Fierce “Husband”

Chapter 18


Li Zheng returned home full of anger, Wang Qing and Wang Ni were still at home, he suppressed his anger, no matter what, he couldn't vent his anger with the two children. Zhao Yuande dragged his father to his house and asked his younger brother to follow him. After closing the door, Zhao Yuande immediately whispered: "Father, don't be angry, things are not as bad as you think. Ishii's family is not a simple person, I see, our village will have his glory in the future."

"What kind of light do you wear? You've lost all face!" Li Zheng was so angry that he sat down on the kang, he didn't feel hungry until he had dinner.

Zhao Yuanqing was so curious: "Brother, tell me what's going on!"

That's what Zhao Yuande said. He described in detail what he saw and heard after breaking into the county school. Following his narration, the expressions of Li Zheng and Zhao Yuanqing changed again and again, and finally they were just dumbfounded.

"This Shao Yun'an, has he ever read?" Li Zheng's eyes widened.

Zhao Yuande also replied in doubt: "I must have read it, otherwise how could I say that? The dean of the county school and the county magistrate seem to have never heard of it. Wang Zhisong is far behind him. Dad, you don't know, Wang Zhisong couldn't say a word, he was completely frightened, and he pushed everything on Mrs. Wang, saying that he didn't know. I can see clearly that the county magistrate and the dean are I don't like him at all. Both Shijing and Yun'an proposed, but the county magistrate fined the Wang family. The most important thing is that the county magistrate promised to keep the stone for Shao Yunan, and gave him a jade token, saying that he would If you have any grievances, you can go to the county yamen to beat the drum, and you will be exempted from the 30-bill rule. The adults even asked Shao Yunan to go to the yamen in three days, saying that he would be punished, but in my opinion, the adults will definitely not punish him.

Dad, even you, you can't say that you can see the adults right away. But Shao Yun'an has that jade tablet, so in the future, can't he often get it in front of the adults? Just because he can let the Wang family suffer such a big loss, let the adults and the dean and wife of the county school judge him, he is not a simple person. We can only make friends with such people, and we must not make enemies. I see, Wang Zhisong's reputation is completely ruined, even if he goes back in three months, what good will the master do for him? Who among those classmates would dare to make friends with him? But Shijing is different from Shao Yun'an, as long as they have that jade tablet, and as long as the adults return the stone for them to keep, they can speak in front of the adults. That's why I said that our village might still have the glory of the two of them in the future. Father, no matter what the patriarch Wang and the Wang family do, you can no longer favor that family in the future, at least our family, our Zhao family will have to favor Shijing's side in the future. "

Zhao Yuanqing nodded vigorously: "Father, elder brother is right. I didn't like Mrs. Wang's family in the first place. No matter how capable Wang Zhisong is, what does it have to do with our Zhao family? He even treats his elder brother and nephew like that. Maybe he will help people from our Zhao family in the future? I don’t think he will even help people from the Wang family. Besides, the Wang family is mean except for Ishii. It’s good for them not to come to greedy our family It's gone."

Zhao Yuande went on to say: "Father, you can no longer look at the meaning of the patriarch Wang. It is fine if he is willing to protect the Shijing family in the future. If he still only sees Wang Zhisong as before, you have to show that you want to favor Brother Shijing over there."

Li Zheng was thinking deeply, Shao Yun'an's performance took him by surprise. The words of the two sons are also very reasonable. Li Zheng is not stupid either. He was not used to things about the Wang family before, but at that time Wang Shijing had no separate family, and there was another Wang clan, and his surname was Zhao, so it was really not easy to intervene. Now that Wang Shijing has separated his family, and Mrs. Wang has caused such a big incident again, he really has to think about it.

After a long time, Lizheng said: "Yuan De, go and call Patriarch Sun. The two boys from Sun Xia's family are close to Ishii's family. You can tell Patriarch Sun about this, and I will listen to Patriarch Sun's opinion. "

"I'll call!" Zhao Yuanqing got up and ran.

There were only the two left, Zhao Yuande said: "Father, I will let Hezi go and walk around with Shao Yun'an more. They are both husband and wife, so we can talk."

The relationship between Zhao Yuande and Wang Shijing is very ordinary, but it is easy to be bored if they get together rashly, and it will be different if their husband and wife come forward. After all, Shao Yun'an is not from the village, and has no acquaintances, so he might have something to talk to other men and wives.

Li Zheng nodded.

When Zhao Yuande was doing his father's ideological work, Wang Shuping was also doing his own father's ideological work. What he said was different from Zhao Yuande, but the meaning was very similar. In fact, Wang Shuping didn't like Wang Zhisong in the first place, and after seeing Wang Zhisong's performance today, he even scoffed at him. As for people like Wang Zhisong and those of the Wang family, he doesn't think that Wang Zhisong will bring any glory to the Wang family in the future. Wang Shuping also advised his father not to always stare at Wang Zhisong, and not to put the hopes of the whole family on Wang Zhisong. It is hard to say whether Wang Zhisong will be able to take the examination of scholar in the future. Why not take advantage of this time to restore the relationship between the Wang clan and Wang Shijing. Wang Shijing was forced to leave home for five years, was forced to marry, and left the house. It is impossible to say that there is no resentment towards the clan.

