Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 7: Sudden evolution


Xia County is a small city in the southeast within the scope of Bauhinia City. Because of its proximity to the sea, it has always been rainy, and it is rare to see the sun a few times a month. It shines in all directions, dyeing half the sky red.

It is rare for Xia County to have such a cloudless good weather, and soon the sky will no longer be that kind of misty light, but the whole sky is blue like a sea, and the blue is comfortable.

The light spilled into the room through the window, and it happened to shine on Lin Yuan's eyes that were still closed. After being dazzled by the light, Lin Yuan slowly woke up from his sleep.

After waking up, Lin Yuan only felt his body relaxed for a while, not as usual. Even after resting, he still felt sore and tired. It seems that whether he could feel the aura of heaven and earth or because Mobius fed back his spiritual power, his spirit The increase in strength has made my physical fitness completely different from yesterday.

He picked up his phone and glanced at the time, it was almost six o'clock.

Lin Yuan was a little strange, sound and cleverness were like his own alarm clock, especially cleverness, he would wake up naturally from one to five o'clock every day, but cleverness was still asleep today.

Lin Yuan got up and was about to wake up Cong Cong He Yinyin, when he found that Cong Cong He Yinyin who was sleeping next to him had a layer of molted hair around his body.

Beside Clever is a mass of gray-black messy hair, while Yinyin is surrounded by a handful of dull cyan feathers.

Lin Yuan suddenly became nervous.

There is nothing wrong with sound and cleverness!

Subconsciously, Lin Yuan used Mobius' skills, real data.

However, Lin Yuan discovered that he could actually see the data of Clever and Yinyin.

Yesterday, Lin Yuan observed Cleverness and Yinyin before using real data to observe Qingtang carp, but the real data did not show the data of Cleverness and Yinyin.

Whether it is a housekeeping beast like the Hundred Questions Beast or the sound bird that failed the advanced Diva Bird, they cannot be called spiritual creatures.

Because they can't even reach the standard of ordinary level.

But now under the real data data, whether it is smart or Yinyin, they are already ordinary-level spiritual creatures. This subverts the cognition that Lin Yuan has learned in this world for more than ten years. The Harmony Bird is known as a housekeeping beast, and almost everyone has one. There has never been a precedent for the Hundred Questions Beast and the Yinbird to evolve into spiritual creatures.

In fact, even the singer bird who is an advanced Yinniao is not qualified to be called an ordinary-level spiritual creature, but now the two little guys beside him have both advanced, Lin Yuan is a little puzzled, but he didn't wake up immediately Clever and Yinyin, but carefully tidied up the fallen hair of Clever and Yinyin, and then went out to prepare for morning exercises.

In the past, Lin Yuan's mental strength was weak, and just life exhausted Lin Yuan's strength. Now that his previous deficiencies have been improved, Lin Yuan has decided to exercise his body well, because a good body is the capital of everything.

One hour stop-and-go morning jog.

The returned Lin Yuan couldn't even breathe smoothly, after all, his body was still too weak.

"On the first day of exercising, I really didn't get used to it, but if it's just jogging, I can't reduce the amount of exercise, so I have to stick to it."

Lin Yuan waved his fist to cheer himself up.

After taking a shower, he found that Congming and Yinyin were still sleeping, and Congming was still snoring softly. Lin Yuan carefully closed the curtains that hadn't been closed for a long time, closed the door on the second floor, and went downstairs to prepare to close the curtains. The shop opens.

At this moment, Lin Yuan caught a glimpse of a pot of green radish on the shelf in the corner that turned out to be quite different from the green radish next to it. The color of this pot of green radish had changed from light green to dark green. The vines that grow are also twice as thick as ordinary green radish, and the leaves look thicker.

This pot of green radish actually evolved in one night!

Lin Yuan used the real data to check and found that Qing Luo, who could not see the data before, could already see the data.

[Spiritual name]: Qingluo

[Spiritual Species]: Araceae/Philostachys

[Spirit Level]: Normal Level 3

[Spiritual Item Type]: Grass

[Spiritual quality]: Elite quality

"The quality is not ordinary quality, it is elite quality!"

Lin Yuan couldn't help but exclaimed.

Really amazing my dill.

This green radish has not only evolved, but its quality has also been upgraded. Lin Yuan feels that this world is simply too illusory.

Although green radishes are regarded as rations for herbivorous spirits rich in nutrients, there are also high-level green radishes, but high-level green radishes are all produced with energy stones and other spirits with great effort.

Lin Yuan himself didn't have energy stones to grow green radishes, so he thought of the evolution of intelligence and sound, and then looked at the green radishes with leaves that he touched yesterday when he absorbed the aura of heaven and earth on the shelf, and the other green radishes were still the same Nothing has changed.

These spiritual creatures that he came into contact with while absorbing spiritual energy all evolved, and a bold and unrealistic association appeared in Lin Yuan's mind.

Is it possible that when I absorb the aura of heaven and earth, I am not completely a funnel, but can transmit the aura of heaven and earth into the aura to help spiritual things evolve and even improve their quality.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan couldn't help swallowing.

How difficult it is to evolve spiritual things. I don’t know how many people’s spiritual things have been stuck at a level throughout their lives, unable to evolve. Respected, maybe even the most respected profession in the world.

Among the aura occupations, there are combat aura occupations and lifestyle aura occupations. Combat aura occupations are further divided into attack, agility, defense, support and healing.

The divisions of these aura professions are mainly distinguished by the spiritual objects contracted by the aura professionals, because each aura professional has a natural affinity for the spiritual object type.

When perceiving spiritual objects, you will know which type you are inclined to. Even if the spiritual power of the non-inclined spiritual objects has reached, it is extremely difficult to successfully contract, and may even suffer mental damage.

Among these combat aura professions, the healing aura professions are the rarest. There may not even be a healing aura professional in a hundred aura professionals.

Life-related Reiki professions are also diverse, but among the life-related Reiki professions, creators are the most honored.

Because fighting aura professionals want to evolve spirit objects, the only way to improve quality is to get the help of the creator, except for the natural evolution of spirit objects with a small probability.

However, the threshold for becoming a creator is very high. Even the entire Federation may not be able to produce a hundred creators a year.

(end of this chapter)