Fierce “Husband”

Chapter 85


Elder Weng and Old General Dai came to Jingyou Palace. The smiling Emperor Yongming immediately gave him a seat, then took two thick memorials, and said, "Old Master, Old General, come and see this."

Zhuo Jin stepped forward to take the two memorials and sent them to the elders respectively. The emperor asked so, and the two old men opened it and looked at it without asking what it was. In Old Weng's hand was a memorial about the economic development of the Great Yan State, and in the hands of Old General Dai was a memorial about the rescue fund.

Emperor Yongming drank chrysanthemum tea and chewed spiced peanuts, very leisurely and comfortable. After a while, Emperor Yongming smiled mischievously towards the queen, and the queen also smiled. The two looked at the agitated old Weng and the old general Dai, understanding their mood at the moment.

The old general Dai finished reading first, raised his head excitedly, and Emperor Yongming immediately said: "Don't worry, old general, you can look at the share in the old grand master's hand later."

In front of the emperor, it was really inconvenient for General Dai to urge Old Weng, but he was very anxious: [This old boy is so dazzled! Reading a memorial is so slow!]

Finally, after about a stick of incense, Mr. Weng finished reading. The old general Dai, who had been waiting impatiently for a long time, directly grabbed the memorial in his hand, stuffed his own into the opponent's hand, and read it. Elder Weng couldn't care whether the emperor and queen were present, so he couldn't wait to watch.

By the time the two old men finished watching, the emperor had already changed the chrysanthemum tea once. Old Weng's breath was short of breath: "Your Majesty, the empress is a thousand years old, this is it!"

Although Mr. Weng had already heard about it from Jiang Kangchen, seeing these two memorials actually gave him an incomparable shock. How could Shao Yunan's conception of business and the foundation's structure that introduced modern ideas not cause shocks in ancient times.

The old general interrupted Old Weng, and said directly: "Your Majesty, Chitose, I don't understand 'economy' and 'business', what the Emperor and Qiantose want me to do, I will do it, it's up to the Emperor and Queen Chitose to decide. But this 'bailout fund'…”

The old general stood up and was about to kneel down. Emperor Yongming hurriedly got up and went to support him, startled: "What is the old general doing? If you have anything to say, sit down and say it."

Emperor Yongming and the queen personally supported the old general Dai to sit down. After the emperor and the queen sat back, the old general said eagerly: "Your majesty, the queen is a thousand years old, this'relief fund' must be established! If there is this' The relief fund', the soldiers at the border will no longer have to worry about it, this is a great deed of accumulating blessings and virtues!"

Elder Weng also said: "This is a great charity! Great charity! Your Majesty, Chitose, I would like to donate 1,000 taels of silver to the 'relief fund'!"

On behalf of the old general: "The old minister also donated one thousand taels!"

Dai Qiyou knew that the two old people would be so excited, especially the uncle. The dead and disabled soldiers have always been the most concerned thing of the old general. The relief fund has not yet been established, but it has already received a donation of two thousand taels of silver. Dai Qiyou believes that under the leadership of these two respected veterans, the relief fund can at least get a lot of donations from court officials. but…

Dai Qiyou asked Zhuo Jin to pour tea for the two old people, and said: "There is no rush to donate the silver. We must first set up this 'relief fund' and formulate some detailed regulations. One of the reasons why the old man entered the palace. However, I have to tell the two elders about the origin of the 'relief fund'."

"The old minister is all ears."

Dai Qiyou nodded to Zhuo Jin, Zhuo Jin immediately opened the box next to the phoenix chair, and saw the golden gold ingot in the box, the two veterans were very puzzled.

Dai Qiyou said with emotion: "There are a total of 3,500 taels of gold here, which were given to Zhan Xiao by Wang Shijing, a villager in Xiushui Village, and his husband Shao Yunan."

The old general Dai's expression suddenly changed, and he stood up immediately: "No way! Qiantui, this is absolutely impossible!"

Knowing that Uncle had misunderstood, he said on behalf of Qi You: "Uncle, don't worry, I haven't finished talking yet. This Wang Shijing and Shao Yun'an are the people who brew new tea and new wine."

