Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 76: Attacking Red Thorn


Two years ago, let alone a two-star creator, Liu Jie, a three-star creator, had seen many of them.

I even met Mr. Zhu Jun, one of the three five-star creators.

But now, the squire badge of the two-star creator was worn on his left chest, but Liu Jie felt that this badge seemed to emit heat, and the heavy weight made his heart hot.

Looking at the small shield next to the two stars on the badge, Liu Jie knew his responsibility for the rest of his life.

After parting with Liu Jie, Lin Yuan returned directly to Xia County.

Lin Yuan was really worried about the little guy Yinyin being at home by himself.

Even if Yinyin is a bronze-ranked spiritual creature, Lin Yuan is still afraid that something will happen to Yinyin at home.

Since Lin Yuan brought Yinyin home, this time should be the longest time he has been away from Yinyin.

Go back to the spirit shop.

Opening the door, Yinyin immediately flew to Lin Yuan's shoulder upon hearing the sound.

Then he jumped onto the pinna and rubbed his small head against Lin Yuan's broken hair, expressing his longing.

After not seeing Lin Yuan for such a long time, Yinyin can't help thinking about it.

Even the live broadcast was not in the mood, causing Yinyin's fans to riot directly.

You must know that Yinyin has a lot of fans now, and almost none of the music anchors on Xingwang can compete with Yinyin.

Before Lin Yuan could appease Yinyin, he suddenly saw the shelves in the room falling to the ground in a mess.

The wooden part was broken into pieces, and the iron part was twisted out of shape.

I saw that the red thorn had evolved from the height of more than half a meter before to the elite level, and it jumped directly to one and a half meters.

This is only the height of the mouth of offering sacrifices.

At this time, the mouth of offering sacrifices was already like a sphere full of wrinkles and thorns.

There are several mouths lined up on the thorns, and the dense teeth are exposed.

The previous rose-shaped digestive cavity had already degenerated when it evolved to the normal level.

Now there are eight more organs that are the same as the previous two, forming ten in a circle.

Covered in the outer layer of the mouth of offering sacrifices.

The roses on it are the size of a washbasin, and they bloom very strangely.

Lin Yuan felt the data changes of the source species.

If these ten flowers launch an attack, nearly five kilograms of acid can be sprayed out of each flower in an instant.

The strength of this acid can even corrode sandstone and soil.

As for the part of the thorny vine that Lin Yuan had strengthened with the red thorns, now the inner vines were covered with five centimeters long spikes.

It can reach four meters when stretched out, and there are a total of sixteen roots.

When dancing, I am afraid that it can tear the opponent into pieces in an instant.

Six-meter-long vines grew out of the periphery, and these vines were new parts.

It doesn't seem to be as lethal as the inner vines.

The verdant vines are covered with three-centimeter-long spiked barbs.

And the length of these vines can proliferate during the battle.

Looking at the skills of the red thorn elite freshmen, the broken armor was torn.

Lin Yuan only felt that the red thorn had really evolved into an extremely aggressive and powerful spiritual creature.

Regardless of whether the broken armor is torn with the three-centimeter-long spiked barbs on the outer vines or the five-centimeter spiked barbs on the inner vines.

It has the effect of breaking armor when it is swung, even if it is a spiritual creature of the defense department, it will be torn apart after being whipped a few times.

What's more, the spikes are barb-shaped.

When the vine pulls, it will tear off a complete piece of meat.

The original red thorn that has evolved to the elite level already has wisdom.

Signing a blood contract with Lin Yuan made Red Thorn feel close to Lin Yuan from blood.

The red thorn protrudes a vine from the inner layer.

This vine is similar to the other vines in the inner layer, but without the spikes.

The vine was wrapped around Lin Yuan's wrist, and Lin Yuan could clearly feel the cordial mood swings from the red thorn.

It's like being coquettish.

Lin Yuan could vaguely feel Red Thorn's thoughts.

The vine of emotion is a vine specially evolved when Red Thorn evolved to the elite level and produced wisdom in order to be close to himself.

Red Thorn feels that Lin Yuan is by his side, with a kind of joyful emotion.

This emotion quickly infected Lin Yuan.

Looking at the red thorns, cleverness and sound, and Mobius on his wrist, Lin Yuan only felt extra fulfilled.

All the unknowns ahead no longer have the slightest fear.

Some just look forward to it more, the more they have to go through both wind and rain.

After Lin Yuan helped Red Thorn prepare the bronze-ranked Zerg flesh, he went on the Starnet.

Lin Yuan was quite apologetic about letting sister Xin's pigeons go before.

At the same time, he didn't find any leaks, and Lin Yuan also felt quite regretful.

Now Lin Yuan plans to buy some inferior energy ores in large quantities.

One is that after several batches of spirit-absorbing goldfish have been bred with inferior energy ores, including those eggs produced by the five Fulanshou and spirit-absorbing goldfish mothers, they are almost used up.

The second is because Lin Yuan needs a lot of pure spiritual energy to treat the insect mother.

In fact, the injury of the worm mother is not difficult to treat in Lin Yuan's opinion. He only needs to provide a large amount of pure spiritual energy to keep up with the consumption and supply of the worm mother.

In terms of the recovery ability of the original biological worm mother, if there is enough spiritual energy supply, it only needs to change energy in a short time to recover.

This time, Lin Yuan did not send a message directly to Sister Xin, but went directly to Sister Xin's shop.

When he arrived at Sister Xin's shop, Lin Yuan saw Sister Xin in the shop, so Lin Yuan hurried forward.

"Sister Xin, I've been busy with some errands these past two days, so I didn't catch up with yesterday's appointment to pick out the severely wounded spiritual objects with damaged origin."

Zhou Jiaxin was looking at the bill in the store, and when she saw Lin Yuan coming, Zhou Jiaxin stood up quickly.

Zhou Jiaxin thought a lot about Lin Yuan's absence yesterday.

After sending a message to Lin Yuan, there was no response.

After Zhou Jiaxin made some balances, he simply sold only a part of the seriously injured spiritual objects that arrived yesterday.

Keep the best ones.

Thinking that when Lin Yuan comes over, there will still be goods for Lin Yuan to choose.

Zhou Jiaxin is a person who dares to think and do.

Since it was believed that there was a creator behind Lin Yuan, before Lin Yuan made a clear statement of his attitude, Zhou Jiaxin would not do less than one thing that should be done.

When looking at the bill before, Zhou Jiaxin was a little absent-minded.

Now that Lin Yuan came directly to the store, Zhou Jiaxin's heart was completely in his stomach.

It turned out that it was okay to stand up and not look at it. Zhou Jiaxin saw the badge of the two-star creator on Lin Yuan's body.

Zhou Jiaxin really knows a lot about the creator.

Lin Yuan's young two-star creator directly explained the problem.

The resources behind it must be beyond Zhou Jiaxin's imagination.

Even if Lin Yuan has no resources behind him, such a young two-star creator like Lin Yuan is worthy of Zhou Jiaxin's efforts to win him over.

"Well, Sister Xin, I specially picked a few good seriously wounded spiritual creatures yesterday and kept them for you. I let you pick them first. If you don't like me, I'll sell them."

(end of this chapter)