Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 65: Butterfly cocoon


The first floor of Zhenwu Pavilion was as lively as the temple fair that Lin Yuan had visited in his previous life.

Most of the people who came and went had joy on their faces.

In fact, most of the people who really shop on the first floor of Zhenwu Pavilion are those who cannot practice Reiki, and the proportion of Reiki professionals is only a small number.

The first floor of the Bauhinia Pavilion in the main cities of the Huiyao Federation will always be the closest place for people who cannot practice spiritual energy to be close to professional spiritual energy.

There will be a seller of spiritual objects next to each display booth.

Just like the seller of the two-tailed ferret is introducing the two-tailed ferret to a little loli and her mother.

Little Lolita could see that she really liked this cute two-tailed ferret, but the two-tailed ferret was obviously not suitable for being the first spiritual creature to contract.

The spiritual power of Reiki professionals will continue to increase.

The first spiritual object contract is at most a copper-level spiritual object.

If you go further and think about contracting with silver-level spiritual objects, you may not be able to bear it, and you will be backlashed by the spiritual objects.

In the Federation of Glory, it is not the case that there is no random contract with high-level spirits and being backlashed by the spirits, leading to mental breakdown.

A mental breakdown would directly turn a person into a vegetative state.

Even if a high-level aura professional can be found to wake it up, the collapse of the spiritual space is irreversible.

This also makes the collapse of mental power reduce an aura professional to an ordinary person who can feel aura but cannot contract spiritual objects.

The masked man sitting on the ground gave Lin Yuan the feeling that he didn't fit in with the surrounding environment.

The surrounding environment is laid back and relaxed.

However, although the person wearing a mask and sitting cross-legged on the ground couldn't see his face clearly, the aura emanating from his body was extremely gloomy.

There was a tinge of emptiness and numbness to the gloom.

This feeling is more familiar to Lin Yuan, just like Lin Yuan's frustration when he found that he could not feel the aura and his mental strength was extremely weak.

It's just that there were great changes in the family at that time, and Chu Ci had to be brought to survive.

There was no chance for Lin Yuan to immerse himself in his own world, so this despair was suppressed in his heart, and it was not relieved until Lin Yuan recovered.

Of course, the reason why Lin Yuan could directly observe the masked man was because there were four cocoons wrapped in layers of silk mesh in the display cabinet next to the masked man.

Of the four cocoons, the three small ones were no more than the size of a jujube, and the larger one was only half the size of a fist.

The white silk is intertwined regularly, and the color of the silk screen on each cocoon is different.

The three silk screens are all white with some differences, and one of the jujube-sized cocoons is light green.

The reason why Lin Yuan pays attention to these cocoons is because Lin Yuan has been turning on the real data.

These four cocoons are really precious treasures.

Among them, the white jujube-sized cocoon looks very ordinary, but it is based on Lin Yuan's real data.

The cocoon shown is that of a morphomorph butterfly.

Lan Shandie said it outside, maybe many people in the Huiyao Federation don't know.

The blue morpho butterfly is an ordinary-level spiritual creature, its whole body is bright blue, and it flaps its wings when flying.

Because of the blue lin powder on the wings, it looks more like flickering than flying.

Few people know about Lan Morpho, but Lan Morpho's evolutionary Blu-ray Goddess Butterfly ranks six among the top ten most beautiful spiritual creatures.

It is also the only insect spirit creature ranked among the top ten most beautiful spirit creatures.

In fact, the ranking of the Blu-ray Goddess Butterfly has been controversial.

At the time of the election, the voice of the Blu-ray Goddess Butterfly even ranked in the top three.

But because the Blu-ray Goddess Butterfly has only the basic skills that are relatively strong, the high-level skills are relatively weak.

Even in the final ranking, even if they had the voice of the top three, they were only ranked sixth.

This incident also caused dissatisfaction among many voters.

But what Lin Yuan wanted was the initial skill of Lan Shandie, Silent Lin Fan.

The lin powder on Lan Morpho's body was released with a silent effect.

Indulgence is a strong control skill.

The evolution of spiritual things is nothing more than two kinds, one is prehistoric atavism, and the other is spiritual variation.

Spiritually mutated spirits take the route of magic attacks.

It is all spiritually mutated creatures that the silent lin powder restrains.

Under the shroud of the silent lin powder, the spirits couldn't release their skills.

However, the role of silent Lin powder is not invincible, and silent Lin powder will not invalidate exclusive features.

Even if the spirit has a way to destroy the silent powder released by the blue morpho butterfly, it can immediately restore the ability to cast spells.

But even so, Silent Lin powder is one of the few powerful control skills among the control skills.

Lin Yuan has been choosing the next spirit lock for Mobius.

Lin Yuan thought about it a lot, but he never put Lan Sandie into consideration.

As for the reason, it is simple and true.

That is, Lin Yuan has no ability to get Lan Morpho.

But now, the cocoons in the masked man's showcase moved Lin Yuan's mind.

Butterfly spirits belong to Lepidoptera among the four orders of insect spirits.

It is the real nobleman among insect spirits.

Butterfly spiritual creatures are affected by the evolution of spiritual energy after the spiritual energy is revived, making themselves more beautiful and larger.

This also makes butterflies more likely to be preyed by natural enemies, so nine out of ten lepidopteran spiritual creatures are extinct directly in the spiritual recovery.

The remaining one-tenth has also been eliminated due to various reasons.

This also makes the chance of butterfly spirits appearing extremely small, making them extremely difficult to find.

The appearance and rarity of butterfly spirits have kept the price of butterfly spirits inflated.

If it weren't for the fact that the butterfly spirits were less powerful, most of the butterfly spirits were not good at attacking.

I'm afraid that the price of butterfly spirits will only be higher.

But for Lin Yuan, Lan Shandie's initial skill was a choice that Lin Yuan didn't dare to consider before.

Butterfly spirits have a characteristic, that is, it is impossible to determine the type of butterfly spirit in the cocoon when the cocoon is formed.

Because once other methods are used to detect the types of butterfly-like spirits in the cocoon.

It is very likely to cause abnormal development of butterfly spirits.

This also makes the butterfly spirits that appear on the market not exist in the form of cocoons.

Coincidentally, there is also a dust butterfly in the cocoons of these four butterfly-like spiritual creatures, which is very suitable for Chuci.

Dust butterflies are not rare, but their evolutionary paths are extremely varied.

Therefore, after the Dust Butterfly is upgraded, the direction of evolution is really diverse.

One of the directions is what Lin Yuan wanted to create for Chu Ci.

The Dust Butterfly will evolve into a Steel Butterfly when it reaches the Bronze Stage under the evolution of pure aura.

Starting from the steel butterfly, endowing it with special gems and aura can evolve the King Kong butterfly into an emerald jade butterfly.

Even if the Emerald Butterfly has the chance to evolve into a phantom species, it may even evolve into the legendary Tourmaline King Butterfly.

(end of this chapter)