Fierce “Husband”

Chapter 24


Putting the two children on the kang, Shao Yunan kept rubbing Wang Shijing's chest. Wang Shijing's body was so tense that it seemed to explode at any moment, and his breathing was extremely angry. Wang Ni and Wang Qing were frightened by his appearance, and the two children were crying for their father while stroking their backs.

"Brother Shijing, take a deep breath, don't hold it in, don't hold it in." Shao Yun'an was also a little scared. Regardless of the child being nearby, he hugged Wang Shijing and kissed his face, his chin, and his neck, and rubbed his chest vigorously: "Brother Shijing, brother Jing, breathe out, take that breath out." Breathe out."

"Daddy, daddy..."

Wang Shijing suddenly hugged Shao Yun'an vigorously, Shao Yun'an gritted his teeth and cried out in pain, Wang Shijing's strength was so great that his ribs were about to break.

Slowly exhaling that painful breath, Shao Yun'an kissed Wang Shijing's chin: "Brother Jing, don't be angry, the only ones who feel distressed when you are angry are me and the children. It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, we can afford it. They owe You, what you owe the children, sooner or later we will get it back with interest."

Wang Qing swore: "Father, I will study hard. I will take the number one examination and become a high official. I will never let them bully us again!"

Wang Shijing stretched out his hand, hugged the two children together with Shao Yunan, let out a breath, and then remained silent for a long time. Shao Yunan kept rubbing his chest and swearing in his heart.

In the evening, Shao Yun'an cooked a big meal for the wronged child and Wang Shijing who was angry. Stewed chicken with chestnuts, egg pancakes with jam, fried meat with fungus, fried mushrooms, and the last dessert, sweet-scented osmanthus dumpling soup. After eating a delicious meal that they had never eaten before, the two children regained their emotions. Wang Shijing also ate a lot, but he was obviously not in a good mood.

After crying for a while, Wang Ni got closer to Xiao Dae again. After eating, she licked her lips and said, "Little Daddy, can you teach me how to cook? Xiao Dae's dishes are delicious, and the jam is delicious. "

Shao Yun'an smiled and said: "Your father has bought a new homestead. When our new house is built, my little dad will ask your dad to build an oven, and my little dad will teach you how to make delicious snacks. Wait until Nizi grows up. When you meet someone you like, make snacks for him.”

Nizi blushed immediately, and flung herself into Xiao Dae's arms in embarrassment. Wang Qing also laughed, and said, "The dishes cooked by my dad are the best I've ever eaten."

"As long as my little dad is not busy, I will make it for you every day. Tomorrow, my little dad and your dad are going to the county town. I don't know when you will come back. You should go to Lizheng's house."


After shaking Nizi in his arms for a while, Shao Yun'an let her go. Wang Shijing silently cleaned up the dishes, and Wang Qing helped. Shao Yun'an watched Wang Shijing enter the kitchen and exhaled. The Wang family insulted the beast by describing it as a beast. After tidying up, Shao Yunan began to teach Wang Qing and Nizi how to read, and read them an easy-to-understand short article, leaving them to study by themselves, and the two children would wash and go to bed by themselves.

In the yard, Wang Shijing was washing the clothes of a family of four, with his lips tightly pressed together. Shao Yun'an didn't do anything, and Wang Shijing didn't let him touch the cold water. Shao Yun'an moved a stool and sat next to Wang Shijing to process the remaining chestnuts, and said, "Brother Jing, you feel uncomfortable. When I see Mr. Jiang tomorrow, I will ask him to sentence Wang Tianyan and Guo Zhaodi for a few more months. Wang Zhisong is not Next year, let’s find a few people to tie him up and see how he will take the exam next year. We have plenty of ways to keep them from living in peace, but don’t get sulky.”

Wang Shijing spoke with a hoarse voice: "I blame myself. If I separated earlier, Brother Qing and Nizi would suffer less."