Wang Shuping advised his father to let Shao Yun'an, Wang Qing, and Wang Ni's two children be included in the genealogy. After Wang Shijing came back from corvee service, he never entered Wang Qing's genealogy. Thinking about it now, Wang Shijing might feel resentful at that time. Wang Wenhe was also surprised by Shao Yunan's performance. Wasn't Shao Yunan adopted? How could the Shao family let him study? Wang Wenhe remained silent, the exhaustion on his face made him look much older all of a sudden. Why didn't he know that after this incident, Wang Zhisong's future would definitely be affected. Wang Wenhe blamed Shao Yun'an. As soon as he got married, he caused such a big trouble. No matter how he accepts it, Wang Zhisong is the only hope for the Wang clan at present, and Wang Shijing is also a member of the Wang clan. Why doesn't Shao Yun'an think about the Wang clan at all

After a long time, Wang Wenhe said directly: "When Ishii and his family come back, you let them come to see me."

Wang Shuping wanted to continue persuading him, but Wang Wenhe waved his hand to let him go out, and he remained silent. Wang Wenhe went out helplessly, only hoping that his father could figure it out. That Wang Zhisong is really not a reliable person.

Wang Shijing, Shao Yun'an and his party came back almost an hour later than Zhao Yuande and the others. When I came back, the ox cart was full of things again. Sun Erjiang and Wang Xing, who were sitting in the car, were still holding pots in their arms. As soon as they came back, the village exploded again. Wang Shijing drove the ox cart to the door indifferently first, unloaded the things on the cart with Shao Yun'an, Wang Xing and Sun Erjiang, and gave Sun Erjiang and Wang Xing each a pack of snacks as a thank you.

Someone has already called Wang Shijing and Shao Yun'an, Li Zheng and the head of the patriarch Wang called them over. After Wang Shijing moved his things, he asked Sun Erjiang to help him go to Ergouzi's house, and took the money from the donkey, and then let Shao Yunan stay at home, and he went there alone.

Shao Yun'an was still thinking about his tea and mountain products. I talked a lot in the afternoon and didn't drink any water, so my voice is hoarse now. He believed that Wang Shijing would not let him suffer, so he was relieved to let him go alone. Wang Shijing didn't go to the patriarch's house first, but took a piece of meat and went to Li Zheng's house first. If it wasn't for Li Zheng's protection, he and Shao Yun'an were not at home, and the two children didn't know how scared they would be.

When he arrived at Lizheng's house, Wang Shijing didn't shy away from seeing that the patriarch of the Sun family was there. He handed over the meat, saying that he was grateful to Li Zheng for helping take care of the two children, and he also troubled Zhao Yuande today. Li Zheng refused to accept anything, and Wang Shijing directly hung the meat on the floor of the entrance.

Hearing Dad's voice, the two children who had been scared all day ran out. Wang Ni threw herself into her father's arms and began to cry, while Wang Qing's face was tense and her eyes were red. Wang Shijing embraced the two children, looked at Zhao He who came out and said, "Please send them home first, sister-in-law, Yun'an is at home."

"What's the trouble here?" Zhao He went to hold the two children, "Uncle will send you back and let your father talk here."

The two children came out of their father's arms and walked away quietly. When dad and little dad came back, they were not afraid anymore.

Only Li Zheng, Sun Zefu, and Wang Shijing were left in the house, while Zhao Yuande and Zhao Yuanqing escaped. Li Zheng said straight to the point: "Ishii, I don't blame your Yun'an for today's incident. It was all caused by your mother's nonsense. I don't want to hide it from you. Your mother means to let you sell the silver and the rest of the stone. Give her all the stones, isn't this forcing you to have no way out? You didn't separate your family before, and it was hard for everyone to interfere. Now that you have divided your family, the county magistrate is willing to make decisions for you. In the future, you and Yun Ann just live a good life, if your mother wants to make trouble again, you come to me."

Li Zheng's words made his attitude clear, Wang Shijing's heart was very complicated. If it weren't for his wife's trouble today, it's really hard to say what Li Zheng's attitude would be, but no matter what, Li Zheng's side is facing them.

Patriarch Sun said: "Don't blame your patriarch either. Your Wang clan has finally produced a successful scholar, so he naturally wants to look forward to it. It's just that he was too busy hoping that Zhisong's success would bring glory to the clan, but he forgot to think about it. I wonder if that child Zhisong has that kind of heart. Yuande told me about what you learned in the county, and I think your wife is right. If Zhisong treats his own elder brother, his own son and nephew like this, how will he benefit one party in the future? Common people, benefit our Xiushui Village, benefit your Wang clan, not to mention your mother's temperament, she just wants to take advantage, what can your Wang clan get from Zhisong?"

