Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 96: Not being presumptuous is already presumptuous


Hearing this, Cang Yue took a deep look at Elder Du and said.

"It seems that Cheng Wu has indeed joined your King's Capital Architects' Union. I haven't seen your King's City's Architects' Union announce such a big event."

Elder Du said quickly.

"Cheng Lao just came to Wangdu to create the teachers' union not long ago, and has no plans to serve as the vice president in the near future. When Cheng Lao has plans, we will announce it."

Cang Yue was a little surprised that Cheng Wu, who was the pinnacle of the four-star builders, would choose to be the vice president of the King's Capital Builders Union.

It's not about naming an honorary elder, but after thinking about it for a while, Cang Yue understood.

"That's right. Since I know that I have no chance to become a five-star creator, I should plan well for the younger generations of the Cheng family. But if Cheng Rui is really talented, how can Cheng Wu let Cheng Rui contract the ridge gu?"

Cang Yue's words were very cold, but hearing what Mr. Du heard made Mr. Du feel embarrassed.

I don't know what to say for a moment.

Lin Yuan listened to the conversation between Cang Yue and Du Lao in a daze.

But Lin Yuan also knew that it was very inappropriate for him to ask questions rashly.

Unexpectedly, Cang Yue looked at Lin Yuan and asked.

"Lin Yuan, do you know what is the origin biological spine Gu?"

Lin Yuan shook his head, Cang Yue looked at the curiosity in Lin Yuan's eyes and said.

"Spine Gu, the original biological contract, will not be stored in the spiritual space like other spiritual things. After being contracted by the contractor, the spine Gu will be gathered in the contractor's spine, and a section of the spine will be emptied to build up in the spine. The nest, the contract spine Gu essentially damages its own life potential, so the creator of the spine Gu contract is doomed to be unable to reach five stars."

Lin Yuan was dumbfounded when he heard that there was such an origin creature as spine Gu.

But thinking about it, my own red thorns are also very special, but the red thorns are special because they need to use a blood contract, and they don't have a biological template, so they need to be designated by the contractor to evolve.

The special nature of the red thorn allows Lin Yuan to quickly accept such a strange source creature as spine gu.

Seeing that Lin Yuan had digested what she said, Cang Yue continued.

"Although spine Gu will destroy the life potential of the contractor within a certain range, it is a treasure for the creator, because spine Gu can quickly synthesize a large amount of spiritual materials swallowed by the host, forming a concentrated spiritual liquid in the body, which can When comparing spirit materials, spine gu can devour the spirit material and accumulate it in the body to catalyze it to maximize the effect of the spirit material, but there are also disadvantages. In this way, the fusion of spirit material will consume the spirit liquid in the spine gu body, and the contractor must eat it afterwards A large amount of spiritual material is tonic, otherwise if the spinal gu cannot absorb enough spiritual liquid, it will eat the spinal cord in the spine."

Cang Yue changed her usual indifferent temper at this time, and introduced in detail what Lin Yuan didn't know.

Now Lin Yuan finally knows what spine gu is for.

However, after knowing about it, Lin Yuan's impression of spine Gu became worse.

The contract spirit is to treat the spirit as a partner, instead of turning one's spine into a residence for the spirit like the contract spine Gu.

It is good to cut meat to feed eagles, but it has to be based on the fact that the cut is mutton. If you cut your own meat to feed eagles, it would be a very stupid thing in Lin Yuan's view.

At this time, Cheng Rui had already activated the spine Gu, devouring the spiritual materials quickly, and the efficiency was immediately improved.

In just a few minutes, it has almost caught up with the speed of washing tea.

Xicha had already looked at Cheng Rui with dissatisfaction when Cheng Rui summoned the ridge gu to groan.

The creators who are deploying spiritual materials are the most taboo to disturb. As early as the start of the competition, Cang Yue has already separated the high platform from the outside world with spiritual power, fearing that it will affect the competition.

But Cheng Rui blatantly influenced his opponent when deploying spiritual objects.

