Fierce “Husband”

Chapter 81


Elder Cen and Kang Rui didn't understand why Shao Yun'an imposed such harsh conditions. Shao Yun'an smiled: "If you don't want to, then forget it. Anyway, Brother Jing has no money. If your family dares to come to him, you must be prepared to be scolded by me. I don't care. In fact, it doesn't matter to me whether to sign this contract or not. Any impact, if I sign it, I still have to lose 1300 taels of silver, which is all my belongings."

Wang Shijing's face was twitching, and Cen Lao and Kang Rui's were also a little bit twitching. In the eyes of others, it was a sign of heartache. Only they knew what it was.

"Brother, write it down."


"Write it! Otherwise, I won't recognize this contract! I won't even give you money!"

"Brother, please write."

Wang Shijing also spoke, and Kang Rui had no choice but to write down the supplementary terms as Shao Yunan asked.

Wang Chunxiu looked at Kang Rui's pen and was terrified: "Mom! You can't draw!"

Shao Yun'an sneered: "It's fine if you don't paint! Brother Jing, I'm going back, I'm freezing to death!" After saying that, he turned and left.

"I draw!"


Kang Rui's hand trembled, and he almost made a typo. His whole life can be regarded as opening his eyes today, what kind of mother is this! Wang Dali stared at his wife with wide eyes, Wang Chunxiu's face was pale. Shao Yunan turned around, and Mrs. Wang stretched out her hand: "Give me the gold, and I will draw!"

"I don't paint!" Wang Dali slapped his hands again, and was knocked to the ground by Mrs. Wang, and then the other party scolded: "You don't want gold, I want it! Why don't you want money at home?! Go for the money from the Zhisong scientific examination." Earn?! I was blind to marry such an incompetent bastard like you! Even if I am not his mother, how dare he betray me? How dare he betray you?!"

I don't know if it was because he didn't hear clearly or on purpose, but Wang Shijing was not included in Shao Yun'an's additional conditions.

"Mother! Don't sell me!" Wang Chunxiu, who knew her mother so well, completely collapsed, hugging her mother and begging, she did not expect her mother to treat money like life to such an extent.

The old lady Wang, who was already insane, waved Wang Chunxiu away: "You lose money, if you didn't insist on being the wife of the county magistrate, and ended up ruining your reputation, I would have married you to a rich family. I need some betrothal gifts. It's good now, who dares to marry you! My old lady has to spend money to support you!"

"Huh huh—"

The crowd of onlookers is boiling, Wang Chunxiu wants to be the official wife of the county magistrate? This is too shameless! Wang Chunxiu cried and fell to the ground, her eyes went black. Mrs. Wang didn't care whether her daughter's reputation was completely rotten. At this moment, she only had eyes for the gold ingot in Shao Yun'an's hand. She had never seen a gold ingot twice in her life.

Mrs. Wang stretched out her hand again: "Give me the gold ingot, and I will pledge it!"

Wang Dali looked at Mrs. Wang like a lunatic, and shouted in a daze, "I can't draw... I can't draw!"

Shao Yun'an did not give Mrs. Wang the ingot, but said to Wang Dali: "Wang Dali, are you the head of the family? If you agree, I will give this ingot to 'you'. Anyway, as long as you don't deny the contract anymore, I will attach it to you." No conditions are of use to you, right? If you don’t paint, it only means that you still have the idea of not recognizing the contract, and then we can only meet in the yamen in the future.”

Wang Dali's head slowly turned to Shao Yun'an, Shao Yun'an asked: "If you don't paint, what are you afraid of? As long as you abide by the contract in the future, you won't have any losses, right?" With a demon-like seductive smile on his face, he just waited Wang Dali took the bait.

Mrs. Wang shouted: "Our family is in charge! I agree! Give it to me!"

Shao Yun'an ignored Mrs. Wang, and only looked at Wang Dali. Wang Dali's body shook twice. Shao Yun'an continued to add firewood: "Who is in charge of your family?"

"I do!"

Wang Dali pushed Mrs. Wang away again, and Mrs. Wang even sprained her ankle when she fell. Wang Dali didn't look at her, and staggered a few steps to the table. Having figured it out, he dipped his hand in the red juice and pressed his fingerprints on the three contracts. At that moment, his body trembled like fallen leaves in the wind.

"Okay! Here you are! 50 taels of gold." Shao Yun'an simply stuffed two ingots of gold ingots into Wang Dali's hands. Wang Dali only felt that the two ingots of gold ingots were so hot that he almost couldn't hold them firmly.

"Give it to me! It's mine!" Mrs. Wang struggled to get up to grab the gold ingot, and then she pointed at Shao Yun'an's nose and cursed: "You're kidding me! It's 1300 taels, not 500 taels!"

Shao Yun'an smiled: "You didn't press your fingerprints, what am I going to do for you?"

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Wang limped and rushed over, impatiently pressed her fingerprints, and immediately stretched out her hand, "Give it to me!"

