Fierce “Husband”

Chapter 39


Of course, there are not only two jars of Golden Silk Emperor Chrysanthemum, Shao Yun'an, but this variety probably doesn't exist in Dayan Country, so of course he can't bring out too many. Besides, good things should naturally be kept for oneself to enjoy. He has the seeds of the golden silk chrysanthemum, and when he tells Wang Shijing about the space, all the seeds that need to be planted will be planted. Shao Yun'an was very distressed that dozens of mu of land was "barren", so it was imperative to tell Wang Shijing about the space.

But he took chrysanthemum tea to shopkeeper Xu. Then I have to go and deliver tea to County Magistrate Jiang and Dean Cen, otherwise they will get news from Yizhangxuan, what if they have an idea. The chrysanthemum tea in Yongningtang was provided by the Sun family, while the tea in Yizhangxuan was provided by him.

On the second day after shopkeeper Xu came, Shao Yun'an picked chrysanthemum tea at home, and selected the best one to give to County Magistrate Jiang, Dean Cen, his two wives Guan Chen, and shopkeeper Zeng to taste. Shao Yun'an wanted to send Wang Qing to "Baiyue Academy", so he had to curry favor with Dean Cen. Wang Shijing went to the new house to tell Uncle Zhou and Father Wang that they were going to the county town, and if they had anything to do, they would wait for him to come back.

A horse-drawn carriage drove into Xiushui Village, and the villagers who had almost finished their busy farming season all looked over. They were driven by two strong and powerful men. The carriage seemed to be owned by a wealthy family, and the villagers all speculated that it was When he was sure, the coachman stopped the car and asked the nearby villagers, "May I ask how to get to Wang Shijing's house?"

Looking for Wang Shijing? !

Immediately, a villager said: "Go along the road, turn north at the last fork, and the house with the shortest courtyard wall is there."

"Thank you."

The coachman drives past.

After the carriage left, the villagers gathered together to discuss.

"Who is looking for Ishii again?"

"Didn't someone just come to look for their house in a carriage yesterday, and that one again?"

"No, the carriage is different. The person who came yesterday heard that he was the shopkeeper of Yizhangxuan. When he left, he took his things with him. He must have made some business with their family again."

"It's the right thing for Ishii to marry a man. Look at how prosperous his family is."

"Don't talk about his family's life, don't we all follow suit."

"Ha, the old Mrs. Wang's family is probably so regretful that their intestines are green."

"Don't talk about the old lady Wang's family, the royal patriarch must have regretted it too. Look at the Tong Shenglang of the Wang family, he has been back to the village for so long, and he hasn't been to the royal patriarch's house once. Don't talk about giving money, he still wants to covet his family's money , Yoyo, I really don’t think it’s embarrassing.”

"That's right. I see that Tong Shenglang of his family may not be able to get a good reputation in the future. That Tong Shenglang is famous in the county. I went to the county to buy cloth a few days ago. The shopkeeper heard that I was from Xiushui Village. Yes, just ask me if I know a Tong Shenglang named Wang Zhisong, whoops, I was panicked for him at the time."

"He deserved it. I didn't expect him to be so cruel in private. A child as young as Brother Qing would be fined to kneel all night if he touched his book. If I were Ishii, I would have to beat him up."

The gossip about Wang Shijing was transferred to Wang Zhisong. Many families in the village made more money, so they went to the county more often. The story of Wang Zhisong was spread by the county school and it can be said that the whole county knows it. The students in the county school have all kinds of identities, and if they discuss it in private, it will be passed on and become a well-known "secret". Only Wang Zhisong, who didn't leave the gate, didn't know that he was already famous. He still wanted to rent a house in the county, stay away from the gossip in the village, and wait for the big exam next year.

The coachman easily found the house with the shortest courtyard wall and parked the carriage on the side of the road. A big man next to the coachman jumped out of the car and opened the curtain: "My lord, we're here."

The person in the car looked over, helped the big man by the arm and got out of the car, and said, "Go and knock on the door."

The big man knocked on the door, and a child's voice came from inside: "Come, who is it?"

"Excuse me, this is Wang Shijing's house, right?"

