Fierce “Husband”

Chapter 9


Shao Yun'an took a good night's sleep. It can be said that this was the best sleep he had since his soul wear. When he got up, the room was dark, and he pushed the door out with his hands and feet limp from sleep, and someone called him immediately.


"Nizi, what time is it?"


Two people came out of the kitchen, Wang Shijing and Wang Qing. Only then did Shao Yunan come back to his senses, and asked again: "What time is it? I seem to have slept for a long time."

Wang Shijing said: "It's past the unitary hour. You must be hungry."

"It's okay." Only then did they notice that the three of them looked busy, and Wang Ni was washing a large dish. Shao Yun'an rolled up his sleeves and asked, "Is anyone coming for dinner tonight?"

Wang Shijing said apologetically: "I invited the people who came to help yesterday to come over for dinner, and I will have to trouble them in the future. The meat you bought will use up a lot. I also bought some meat and gave it to Li Zheng and the patriarch. Some past."

Shao Yun'an didn't mind Wang Shijing's self-assertion at all, and he didn't mind that he bought things "by himself". Although the two have no relationship as husband and wife, they still want to live together, at least for a while.

Shao Yun'an said indifferently: "Those things are bought for use. When will they come?"

"I'll ask Brother Qing to call them after the meal is ready." Seeing that Shao Yun'an didn't mind, Wang Shijing was relieved. He didn't want to take advantage of Shao Yun'an, it's just that he wasn't in the village for five years, and now he's back to settle in the village, and he'll always be in contact with people in the future. In the village, when someone encounters something, those who offer to help are those who are willing to communicate with each other. The people who helped him yesterday were the people he would visit more often in the future. He left his family, but it is impossible to leave Xiushui Village. More contacts and more good relationships will benefit the four of them. The easiest way to communicate with each other is to exchange courtesy.

Shao Yunan said: "I'll wash my face first, and I'll cook dinner. I don't believe in your cooking skills. You go to wash the vegetables, the water is cold, don't let Xiao Nizi touch the cold water. Brother Qing help me light the fire, Xiao Nizi you Play by yourself."

Wang Ni immediately said: "The water is not cold, I can wash vegetables, and I can do a lot of work." In her memory, she did not have the consciousness of "playing".

Shao Yun'an went over and picked up Wang Ni, and took her to the kitchen: "It used to be the past, but now you have to develop a habit and avoid touching cold water." Pulling a cloth towel to wipe Wang Ni's hands, Shao Yun'an educated: "Look at your hands. It’s so cold, girls get sick easily if they touch too much cold water. After a while, there will be guests at home, and my dad will buy some snacks. You take them out and share them with everyone when someone comes. In a few days, my dad will go to the county town to buy them for you. "

Wang Ni's face was blushing, and she felt that her little father was so gentle and gentle, which reminded her of her mother. Thinking of her mother, and thinking of the more difficult life for her and her brother after her mother left, Wang Ni couldn't help but her eyes turned red. Seeing this, Shao Yunan squatted down: "What's the matter, little girl?"

To be honest, these two children of Wang Shijing are really sensible and well-behaved, unlike those bratty children he knows. Wang Ni lowered her head, held Xiao Dae's hand instead, and said in a low voice shyly: "Little Daddy, Xiao Daddy, you are so kind."

Shao Yun'an smiled, and pinched Wang Ni's face: "Well, my little dad will love you. Okay, you go get some snacks, and my little dad will cook. Stew big meat for little Nizi to eat."

Wang Ni raised her head, revealing a child's innocent smile. Wang Qing and Wang Shijing were watching outside, and Wang Shijing rubbed his son's head: "You go and help light the fire, Dad washes the vegetables."

Wang Qing sniffed and went into the kitchen silently, Shao Yunan patted Wang Ni, and Wang Ni ran out of the kitchen to get some snacks. Although she was very reluctant, but she listened to what Xiaopa said, and Xiaopa would buy it for her after he said it.

Wang Shijing has steamed steamed buns mixed with white flour and cornmeal. Shao Yun'an found out the seasoning that Wang Shijing had put away, took six eggs and cracked them into a bowl. There must be more than a dozen people coming to dinner at night, and the dishes must be cooked enough.

"Brother Ishii, take out the wine you brought back today."

Then I heard Wang Shijing who was washing vegetables outside shouting: "Nizi, take out the wine too."


Xiao Nizi's voice was cheerful and crisp. Sitting in front of the stove, Wang Qing couldn't help but say, "Dad, others will tell when they see it."

"What?" Shao Yunan looked down.

Wang Qing's small face was very serious in the firelight, and he was also very embarrassed: "Tell me, there are so many good things in our house. Others will gossip."

