Fierce “Husband”

Chapter 114


It was the first time to play with father and younger father up the mountain, Nizi and Wang Qing were very excited. There was such a big incident at home yesterday, Wang Qing cried until his eyes were swollen, and he didn't have the heart to go to school today, so Wang Shijing simply asked him for three days off. Wang Shijing pulls Shao Yun'an, Shao Yunan holds Nizi, Nizi pulls Jiang Moxi, Jiang Moxi pulls Wang Qing. Each of the three children carried a small backpack. It was also today that they realized that the mountain behind their home actually belonged to their home.

On the way, Shao Yunan explained the knowledge of tea to the three children, and the three children listened with great interest. There was no rest along the way, and the three children also wanted to see their own tea trees immediately, and were unwilling to rest. The three children have spiritual spring water and diluted spiritual milk in their daily diet, and their physical strength has long been much higher than that of children of the same age.

When they arrived at the tea forest, Wang Qing and Nizi ran over cheering. This is the tea tree. Jiang Moxi walked over like a little adult, touching this one and that one.

"Little daddy, is this a crab's foot?"


"Daddy, I'll pick."

"You pick the crab legs below, don't climb the tree. Do you want to rest first?"

"No, I'm not tired."

The three children rolled up their sleeves and got ready to work. Seeing that Wang Shijing was also ready to work, Shao Yunan said, "Take a break before climbing the tree."

"What is this road, I'm not tired."

Wang Shijing, who has started not to wear a blindfold, has scars on his face that have not been removed on purpose, making him look a lot more hideous. People outside are still scared when they see him, but no one in the family is afraid of him.

"Children, let's drink some water first."

"Come on."

After giving the three children water with a drop of spiritual milk to restore their strength, Shao Yun'an let them go to play, and only told them not to go to other places.

Wang Shijing also drank water, and then climbed up a tree nimbly. Seeing this, the three children immediately surrounded him, asking for help. Wang Shijing still didn't allow Shao Yunan to go up the tree, and he and his three children went down to receive tea together. Shao Yunan's upturned face looked even more bruised and swollen in the light from the woods. You want to ask Qingzi that he can return it not so quickly to avoid suspicion, so why not reduce the swelling first? Shao Yun'an would ask back: [Do you know the bitter trick?]

The longer he bears this face, he believes that the son of Marquis Hengyuan will be more miserable.

The whole family was extremely busy, and with Wang Qing and Nizi's crisp laughter, even Jiang Moxi's eyes seemed to be smiling, but he still spoke a few words and couldn't speak a whole sentence. But even if he is like this all his life, others will not expect anything more.

Thirsty, Jiang Moxi put the crab legs he picked himself into a cloth bag, then picked up the kettle and took a sip of water. Afterwards, his movements stopped, and he turned his head to look in the direction of the depths of the woods. After watching for a while, he turned back to see Uncle An and Uncle Jing who were still busy, and then turned back in that direction.

"Brother Xi, are you tired?"

Noticing that Jiang Moxi had been standing there for a long time, Shao Yunan made a sound. Jiang Moxi blinked, shook her head, and plugged the water bottle.

"Uncle An's basket has food in it, go eat it when you're hungry."

Nodding, Jiang Moxi didn't go to get food, but still looked in that direction. After a while, he walked in that direction with the kettle in his arms. Suddenly, there was a "rustling" sound in the jungle, and Wang Shijing's ears moved on the tree. When he looked down, he saw Jiang Moxi walking into the forest, and immediately shouted: "Brother Xi, you Where are you going? Don't go inside."

Shao Yunan, Nizi and Wang Qing all looked over in a hurry. Jiang Moxi stopped, but the rustling continued. At this time, Wang Shijing on the tree shouted: "Brother Xi! Come back! Yun'an, take the children away!"

Before Shao Yun'an realized what happened, Wang Shijing jumped down from the tree. Immediately afterwards, with a roar of "Aww", a huge golden beast jumped out of the dense jungle and went straight to Jiang Moxi.

"Brother Xi!"

Shao Yun'an and Wang Shijing who jumped down shouted and rushed towards Jiang Moxi.

"Aww ow!"

There were two more beast roars, and at the same time, smaller beasts jumped out from the other two sides, targeting Nizi and Wang Qing.


Nizi screamed in fright, Wang Qing hugged her sister, turned around to protect her, and closed her eyes in fear.

"Brother Qing! Nizi!"

"Brother Xi!"

