Fierce “Husband”

Chapter 20


Taking advantage of the time when it was spread out, Shao Yunan washed the five small jars to be used to collect ashes three times with spiritual spring water, and moved them to the kitchen to dry as soon as possible. I also washed out the newly bought tea pots, wine jars, and small crocks that were going to be used to hold jam. The wine jars and small crocks were scalded twice with boiling water inside and out. While Shao Yunan was cleaning, Wang Shijing came back. Seeing that Shao Yun'an was busy, he put away the lime he had found and was about to go over to help.

"Don't move!" Stopping Wang Shijing, Shao Yun'an said, "You want to burn your hands." Wang Shijing's hands were covered with quicklime foam, and if he touched the water all at once, he would definitely be burned.

Pulling Wang Shijing aside, Shao Yunan wiped it carefully with a clean cloth first, then went to the kitchen to get vinegar for Wang Shijing to wash, and then asked him to wash his hands.

"Put it with a cloth when you pick it up later."


Wang Shijing was in a good mood. He washed his hands carefully, and even used the bath beans when they were warmed up. He didn't give up until the smell of vinegar was gone.

"I'll wash whatever you want to wash, don't touch the cold water." Wang Shijing went to take over Shao Yun'an's work. Shao Yun'an gave him a look: "I'm not a woman."

Wang Shijing said naturally: "I will do the rough work at home."

Shao Yun'an spread out his palms: "I've also done rough work." His hands had thick calluses, and the original owner had worked hard at Shao's house. Wang Shijing grabbed Shao Yunan's hand and took the opportunity to hug him over: "My daughter-in-law, I feel sorry for you. From now on, I will do all the rough and tiring work at home. You are still young, so don't wear yourself out early."

Shao Yun'an's cheek next to Wang Shijing's chest was scorching hot, all the way to his heart. It's not that no one is chasing him, on the contrary, there are still many people chasing him, men, women, of all identities. But except for those two unresolved romances, he has always been very cautious. He has space, and if there are close people, the secret of the space will definitely not be kept, so he must be cautious.

Now back thousands of years ago, being hugged by an ancient man, for the first time, he felt an indescribable restlessness, a restlessness from the inside out.

"Since you entered the door, I have never let you live in peace, and today I have made you feel wronged. Daughter-in-law, don't think that I am blind, disfigured, and have two children. I will treat you Okay, I will love you and listen to you in everything. You, don't go. "

If it is said that the family environment in the past forced him to be silent, then after the separation and meeting Shao Yun'an, Wang Shijing gradually released his suppressed nature for more than 20 years.

If Wang Shijing didn't have such worries before, then after he saw Shao Yun'an face the county magistrate, face the dean of the county school, and face so many people's calmness and wisdom, he was afraid, afraid of vulgarity and no worries. After all, he couldn't catch this person. He wanted this person very much, especially after Shao Yun'an said the phrase "I will love you in the future". It was precisely because of this that Wang Shijing, who was used to silence, couldn't wait to speak out what was in his heart, as long as he could keep this person.

Shao Yun'an felt that his breath was burning hot, but at this moment he was a little greedy for the warmth of Wang Shijing's chest. After thinking about it, he wasn't being hypocritical anymore. He and Wang Shijing are husband and wife now, and Wang Shijing has such a good figure, why is he so reserved after being a virgin for 26 years? Especially since this guy is so obedient. As for whether to divorce in the future, it depends on Wang Shijing's performance.

Shao Yunan leaned openly and said, "That depends on your performance. If you give me three wives and four concubines in the future, I will definitely divorce you."

"No!" Wang Shijing was categorical and loyal, "You said, our family is up to you, if you tell me to face west, I can't face east. I only want you alone, and you are my wife." Hug tightly.

"Then you ignored me during the two days when you got married."

Wang Shijing pursed his lips: "I originally wanted to marry you and make peace with you after entering the door. I know you definitely don't want to marry me."