With a sigh, patriarch Sun said: "Zhisong was punished to reflect at home for three months. Your patriarch may have resentment, and you won't be able to figure it out for a while. But Shuping has an idea. In the future, you will walk more with Shuping. With him Persuading from the side, your patriarch will figure it out."

Wang Shijing stood up and saluted respectfully: "Thank you Uncle Sun, thank you Uncle Zhao."

The attitudes of Li Zheng and Patriarch Sun at least showed that the patriarchs of two of the three big clans in the village were on his side. Wang Shijing could probably think that the reason was related to the jade plaque given to Yun'an by the county magistrate. There are two patriarchs, one of whom is Li Zheng's support. At least he and Yun'an's family will be more relaxed in the village in the future. Even if someone talks about filial piety, it will not affect them.

Li Zheng said: "Go and get your patriarch, don't leave that piece of meat to me, take it."

Wang Shijing said: "The patriarch is probably not in the mood to eat meat now, I will give him meat after a few days when he calms down."

What he said made Li Zheng and Patriarch Sun laugh. In the hearts of the villagers, Wang Shijing was as boring as his father Wang Dali, but now that he was able to say such a thing, both Li Zheng and Patriarch Sun could see that it was definitely influenced by Shao Yun'an. In fact, they were also betting that Shao Yun'an would bring good influence to Wang Shijing, Xiushui Village, and their clansmen.

Without staying at Lizheng's house for too long, Wang Shijing went to Wang Wenhe's house. As soon as he entered the house, Wang Shijing understood the expression on the patriarch's face. Only Wang Wenhe and Wang Shuping were in the Wang family hall. Wang Shuping's attitude is still good. As soon as Wang Shijing came in, Wang Shuping asked him to sit down, but Wang Wenhe said: "Shijing, what good does it do you for your wife to make a scene like this? I know you are angry with your mother, but you can't let your daughter-in-law ruin you like this." With Zhisong's reputation in mind, he will have to take the exams for scholars, judges, and even champions in the future!"


"Don't talk!"

Wang Wenhe glared at Wang Shuping, then looked at Wang Shijing angrily: "With me and Li Zheng, what are you afraid of? Your mother is a quarrelsome person, and it's not like you don't know, what do you care about with her as a woman? Well now, your second brother and sister-in-law are in prison, and Zhisong’s reputation has been ruined. You are the eldest brother, even if the family is separated, the bones and tendons will be broken! You really don’t want your parents With brother?"

"Father!" Wang Shuping was more anxious than Wang Shijing, and Wang Wenhe shouted angrily, "Get out!"

Wang Shuping took a deep breath, and could only persuade the silent Wang Shijing: "Shijing, my father is angry, why don't you go back first."

Wang Wenhe slapped the table: "What! I can't say enough about him!"

Wang Shijing said: "My parents and my brothers don't want me first." When he said this, Wang Wenhe choked. Wang Shijing went on to say: "Five years ago, you were the patriarch, and I still couldn't escape two years of corvee; three years ago, you were also the patriarch, and I was still forced to join the army. When the Song family was at home, you were also the patriarch. , but she was forcefully forced away by my mother and that good sister-in-law. I am back, and you are still the patriarch. I was forced to marry and leave the house. Patriarch, Ruo Yunan did not go today The county school is looking for Zhisong, what are you going to do?"

Wang Wenhe was speechless, even Wang Shuping didn't expect Wang Shijing to say such a thing. Wang Shijing came back on his behalf: "You will definitely listen to my mother, don't tell me to hand over all the silver, at least half of it, I can't keep the stone."

Wang Wenhe's lips trembled, and he couldn't say that he originally planned it this way.

Wang Shijing clenched his fists: "I am a member of the Wang clan, but I can't rely on my clan, so I can only find a way by myself. My mother and brother will not give me a way to survive, so I can only earn a living by myself. Patriarch, you must think that I I made a mistake, then you can remove me from the clan. Anyway, I am the only one in my family. So what is the difference between me and someone without clan protection? I can’t even protect my own wife and children !” Wang Shijing pointed to his eyes, “If I reacted a little slower at that time, the knife would have been cut on my neck. Wang Tianyan’s life is his life, but mine is not; Wang Zhisong’s life is his life, and I am My life is also not my life. My life is not even worth five taels of silver in the family. It just so happens that Yun An also left the house. I will reconcile with him tomorrow, and then I will marry him. From then on, I have nothing to do with the Wang family !"

Leaving the last sentence behind, Wang Shijing turned around and left, walking resolutely and resolutely.


Wang Shuping chased him out. At the door, without giving Wang Shuping a chance to persuade, Wang Shijing said directly: "Brother Shuping, tell the patriarch that I, Wang Shijing, don't regret what happened today! What I said at the gate of the county school was not angry. I remember everything my family did to me and my two children."

After speaking, Wang Shijing strode away, leaving Wang Shuping speechless. Looking at the resolute back, Wang Shuping couldn't help but shudder.