Because of Shao Yunan's status as a husband and wife, no one who came would say they were looking for him (even if they were actually looking for him).


Following this sound, the door opened, and it was a boy. The adult stepped forward: "Are your father and little father at home?"

Wang Qing stared blankly at this handsome young uncle, and nodded subconsciously: "My little father is here, but my father is out."

Shao Yun'an came out of the room at this time: "Who is it?"

He raised his eyes and was stunned: "Xian..." The other party's gesture made him swallow the following "Lord Ling".

Jiang Kangning raised his foot and walked in. The big man who knocked on the door closed the door and did not follow in. Shao Yunan blinked: "Sir, should I say that I have a heart-to-heart with you? Brother Jing and I are going to see you."

The other party was also taken aback, and then he laughed: "This is a good connection. You don't have to go to the county government to look for it, the official came here by himself."

Wang Qing trembled, and Shao Yun'an pulled him over: "Brother Qing, call your lord."

"My lord!" Wang Qing quickly saluted. Wang Ni also came out, Shao Yun'an pulled Wang Ni over and asked her to call "Master", the two children were very nervous facing "Master".

"Brother Qing, you and Nizi went to call your father back, saying that there is a distinguished guest at home. Your father is over there in the new house."


Wang Qing took his sister's hand and ran away nervously. Shao Yunan led County Magistrate Jiang into the house.

Jiang Kangning followed into the house, jokingly said: "I heard that Mr. Shao has made a lot of money recently. Not only did he buy a large house site and 30 acres of land, he also bought a hill. My government office yesterday He also told me that there is a rich family in Xiushui Village."

"Hehe. Unexpectedly, I didn't expect how this money can be earned so easily."

Jiang Kangning smiled and pointed at Shao Yun'an: "I've never seen you so shameless," saying that money is easy to earn, isn't it just looking for a fight.


Shao Yun'an asked County Magistrate Jiang to sit down on the kang, and said, "Sit down for a while, and I'll make you some tea."

"Chrysanthemum tea?" County magistrate Jiang's inquiry had a strange ending.

Shao Yun'an blinked, yo, is this here to "excuse the teacher"? He blinked again: "Ordinary chrysanthemum tea is not worthy of your status, my lord. I'll make you some chrysanthemum tea for three taels of silver."

County magistrate Jiang was surprised for a moment, and Shao Yunan went out with a doggy face. As soon as he left, magistrate Jiang put away his smile and let out a long breath.

After waiting for a while, Shao Yunan came back, mainly because he went to boil water. I originally planned to go to the county with my family, so I didn't boil hot water. He didn't know how to use the stove at home, so he used the tea stove he used to make Longjing to boil a purple clay pot of water, and made a big golden silk emperor flower for the county magistrate. chrysanthemum.

When Shao Yunan put the tea bowl in front of him, County Magistrate Jiang exclaimed, "This is chrysanthemum tea?"

"Yes. But it's not the kind that Yongningtang sells. This is another kind of chrysanthemum that Brother Jing and I accidentally discovered. I call it 'Golden Silk Emperor Chrysanthemum' but the quantity is very small. I only sell it to Xu from Yizhangxuan. Shopkeeper Baiduo, I went to visit my lord today to give him some to taste."

County magistrate Jiang proposed chrysanthemum tea, which must be because he knew something about Yongningtang's chrysanthemum tea, and even the origin of chrysanthemum tea. Shao Yun'an didn't have to hide the cooperation with Yizhangxuan.

County magistrate Jiang took a sip and nodded: "It's delicious. It's much better than what Yongningtang sells, and it's also several times more beautiful. 'Golden silk emperor chrysanthemum' is really appropriate, more than enough for making tribute tea."

Shao Yun'an was not sure what Jiang County Magistrate meant, and said: "Brother Jing and I have picked everything that can be picked on the mountain, and winter is coming soon, even if it is too late to plant at home, we just wait until next spring to plant some and see if it can be done." Such a big flower."

County magistrate Jiang took another sip, staring thoughtfully at the bright yellow "Golden Silk Emperor Chrysanthemum".

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door vigorously.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Sister-in-law! Come out, sister-in-law! Something happened to Brother Qing!"

