Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 58: Founder's Guild


It's just that such a thing has attracted the attention of the whole star network.

But neither Yinyin nor Lin Yuan noticed this matter.

When Yinyin sang, she still just looked at the barrage.

Looking at the barrage that keeps praising myself, I don't know anything else.

And Lin Yuan has been busy getting stronger, so he didn't know that Yinyin suddenly started a live broadcast on Xingwang.

Since he is smart, he has learned the relevant knowledge of junior scholars, spiritual object observers, and spiritual material analysts.

Lin Yuan saw that there were still three days left before the time agreed with Zhou Jiaxin.

I simply thought it would be better to go to the creator's assessment.

The assessment of the creator is not on the star network.

In a city, only the main urban area will set up the Founder's Union.

And Bauhinia City's Builders Union was established in the main city of Bauhinia City.

Lin Yuan flew directly to Bauhinia City on the black-winged goose, a bronze-level flying spirit, with his intelligence.

After riding a platinum-level flying spirit, the mentality of riding a bronze-level flying spirit is already different from when it was called a bronze-level flying spirit for the first time.

When I arrived at Bauhinia City, I checked the time, it was already noon.

Lin Yuan couldn't help wondering if he should ask Chu Ci to come out to have lunch together.

Then I thought that I came to participate in the creator assessment.

Why don't you share your joy with Chu Ci after you have finished taking the creator's assessment.

Lin Yuan was not worried about any mistakes in his creator assessment.

Even Lin Yuan wondered if he could complete the one-star creator assessment within two hours, and get the opportunity to avoid the upgrade exams for the three life-related aura professions.

You can directly assess the two-star creator.

Lin Yuan hailed a car directly and headed to the Founders Union.

The various facilities in Bauhinia City are much better than those in Xia County.

The streets of Bauhinia City are 30 meters wide, which is more than enough for even platinum-rank spirits to walk through the streets of Bauhinia City.

But almost no one would summon a platinum rank spiritual creature in the city of Bauhinia City.

Even the strong will choose the means of transportation.

This also makes everything in Bauhinia City so peaceful and rich.

Arrived at the gate of the Founders Union.

Lin Yuan looked at the gate of the Founders' Union, and then at the City Lord's Mansion not far from the Founders' Union.

Lin Yuan only felt that the Founder's Guild was more imposing than the one from the City Lord's Mansion.

From this, it is easy to see how respected the status of the Founders Union is.

It was purely a coincidence that Lin Yuan came to participate in the assessment of the creator and did not choose the time.

But at the gate of the Founders' Union, there were quite a few people walking towards the Builders' Union with apprehensive expressions.

Most of the people who come and go are here to participate in the assessment.

Many people went in with apprehension or confidence.

But when they came out, they almost all looked depressed.

Out of hundreds of people on average, there may be only one person with an excited look on his face.

This shows how difficult the assessment of the creator is.

Most of the people who participated in the creator's assessment had already made complete preparations.

Otherwise, once the assessment fails, you will not be able to participate in the second assessment within one year.

Few people are willing to bet their time for a year without certainty.

Although this is the case, even if you are fully prepared, it is really difficult to pass the test.

Lin Yuan had turned a smart device into glasses before.

Lin Yuan, who wears glasses, is a bit more bookish for no reason, which makes people feel more friendly.

Enter the Founder's Union.

Lin Yuan was immediately stopped by the reception staff of the Founders Union.

Each receptionist of the Architects Union will receive 30 makers at the same time to participate in the assessment.

Lin Yuan observed silently, and found that only one of the people who took part in the assessment with him looked quite confident.

The rest of the people were obviously nervous.

One of the little fatty's legs even trembled a little while walking.

When the staff reached 30 people, the staff responsible for the reception asked aloud.

"In a while, you hand over the primary certificates of the three life-related aura professions to me, and then go to take the exam. When you come out, just take your score cards inside and take your certificates away from me."

The staff in charge of the reception is a very gentle elder sister, with a gentle voice as if dripping water.

After the instructions, he sat on the stool and made a cheering gesture to the people who participated in the builder assessment, and said.

"I wish you all pass the assessment and have a bright future."

Encouragement before taking the assessment is really inspiring.

As the receptionist of the Founders Union, he is a creator himself.

A designer who can stay in the designer's union to work is obviously very talented.

Such a detached position does not need to say these things at all, but since it is said, it must be a blessing from the heart.

At this time, Lin Yuan scratched his head in embarrassment, and said while standing still while everyone else was going to participate in the assessment.

"Well, I heard that in the Founder's Union, there are three basic life-related aura occupation tests, so I didn't prepare a certificate in advance, and I want to come to the Builder's Union to test directly."

Ning Xuejun has always had a gentle temperament, and she is used to being calm when encountering everything.

But he was also stunned by what Lin Yuan said now, and it took Ning Xuejun a long time to speak.

"It is true that the Founder's Union can conduct the test of primary life-related aura occupations, but the creator's union can only test three knowledge-based life-related aura occupations, namely scholars, spiritual object observers, and spiritual material analysts. If you want to participate For other assessments, you need to go to other life-related aura professional trade unions for assessment."

When Ning Xuejun was talking, he looked at Lin Yuan and shook his head helplessly.

Those who came to participate in the assessment of the creators have not met a person who is conducting the assessment of life-related spiritual energy in the creators union for many years.

Which person is not fully prepared before participating in the creator assessment

It was the first time Ning Xuejun saw someone so sloppy.

Unexpectedly, Ning Xuejun heard another sentence that made him even more dumbfounded.

"I just want to assess these three subjects, and it happens that the Founder's Union can do it."

Ning Xuejun wants to swear now.

I just feel that the boy in front of me is really a god.

The three basic knowledge-based aura professions have never heard of anyone using these three certificates for the creator assessment.

If these three subjects want to participate in the assessment, they must thoroughly understand more than 300 books.

Not to mention the weight of every book in your hand, the more important point is that if you want to pass the assessment, you must write down all the contents of this book.

How could a teenager learn such a big project

Even if there is, those who use knowledge-based life occupations to participate in the assessment certificate can only get one at most.

Ning Xuejun of the two sects has not met yet.

Those who can participate in the creator assessment are all Reiki professionals.

No one is willing to spend so much time learning knowledge instead of increasing strength.

(end of this chapter)