Xi Cha was about to yell at him when he saw Cheng Rui summoning the spine gu.

Xicha was a little helpless, and said speechlessly.

"Originally, I didn't intend to use the means of spiritual aids, but since you used it, then I will use it too."

Washing the tea also stimulated spiritual power, and summoned a plant like pitcher plant.

I saw that the people who washed the tea poured the prepared but not purified psychic liquid into the plant that looked like a pitcher plant.

Then washing the tea will continuously inject spiritual power into this spiritual thing.

After some manipulations, Cheng Rui and Xicha prepared the spirit liquid almost at the same time.

It's just that Cheng Rui's psychic liquid is transformed from the abdomen of the spine gu, while the psychic liquid for washing tea is poured directly from the body of the pitcher plant.

At the same time, the two fed the ectoplasm to the cub of the bloody dire wolf who suffered serious head injuries.

In just a few minutes, the two violent dire wolves were healed at the same time.

The two bloody dire wolf cubs immediately became restless, rattling the cage they were biting with their teeth from time to time.

Blood Dire Wolves can be violent even as pups.

After the competition ended, it looked like it ended in a draw, but Cheng Rui spoke first.

"I won, because my bloody dire wolf has been upgraded from the third level of the silver level to the fourth level of the silver level."

After speaking, Cheng Rui reached out to grab the purple blood of the diamond-ranked snake spirit.

But before his hand touched the bottle of diamond-rank snake spirit beast blood, he suddenly heard a burst of mocking laughter.

"After treating the bloody dire wolf cubs, you will win if you upgrade from the third level of the silver rank to the fourth level of the silver rank? Don't you see that my bloody dire wolf has evolved from elite quality to perfect quality."

After finishing speaking, Xicha saluted Cang Yue, then turned and returned to one of the four corners of the hall.

The words of washing tea made Cheng Rui freeze there directly, his face turning into a liver color.

Mr. Du wanted to go forward to comfort Cheng Rui, but at this time Long Tao applauded first and laughed.


Stimulated by the applause, Cheng Rui's eyes became bloodshot and stared at Long Tao.

Long Tao didn't take it seriously, raised his foot, and slapped the non-existent dust on the boots twice.

It was as if he casually swept away Cheng Rui's eyes.

"Long Tao, you and I are irreconcilable!"

Long Tao ignored the furious Cheng Rui at all, and directly ignored Cheng Rui's harsh words.

Cheng Rui was having an attack, when a sudden burst of biting cold pressure almost froze Cheng Rui in place.

It made Cheng Rui feel a little unstable all of a sudden, and he was about to fall to his knees.

Elder Du hurried forward to support Cheng Rui, and said to Cang Yue.

"Cangyue Envoy, Cheng Rui didn't mean to be presumptuous in Huiyue Palace. It's the first time Cheng Rui didn't understand the rules. Please forgive Cangyue Envoy."

Cang Yue's aura rose instantly, and said in a cold voice.

"If you don't dare to be presumptuous, you are already presumptuous. Being aggressive in the Huiyue Palace, did you tell him to do it when you came? Or did you bring him to the Huiyue Palace but didn't even teach him the rules of the Huiyue Palace?"

Old Du's cold sweat immediately flowed down.

Ten years later, my lord kept a low profile, and the Shuangyue envoy also practiced in Qingyue Mountain, and rarely walked out of the world.

But how could I forget Cang Yue Envoy's temper.

Jing Shihou, one of the princes of the capital, was arrogant fifteen years ago and disrespected Cang Yue Envoy.

He was immediately broken by Cang Yue Envoy, and has been sitting in a wheelchair ever since.

That night, Jingshihou's mansion was icy and frosty.

The palace of the Hou's Mansion was split in two, and no one knew what happened.

With Jing Shihou's high-level strength, his legs should have healed long ago, but he has never dared to stand up from the wheelchair.

This wheelchair has been sitting for fifteen years, why is self-evident.

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(end of this chapter)