"It's very self-aware." Shao Yun'an raised his head with a teasing smile on his face. Seeing that smile, Wang Shijing felt guilty, bent down and kissed her.


Shao Yun'an struggled subconsciously, but how could he struggle as he was only as tall as Wang Shijing's chest. The thick and pure masculine breath entered Shao Yun'an's mouth along the lips they wanted to stick together, and Shao Yun'an couldn't stand immediately. This was the original owner's first kiss, but not Shao Yun'an's first kiss, but Shao Yun'an just had the illusion that this was his first kiss, damn, this man seduced him again!

Wang Shijing's tongue eagerly pried open Shao Yunan's teeth, stirred the softness in his mouth, and sucked his red lips. He wants to book this person down as soon as possible, and wants this person to stay by his side with peace of mind, without any thought of leaving.

A burst of numbness went straight to the forehead along the tailbone, Shao Yun'an was dizzy and couldn't stand at all. With brute force, Wang Shijing picked him up by his buttocks, and strode into the room.

The bed and floor in the house are covered with dried tea. Wang Shijing pressed Shao Yunan on the door, and the door made a clanging sound. Shao Yun'an can only pant, Wang Shijing's masculine breath is too strong, so strong that he, a pure zero, has no power to resist.


Shao Yun'an, who was sucked by the neck, felt dizzy. He instinctively hugged Wang Shijing's head, his legs clamped around his waist, and his breath was chaotic.

The lower body has already reacted, and Shao Yunan felt a hard thing poking his butt. It was cool, Shao Yunan wore two pairs of trousers, but Wang Shijing still had one pair. No need to guess what the hard one is.

"No, no."

When Wang Shijing tore off his clothes, Shao Yun'an hurriedly called to stop. Too soon, there's tea tonight, they've only been married for four days!

Wang Shijing's response was to swallow a milk granule in Shao Yun'an's chest. Shao Yun'an screamed and did not resist anymore.

"Ah! Ugh... it hurts..."

Shao Yun'an cried out for pain, but pressed Wang Shijing's head. Wang Shijing swollen one nipple by sucking it, and turned to the other. Shao Yunan twisted his lower body, he felt uncomfortable.

Wang Shijing supported Shao Yunan with one hand, and untied his trousers with the other hand. The trousers slid to his feet, and he untied Shao Yunan's trousers again.

Sucking Shao Yunan's flat chest as hard as sucking milk. Sucking his chest was swollen, and then sucked his mouth, leaving big hickey marks on his neck and chest, as if to declare his sovereignty over Shao Yunan. Shao Yunan's body was very young, and he ejaculated screaming after a while. Before Wang Shijing came out, he put Shao Yunan down, turned him around, and continued to suck and bite his back, the scorching penis rubbed against Shao Yunan's buttocks, but he didn't intend to enter the place of ecstasy.

I don't know how long it took, Shao Yun'an had ejaculated for the second time, and he didn't feel his back being sucked and bitten, and Wang Shijing's muffled snort came from behind him, and then, a stream of heat sprayed into Shao Yun'an's buttocks. Shao Yun'an lay powerlessly on the door, panting with his eyes closed. Wang Shijing's lips were still biting his neck, and he closed his eyes to enjoy the aftertaste of the orgasm.

So far, Shao Yun'an didn't understand how things came to this point. Shouldn't we treat each other as brothers first

"Did you go out to take aphrodisiac?" Shao Yun'an asked pantingly, his hoarse voice was full of lazy temptation.

Wang Shijing kissed Shao Yunan's shoulder with bite marks, with a satisfied expression: "You are my wife."

"I just married you!"

"We're a few days late consummating the house."

