Fierce “Husband”

Chapter 65


When the three of them talked, Wang Qing and Nizi were quiet. Wang Qing brought the brewed tea to Uncle Jiang and Uncle Jiang. He also looked curiously at Jiang Muxi, who hadn't spoken since entering the door. Looking at Jiang Muxi, he asked, "Brother Kang Chen, do you agree to put Brother Xi here with me?"

The smile on Jiang Kangchen's face disappeared, and he pursed his lips. He nodded and said with deep reluctance: "He doesn't have children of the same age to accompany him at home, and now I have to be busy with business." After a moment of silence, " The capital is too 'noisy', maybe he can really be better with you, and I can rest assured that you and Kang Ning are here."

In his heart, Jiang Kangchen was also full of hope that Shao Yun'an could bring order to his son. For his son, he would endure any hardship and would do anything, not to mention sending his son to his uncle.

Shao Yunan beckoned Wang Qing and Nizi to come over, and the two children immediately came to Xiaopai's side. Shao Yun'an introduced: "Brother Qing, Nizi, this is your Uncle Jiang's son, named Jiang Moxi, who is eight years old this year and will live in our house from now on. You are called Big Brother."

The two children said in unison: "Big brother!"

Jiang Moxi didn't respond, she just stared at the wooden toy turning around in her hand.

Shao Yun'an went on to say: "Brother doesn't like to talk. Talk to him when you are free. It's not that he ignores you. His soul is trapped. He can hear you talking to him, but he can't respond to you."

The two children nodded vigorously. Under the education and influence of their little dad, they are not ignorant kids who didn't know anything before. It is natural to see that this little brother seems to be sick. Wang Qing and Nizi's only memory of their elder brother is Wang Zaizheng, and now there will be a younger brother in the family, and they are also looking forward to it.

Jiang Kangchen's eyes turned red for a moment, and his voice became a little hoarse: "Yun'an, brother Xi will trouble you." He touched the heads of Wang Qing and Nizi, "Little brother, please take care of me too, don't blame him for not Talk to you. He, he is not well."

Wang Qing: "Uncle Jiang, Nizi and I will take good care of elder brother. Don't worry."

Nizi: "I will play with my brother, and I will play the piano for him every day from now on."

"Okay, okay, thank you." Jiang Kangchen choked up. His ex-husband and children were the pain in his heart that could never be healed.

Seeing this, Shao Yun'an hurriedly adjusted the atmosphere: "Brother Kang Chen, after you return to Beijing, let Brother Xi and Brother Qing live together."


Wang Shijing came back, followed by Guo Ziyu and Guo Zimu, the noodles were cooked, Wang Shijing came in and said: "Brother Kang Chen, brother, I have arranged for the people you brought, and the noodles have also been delivered."

Jiang Kangchen: "I'm sorry to trouble you. They can cook what they eat here, so there's no need to call them special."

Jiang Kangning also said: "They are slaves of the Jiang family, so they don't need to treat each other as guests. Shijing, Yun'an, you are considered wealthy people now, so you still have to follow the rules."

Guo Ziyu immediately said, "Yun'an, Shi Jing, leave it to me and Zishou."

Jiang Kangning said: "If Ziyu intends to stay, he might as well be a housekeeper." He looked at Wang Shi and Shao Yunan, "It's time to add some people to the house. With your current identities, you can't always find someone from the village Help, the servants, servants, maids at home, Brother Qing's book boy, and Nizi's maid have to be prepared, as well as the nursing home in this house. It is best to buy lottery for these people You are Ishii's 'wife', Yunan, you have to learn to manage the inner house, learn to judge people and choose people, you should learn more from my elder brother, Nizi should teach her early, even though you live in In the village, but you can’t always think of yourself as a villager.”

Wang Shijing immediately said: "Big brother said that I also plan to go to the county to buy some people after the next year. The house is big, and there are really not enough people."

Jiang Kangchen said, "Nizi is a girl, and I still need to learn some girlish etiquette. After returning to Beijing, I will go to Mrs. An to see if I can find a nanny who came out of the palace to teach Nizi."

Shao Yun'an wondered in his heart: "Is it too high-end? Nizi learned piano from Mrs. Cen, and she also learned these things."