This is a good thing? The memory of the original owner in Shao Yun'an's head stimulated him, he rolled his eyes towards the sky, bent down and rubbed Wang Qing's head fiercely: "Little dad and your dad will shut up other people's mouths, so you can eat it boldly." .”

Wang Qing pursed her lips, and couldn't help reminding in a low voice: "Grandma knows, yes, not happy."

Shao Yunan snorted coldly in his heart: "Whether she is happy or not. We can't live a good life to make her happy. She likes to be happy or not. You and her have nothing to do with that. Your father and your grandparents re-wrote The separation contract is established, and whether they are good or not has nothing to do with us in the future, and it has nothing to do with them whether we are good or not. Your father and I will stand up for things, don't be afraid of them. "

Wang Qing raised his head and looked at Xiaopai for a while, then he lowered his head and gave a heavy "hmm". The meanness of grandma, second uncle and aunt, and the indifference of aunt and uncle are Wang Qing's nightmare. Dad came back, and now he has a young dad who seems to be very powerful. Wang Qing prayed in his heart, praying that he and his sister would never return to the old days.

If you still can't see how miserable the two children are in that family, Shao Yun'an is definitely blind. Wang Shijing washed the dishes and came in, Shao Yunan put on his apron: "Look what else needs to be prepared, the kitchen is mine."

"I'm going to borrow a table."

"go Go."

Shao Yun'an picked up the kitchen knife, cut the vegetables first, and cut the meat last.

When it was completely dark, the guests came one after another. Wang Shijing borrowed three tables. He not only invited the people who helped yesterday, but also the two sons of the Lizheng family, Wang Wen and the patriarch's son, and Sun Langzhong, the grandfather of the brothers Sun Erjiang and Sun Xiaojiang who came to help yesterday. Wang Shijing wanted Langzhong Sun to show Shao Yunan and the two children a look. It's not that Wang Shijing didn't invite Li Zhenghe and the patriarch, it's just that it's inconvenient for them to show up on such an occasion.

The guests shouted "really fragrant" before entering the yard. The guests thought it was delicious, but the two children Wang Qing and Wang Ni would only think it was even more fragrant. They thought that the dishes cooked by Xiao Dae smelled more delicious than the dishes eaten in the big restaurant at noon.

There were so many people and it was cold at night, so Shao Yun'an didn't cook every dish. A pot of stewed sauerkraut with crispy meat—the sauerkraut is a gift from others, a pot of pure braised pork, a pot of braised pork ribs and stewed potatoes, a pot of fish-flavored eggplant, a pot of white radish meatballs and bean sprouts soup, and a unique stir-fried dish —Scrambled eggs with chives.

Wang Shijing was regarded as the head of the family, and Shao Yun'an asked him to accompany the guests. When all the dishes were ready, Shao Yun'an divided them into three portions, and together with Wang Qing, they brought out the dishes one by one. As soon as the dishes came out, the bustle started outside.

"It's really fragrant, it's from the Ishii family, your craftsmanship is really good!"

"This looks even more delicious than the ones in the restaurant!"

"What kind of dishes are these? I've never seen them before!"

"Ishii, you are so lucky!"

Everyone praised Shao Yun'an's craftsmanship, and no one asked them where they got the money to buy so much meat. Wang Shijing asked Shao Yunan to sit beside him, and Wang Qing and Wang Ni were taken away by the fourth aunt. Wang Shijing's gloominess subsided a lot. He poured wine for several elders present, and stood up and said, "I just came back. From now on, my family will still rely on uncles, aunts and brothers to take care of me."

Wang Xing's father, Uncle Wang, immediately said: "Ishii, everyone knows what's going on in your family. There are gossipers and people who join in the fun in the village, so don't bother. You can't find these people anywhere. You and Yun'an brought Qing Brother and Nizi live a good life. We elders have watched you grow up, we know your suffering and grievances, and we also know the pain and grievances of Brother Qing and Nizi. Before you did not separate, we want to It's not easy to manage, now that you are separated, the big guys will help you if you have any difficulties."

The others immediately echoed: "That's right, Ishii, everyone will help you in the future. Life will always get better."

Wang Shijing said a little excitedly: "Thank you, fourth uncle, thank you everyone. I will first respect this bowl of wine to all the elders here."

The elders all picked up their wine bowls one after another, and drank with dignity. Wang Shijing wiped his mouth, filled himself again, and said, "This bowl is for all brothers."

"Brother Ishii, just speak up if you have anything to do in the future."

Wang Xing, Sun Erjiang, Sun Xiaojiang, and Wang Zhuanghua, four young men who were close to Wang Shijing, picked up the wine bowls first, and the others followed suit immediately.