Shao Yun'an opened his eyes, surprised: "Is this a consummation?" This guy doesn't understand how men make love at all, does he

But obviously Shao Yun'an was thinking too much. Wang Shijing took off his coat, wiped it for Shao Yunan and him, and said, "You are still young, and it is not good for your health if you do it too early. I didn't understand it before, so I went to the army and listened to the doctor. Wait." After you are eighteen, we will consummate the house again. I heard from the military doctor that after the consummation of the house, you need to take care of yourself frequently, otherwise it will be difficult to have a baby, and you will still suffer when you get old."

Shao Yun'an completely stopped dizzy, turned around and said, "I don't want to have children."

Wang Shijing stopped his movements and pursed his lips.

Shao Yun'an was not soft-hearted: "You already have a son and a daughter, and you have both. I don't want to be pregnant, let alone suffer that."

Wang Shijing continued to pull up Shao Yun'an's pants, his face returned to normal: "If you don't want it, then don't. You haven't eaten the pregnancy fruit, have you?"

"No." Shao Yun'an was not sure again, "I don't know either. I don't remember eating any strange fruit." Is it fruit

Wang Shijing pulled up his trousers and said, "Usually you eat it after you get married. The pregnancy fruit is white. You have to go to the government office to apply for it. You have to soak it in medicine before eating it. You probably haven't taken it. If you don't want it, we don't want it. Giving birth to a child is painful for both men and women, but it hurts even more for men. I don't want you to suffer."

Shao Yun'an was satisfied, he didn't remember eating any white medicinal fruit, so he punched Wang Shijing and said, "I told you that we will make tea tonight."

Wang Shijing bent over and kissed his daughter-in-law's red and swollen mouth: "You teach me, I'll do it."

Shao Yun'an narrowed his eyes: "Why do I suddenly feel that you are pretending to be honest? Is there still time to return the product?"

"It's too late, you are already my wife." Wang Shijing put Shao Yun'an's mouth in his mouth, feeling overwhelmed. This person belongs to him, right

Wang Dali and Wang Chunxiu returned without success. When Wang Chunxiu got home, she cried and ran back to her room. Mrs. Wang asked what was going on, but Wang Chunxiu didn't say anything. Wang Dali finally choked out a sentence: "It didn't work."

As soon as Mrs. Wang heard that there was nothing going on, she immediately cried and wiped away her tears, clamoring to find Wang Shijing. Wang Zhisong stopped Mrs. Wang again, angrily: "Mom, don't make any more trouble. If you are willing to discuss with me, it won't be like this. We have already separated, and you are still looking for them What kind of money do you want, the money has not arrived now, and the second brother and I have been implicated, if you continue to make trouble, maybe I will be the one who comes to arrest tomorrow!"

"Then forget it? Just let your second brother be arrested and you will be punished for three months?" Mrs. Wang was not reconciled. The eldest son who was in his hands before dared to be tough with him, he was the loser!

Wang Zhisong said impatiently: "Forget it, what can we do? They have the county magistrate as their backer, what do we have? Now we can only wait for me to pass the exam next year."

"Why am I so miserable..." Mrs. Wang patted her thigh and howled.

Wang Dali couldn't help but said in a low voice, "Why don't you redeem Tian Yan and Zhaodi with money."

This sentence immediately stabbed Mrs. Wang's hornet's nest: "Take the money?! Where did you get the money! If you want to take it, it should be those two mourners!"

Wang Dali shrank his head and stopped talking.

Wang Zhisong took a few deep breaths: "Mother, whoever the county magistrate of Yongxiu County left after staying for a few years. When the county magistrate leaves, what support do they have? At that time, the son may already be a Juren. Let's Bear with it for the time being, when the county magistrate leaves in the future, won't it be easy for us to get revenge? Second brother and second sister-in-law can spend money to redeem it or redeem it, otherwise some people will say that I don't care about my brother."

Mrs. Wang stopped crying, but her heart ached: "The family has so much money to redeem people! Why is my life so miserable..."

Wang Chunxiu came out of the house, stopped crying, and said, "Mother, go to the patriarch and ask him how much money it will cost to redeem someone. If it's too much, then it's fine, and other people will only say which family refused to help redeem people."