Shao Yun'an in the house was agitated, ignoring County Magistrate Jiang, and ran away. County magistrate Jiang also hurriedly got off the kang and chased him out. When he opened the door, Shao Yunan's face changed in shock: "What's wrong, Brother Qing!"

The person who came was Wang Xing, who was about to cry: "Brother Qing was pushed into the river by Zaizheng, and he was out of breath after being rescued. Brother Shijing has already passed by, and it is by the river in front. You should go and have a look." !"

Shao Yunan's head buzzed, and the next second, he pushed Wang Xing away and ran away.

"Go and see!"

County magistrate Jiang said to the two subordinates with a serious face, and hurried over.

You don't need to look for it specially, just look at the place where the villagers gather to know where the incident happened. From a distance, Shao Yun'an heard someone crying, and then someone shouted: "Yun'an is here, Yun'an is here."

"Yun'an..." Fourth Aunt Wang came out of the crowd crying.

The crowd moved away automatically, and Shao Yun'an saw Wang Qing lying on the ground motionless and lifeless, and Wang Ni crying loudly on top of him.

"Get out of the way! Don't stand around there!" Shao Yun'an rushed over, grabbed Wang Ni and pushed her into Fourth Aunt Wang's arms, asking in a trembling voice, "How long has it been since the child was rescued?"

Wang Ni cried, "Little Daddy, save brother, save brother."

"How long have you been rescued!"

Shao Yun'an took off Wang Qing's clothes, his voice changed.

Someone replied: "It's less than a cup of tea.",

That's less than five minutes!

"Get the fuck out of the way! Don't hang around here!"

Shao Yunan raised Wang Qing's chin, pressed his chest with both hands, and then opened his mouth to send air into his mouth. His actions shocked Wang Qing. Everyone was stunned, Wang Ni forgot to cry, watching her little dad doing strange things to her brother.

"Brother Qing, breathe, you breathe, you can't give up, you can't give up."

Shao Yun'an gave Wang Qing artificial respiration while calling for his consciousness.

"What is the Ishii family doing here?"

"have no idea."

County Magistrate Jiang who followed him also paid attention to Shao Yun'an, and he roared angrily, "Brother Qing!"

Wang Ni turned her head, burst into tears and rushed over: "Father!"

Wang Shijing picked up Nizi and was about to go there, but was stopped by Aunt Wang: "Shijing, don't go over, Yun'an tells us to back off, maybe he has a way to save Brother Qing."

Shao Yun'an didn't care about Wang Shijing, he wanted to compete with the god of death. Wang Ni cried and complained: "Father, Wang Zaizheng pushed my brother into the water. He said that my brother and I should die, and that grandma and second aunt should sell us earlier, woo... Dad..."

Wang Shijing's one eye was red, he stuffed Wang Ni into the arms of Wang Zhuanghua, who was going to inform him, and ran towards the big house.

"Go and stop Ishii, he's probably mad! Don't let anything happen again!" Fourth Aunt Wang hurriedly shouted to several young men, and Wang Zhuanghua handed over Wang Ni who was crying out of breath. Fourth Aunt Wang, Wang Xing, the Sun brothers who rushed over, and several young men chased after him.

Jiang Kangning frowned, and whispered to the people around him, "Go over."


Shao Yun'an was still giving first aid to Wang Qing, and someone couldn't bear to say: "Ishii's family, don't bother the child, let him go away."

Shao Yun'an ignored it.

"Yun'an..." Fourth Aunt Wang also felt hopeless, tears streaming down her face.

15, 16, 17, 18...

Taking a mouthful of air into Wang Qing's mouth, Shao Yun'an continued to do lung compressions. Over there, the crazy Wang Shijing kicked open the door of the big house, ignoring the screams of Mrs. Wang and Wang Chunxiu, rushed into the house like a bull, found Wang Zaizheng hiding under the table, and slipped out.

"Wang Shijing! You bastard! Are you going to kill your mother?" Mrs. Wang's screams stopped in Wang Shijing's blood-red eyes. The old lady was so frightened that she almost peed her pants, Wang Chunxiu screamed and hid, and Wang Zhisong came out of the house to see this posture, and immediately hid back in the house.