Mr. Weng knew about it. Dai Qiyou did not tell him in detail because of his health and to avoid suspicion. He just sent him new tea and wine, which the old general liked very much. The old general didn't ask any more questions, and waited for the Queen to continue to explain.

"The 3,500 taels of gold was originally a bonus for the two of them. Wang Shijing voluntarily gave it all to Zhan Xiao. Rather than giving it away, it is better to say it is to share the emperor's worries and do his little for the court. Wang Shijing was once a A centurion under Zhan Xiao's command was allowed by Zhan Xiao to disarm and return to the field after being injured. Wang Shijing said that Zhan Xiao owed him a favor, and knew that the imperial court could not pay enough money now. He cared about the soldiers and old friends at the border The purpose of donating these gold is to buy some food and grass for the soldiers at the border, buy more cotton clothes to keep out the cold, and buy more meat for the soldiers to soak up meat.

The gold was brought back by Jiang Kangchen. At that time, Jiang Kangchen was deeply moved and wanted to donate money. But if they all donate to Zhan Xiao, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction among other generals; but if they donate to other generals, they are afraid that the money will end up in their private pockets. That's how Shao Yun'an came up with the idea of a 'relief fund', and Cen Yue, Bai Cen, county magistrate Jiang Kangning, Cen's student Kang Rui and others discussed and perfected it together, and finally it became the purpose of your two elders. A memorial. "

Weng Lao immediately said: "The old minister has also heard from Kang Chen about this matter. This matter is very good! Then Wang Shijing deeply remembered the kindness of the little general, and he was once a soldier under his command. Now he has a surplus, and wants to repay the kindness. To do some practical things for the soldiers at the border is really kind and righteous! This relief fund, the old minister is willing to do his best!"

Emperor Yongming sighed: "The imperial court can't pay enough money now. If we have more generous people like Wang Shijing, the soldiers at the border will not suffer from hunger. After all, the emperor is still incompetent." ah."


The Queen, Weng Lao and Dai Lao General are all in a hurry. If you want to blame, you can only blame the first emperor!

Emperor Yongming waved his hand and said: "Wang Shijing and Shao Yun'an are willing to donate so much gold, I am very pleased. Although the two of them don't want to be rewarded, I can't accept them so readily for their contribution to my Great Yan. He looked at the person who was still frowning because of what he said just now, and reached out to hold his hand, "Why don't you think about it for me, how should I reward them?"

The queen firmly held the emperor's hand, thought for a while and said, "Why don't you wait until the treasury is filled, and the emperor orders to build a merit monument for the two of them."

Weng Lao said: "The old minister seconded the proposal. Your Majesty, the old minister here still has some articles and poems to submit, which were written by Shao Yun'an. Please have a look at the emperor."

"Oh? Show me." Emperor Yongming curiously took it from Zhuo Jin's hand, and the queen leaned over.

The revolutionary shock brought by those poems and articles to Mr. Weng is like the impact of the "relief fund" on the generation of old generals who care about the soldiers in their hearts. For Emperor Yongming and his descendant Qi You, who are responsible for a country, whether it is these poems and articles, the "relief fund", and the economic development plan, they are extremely shocking and extremely needed things.

The old general Dai did not understand business and did not study poetry. What he was most concerned about was when the "relief fund" would be opened and run. Mr. Weng greatly appreciated the business development plan, but he was not a businessman, and he didn't know how to do business, and he didn't know how to revive or even prosper Yan's economic strength. He cares most about how those poems and articles will bring changes to the education circle of Yan State.

However, the basis for all these to be perfected is the wealth of Yan State. A country's level of economic development includes many aspects, and it cannot be simply explained in a few words, nor can it be developed in a memorandum. Shao Yunan just tells the people of this era which direction to go.

In the current state of Yan, agriculture is relatively developed, followed by handicraft industry, and commercial development is average, but in Shao Yun'an's eyes, they are all very underdeveloped. In this plan, Shao Yun'an listed in detail the aspects that a country needs to focus on if it wants to develop its economy.

In terms of agriculture, Shao Yunan proposed to build water conservancy, encourage land reclamation, pay attention to the improvement and design of farm tools, vigorously develop agricultural technology, develop animal husbandry, and reward those who make contributions to agricultural development with a total of 11 suggestions.