Wang Zhisong said: "Go and ask, the best thing is to redeem him. The most important thing now is my fame. Before this county magistrate leaves, before I am admitted to Juren, let's bear with it."

Wang Chunxiu gritted his teeth: "Zhisong, you must be admitted to Juren, you'd better get another champion, and treat those two people well, especially that Shao Yun'an, I just wanted to tear his mouth open!"

Mrs. Wang was still not reconciled: "They sold stones and got a lot of money. It seems that they bought this and that as soon as they separated. They didn't even give me a piece of meat."

"Mom! Just listen to Zhisong and stop making trouble! We can't make trouble with them now!" Wang Chunxiu persuaded.

Wang Zhisong said: "Mother, it's for me, you bear with it first, I swear this humiliation will definitely be returned in the future!"

Mrs. Wang wiped the corners of her eyes: "Okay, mother listens to you."

A child was eavesdropping behind the curtain of another room, biting his lips hard.


Taking a breath, Shao Yun'an rubbed his chest again, glaring at the foolish person. After having a good time, the after-effects also came. The place where Wang Shijing had bitten was numb and painful, especially the two nipples and lips. Under Shao Yun'an's guidance, Wang Shijing, who had finished with him, hastily apologized again: "I will pay attention in the future, just now, I couldn't restrain myself."

The "old" man who has been holding back for three years is so impatient. Shao Yun'an only dared to complain and complain, now is a crucial step, he can't be distracted. After the temperature of the cast iron pot reaches 80 to 100 degrees, apply a little soybean oil, then throw in a certain amount of tea leaves and start to finish according to a certain method. During this process, fingers are easily burned. After Shao Yunan went in and out of the house, he was injured and had two pairs of string gloves.

Wang Shijing was naturally surprised, but he didn't ask any questions. Put on your gloves and follow Shao Yunan's instructions to learn how to stir-fry greens. What Shao Yunan gave to Wang Shijing was one-bud three-leaf and four-leaf tea, which was the lowest grade of tea he wanted to make, and Wang Shijing could use it to practice. Shao Yun'an, who has tender buds, one bud and one leaf, and one bud and two leaves, still has to come by himself. There is a fire hole on the stove for Shao Yunan to use, and Wang Shijing uses a simple stove to light the fire by the way.

The finished tea should be placed in a cool place and spread thinly to regain moisture. After regaining moisture, it should be put into the pot for further frying and setting. After the shape is set, there is still screening. The large tea leaves are returned to the pot to be straightened and shaped again. Finally, they are divided into bags, and then put into a vat covered with lime blocks for sealing and sealing. The production of Longjing tea is considered complete.

Both of them vented their desires at night, but they didn't have any time to rest. Shao Yun'an prepared spiritual spring water, and the two of them didn't feel particularly tired. At dawn, Shao Yun'an put the last bag of tea into the vat, and together with Wang Shijing sealed the vat, he let out a long sigh. Seven days after unsealing, the tea leaves are ready to drink.

"Daughter-in-law, you go to bed, I'll take the tank to Brother Qing's room."

"Don't sleep, I still have a lot of things to do today. I'm going to cook. You can wake up Brother Qing and Nizi. After eating, I will teach them a few words first, and then send them to Lizheng. Let's go to the mountain together."

"I'll go, you go and rest." Wang Shijing felt sorry for his wife.

"I'm not sleepy. We drank too much water to keep us refreshed. You can drink more in the future." Shao Yun'an went to boil the water as he spoke. Wang Shijing's one-eyed eyes sank, and he didn't say anything about telling his wife to go to bed.

Wang Shijing went to release the tank, and Wang Qing and Wang Ni woke up. Without telling the two children that they hadn't slept all night, Shao Yun'an made a simple breakfast. After eating in a hurry, he taught the two children to recognize the first five characters on the copybook. What's wrong with them over there while they're not around.

