Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 4: exclusive features


No matter what kind of spiritual creature, even a common-level spiritual creature will have a binding skill after signing a contract with humans.

Most of these skills are racial innate abilities.

Take Lily Lily as an example, even if you sign a contract with a normal-level Lily Lily, you will still get the same healing ability.

Of course, this comprehension skill is also the most basic species skill.

If you really want a spiritual creature to master powerful skills, you need to let the spiritual creature evolve to the bronze level and awaken its exclusive characteristics.

Then matching skills with characteristics can often make the skill strength change drastically.

This is why it is said that the Bronze Rank is the real beginning of a spiritual object, so any aura professional with a little background will choose a Bronze Rank spiritual object when first contracting a spiritual object.

Because when the spiritual objects reach the copper level, even the same type of spiritual objects have different copper-level characteristics when awakened.

This also makes aura professionals more willing to choose and sign a contract with spiritual creatures whose awakened characteristics match or are beneficial to them.

Signing a contract with a spiritual object requires the use of spiritual power. In fact, it is invisible to fuse the soul of the spiritual object with one's own soul.

Therefore, once the contract is concluded, it is difficult to untie it.

This is also the reason why many strong people signed contracts with low-level spirits due to limited resources in the early stage. Even if they became stronger in the later stage, they did not choose to replace the low-level spirits but used resources to induce the evolution of low-level spirits.

Lin Yuan was observing Mobius carefully at this time, wanting to check Mobius' spiritual attributes.

At this time, Mobius's spirituality can only express subtle emotions. It may take a while to recover if he wants to communicate with Mobius normally.

In the process of checking the attributes of Mobius, Lin Yuan found that the level of Mobius is only the lowest existence of the ordinary level, but the attributes of Mobius are completely different from the ordinary-level spirits, because Mobius Bius not only has skills, but also has an exclusive characteristic.

You must know that exclusive characteristics can only be possessed by bronze-level spirits.

"My God, Mobius, my contract spirit creature, seems a bit strong!" Lin Yuan's brows and eyes widened, a little surprised.

This Mobius, who came to this world at the same time as himself, has exclusive characteristics at the ordinary level.

Then when you reach the bronze level, if you awaken another exclusive characteristic, it will be double exclusive.

That is the ability that only the spiritual beings that were cultivated as phantom species in the legend will have.

Fantasy species has always been a legend, and this kind of knowledge is currently out of reach of Lin Yuan, but the spiritual life of fantasy species and ordinary spiritual life are obviously no longer on the same level of life.

After being surprised, Lin Yuan was delighted. At this time, Lin Yuan felt a wave of mood swings from Mobius, and wanted to use the first skill on Mobius.

After receiving Mobius' request, Lin Yuan used Mobius's first skill, and after using the first skill, Lin Yuan intuitively found that all information of Mobius is based on data form exists.

[Spiritual creature name]: Mobius

[Spiritual Species]:? ?

[Spirit Level]: Normal Level 1

[Spirituality Department]: Space Department/Mystery Department

[Spiritual quality]: normal quality


[Real Data]: digitize all complex information that cannot be distinguished by the naked eye, and the digitized information may contain the truth that cannot be distinguished on the surface.

[Centering]: Passive skill, the effect of centering can be enhanced according to the level of spiritual objects. Centering can calm the mind and have a certain chance of resisting negative states.

Exclusive features:

[Spirit lock]: The space of Mobius can support spiritual objects. The initial level of the spiritual objects supported by Mobius space cannot be higher than the level of Mobius. Mobius itself cannot be upgraded, and the level will follow the support. At the same time, you can obtain the initial skills of the spirits you support, but Mobius itself will no longer gain skills when you upgrade. Every time Mobius upgrades to a higher level, you will be able to support one more spirit. At the same time The upgrade method of Mobius remains unchanged.

When Lin Yuan read the real data reflected in the digitization of Mobius, the smile froze on his face

The smile froze on his face for a moment, and Lin Yuan tremblingly sent a message to Mobius. After getting Mobius' affirmation, Lin Yuan almost collapsed.

"It's so cheating, isn't it! Mobius's current level is a normal-level spirit of ordinary quality, so I can only use the spirit-locking skill to contract an ordinary-level spirit of ordinary quality. Not to mention how much resources it takes to cultivate such a spiritual creature, even my own spiritual power does not allow me to contract even an ordinary-level spiritual creature!"

Although in the end the spiritual creature lived in the space of Mobius, the contract still had to be relied on by oneself. Lin Yuan still had a shadow in the tragedy of contracting the housekeeping beast, Yinyin and Clever with his own mental power.

And the most frightening thing is that after each upgrade, Mobius's spirit-locking space can contract one more spiritual object. Only when this spiritual object is cultivated will Mobius continue to upgrade, and the rewards for such efforts are also great. It's just the most essential basic skill of a contract spirit.

The investment and return are completely out of proportion. It is so difficult for spiritual creatures to evolve, especially for low-level spiritual creatures

Where did I get the ability to make low-level spiritual creatures evolve continuously

The characteristics of Suo Ling, even a rich man with a lot of money, will empty it out in minutes, let alone the situation where his pocket is cleaner than his face.

The joy of getting his own contract spiritual object was quickly replaced by the bewilderment of the road ahead, but Lin Yuan's optimistic attitude quickly adjusted.

I am much better now than before. Although the road ahead is still difficult and dangerous, with thorns and thorns under my feet, the road is all stepped out. At least I can see the direction of the road ahead, so I don’t need to be at a loss.

May the past be dark and untraceable, and the future be bright and bright.

Just when Lin Yuan changed his mentality, a slightly weak mental force was transmitted from the Mobius ring to his brain.

The hair-thin mental power in my brain has increased by five times. Even so, it is not a relatively thick hair, and it is not as good as one-tenth of a normal person.

However, these spiritual powers should be enough to contract an ordinary-level and first-level ordinary-quality spiritual plant, and this spiritual power should not be enough for animals.

According to common sense, the spiritual power of contracted animals is often more than that of Lingzhi.

Unless you can get the eggs of oviparous animals, you can try it when the eggshell is broken, which is when the animal's mental power is the most ignorant.

Lin Yuan, who received the spiritual feedback, directly felt Mobius' weakness.

Mobius squeezed the mental power he occupied, and distributed the squeezed mental power to himself.

It is said that spirits have spirits, and all spirits that make contracts with people choose one person for a lifetime.

Lin Yuan didn't understand it before, but now Mobius' actions made Lin Yuan fully understand the meaning of this sentence.

Because from now on, life and death depend on each other.

(end of this chapter)