"Grandma, grandma, save me! Grandma!"

Wang Zaizheng's pants were wet, how could he have thought that this terrible uncle would come to arrest him directly, Wang Shijing carried Wang Zaizheng out of the house, and shouted: "I want you to pay Qing Geer's life!"

"Grandma! Uncle! Uncle, save me! Uncle, help me!"

"I want you to pay for Brother Qing!"

"Brother Shijing, calm down, calm down!" The Wang Xing, Wang Zhuanghua, and Sun brothers who were chasing up hurriedly stopped Wang Shijing who was mad. Wang Zaizheng was so frightened that he lost all control of his bladder and bowels, Wang Dali shrank aside, Wang Zhisong couldn't come out, Wang Shijing violently swung away his brother who was blocking him, and rushed out of the big house carrying Wang Zaizheng.

"Brother Ishii! Calm down!"

"Go and call Lizheng! Call the patriarch!"

"Brother Ishii!"

"Uncle! Grandma! Uncle! Grandma!"

There was only one thought in Wang Shijing's head, which was to let Wang Zaizheng pay for his son's life. More and more men came to stop Wang Shijing, and Lizheng also rushed over. If you are saving Brother Qing, if you kill Zaizheng, your reason will become unreasonable. Uncle Zhao promises you that no matter how your patriarch judges this matter, Uncle Zhao will give you an explanation."

"Ishii, put Zaizheng down. If you kill him, you'll have to go to jail! Calm down! Yun'an is still saving Brother Qing!"

Brothers Zhao Yuande and Zhao Yuanqing pulled Wang Zaizheng out of Wang Shijing's iron tongs, who was so frightened that he couldn't cry, and Wang Shijing's blind eye almost turned into a ball of red meat. Voice shouted: "Brother Qing wants something good or bad, I want him to pay for his life! I want him to pay for his life!"

Li Zheng said: "I promise to give you and Brother Qing an explanation, you go to Yun'an to see first, if you don't leave Yun'an, there is a way."

Wang Xing and Wang Zhuanghua, who received Lizheng's wink, dragged Wang Shijing over there. Wang Shijing's breathing was heavy, as if he would suffocate and die in the next moment. Watching him go to the river, Lizheng turned his head and looked at him coldly. The second son said: "Take him back and ask your sister-in-law to wash him and change his clothes, and then ask about it."

Zhao Yuanqing took the frightened Wang Zaizheng away, and Li Zheng took his eldest son and others to the river.

Shao Yun'an was still giving Wang Qing artificial respiration, and many onlookers advised him to give up, stop torturing Wang Qing, and let him leave with a heart, and Wang Ni cried so hard that she couldn't cry.

at this time,


"Cough cough cough..."

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, staring at Wang Qing who suddenly made a sound in disbelief, wondering if there was something wrong with his ears. But immediately after, Wang Qing coughed and spit out several saliva, and the surrounding gasped for a while. Shao Yunan's tense heart finally fell, and he hugged Wang Qing with limp hands, almost crying.

"Okay, it's okay, it's okay." Shao Yun'an kissed Wang Qing's cold Zishun door so hard that half his life was scared away.

"Brother Qing is alive!" I don't know if he shouted such a loud voice, and the crowd boiled in an instant.

Wang Ni stared blankly at her brother who was coughing in Xiaopai's arms, and suddenly yelled: "Brother!" Struggling to get down from Aunt Wang's arms, she rushed over: "Brother! Woo... Father... brother...."

Wang Qing was still coughing, Shao Yun'an went to undress his clothes with one hand, someone came over and wrapped a coat around Wang Qing's body, it was Tang Genshu.


Shao Yun'an wanted to hold Wang Qing and stand up. Her legs were as soft as noodles.

"Ishii! Come here quickly! Brother Qing is alive! Yunan saved Brother Qing!"

This sound is nothing less than the sound of nature to the desperate Wang Shijing. He paused, and then ran over. Seeing the coughing child in Shao Yun'an's arms, he ran over and knelt down, hugging the three most important people in his life tightly in his arms.