The first beast rushed to Jiang Moxi before Shao Yunan and Wang Shijing arrived, and the other two beasts jumped over Wang Qing and Nizi when Shao Yunan and Wang Shijing's eye sockets were about to burst, and rushed to the basket filled with water and food.

Shao Yun'an and Wang Shijing's hearts were all in their throats. Nizi and Wang Qing trembled with their eyes closed, and Jiang Moxi was completely submerged under the giant beast. Wang Shijing rushed towards Jiang Moxi, Shao Yunan turned around and ran towards Wang Qing and Nizi with a tingling scalp.



What kind of golden beast is this? It is clearly the jungle overlord tiger! Still three!

The biggest tiger—that is, the one that threw Jiang Moxi down—roared fiercely at Wang Shijing, and then under Wang Shijing's terrified eyes, its huge body stepped back, revealing the Jiang Moxi.

"Brother Xi!"

No matter whether he will be eaten by the tiger or not, Wang Shijing rushed to hold Jiang Moxi's head and protect him in his arms, and the ferocious face of the tiger was almost close to him. The breath of the wild beast came straight to the tip of his nose, Wang Shijing stared at the big tiger, and while trying to pull Jiang Moxi out, he asked in an unsteady voice: "Brother Xi, are you injured? Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, Uncle Jing will rescue you, don't be afraid. "

"Uncle Jing."

Jiang Moxi didn't seem to know what kind of beast it was, his expression was very calm, and his voice was very calm. Seeing that there was no pain on his expression, Wang Shijing's heart sank a little, and he turned his head and glanced quickly. Over there, Wang Qing and Nizi were gone, only Shao Yun'an retreated to Wang Shijing's side while facing the two cubs who seemed to be in a daze.

The big tiger also stared at Shao Yun'an, as if he didn't understand why the two children suddenly disappeared. While the tiger was in a daze, Wang Shijing pulled Jiang Moxi out forcefully. Here, Shao Yun'an had retreated behind Wang Shijing, Wang Shijing pushed Jiang Moxi to Shao Yun'an's side, Shao Yun'an grabbed Jiang Moxi, and in the blink of an eye, Jiang Moxi was gone.

Shao Yun'an grabbed Wang Shijing's hand, ready to enter the space at any time. The reason why they didn't enter now is that the three tigers didn't attack for some reason. They can still understand the situation outside, but it is even more dangerous to enter the space and come out again. The space cannot be moved, and they will stay in the same place when they go in and out. In case the tiger is here to guard them from leaving, they cannot hide in the space all the time.

At this time, if you look carefully, among the three tigers, the largest one should obviously be an adult tiger, and the other two are much smaller in size, and they should not be adults yet, but cubs.

The panniers with food and water had been completely crushed. The two cubs stared at Shao Yun'an and Wang Shijing and growled from time to time, but they were not ferocious, it sounded like they were just threatening. The adult tiger pulled Jiang Moxi's dropped kettle to his feet, stared at Shao Yun'an and Wang Shijing, lowered his head and sniffed the kettle, then bit the cork impatiently and pulled it out.

The water in the kettle flowed out, and the big tiger didn't stare at Wang Shijing and Shao Yun'an, but stuck out his tongue and began to lick it. The two cubs became anxious when they saw this, one of them just bowed their heads and unplugged the other water bottle in the back basket, licked the water, and the other one was so anxious that it couldn't drink, and got angry at its brother Come. But the cub flicked its tail, as if it didn't see the brother's anxiety, and licked it vigorously, even licking what had flowed into the mud.

The water in the kettle is a 1:1 ratio of spiritual spring water and boiled mountain spring water, and there is a drop of spiritual milk in each kettle. The water that the important people in the family drink every day is like this.

"Wow woo woo!!"

The cub who couldn't drink the water was anxious, stretched out his paw and slapped his brother hard, knocked him aside again, then lowered his head to drink the water that flowed out.


The cub that was knocked away was furious, and rushed over with all his strength, bowed his head and continued to drink.


Wang Shijing, who turned his head to watch this scene, turned around and saw the big tiger rolling around with one paw on the kettle, but staring at them. Looking at the kettle again, no water came out after rolling it several times, probably out of water, even if there was a little left, with the tiger's ability, he couldn't pick it up and drink it up.

Shao Yun'an swallowed his throat, tugged at Wang Shijing, and said in a low voice, "Brother Jing, they didn't come to drink water, did they?"

Just now, it seemed, as if, as if, those two cubs jumped over Qinggeer and Nizi and went straight to the basket. Wang Shijing pulled Shao Yunan into his arms, hugged and protected him, looked at the big tiger, and said as calmly as possible: "Are you just drinking water?"