Shao Yunan picked up the three contracts and was very satisfied. He took two steps back to Wang Shijing's side, and looked at Mrs. Wang innocently: "What do you give me? 500 taels of silver and 50 taels of gold, two ingots in total. I have already given the gold ingot to the owner of your family. I should not give you the other 800 taels of silver. You are not the patriarch of the Wang clan. You are greedy for your own family's money, and you want to take the entire clan All the money is stolen."

Originally, the members of the Wang clan hadn't thought of this, but when Shao Yun'an said this, they immediately thought: [Yes! Wang Shijing moved out of the clan, so it's not up to Mrs. Wang to take the money! The 800 taels of silver should belong to their clan!]

Mrs. Wang was stunned for a moment, then went crazy, and rushed to Shao Yun'an: "You lied to me! It's mine!"

"Mrs. Wang Zhu! Shame on you! That's the money of our entire Wang family!" Everyone in the Wang family scolded one after another.

The lunatic old lady Wang was pulled from behind, slapped her face twice, and then angrily reprimanded: "Take Mrs. Wang Zhu to the ancestral hall! Open the ancestral hall!"

The one who slapped people was the tough Fourth Aunt Wang. Her hands had been itching for a long time, and the one who helped was Wang Wenhe's wife Wang Shenshi who had endured the old lady Wang for too long. It was Wang Wenhe who reprimanded angrily. If he wasn't a man and the patriarch, he would also want to slap Mrs. Wang.

"It's mine! The 800 taels should also be mine!"

Mrs. Wang has been completely driven crazy by the dazzling gold, and she, who only has money in her eyes, has thoroughly carried out the rascals. Zhu Wencai and Zhu Wenhua watched their younger sister (sister) being taken away, and neither of them pleaded for mercy. They just felt extremely ashamed to have such a younger sister (sister).

Wang Chunxiu watched the crazy mother being taken to the ancestral hall, looked at the father holding two ingots of gold ingots, looked at the tall and mighty elder brother and Shao Yunan who laughed wantonly, and suddenly burst into tears, crying heartbreakingly, crying so hard Earth-shattering. However, no one felt sorry for her. Poor people must have something to hate, and Wang Chunxiu has brought the blame for this step.

Father Guo, who witnessed all this absurdity, was a little stupid. Even he couldn't understand what Mrs. Wang did. Why did she "sell" such a rich son? ! As for the male wife of the Wang family, Father Guo couldn't help but shudder, what a scary person. With just a few words, Mrs. Wang's family sold their son, and even sold themselves without knowing it.

Shao Yun'an looked at Father Guo, who shuddered again. Shao Yun'an showed an angelic smile: "Grandpa Sun, please show these people their wounds. You can ask me for how much money you need. Brother Jing and I have to go to the ancestral hall."

"You go, don't worry about it."

Shao Yun'an took the initiative to hold Wang Shijing's hand, and turned his head: "Master, brother, do you want to go?"

The two said at the same time: "Go."

We've come this far, there's no reason not to go. Of the three contracts, Shao Yun'an kept one, and he gave the other two to Li Zheng and Wang Wenhe respectively. When Wang Wenhe accepted the contracts, his face was very depressed. He was the last person who didn't want Wang Shijing to leave the clan.

Mrs. Wang has already been escorted, and the others also went to Wang's ancestral hall. When I came to Wang's ancestral hall, I heard Mrs. Wang's yelling and cursing from a distance. Wang Shuping walked a few steps quickly, and raised his voice: "Tie her up and gag her!"

Immediately, Fourth Aunt Wang and several other powerful women stepped forward and tied up Mrs. Wang tightly, and gagged her mouth. Wang Dali turned a blind eye to this, and kept looking at the two ingots of gold ingots in his hand.

Wang Wenhe no longer struggled. He put incense on the ancestral tablet, then took out the genealogy, and under the witness of Mr. Cen, Kang Rui and his clansmen, he wrote next to Wang Shijing's name with a vermilion pen—the thirteenth day of the first lunar month in the fifth year of Yongming, Wang Shijing, his father Wang Dali, and his family The mother, Wang Zhu, cut off her relatives and righteousness, and moved out of the Wang clan to establish her own family.

As Wang Wenhe wrote these words, as the red characters fell on the sheepskin, Wang Shijing regained his freedom. From now on, although he no longer has the root of the clan, he can To truly master one's own life, one is no longer always oppressed and persecuted by the so-called relatives on the grounds of blood relationship.

A red ink pen draws a line on Wang Shijing's name. From now on, Wang Shijing is no longer a member of the Wang clan. From now on, there will be no Wang Shijing in the Wang clan. Mrs. Ren Wang whined over there, and Wang Wenhe closed the genealogy and said loudly in front of the clansman: "From today, Wang Shijing will move out of the Wang clan and set up his own family!"

