Fierce “Husband”

Chapter 69


"I won't fight you anymore if you are so clumsy!"

"Well, if you don't ask Ishii to come, you can't do it, Ziyu and Zimu."

"Play cards without regret! This is the basic requirement of playing cards!"

"We have just learned, and we are allowed to go back on our word."

Nizi pouted and moved to the red-faced little dad, tugged on the sleeve of the little dad, and Shao Yunan, who was fighting Jiang Kangning for a card, turned her head, surprised: "What's the matter, Nizi?"

Nizi sniffed: "Little Daddy, I've run out of candy, brother Xi is too good."


Everyone at the mahjong table was stunned. Jiang Kangchen was the first to see his son. There was only a small pile of candies in front of Jiang Moxi, and there were only three candies in front of Wang Qing. Nizi's seat was empty.

"Brother Xi is so powerful?!"

Shao Yun'an held Nizi's hand and stood up, secretly surprised that Jiang Moxi would play with Qing Geer and Nizi? ! Jiang Kangchen and Jiang Kangning stopped playing cards, and Mr. Cen also got up to watch. Shao Yunan sat down in Nizi's position, hugged Nizi on his lap, and picked up the dice cup.

"Come on, Brother Xi, Uncle An will play a few games with you."

Jiang Moxi still didn't look up at anyone, but only focused on the dice cup in front of her. Shao Yun'an didn't care whether Jiang Moxi could understand him, he picked up Nizi's dice cup smoothly and shook the dice. After settling down, he opened the dice cup. Two four o'clock, one six o'clock. Surprising - scene again. As soon as Shao Yun'an opened the dice cup, Jiang Moxi picked up his dice cup and shook it, as if he was playing along with him. Jiang Kangchen and Jiang Kangning were shocked. Jiang Kangchen rubbed his eyes, suspecting that he was wrong.

Jiang Moxi's thin and thin hands shook uncompromisingly. After a few strokes, he put down the dice cup and opened it.


Three six!

Jiang Moxi stopped and didn't respond, but gave people an "illusion" of waiting for Shao Yunan to continue. Shao Yun'an looked at Jiang Kangchen whose excited eyes were full of tears in surprise, blinked, turned his head, and said, "Brother Qing, lend me a candy."

Wang Qing gave all three of his candies to Daddy. Shao Yunan picked up a candy and put it in front of Jiang Moxi. Jiang Moxi lowered his head and gathered the candy and his spoils together. Jiang Kangchen stopped his mouth, and Jiang Kangning hugged his elder brother's shoulders tightly. Smiling, Shao Yunan rolled up his sleeves.

"Brother Jing, grab some candy for me."

—The group of people didn't play mahjong, they all watched Shao Yunan fight Jiang Moxi. Shao Yun'an put down the dice cup with great momentum and opened it.

"Three fives!"

Jiang Moxi picked up the dice and the dice cup, and shook them clattering,


"Two fives, one three!"

"It's brother Xi again! I don't believe it!"

Shao Yunan made ten rounds in a row and only won one round. Jiang Kangning said, "I'll do it."

Shao Yunan hugged Nizi and moved aside, Jiang Kangning sat down. After watching for a long time, Jiang Kangning also saw how to roll the dice, and he put the dice into the dice cup with style. Shake up.


Everyone: "..."

Nizi snickered, "Three ones, haha, uncle is so stupid."

Jiang Kangning's face was very upset, Jiang Moxi didn't give him a chance to come back to his uncle, so he clattered and shook. - Open, three sixes again.

"It's ok, Brother Xi's lucky." Shao Yun'an was amazed, and Jiang Kangchen couldn't hold back his tears.

"Come again!" Jiang Kangning also tried his best to endure the shock in his heart, and picked up the dice cup.

—After burning incense, Mr. Cen patted Jiang Kangning: "You have lost all of Ang'er's candies, and I will replace you."

Wang Shijing grabbed a handful of candies for Cen Lao with a wink. The sugar mountain in front of Jiang Moxi was piled high, and there was a little brilliance in his eyes. Jiang Kangchen quietly walked behind his son and sat down, hugging him gently, Jiang Moxi stared straight at Cen Lao's hand holding the dice cup.

Shao Yun'an has finally seen what it means to be a young genius. Compared with Jiang Moxi, Jiang Kangning is not enough! Except Mrs. Cen, everyone present took turns to play, even Guo Zimu played ten games. Wang Shijing also played several times without believing in evil. As a result, Jiang Moxi only lost one to Guo Ziyu, two to Wang Shijing, and won the rest. Seeing the mountains of sugar and peanuts in front of Jiang Moxi piled up higher and higher, everyone else lost - in a mess.

Shao Yun'an wiped his face and gave Jiang Moxi a thumbs up: "You are so good, Uncle An is willing to bow down."