Shao Yun'an: "If you split up earlier, how can you split up? As for Wang Wenhe's biased eyes, he can support you to split up? Don't even think about splitting up if the old woman's filial hat is suppressed. It's not too late to split up. Brother Qing and Nizi It is suffering, and I feel distressed when I hear it, but just because they have suffered, they will be more promising than other children in the future.

"Heaven will send a great mission to the people of Sri Lanka, and they must first suffer from their hearts and minds, exhaust their muscles and bones, starve their bodies and skins, empty their bodies, and mess up their actions, so they will move their hearts and patience, and increase what they cannot. '"

Shao Yun'an hugged the stunned Wang Shijing, put his head against his chest and said, "Because you have gone through these hardships, you will be more persevering, clearer, and calmer than others, and you will gain something. Otherwise, you I will always be just a mud-legged person who only knows how to plant land, and doesn't even know what it looks like outside the county."

Wang Shijing lowered his head and rubbed Shao Yunan's hair: "Yunan... Yunan..."

Shao Yunan raised his head, Wang Shijing covered his mouth, licked and kissed him gently.

Wang Qing covered his sister's eyes and quietly closed the door. He heard what little dad said, although he didn't quite understand what it meant, but he seemed to understand a little bit.

At night, the passion continued. The naked body entangled heartily, Wang Shijing still didn't make it to the end, but he used his hands, his lips and tongue to completely imprint his breath on Shao Yun'an's body. He called "wife" over and over again, calling for the daughter-in-law he was unwilling to marry, but was lucky to marry.

"It is indeed much better. The corners of the eyes are much cleaner than the day I first saw them. The eye mask should be changed every day to keep the eyes clean."


Wang Shijing sat on the edge of the kang, and Shao Yunan wiped his eyes. The resentment from last night dissipated after each scene of passion. Wang Shijing buried his hatred deep in his heart. Not to escape, but to be more awake than ever, and to remember. When Shao Yunan put down the cloth towel, Wang Shijing got up and hugged him, then picked up the washbasin with one hand, and led Shao Yunan out of the house with the other.

Wang Qing has already cooked porridge. After the separation, Wang Qing and Nizi ate delicious white rice porridge that was almost impossible to eat before. Both children like to eat it, and Shao Yunan is also used to drinking porridge in the morning. Now that the family is not short of money, the rice and white noodles are of course enough to eat.

Fried eggs one by one, with jam and deep-fried steamed buns. After eating well, Wang Qing said reservedly: "Little Daddy, can you write down what you said to Daddy last night?"

"What?" Shao Yun'an didn't react for a while.

Wang Qing said, "That's what fell from the sky."

"Oh." Shao Yun'an smiled, "It's ok. Those words are incomplete. My dad will write them down for you and then explain them to you. You have to write down this passage, it's very reasonable. .”

"Hmm! I feel like it's very powerful!"

"Daddy, I'll remember it too."

"Nizi is so good. My little daddy came back to buy some snacks for Nizi."

Nizi shook her head: "Daddy's jam is delicious, sweet-scented osmanthus balls are delicious, better than dim sum."

Shao Yun'an was very proud, and Wang Shijing's one-eyed eyes were full of warmth and happiness. Don't let Shao Yun'an clean it up, Wang Shijing went to wash it up, and Shao Yun'an went to write that paragraph to Wang Qing. This passage comes from Mencius, one of the Four Books. Because the history is different, it is impossible to have "Mencius" here.

Ancient figures such as Yao, Shun and Yu also existed in the history of Great Yan. The beginning of this passage mentions several famous figures in history. Shao Yun'an did not change these characters, but described the characters who had never appeared in the history of the Great Yan Kingdom as able men and strangers in ancient mythology.

When Shao Yun'an wrote this passage and carefully explained the complete meaning of this passage to Wang Qing and Nizi, the two children looked at their little dad with starry eyes. Daddy is amazing!

