished to look like ginkgo leaves are spread on the bottom of the copper-colored pool in the Locking Space, which is like a peaceful and pleasant late autumn beauty, and its appearance is also very beautiful.

After spending the price of 0.9 Huiyao coins, Lin Yuan only bought a handful of butterfly shells.

This handful of butterfly shells is about a hundred or so pieces, which should be enough to suck a spirit goldfish for three to five months.

Lin Yuan thought that it would be best if the spirit-locking space could quickly promote the growth of the spirit-absorbing goldfish.

It is not difficult to increase the level of the spirit-absorbing goldfish by yourself, because you directly purify the aura in the air and introduce it into the spirit body, so that the spirit can absorb it directly, so that you will not be rejected by the spirit-absorbing goldfish.

However, it takes more than ten times to upgrade a spirit-absorbing goldfish than other spirits.

Evolving the spirit-absorbing goldfish by yourself is really not worth the candle.

While Lin Yuan was evolving spirit objects, he also wanted to improve his own strength.

He didn't want to waste his ability to improve the spiritual energy in his body by cultivating spirit-absorbing goldfish.

Zhou Jiaxin didn't expect that he would receive such a large order after working in the store for a while.

So I asked Lin Yuanduo.

"You bought so many low-grade energy ores should be used to cultivate a large number of low-level spiritual things?"

Lin Yuan didn't nod or shake his head, just smiled and said.

"Sister Xin, I do need to consume some inferior energy ores on weekdays."

Zhou Jiaxin looked at Lin Yuan, and felt that Lin Yuan had that kind of fresh grass and tree breath like after the rain, which was inexplicably close to him.

Zhou Jiaxin directly applied to add Lin Yuan's star network account.

"In this way, let's add a friend. Next time you need something, just tell me directly. If there are some spiritual materials that are not in the store, as long as you can afford the price, I can get them for you."

Lin Yuan readily agreed that most of the spiritual materials sold in shops selling spiritual materials are low-level or mid-level products.

Even if a high-level spiritual material store has it in their hands, it will never hang it in the store.

All spiritual energy professionals are trying their best to evolve spiritual objects, so the supply of some relatively rare spiritual materials has always been in short supply.

Coupled with Zhou Jiaxin's star network account, it saved Lin Yuan a lot of trouble. If you need something in the future, just order it directly.

Although the spiritual materials in this tier-three store were not the cheapest, they were of good quality.

"In a while, I may have to buy some energy ores, butterfly shells, and maybe a few more spirit-absorbing goldfish from Sister Xin."

"Is energy ore still only inferior energy ore?"

Lin Yuan nodded. Naturally, the higher the level of the energy ore, the purer the aura it contains, and it is easier to guide the aura in the energy ore for the spiritual things to slowly absorb.

However, the Spirit Transformation Pond in the spirit lock space can directly decompose inferior energy ores into aura. In comparison, of course, inferior energy ores are the most cost-effective.

Zhou Jiaxin wrote it down, but she was a little surprised in her heart.

Inferior energy ores can only be used to cultivate ordinary or elite spiritual creatures. How big of a spiritual creature cultivation base must the consumption of so many low-level energy ores be

(end of this chapter)