Jiang Moxi picked up a piece of candy and put it in his mouth, lowered his head and played with his mechanical bird, with a look of "contempt" for [you and other mortals are too poor in technology].

Shao Yun'an looked at Jiang Kangchen who kept wiping the corners of his eyes: "Brother Kangchen, brother Xi is a genius. He killed me and others in seconds just after he learned it. I dare not say how good I am at dice, but it is definitely not bad. The result is in Xi My brother's face is not enough!"

Elder Cen stroked his beard and nodded: "Brother Xi is really good, it's not just luck."

Jiang Kangchen choked up and couldn't speak. It was the first time his son was said to be a genius. He only felt that his heart, which had been dead for a long time, began to recover.

Shao Yun'an looked at the child with his head down playing with the mechanical bird, and a flash of light flashed in his head. He stood up and patted Wang Shijing: "Brother Jing, I remember that you brought something with you when you came back, but you didn't know what it was. Maybe Brother Xi can know it. Come and find it with me."

Wang Shijing stood up silently, and had a misunderstanding with Shao Yunan, and the two returned to the courtyard where they lived. When they entered the house, Wang Shijing asked, "What are you talking about?"

Shao Yunan said: "It's the Rubik's Cube, a kind of educational toy from our place. I have a set of pure crystal, which I said was captured when you captured bandits. You don't know what it is. came back."

"Crystal ones will reveal their secrets, right?"

The mechanical bird can still be justified, this "crystal" Rubik's cube is still a modern toy, which is easy to attract suspicion.

"Because it's crystal, it won't reveal itself. You'll know it when you see it."

After finishing speaking, Shao Yun'an stepped into the space, while Wang Shijing stood guard outside. Shao Yun'an can't remember how the mechanical bird in his own space came to be, but he clearly remembers that he has a set of very tall crystal Rubik's Cube, which is very valuable, and it was a gift from one of his friends from abroad—pure It's because it's so beautiful. Shao Yun'an originally wanted to collect it, but for Jiang Moxi, it may be more meaningful to use than to collect.

Most of the things in the space, Wang Shi, have not had time to sort them out. Glancing at the thriving tea seedlings, food, vegetables and fruits in the field, Shao Yunan rummaged through the pile of unsorted things. After searching for more than 20 minutes, he finally found the box containing the Rubik's Cube. The box was also made of crystal. He hugged the box and went out of the space directly.

"What is it?"

As soon as Shao Yunan left the space, Wang Shijing asked, he had never seen a Rubik's Cube. When Shao Yunan opened the box, Wang Shijing was stunned: "Is this a Rubik's Cube?" Looking at Shao Yunan, he asked uncertainly, "Is it made of glass?"

"No, it's pure crystal, isn't it beautiful?"


Wang Shijing picked up a Rubik's Cube, which contained three different colors, all in the shape of cubes. Still gleaming in the light. Rubik's cubes, large and small, in the box—ten in total, ranging from small to large. There are square ones, diamond-shaped ones, triangular ones, and some strangely shaped ones. Rubik's cubes of different shapes and sizes have different numbers of grid blocks, but each Rubik's cube has only three colors.

Shao Yun'an picked up the simplest second-order Rubik's cube and turned it around, saying: "Turn the modules of the same color to the same side, and it is complete if all three colors are completed. This is the simplest second-order Rubik's cube. This The set of Rubik's Cube has the most high-end eleventh-order Rubik's Cube in the world I am in, and only geniuses and perverts can complete it."

Wang Shijing swallowed, watching his wife turn this so-called Rubik's Cube, Shao Yun'an is not a genius, it took him more than ten minutes to complete a second-order Rubik's Cube.

Wang Shijing looked at it seriously. Seeing this, Shao Yunan messed up the color of the Rubik's Cube in his hand and handed it out: "Try it."

Wang Shijing put down the crystal box and took the Rubik's Cube. It took nearly 20 minutes before Wang Shijing finished. He said with bright eyes, "It's quite difficult. But it's very interesting."

"It seems that there are still in the space, but the materials are modern and cannot be taken out. You can play with the ones in the space if you like."

Wang Shijing asked: "Are you going to give Brother Xi all these?"

"Give them three children to play with, but I guess only Brother Xi can complete all of them. This thing requires a lot of intelligence and fingers. Brother Qing and Nizi can use this as exercise if they can't play well. In the future, at home No matter who owns the toy, let the three of them play together."

"Listen to you."

Although he thought this set of crystal Rubik's Cube was rare and extravagant, Wang Shijing still belonged to Xin's wife, so he didn't mention putting it away.

==================================================== ========================================================================================================================================== What was he going to get, Jiang Kangchen had already stopped crying, he hugged Jiang Moxi tightly, his eyes were red. Jiang Kangning was also very excited. Could it be that brother Xi's illness can really be cured

Finally, Shao Yun'an and Wang Shijing came back, and Jiang Kangning said immediately, "Why have you been gone for so long? What is it?"