In terms of handicrafts, Shao Yunan proposed to improve the social status of craftsmen and encourage craftsmen to innovate. For example, increase the variety and more advanced skills of the silk industry; develop the ceramic industry and other 8 suggestions.

In terms of business, Shao Yun'an put forward even more suggestions. Basic necessities of life are the core content of business development. New tea and new wine, including restaurants, are the aspect of "food". As the saying goes, "If you want to get rich, you must first build roads." Shao Yunan first elaborated on Yan Guo's transportation, introducing modern resorts, commercial housing, high-end residential areas; banks, convenience stores, express delivery industry, etc., a total of 27 suggestions.

At the same time, Shao Yunan also pointed out that education cannot rest on its laurels, and all walks of life need scholars to inherit, develop and pass on. Being an official is not the only way out for scholars.

On this day, Emperor Yongming, the queen, Weng Lao and Dai Lao general talked about these two memorials and those poems in Jingyou Palace late at night. That night, Elder Weng and General Dai lived in the palace. The court officials and princes and nobles who were paying close attention to the movements in the palace were all secretly speculating whether the emperor was going to make any big moves.

It was night, but Emperor Yongming was still full of energy, and in his arms was Qi You, the descendant of the king who had already fallen asleep and was exhausted. It can be said that this is the most relaxing day since Emperor Yongming ascended the throne. Although the difficulties he is facing now are still in front of him, he at least sees the hope of revitalizing the Yan Kingdom. Emperor Yongming has always been thirsty for talent, and now, he has got a great sage, a sage who doesn't value fame and power, but just wants to be a mud leg. For this alone, Emperor Yongming will reward Jiang Kangning who discovered the sage.

Emperor Yongming couldn't wait to call that man into the palace. That person doesn't need to make tea, wine, or those rare things, as long as he advises him. But in the end, Emperor Yongming suppressed this idea under the advice of the Empress and Weng Lao. Summoning Shao Yun'an into the palace as a counselor, Shao Yun'an was pushed to the front of the stage. He is the emperor, and he should be the supreme being who holds the power of life and death in the world. time of power.

And what the queen said is also very reasonable. That person doesn't want to go to Beijing, if he insists, it will be counterproductive. He is now Cen Yuebai's adopted son and Jiang Kangning's adopted brother, and his husband Wang Shijing was once Dai Zhanxiao's subordinate, so it is impossible for him to stay out of the matter. , Contributing to him as the emperor, he might as well just push the boat along and let Shao Yun'an be an idle farmer.

Thinking of this, Emperor Yongming hugged the person in his arms tightly, his greatest hope for Shao Yunan was to cure his Qi You. Whenever he thinks of Dai Qiyou's unbearable abdominal pain and the pain of residual poison in his body, Emperor Yongming's heart is pierced like a knife. In this life, except for this person, he is worthy of anyone. However, he can only watch the person he loves the most suffer, but there is nothing he can do. Gently dropping a kiss on Dai Qiyou's face, Emperor Yongming continued to think deeply. Now he is full of energy, and he only wants Yan Kingdom to enter a prosperous age as written in the "economic development" memorial.

Stayed in the National Teacher's Mansion for one night, and Jiang Kangchen bid farewell to his mansion early the next morning. Weng Lao didn't return all night, and the palace sent someone to say that he would stay in the palace for at least half a month this time. This incident caused a lot of uproar in the upper class of the capital, and Jiang Kangchen, who knew the key point, was full of joy and expectation. He sincerely hoped that the country of Yan would get better, and that Shao Yun'an's ideas would become a reality.

As soon as he returned to the mansion, Jiang Zhuang, the housekeeper who came to greet Jiang Kangchen, said after Jiang Kangchen stepped into the house, "Master, there is a letter from you." As he spoke, he took out a letter from his pocket and handed it out with both hands.

Jiang Kangchen took the letter and said, "I'm going to the 'Yunlong Pavilion' to meet Lord An in a while, get the carriage ready."


Jiang Zhuang went out and closed the door. Jiang Kangchen tore open the envelope. There was no letter inside, but a blooming plum blossom. Seeing this plum blossom, Jiang Kangchen was stunned for a moment, then clenched his jaw and held the plum blossom tightly.