Wang Shijing was also listening in the kitchen, he walked in after washing the dishes quickly, and listened seriously. After the explanation, Shao Yun'an silently said to Wang Qing's head, "Brother Qing, you have to remember that studying is not for gaining fame, but for us to learn to think and analyze. Only people who can think can our country be able to Only by progress can the history of mankind progress. You have to learn to observe the people, things, and things around you, and then think. If you have nothing to do, ask yourself why, and ask others why.”

Wang Qing nodded vigorously, feeling that what Xiaopa said was very profound. To apply a modern term is: "I don't know what to do"!

"When you can write more words, you have to write a paragraph of your own feelings about this passage. Can you combine what you have seen and heard, can you?"


"Okay, daddy believes you can do it." After giving Wang Qing an encouraging look, Shao Yun'an looked at Wang Ni, who looked adoring, "Nizi, you need to practice your calligraphy well and learn the principles well, can you memorize it?" It doesn't matter."

"I will recite it!"

"Our girl is really ambitious, and she will definitely be the No. 1 female scholar in the future."

Nizi shyly hugged Xiaoda again.

It was time to go out, Shao Yun'an helped pack up the things that the two children were going to bring to Lizheng's house, Wang Shijing whispered, "Can these be seen by outsiders?" He was referring to the passage written by Shao Yun'an.

Shao Yunan said indifferently: "It's okay. I will push it on you."

"..." Wang Shijing fell silent.

Shao Yun'an sent the two children to Li Zheng's house, and Wang Shijing went to Wang Xing's house to borrow an ox cart. Wang Xing was not at home, and went up the mountain to pick red sour fruits and peaches. Zhao He said that he would collect red sour fruits and peaches. Red sour fruit costs ten cents a catty, and peaches cost thirty cents a catty. The money given by Uncle Lizheng was not low. The villagers picked the red sour fruit and sold it for only two or three Wen a catty. The wild peaches were sour, and no one bought them at all. As long as the young people in the village have nothing to do, they all go up the mountain to look for red sour fruits and peaches. To this, Shao Yun'an's reaction was to smile. When they arrived at Lizheng's house, the enthusiasm of Lizheng and Zhao Yuande almost made Shao Yun'an overwhelmed with goosebumps, and he almost escaped in embarrassment.

Some women, aunts, and idlers in the village who didn't go up the mountain saw that Wang Shijing and Shao Yun'an were going to the county again, and there was another discussion. Both Shao Yun'an and Wang Shijing are people who don't bother to pay attention to gossip. Farming is about to start, and the family bought another ten acres of land, so Shao Yun'an planned to buy a cow back. Wang Shijing's body looks very strong, and there must be a loss inside. Although there is spiritual spring water, Shao Yun'an still doesn't want him to be so tired, and he himself is not suitable for farming. Buying a cow, Wang Shijing can relax, and it will be convenient to go out in the future. Shao Yunan doesn't want to always borrow a car from Aunt Wang. When he earns his first pot of gold, he must buy a carriage.

When they arrived at the county seat, Shao Yun'an and Wang Shijing went straight to the county government. When he arrived at the gate of the county government office, Shao Yun'an took out the jade plaque and said that he wanted to send a message to the county magistrate. As soon as the guards saw the jade plaque, they immediately took them to the side entrance of the county government office. The two entered the county office with them. The first half of the county government office is where the yamen works and handles cases, and the second half is where the county magistrate and his followers live. Entering from the side door is equivalent to entering a residential area. A young servant came up to meet him, and when he heard that it was a letter from the magistrate, and he had the magistrate's jade token with him, the young servant led the two of them and continued to enter.

Passing through a small garden, the servant led the two of them to the side hall, and then went to invite the county magistrate. Shao Yun'an was holding a gift for County Magistrate Jiang, and Wang Shijing's sad basket was for others. Not long after the two waited, they heard footsteps, and they stood up immediately.