Some of the clan members were expressionless, while others were so sad that they shed tears. Among them were Aunt Wang and other people who were close to Wang Shijing's family. Wang Shijing saluted Wang Wenhe respectfully, and Shao Yun'an stepped forward, took out four ingots of 20 taels of gold, and placed them next to the family tree.

"Patriarch Wang, the 80 taels of gold is brother Jing's last tribute to the Wang clan as a member of the clan. The future of the clan will always be in the children. I believe the patriarch Wang will use this money well for the clan members."

Wang Wenhe didn't want to accept it, but he knew that he had to accept it because so many clansmen were watching him. Wang Wenhe nodded: "You and Ishii have a heart. I accept the money." Then he said loudly: "As the patriarch, I decided to divide the money into three parts. One part is used for Buying public land, whoever contributes the income, will share the money; one part is used to repair the ancestral hall, and if there is any surplus, it will be deposited in the public of the clan; the last part is 5 taels per person for all the children in the clan who can go to private schools Silver. If someone takes silver but does not send their children to school, drive them out of the clan!"

Compared with the big money earned by the Zhao and Sun clans, the benefits shared by the Wang clan are really not that much. But something is better than nothing. 5 taels of silver, enough for half a year in ordinary private schools. Those who have boys in the family who can go to private schools are very happy. If you don’t have one, plan to work more on the public land and earn more money. The land has to be taxed. , why not do it.

None of the family members objected to Wang Wenhe's decision, and even those who were unwilling to feel disadvantaged, such as Wang Benchang's family, did not dare to say anything. Wang Yan is going to study at Baiyue Academy. I heard that Dean Cen is going to send Wang Yan to the Imperial College. Who would dare to mess with Wang Wenhe's family now.

The 80 taels of gold were distributed in this way, and Mrs. Wang was so angry that she almost rolled her eyes. After Wang Wenhe allocated the money, he said to Shao Yun'an and Wang Shijing: "Next, our clan will deal with the clansmen, so I won't keep you waiting."

Shao Yun'an bowed: "Thank you, Patriarch Wang, for your understanding."

Afterwards, he held Wang Shijing's hand, and left Wang's ancestral hall with Elder Cen, Dean Kang and other villagers who came to see the fun. Behind them, the gate of the ancestral hall slowly closed. Outside the ancestral hall, Zhu Wencai and Zhu Wenhua stood there, and they didn't care what Wang Wenhe wanted to do with Mrs. Wang. The two saluted and apologized to Mr. Cen and Kang Rui: "The junior (student) is ashamed."

If today's matter is not handled properly, it will definitely affect the study path of the Zhu family's descendants. This is something Zhu Wencai and Zhu Wenhua dare not take the slightest risk of.

Elder Cen knew what they were thinking, but he just said indifferently: "Shijing moved out of the clan, left the family, and is also a stranger to you. In the future, I hope you two can control the clan more, and don't bother Shijing's family again. "After that, he looked at Shao Yun'an and Wang Shijing, "Go back."

"Old Cen!"

Elder Cen ignored the two and walked past them. Wang Shijing also ignored the two uncles, and Shao Yun'an even ignored them.

Watching them walk away, Zhu Wencai's forehead was covered with cold sweat: "What should we do? Now our Zhu family has offended Mr. Cen. It's all your sister! Hiding such a big matter from us! I wish I had known about Mr. Cen. It's in Xiushui Village, and I will never let you come over!"

Zhu Wenhua was also very anxious: "We have already offended, and it is too late to regret. This is Xiushui Village, and it is inconvenient for you and me to act. Let's go back for now and discuss this matter with the clan elders. After Elder Cen returns to the county, You and I personally came to the door to apologize. How can we not affect the study of the juniors in the family because of this matter."

Zhu Wencai nodded: "That's the only way to go. Your elder sister who has done more than succeed but failed! I wanted to marry her far away so that the Zhu family would not be harmed. I didn't expect that she would cause us such a big trouble." What a disaster! If I knew this, I shouldn’t have interceded for her back then, and let her die in a pig cage without worrying about it!”

Zhu Wenhua's face was ugly, and he gritted his teeth: "It's a good thing she died at that time. Let's go back. We don't care about the Guo family. Didn't Wang Dali take the gold and let the Guo family ask him for money."

"Go, go back to the village!"

Zhu Wencai and Zhu Wenhua left with their clansmen. Almost all the people from Guo's family were injured by Wang Shijing. Guo's father and mother didn't dare to trouble Wang Shijing anymore, but that doesn't mean they didn't dare to trouble Mrs. Wang's family. But Wang Shijing broke up with Mrs. Wang's family. They didn't dare to offend Mrs. Wang Shijing, who had a backer, or Mrs. Wang's family, who had clearly offended the head of the county academy and the county magistrate

Father Guo took the rest of the people to Mrs. Wang's house to block people. As for how to develop in the future, Shao Yun'an and Wang Shijing were not concerned about it.