Jiang Kangchen said: "It's better to invite a special tutor to teach. The two of you are not simply tea merchants or wine merchants. You will definitely go to Beijing in the future. There are many rules in the capital. Brother Qing and Ni You have learned the rules a long time ago, and you will not lose your place in front of the young master and young lady when you arrive in the capital, and you will never let Brother Qing and Nizi stay in Xiushui Village and Yongxiu County for the rest of their lives, right?"

In ancient times, there are ancient traditions. Even in modern times, there are ladies and rich young masters. Shao Yunan knows that the two are for their own good. In this regard, he listened to Jiang Kangchen and Jiang Kangning. He nodded, and he said: "These Brother Jing and I don't understand, I listen to the two brothers." He looked at Guo Ziyu, "If Brother Guo doesn't dislike it, he will be the housekeeper first."

Why would Guo Ziyu dislike it, and immediately said: "This is my blessing."

Wang Shijing said: "Let's eat first."

Guo Ziyu and Guo Zi took it out, and it was time for Brother Qing and Nizi to go to bed, so Wang Shijing asked them to go back to sleep first.

Jiang Kangchen put his son down and led him to dinner. Jiang Kangning got up and said to Shao Yunan: "The status of the Guo family brothers has been transferred to slavery. After you signed the contract of sale with the two of them, you settled down in the household registration department. Wait for him The two of you can transfer to Xiushui Village as a good citizen, but you can’t become a good citizen within three years after you become a slave.”

"It shouldn't matter. They don't want to go back anymore, and I'm going to worry about it."

"This is run by Mr. Cen's students. I didn't do anything. Before coming here, Mr. Cen gave me the slave status documents of the two of them. After you signed the deed of sale with them, give me the deed. I asked the people from the Household Registration Department to settle down for the two of them, and after you settle down—you—and give it to Li Zheng to keep a deposit with him."


Wang Shijing sat down and asked, "Is the bully still there?"

Jiang Kangning said: "It seems to be dead. It seems that he offended someone who shouldn't be offended and was beaten to death in the street. The prefect was demoted because of this incident. I don't know where he went to be a county magistrate."

Shao Yun'an immediately said: "Evil will be rewarded with evil, a good death."

Jiang Kangning said: "When the emperor has money, those corrupt officials should be careful."

Shao Yun'an said: "Stop talking, eat, and rest early after eating."

After that, no one spoke, Jiang Moxi could eat by himself, and Jiang Kangchen didn't need to take special care of him after he arranged his meals. Jiang Kangning was really hungry, and although he ate politely, he ate big mouthfuls. He especially likes the tea eggs and Korean spicy cabbage made by Shao Yunan, and Jiang Kangchen also likes them. Jiang Moxi held the wooden toy in his left hand and kept eating the chopsticks in his right hand.

After eating a large bowl of noodles, Jiang Kangning said: "This spicy cabbage is delicious, I will take some away when the office opens."

"I marinated it in a big jar, so I know you guys like it. Brother Kang Chen also brought some back. I'll give you the recipe. You can decide whether to make it as a gift or sell it."


Jiang Kangchen also ate a full bowl of rice. Guo Ziyu cut five tea eggs and ate them all, as did the spicy cabbage. Jiang Kangchen, who was full, did not take his son back to the room to rest immediately, but let Shao Yunan Go to him with Wang Shijing, he has something to say.

The Big Four and the Little Five went to the guest room where Jiang Kangchen lived, Jiang Kangchen opened the slightly smaller wooden box he brought, Shao Yunan and Wang Shijing were immediately stunned, Shao Yunan only felt the light shining in front of him.

Jiang Kangchen said to Shao Yunan and Wang Shijing: "I sold all the tea, wine, chrysanthemum tea, and golden silk imperial chrysanthemum I brought back from you. According to the 30% bonus plus your cost, the total is 39,800 taels. Here There are 3,500 taels of gold and 4,800 taels of silver. Jewelry and jade are rewards from the queen, and there are a few bolts of silk. I will ask the servants to bring them to you tomorrow. The rewards should have been decreed, but the queen doesn’t want too many people to pay attention to it for now. You two, so let me bring it privately, this is the ledger."

Jiang Kangchen said and handed the ledger on the top to Shao Yun'an: "The emperor and the queen hope that you two can make more tea and brew more wine in the coming year, special tea is 3000 taels of silver per catty, - wait for tea 2,000 taels of silver per catty are still sought after by people in the capital, not to mention the cheaper second- and third-class teas. The 20 taels of Jinsi Huangchrysanthemum are bought by people. The emperor and queen did not expect this to happen. , Your Majesty is in a hurry."