The door opened, and Jiang Kangning, dressed in casual clothes, walked in gently. Shao Yun'an and Wang Shijing immediately bowed and saluted. Jiang Kangning let the two of them not be restrained, went to the upper seat and sat down, and also let the two sit down. Soon, the servant brought tea. The county magistrate asked the boy to retreat, leaving the two of them to talk.

As soon as he opened his mouth, Jiang Kangning asked, "Have you two been made things difficult after you went back?"

Shao Yun'an was still full of doubts about the county magistrate's care, and replied: "Of course there are some who don't understand, but most of them understand. My husband and I have a clear conscience."

Jiang Kangning nodded approvingly, and Shao Yunan put the bamboo basket on the table, and took out two jars, chestnuts, fresh mushrooms, and fresh artemisia. He didn't take the peach gum and crab legs before they were dried. Mushrooms and artemisia were preserved in the space by Shao Yunan, and Wang Shijing strictly adhered to the principle of not asking questions.

Shao Yunan said: "My lord, this is the jam I made myself and the mountain products picked by brother Jing on the mountain. It is not a valuable thing. Please have a taste of it, my lord."

Jiang Kangning was no stranger to these mountain products, but he was very curious about the jam that Shao Yunan mentioned. He asked, "What is jam?"

Shao Yun'an got up and took the two jars to the square table next to Jiang Kangning, and said, "I made it with goat's milk fruit, that is, red sour fruit and wild peach. You can spread it on steamed buns, pancakes, and snacks, and eat it as well." It can be soaked in water to drink, it is a rare taste."

"Oh?" Jiang Kangning was very interested, and immediately opened the seal. Two different sweet fragrances came out, and Jiang Kangning's eyes showed surprise.

Shao Yunan said: "If your lord likes it, when the wild fruit on the mountain is ripe, I will make it and send it to you."

Jiang Kangning picked up the jar, looked at it, smelled it, and said, "This thing is really rare, and it's the first time I've seen it. You can sell it for a good price."

Does the county magistrate have real intentions, or does he have other plans? Shao Yun'an was a little puzzled by the county magistrate's kindness, but he still smiled and said: "I know I can sell it for money, but Brother Jing and I are the only laborers in the family. The child is still young, so I will sell it for money." There are only a few scattered bottles at most. I taught this jam to a big brother in the village. Their family has a large population. If someone buys it, it is considered a good income. If they earn money, they will give it to me. "

"Have you taught it to others?" Jiang Kangning was very surprised. This person gave away the obvious opportunity to make money

Shao Yun'an said: "My family has a simple population. If I want to earn money, I have to find someone who is not too labor-intensive. Both children are still young. I plan to send my son to a private school next year. I must always take care of my family. There are many ways to earn money. Can you think of it?"

Jiang Kangning put down the jar and said, "Since you've made up your mind, go for it. This jam is a rare item, and you have to send a copy to Dean Cen."

"Of course it is. I have prepared jams for Dean Cen and the two wives."

Jiang Kangning nodded approvingly, and said: "If you want to sell this jam, you must find a suitable buyer. The owner behind Diezhuang Pavilion and Yizhangxuan is one person. That person has a good background and is honest. You can buy this jam. If you take it to Yizhangxuan, the shopkeeper of Yizhangxuan will definitely accept it. If you sell it yourself, you may be coveted. Things that make money often attract greed."

Shao Yun'an stood up and saluted: "Thank you, Sir, for your reminder."

Jiang Kangning pressed his hand and asked Shao Yunan to sit down. He said casually, "I was in the county school that day. I think you should have studied. I don't know who you studied under?"

On the same day, Jiang Kangning sent someone to investigate Shao Yunan and Wang Shijing. As a result of the investigation, what Shao Yun'an said was completely true, and the Wang family was indeed too unkind, but this Shao Yun'an used to be a villager in Shao's Village, and that Shao's family was also an ordinary villager. The two sons of the Shao family have never read a book, so where did Shao Yun'an get all that knowledge? The other most important point is that Shao Yun'an's temperament has changed a lot, and he is completely two people. Before getting married, Shao Yun'an was silent and introverted, reticent and reticent. Like Wang Shijing, he was bullied at home, but after getting married, Shao Yun'an was extremely strong, which made people have to doubt it.

