Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 60: an answer


The old man did not expect to hear a new point of view from Lin Yuan.

Interest came, and he said kindly.

"Young man, let's hear it! Old man, I like to hear insightful opinions, and speak boldly."

Ning Xuejun jumped up and down while listening.

My grandfather seemed to say the same thing every time before changing his face.

Lin Yuan thought for a while and said.

"Actually, there is an answer because both of them have been eliminated in evolution, so they are both weak. Otherwise, neither the megalodon nor the Leviathan whale can be seen now, even if the sharks in the ocean appear The ancestral mutation, some mutate towards the megalodon, but after all, it is no longer a megalodon or a Leviathan whale."

This point of view silenced the old man.

All I have heard is that the giant tooth shark is stronger or the Leviathan whale is stronger.

Or the two sides are evenly matched, but without exception, they are both said to be strong. This is the first time I have heard someone say they are weak.

However, this weakness is understandable from the perspective of natural selection.

Maybe it's because Lin Yuan's point of view is too novel, even if the old man heard that the megalodon was said to be weak, he didn't burst out immediately, but asked rhetorically.


"The giant tooth shark and the Leviathan whale ruled the Tertiary ocean together for tens of millions of years. But whether it is the Leviathan whale or the giant tooth shark, because the apex is too high, it leads to the Tertiary marine animal Evolution is slow, so nature chose to use a meteorite in 65 million years to persuade the two sides to stop the war with irrefutable truth. This collision ushered in the new era of the Quaternary Ocean and erased Megalodon and Leviathan Whale. Therefore, from the perspective of the creators, both Megalodon and Leviathan Whale are weak in terms of species survival and evolution.”

Lin Yuan spoke out his thoughts.

This idea is not just based on smartly learned knowledge.

It's more about Lin Yuan's accumulation of knowledge in his previous life and his perception after promoting the evolution of spiritual things in this life.

In the long river of time, everything is nothing but smoke and dust.

The evolutionary path of a successful person is never to allow oneself to stand directly on the top and overlook all living beings.

The truly successful evolution of species is to know how to allow itself to evolve to overcome the next disaster in tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of years.

Let your own species continue, this way of survival is the eternal winner on the road of evolution.

Hearing Lin Yuan's explanation, the old man was silent for a while, as if he was pondering what Lin Yuan said.

Ning Xuejun looked at Lin Yuan at this time, no longer regarded Lin Yuan as a troublemaker as before.

Because such a remark is not something that an uneducated person can easily say.

Lin Yuan just stood there quietly, neither arrogant nor impetuous.

At this time, the old man suddenly laughed, clapped his hands together and said.


The old man's voice was very loud, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

But the old man didn't care, looked at Lin Yuan and said.

"Young man, what you said is really good! But why did you say that a meteorite 65 million years ago directly wiped out the megalodon and the Leviathan whale? But the population of sharks and whales is still passed down to this day ?”

When the old man asked this question, his eyes no longer thought about it. Obviously, the old man knew the answer.

Asking this question now is purely to study Lin Yuan.

Let's see whether Lin Yuan's previous answer came out of emotion, or if he really understands the key.

Lin Yuan didn't think about it this time, and just opened his mouth to speak.

"The higher up the biological food chain is, the weaker it is. Meteorites 65 million years ago destroyed the algae in the ocean first, and then the algae died, and the lin shrimp was a variety of baleen whales and various species. The food source of a large filter-feeding fish, and baleen whales and various large filter-feeding fish are also the common food of the megalodon and the Leviathan whale, and the megalodon and the Leviathan whale stand at the top of the food chain pyramid Also, it's the weakest link in the niche, which is why they die."

The old man listened to Lin Yuan clearly uttering the answer he was thinking in his heart, looking at Lin Yuan, he just felt pleasing to the eye no matter how he looked at it.

People who are scholars often cherish talented people.

Especially seeing such a young boy, there is a feeling of inheritance, which makes the old man very gratified.

He turned his head and said to Ning Xuejun who was standing beside him.

"Girl, those who went in to take the exam will come out one after another. If you can't leave, I will take this young man to take the assessment of the three knowledge-based aura professions, and see what the young people are like now!"

Ning Xuejun put the form Lin Yuan filled out in his grandfather's hand, and then secretly gave Lin Yuan a thumbs up.

Lin Yuan returned the salute to express his gratitude, and followed the old man towards a classroom inside.

The old man turned his head and said to Lin Yuan.

"I'll invigilate the exam later. In fact, it's very interesting to be an invigilator. You can see three qualities of a person by watching a person answer the questions."

The old man didn't care whether Lin Yuan answered or not, he just talked on his own.

Xu Shi was happy in his heart, as if he had opened up a chatterbox along the way, he never stopped talking.

"You can see a person's state of mind by looking at a person's expression when answering a question, you can see a person's attitude towards learning by looking at a person's answer to a test paper, and you can see a person's psychological quality by looking at a person's steps when answering a question. The invigilator has been around for almost ten years!"

While speaking, some memories flashed in the old man's eyes.

Lin Yuan listened quietly.

I just feel that even the vice-chairman of the Bauhinia City Founder's Union and the city lord who is always courteous when he sees him is just an old man who is a bit paranoid about learning.

During the exam, the old man was not ambiguous, and directly handed the three test papers of the three subjects to Lin Yuan.

When Lin Yuan entered the exam, he was highly concentrated, and everything in the outside world seemed to have nothing to do with him.

When Lin Yuan first started answering the questions, the old man didn't feel anything.

But after a long while, the old man only felt that watching Lin Yuan answer the questions was actually pleasing to the eye.

The rustling sound of the pen tip falling on the paper has the same frequency, neither rush nor slow, calm and measured.

And Lin Yuan, without changing his face, answered the questions on the paper page by page in order.

The old man admired this calm demeanor, and at the same time, he couldn't help but look forward to Lin Yuan's achievement, which is the answer.

Lin Yuan in the answer can be regarded as understanding why Ning Xuejun said before that the questions asked by the Architects Union would be very tricky.

Because 10% of the questions on this paper come from the remark pages in the book.

There are even some questions that can only be answered in the preface of the book.

The person who made the question really made the question with an embarrassing mentality.

But for Lin Yuan, the sentence is still difficult, it is not difficult.

Because of this, Lin Yuan's answers flowed smoothly.

It took only two hours for one test to answer the test papers of the three tests.

(end of this chapter)