Shao Yun'an nodded with his heart pounding. The gold and silver in the box were all big one hundred taels, which made him, a modern man, a little dizzy.

"There will be more this year. I also found that there is a kind of black tea here, which tastes better. I just wait for it to be picked before Qingming and Grain Rain. I will put all my energy on wine making and tea making this year. The quality will be better than before. Even if someone else learns the art of making tea and wine in the future, our tea and wine will be the best of the best, and we are not afraid that we will not be able to sell them at a high price."

Jiang Kangchen: "The emperor and the empress mean to sell it again—the tea exchange meeting will be held next year. The emperor doesn't want to spread the new tea-making skills prematurely. The emperor wants you to hide the recipe for wine making first. .”

"Yes. This way we can catch more people's appetites. The recipes for making wine are all here, and no one else can steal them." Shao Yun pointed to his head.

Shao Yunan took the account book without turning it over, so he handed it back to Jiang Kangchen after changing hands, saying: "Brother Kang Chen, you don't need to show me the account book in the future. Brother Jing and I are lucky to be able to do something for the emperor and the queen. It really doesn't matter how much silver there is."

Then, Shao Yun'an took out 4800 taels of silver, a total of 48 ingots - piece by piece, and then took out the ten Dadongzhu, a string of red coral and a pair of top-quality suet jade bracelets that were rewarded by the queen - with both hands, and then put The lid of the box was closed, and he said to Jiang Kangchen, "I will donate the 3,500 gold to the acting young general on behalf of Brother Jing."

"Yun'an?!" Jiang Kangning exclaimed, Jiang Kangchen opened his mouth slightly in surprise, and Wang Shijing was stunned.

Shao Yun'an held Wang Shijing's hand, turned his head and smiled at Wang Shijing, and then said to Jiang Kangning and Jiang Kangchen: "Brother Jing has been in the army for three years and served under the command of a junior general. Brother Jing has mentioned to me many times that he is acting as a junior general. Love soldiers like sons, the imperial court can't afford the military pay, so the young general distributed his own military pay to the soldiers, and even brought the soldiers to find ways to get the military pay. Although Brother Jing has retired, he has been thinking about this matter all the time. The court has no money now , The soldier’s military salary can’t be solved in a short time. The 3,500 gold is divided into military salary, and everyone can’t get much, but this is Brother Jing’s heart, and it is also Jing’s concern. Brother Jing said that the young general is currently Still at the border, the money is used to buy some delicious food, some meat, and some cotton-padded clothes to keep out the cold for the little general Dai and the soldiers at the border, which can be regarded as doing our little bit."

Wang Shijing pulled out the hand that was being held, and hugged his daughter-in-law tightly. Both Jiang Kangning and Jiang Kangchen were moved. Shao Yunan went on to say: "The country should take from the people and use it for the people. We ordinary people should also give back to the country when we earn money with the support of the country. All I can do is Buying and selling, the soldiers at the border are the guarantee of our country's peace and the people's living in peace."

Jiang Kangning was very moved: "Yun An, Shi Jing, you two are righteous!"

Jiang Kangchen followed up and said: "This time, all the bonuses I get will be donated to the soldiers at the border!"

Shao Yun'an hurriedly said: "Brother Kang Chen, don't be like this. Brother Jing and I are in this Xiushui Village. There are not many places to spend money. You are different. You need to spend money everywhere in the capital. Brother also needs to spend money here. Brother is an upright official. , I will definitely not take bribes, Brother Kang Chen still needs to save more money for the elder brother, if Brother Kang Chen really wants to do this, why don’t you discuss it with the Queen after you return to Beijing————— Some came out to set up a 'relief fund' to be managed by the queen.

This fund can also absorb donations from others. The money can be used to help orphans, disabled soldiers, and family members of sacrificed soldiers. It is used to help people in need. This is more standardized than our own private donations. The donation this time was mainly because Brother Jing missed him, and it was also because Dai Xiaojun was kind to Brother Jing, which was regarded as Brother Jing's repayment to General Dai. "

"It's so good!" Jiang Kangning immediately said: "It's impossible for us to donate all the money to the acting general. Donating it in a private capacity does not know who will benefit in the end. This 'relief fund' is directly controlled by the queen. , to avoid the military department and the household department, so that it can be used on the people who need it most, I think Yun'an's proposal is very good!"