After Wang Shijing took the child away, Shao Yunan fished out the crab legs soaked in Lingquan water overnight and put them in the yard to dry. There are also peach gum, fungus, and right ear that must be dried in the sun. Filled two gourds full of spiritual spring water dripped with spiritual milk, packed the dry food to be brought, and Shao Yunan waited for Wang Shijing to come back.

Wang Shijing came back soon, took the bow and arrow and went out with Shao Yunan. Some villagers didn't have any curiosity when they saw the two going to the west mountain. They just thought that Wang Shijing had learned the skills after serving in the army for three years and dared to take his wife to that mountain. What happened yesterday is still discussed in the village. Many people were watching the jokes about Mrs. Wang's family. Ever since Wang Zhisong was admitted to a private school, Mrs. Wang praised her for being smart, so Mrs. Wang stopped looking at people. When Wang Zhisong was admitted to Tong Shenglang and entered the county school, Mrs. Wang’s eyes grew to the top of her head. . This Wang Zhisong was originally arrogant, and the rest of the Wang family were not very popular except Wang Shijing, so it would be weird if they didn't make fun of them this time.

Unable to take revenge on Wang Shijing and Shao Yun'an, Mrs. Wang put her mind on Wang Chunxiu. It stands to reason that Wang Chunxiu is already seventeen years old, and should be married at this age, but Wang Chunxiu's marriage has not yet been settled. Mrs. Wang wanted to wait for Wang Zhisong to be admitted as a scholar before deciding on Wang Chunxiu's marriage. Next year Wang Zhisong will be able to take the examination of scholar, and Mrs. Wang is full of confidence.

It's just that Wang Zhisong's reputation has been damaged now, and he is still being punished by the dean of the county school. No matter how stupid Mrs. Wang is, she knows the seriousness of this matter. So she changed her mind and found Wang Chunxiu a wealthy family to help Wang Zhisong. Firstly, she could be a backer for Wang Zhisong; secondly, she could help him more with money.

Do it as soon as you think of it, after breakfast, Mrs. Wang went to the patriarch's house first, asked the patriarch to come forward and ask if Wang Tianyan and Guo Zhaodi could be redeemed, and then asked Wang Dali to drive to the village. Wang Chunxiu didn't know that her mother was "worrying" about her marriage and was bothering her. When Wang Tianyan and Guo Zhaodi were arrested, Wang Zaizheng stopped attending classes, and no one sent him there. When Mrs. Song was here, Mrs. Song washed Wang Chunxiu's clothes from the inside to the outside, including the dirty trousers she changed every month. Later, Mrs. Song ran away, and Wang Ni was still young. After all, Wang Chunxiu was a big girl. She couldn't let Wang Qing wash it for her, so she threw it to Mrs. Wang Guo. Mrs. Wang used to throw her own clothes to Mrs. Song. The two quarreled a lot. But every time it was Wang Guo who lost, who made her the daughter-in-law and Wang Chunxiu the daughter.

Later, when Wang Ni got older, Wang Guoshi and Wang Chunxiu threw the clothes to Wang Ni, and the two stopped arguing. Therefore, before Wang Shijing came back, Wang Qing washed the clothes of the men in the Wang family, and Wang Ni washed the women's clothes. Wang Qing and Wang Ni didn't tell their fathers about these things in detail, but Fourth Aunt Wang left it all to Shao Yun'an that time. That's why he didn't treat his only sister, Wang Shijing, well. Anyway, towards the members of his family, Wang Shijing was completely chilled.

Guo Zhaodi is in prison, Wang Ni left with her father, no one at home washes clothes, cooks, feeds pigs, feeds chickens... Wang Zhisong does not work, Wang Dali only works in the field, Wang Chunxiu wants to be lazy now There is no way to be lazy. Wang Zaizheng was not Wang Qing, and he hid faster than anyone else when he was asked to work. Seeing a lot of work that required her to do, Wang Chunxiu blamed her mother for letting Wang Shijing go.