The big tiger tilted its head, lowered its head and licked the kettle again, but when it couldn't lick the water, it raised its head and stared at Wang Shijing and Shao Yun'an again as before. Over there, the two cubs couldn't lick the water anymore, and the cub who hadn't drunk much whined at Shao Yun'an and Wang Shijing, how wronged he was.

"Brother Jing, they don't really just come to drink water, do they? The question is how do they know that we have spiritual spring water?"


The tiger cub was still barking. Another cub that didn't drink enough continued to search unwillingly. It smelled the stewed meat brought by Shao Yun'an, and opened its "bloody mouth" very bluntly.


The cub who didn't drink the water smelled it and rushed towards it angrily.

Wang Shijing whispered: "Daughter-in-law, get some water out."

With a thought, Shao Yun'an added a bottle of mineral water in his hand, which contained spiritual spring water. As soon as the bottle of water came out, the big tiger was about to pounce.


Wang Shijing made a loud noise, and the two cubs jumped in fright. They looked up and saw that Wang Shijing had water in his hand, and they ran over with a piece of meat in their mouths. But the fastest tiger had already thrown both Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan to the ground, and took away the water bottle in one gulp. Immediately afterwards, the water bottle was bitten by its sharp teeth, and water was sprayed all over Shao Yunan and Wang Shijing in an instant.

Two cubs ran over and got some water, but they licked water from their own bodies without wasting any time, and even licked water from Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan's bodies.

"Stop, stop, stop! Your face is about to break!"

Shao Yun'an, who was baptized by the tiger's tongue, cried out in pain, the barbs on his tongue would scratch his flesh! Wang Shijing, who heard his wife screaming in pain, instantly forgot that the other party was a tiger. He grabbed the thick fur on both sides of the other party's neck and lifted the big tiger's head away.

"It hurts!"

Shao Yun'an moved out from under the big tiger as if fleeing for his life, his swollen and bruised face looked even more pitiful now. The big tiger did not resist Wang Shijing, but shook off Wang Shijing's hand in dislike, and then lowered his head to lick the water on Wang Shijing's face, Wang Shijing hurriedly avoided.

"Yun'an! Bring more water!"

This time Shao Yun'an directly took out three bottles, and immediately after that, he heard a cheering "Aww".

"Don't bite!"

Shao Yun'an felt that he had never been so embarrassed in his life. Wang Shijing tried his best to push away the two tiger cubs that had jumped on Shao Yun'an, protected them behind him, and shouted: "Stand still! Otherwise there will be no water to drink!"

As if they understood Wang Shijing's meaning, the two cubs howled anxiously and flicked their tails back and forth, but they didn't pounce. The big tiger didn't care so much, he turned his head away from Wang Shijing and rushed to Shao Yun'an. Shao Yun'an shouted in a hurry: "If you rush again, you won't be able to drink!"

The big tiger's raised upper body was fixed on the spot, its tail flicked, its outstretched front paws slowly fell, and it stopped pounced.

He can really understand human speech!

Shao Yun'an handed the water to Wang Shijing, and with a movement of his hand, he took out a large clean washbasin. Wang Shijing opened a bottle of water, and in the "excitement" of the three tigers, poured the water into the basin. Here, Shao Yunan also took water directly into the washbasin. The washbasin was soon full, and Shao Yunan pulled Wang Shijing back to the side.

"Drink. That's all, no more."


The cub who drank the least jumped excitedly. The three tigers ignored Shao Yun'an and Wang Shijing, and went to drink water.

"Daughter-in-law, wipe your face with spiritual milk, it's bleeding."

For the time being, his life is not in danger, and Wang Shijing is very distressed. Shao Yunan gritted his teeth in pain, and said, "The spirit spring water is like this, we will definitely die if we take out the spirit milk." Thinking of the three children in the space, he said, "Go in, I don't know how to explain it. , a headache. I’ll see what’s going on with these three birds first, and I’ll go in and find you later.”

Wang Shijing didn't feel relieved: "You go in, I'm outside."

"Go and explain." Shao Yunan lowered his head, "The child is probably going to be terrified. There are so many things in it that don't exist in this era, and I don't know what to say. These three just need water, and I'm fine."

Wang Shijing looked at the three tigers scrambling to drink water, thought about the three children, and thought about the space. He said: "Okay, you can send me in. But whether you want to or not, you will pick me up in half an hour." Come out, or you go in."


Shao Yunan sent Wang Shijing into the space and left him the explanation.