Jiang Kangchen nodded: "Okay. Then Kangning, you write a note, and I will hand it over to the queen when I return to Beijing."

"No, brother, you have to write this paper." Jiang Kangning said: "After all, I am an official of the imperial court, so it is not good to directly submit papers to the queen."

Shao Yun'an also said: "Brother Kang Chen is the most appropriate to propose to the queen. If the elder brother goes over the emperor to find the queen, I'm afraid people will gossip about it."

A surge of pride suddenly ignited in Jiang Kangchen's heart: "Okay! I'll write it!"

Jiang Kangning tapped Shao Yun'an's head lightly: "Why do you have so many good ideas here?"

"Because I have my elder brother as my backer, I can think wildly without any restraint."

"hehe… "

Looking at Shao Yun'an, Jiang Kangchen felt a lot of hope in his heart. What surprises would this little brother full of mystery bring him and Kang Ning in the future? Jiang Kangchen was looking forward to it.

Jiang Kangchen accepted the donations from Shao Yun'an and Wang Shijing, and after returning to Beijing, he will hand over the 3,500 taels of gold together with the 'relief fund' to the Queen for decision. During this period, he will discuss this "fund" with Shao Yun'an in detail — Fan, after all, this "fund" is unheard of.

==================================================== ================================= Donated 3,500 taels of gold, equivalent to 35,000 taels of silver, Shao Yunan didn't feel bad at all, Wang Shijing was silent on the way back. When the two entered the house, Shao Yunan turned around and said, "Brother Jing, do you feel distressed?"

Wang Shijing hugged Shao Yun'an: "Daughter-in-law, thank you." He never thought that Shao Yun'an would do this, it was more than 30,000 taels of silver, not three hundred taels!

Shao Yunan put his arms around Wang Shijing's waist: "The general and his family are all good. He let you back after you were injured. You are also grateful to him, right?"


"The acting general is not greedy for merit, and he is kind to you soldiers, and he will give you some money. Now that you have money, you should do something within your power. I know you won't feel bad, so I will do it for you." You have made a decision, I didn’t discuss it with you because I wanted to give you a surprise, and I didn’t expect to have so much money, don’t worry, it’s not a problem for our family to earn ten thousand silver every year.”

"You are the master. You are the master of our family's affairs. My daughter-in-law, the soldiers at the border are really suffering. They don't have enough to eat, they don't wear warm clothes, and they are in danger of their lives at any time. The food on behalf of the young general is no more than that of us. It’s just a few more pieces of meat. The three thousand taels of gold can buy a lot of cotton-padded clothes and quilts, a lot of pigs and sheep, and a lot of food and grass. If the soldiers can eat well and eat well, they can survive more when they kill the enemy. Opportunity."

Shao Yun'an stroked Wang Shijing's tense back: "With money in the imperial court, the living conditions of the soldiers will gradually improve. In the future, we can still donate money and materials to the Dai General in the name of individuals. Are you from the Dai Dynasty? It came out of the little general’s hands, you don’t have anything to do with others if you donate it to him. In the future, our family will earn more money. Not only can we donate money to the acting little general, but also to the ‘relief fund’. Our family has a simple population. Doing some charity is a good thing for our family to accumulate virtue and good fortune. When Brother Qing and Nizi grow up, we will also teach them to give back to the society and the country. I am willing to donate money and also want to find a guarantee for our family. We I don’t want to have a relationship with General Dai’s family, but if something happens to our family in the future, General Dai’s character will not ignore us, right?”

"I listen to my daughter-in-law."

In ancient society, the more thick thighs you can hug, the better. He believes that this is just a small peasant family. Shao Yunan himself is a modern person. He doesn't want to be tied to a fire pillar and burned to death in the future. To plan ahead, find a few more thick thighs to hug.

Wang Shijing bent down, picked up his wife and walked towards the big bed. Shao Yunan looked at Wang Shijing with a smile, and touched his left eye with his hand: "Don't stay in bed tomorrow."

Putting Shao Yun on the bed, Wang Shijing covered him, "I'll just kiss, don't do it."

"I do not believe."



Clothes fell on the bedside rug one by one. Wang Shijing liked to take off his wife's clothes every time he expressed his inner excitement. He was really lucky to marry such a good wife.