Shao Yun'an knew that others would have doubts about his changes before and after, so he replied calmly: "I don't remember who I studied under. I was adopted by the Shao family. I should have learned characters and read books before adoption. It’s just that I don’t remember a lot of things. Although my adoptive parents adopted me, they didn’t really treat me like a son. When I was a child, every time I showed that I could read, they would be reprimanded. As time passed, I stopped showing it in front of others.

The Shao clan is strict, if I resist before I get married, I will be punished by the clan rules if my adoptive parents are filial. In that kind of home, all I can do is be patient. When we become married, I also get freedom, so I don't have to bear it anymore. After dying once, I also had some epiphanies and lost some confusion. In fact, thanks to brother Jing's love, I can be as carefree as I am now. If I marry someone like Wang Zhisong, then I have to endure it until he divorces me or I die. "

If it weren't for the county magistrate, Wang Shijing would definitely hug Shao Yun'an. The Shao family and the Wang family are essentially the same, and it is easy to imagine what Shao Yun'an's life in the Shao family was like. He must have suffered a lot and suffered a lot. But when he thought that Shao Yun'an almost married Wang Zhisong, Wang Shijing was afraid for a while.

Jiang Kangning nodded thoughtfully, it does make sense. He then asked, "You don't remember your biological parents at all?"

Shao Yunan shook his head: "I don't remember. I had a few fevers when I was a child, and I don't remember anything before the age of seven or eight. I didn't know I was adopted until I grew up and heard my adoptive parents mention it. Only then did I know why My parents treat me differently than my elder brother and my younger sister."

Jiang Kangning asked: "People in Shaojia Village don't seem to know that you were adopted."

Not surprisingly, Jiang Kangning investigated himself, and Shao Yunan said with a wry smile: "I'm afraid only my adoptive parents know how I got here. It's just that I don't remember it, so what's the use of pursuing it. I'm living a peaceful life now, and I don't want to There will be another disturbance. I have already severed ties with them, as long as they don’t bother me.”

Jiang Kangning nodded, and said: "Since this is the case, the official will not be promoted by the people, and the official will not be held accountable." Speaking of this, he took out the stone that Shao Yunan asked him to keep from his sleeve pocket, and put it on the side table. He went up and said, "There are no outsiders here, so take the stone back."

Jiang Kangning's behavior once again refreshed Shao Yun'an's understanding of the ancient county magistrate. He immediately said: "My lord, I said that I will keep it in your custody. If you give me the jade token, I will take it as your consent. If you want to return the stone to me, then I have to return the jade token." I gave it to you? Your jade token is my life-saving talisman, that won’t work.”

Jiang Kangning frowned, and smiled: "I gave you the jade badge, and I will not take it back, unless you commit crimes and do bad things."

Shao Yun'an still shook his head: "No, no, no. I'm always worried that the stone is not on you, my lord. In my heart, your jade plaque is much more valuable than that stone. That stone is on my body, and it is rare for people to think about it, but this The jade card is on me, so no one dares to provoke me. Your lord, you are the backing of Brother Jing and me."

"Hahaha," Jiang Kangning was amused by Shao Yunan's "blunt words". If other people said that, he would feel that he was flattering, but the flattering words came out of Shao Yun'an's mouth, but he couldn't help laughing, he just felt that this person was genuine.

"Since you are so persistent, I'll keep it for you." Jiang Kangning took back the stone, and Shao Yunan patted his chest with a smile, "Sir, don't scare me like this in the future, I'm very timid."

"Hahaha." Jiang Kangning nodded to Shao Yun'an from the air, "If you want to be timid, then there are no courageous people."

"Hey." Shao Yun asked stupidly.