Elder Cen also stared curiously at the crystal box in Wang Shijing's hand, and he could clearly see that there were several lumps in the box.

Wang Shijing strode to the mahjong table, and everyone surrounded him. Jiang Kangning picked up Jiang Moxi. Wang Shijing opened the box and exclaimed, "What is this?"

Jiang Moxi played with the bird indifferently, without any curiosity.

Elder Cen reached out to pick up a Rubik's Cube, glanced at Wang Shijing and Shao Yun'an, then looked left and right: "What is this?"

Jiang Kangning held Jiang Moxi in his arms, picked up one in his hand, compared it with the one in Old Cen's hand, and compared it with the other courts, thinking: "This thing is very delicate, and each has three pieces on it. There are different colors, and the size of this head is also different, why is that?"

Everyone else took a research, Wang Qing was surprised: "This one can be transferred!"

Nizi also said in amazement: "Little Daddy, this can be turned!" As she spoke, she started to turn. Jiang Kangning put down Jiang Moxi, picked up the smallest second-order Rubik's Cube and stuffed it into Jiang Moxi's hand, saying, "Brother Xi, look at this."

Jiang Moxi's gaze slowly shifted from the mechanical bird to the Rubik's Cube, and his hands slowly tightened. Shao Yun pretended to pick up the highest-end 11th-order Rubik's Cube, and said, "Brother Jing and I have been studying this thing for a long time, but we don't know what it is for. It just so happened that we all studied it today."

Wang Shijing was also curious about this thing, he hadn't enjoyed playing it just now, so he took the Rubik's Cube from Shao Yun'an's hand, intending to directly challenge the highest difficulty.

There were exactly 11 people at the scene, excluding Shao Yunan, each took a Rubik's cube and stood by the mahjong table to study it. Elder Cen frowned and thought deeply: "Every one of them has three colors, there must be a special reason for it."

Jiang Kangning nodded: "But why are there only three colors? Can it still be turned?"

Elder Cen shook his head, he hadn't figured it out yet.

Shao Yun'an thought that if he didn't remind him, he would see who could understand the mystery of the Rubik's Cube. He paid special attention to Jiang Moxi, and it didn't take long for surprise to appear in his eyes.

"Hee Keer?"

Everyone quickly looked at Jiang Moxi, only to see the second-order Rubik's Cube in Jiang Moxi's hand, with three colors neatly arranged in a face.

Shao Yun'an pretended to have discovered something secret and shouted: "This thing can't be played like this!" He was shocked in his heart, Jiang Moxi couldn't really be an autistic child with a high IQ? Or is it that he is not autistic at all, but that his IQ is too high, and the people around him are all mortals, so he is too lazy to talk to him

Elder Cen stretched out his hand: "Brother Xi, show Grandpa Cen."

Jiang Kangchen anxiously went to get the Rubik's Cube in Jiang Moxi's hand: "Brother Xi, show it to Dad."

Jiang Moxi let go, and gave his father his Rubik's Cube, but then took the fifth-order Rubik's Cube from his father, and then he turned his hands around.

Mr. Cen took the second-order Rubik's cube from Jiang Kangchen's hand and looked at it carefully, and then said to the people who came over: "Perhaps, this thing is meant to be like this. There are three different colors that can be rotated. In the end, each color in the - on one side."

"Let's try!" Shao Yun'an stepped up.

"Try it!" Mr. Cen put down the second-order Rubik's cube and brought over the eleventh-order Rubik's cube that Wang Shijing had abandoned. Now everyone will never talk about playing mahjong or dice. In Wang Qing's hand is a sixth-order Rubik's cube, and Nizi is a third-order Rubik's cube. Shao Yunan picked up the second-order Rubik's Cube that he had already played, pretended to study it, and after actually messing it up again, he handed it to Wang Qing: "Brother Qing, I think this is easier than the one you have, so you play this first."

Wang Qing, who was sweating all over his forehead, immediately gave the Rubik's Cube in his hand to Xiao Dae, and took the second-order Rubik's Cube. Wang Shijing took the sixth-order Rubik's Cube from Shao Yunan's hand without any hassle.

At noon, no one talked about eating, and they all competed with Rubik's Cube. Even Guo Zimu forgot to cook, and only felt that the thing (fourth order) in his hand was very strange. Obviously it's very simple to look at, why can't it be turned together? Elder Cen challenged the eleventh level, and Jiang Kangning challenged the tenth level. Isn't it just to transfer the same color to the same side? It seems very simple. Think of him as Jiang Kangning, who won the number one prize at the age of eighteen!


Shao Yun'an Mao held his stomach in his heart and laughed, please turn around slowly, I'm hungry. Glancing at Wang Shijing, who was also engrossed in turning the Rubik's Cube, Shao Yun'an didn't bother him, and went to the kitchen alone to make lunch. Since everyone is busy playing, lunch doesn't need to be too complicated.