Looking up, Wang Shijing drank in another gulp. After two bowls of wine, Wang Shijing sat down, picked up his chopsticks, and greeted everyone to eat. Shao Yunan poured some wine and stood up. Following his movements, everyone stopped eating and drinking immediately. Shao Yun'an said with a smile on his face: "It's a coincidence that Brother Shijing and I got together, but it's also fate. I'm a straightforward person, sometimes I don't care about my temper, and I hope everyone can take care of it. I'm new here. I don’t understand the things here. If you have done something wrong, just tell me. Although Brother Ishii and I have nothing to say now, we will have it in the future. We will make our life prosperous. Everyone needs help The local government just comes to us. Brother Qing and Nizi, I will treat them as my own children."

After Shao Yunan finished speaking, there was a moment of silence at the scene, and Fourth Aunt Wang was the first to speak out: "Yunan, Fourth Aunt thinks you are doing well. You have also seen the situation at Shijing's house, Shijing, don't blame Fourth Aunt for talking It doesn't sound good. Your family really needs to find a wife with a temper like Yun'an, otherwise, let's not talk about anything else, Qing Geer and Nizi will suffer a lot of grievances in the future. It's good to divide the family, You can also live your own life in An An. Yun An, you and Ishii live a good life, Brother Qing and Nizi are very sensible children, I will leave Ishii and the two children to you."

Shao Yunan raised his wine bowl: "Don't worry, Fourth Aunt, I will definitely do what I say. I respect everyone for this bowl of wine."

Everyone picked up their wine bowls, and several young men even booed: "Sister-in-law, after this meal, Brother Ishii will definitely be inseparable from you."

Shao Yun'an drank the wine with a smile, during which Wang Shijing glanced at him. Shao Yun'an's straightforwardness won a lot of goodwill from everyone. After drinking this bowl of wine, everyone opened their arms to eat and drink. Wang Qing and Wang Ni had a big meal at noon, but they still kept stuffing their mouths now, the food made by Xiao Dae was better than the ones in the restaurant!

Wang Shijing's interest also increased a lot, and Shao Yun'an's cooking skills far exceeded his expectations. It may also be that the burden in his heart is gone, and the person he remarries is not as he thought. Although he and Shao Yun'an are not a real couple yet, Wang Shijing has a lot of expectations and hopes for the future.

The wine Shao Yunan bought is one of the good wines here. Everyone ate and drank satisfactorily. Shao Yun'an didn't have such a big appetite, and he was full after eating a steamed bun. When he was full, he turned his head and whispered a few words to Wang Shijing, then got up and left the table first, and went to the kitchen. As soon as Shao Yun'an left, Uncle Wang who was sitting on the same table with Wang Shijing said in a low voice, "Shijing, you should be more thoughtful in the future, don't just do whatever you are told like before, I think Yun'an has an idea Yes, if you have anything to discuss with him."

This table is full of sensible people, Uncle Wang is not afraid of someone spreading gossip. What he meant was actually very straightforward, that is to tell Wang Shijing not to be bullied by his family in the future. Shao Yun'an is a powerful person, so it's not wrong for Wang Shijing to listen to Shao Yun'an more.

Wang Shijing nodded and said, "He's a good guy. I don't have anything to do with my family now. I don't care about my family's affairs except weddings and funerals."

"It's good that you understand."

Shao Yun'an went to the kitchen to cut fruit, and there was always big meat in the evening, he wanted to eat something refreshing. Fruit is a rare item, but it's nothing to Shao Yun'an, just buy it after eating it. While cutting the fruit, someone came in, Shao Yunan turned his head.

"Aunt Four."

It was Fourth Aunt Wang who came in. Seeing that Shao Yunan was cutting fruit, Fourth Aunt Wang immediately said, "Oh, why are you still making apples and pears? How expensive are they! Auntie knows your intentions, but don't do this in the future. You have nothing when you separate. , I still need to save more money to build a house and sell the land.”

Shao Yun'an was thinking about how to explain the origin of the money, and this was just right. He said in a serious manner: "Brother Ishii picked up a few beautiful stones during the war, and he gave them to me. I saw them as rare, so I wanted to see if I could exchange some money. It turned out that when I went to the pawnshop, I happened to When I met the shopkeeper of 'Butterfly Dressing Pavilion', he saw my stones and wanted to pay for them immediately. I never thought that a few stones could be exchanged for silver. Otherwise, Ishii and I would not be able to invite everyone to eat meat and drink."

Fourth Aunt Wang was surprised: "Can stones be exchanged for silver?"

"I just found out." Wang Shijing wiped his hands and took out a stone from his pocket, "I still have one left."

Fourth Aunt Wang leaned forward and exclaimed, "Is this a stone? Isn't this meat?"

Shao Yun'an stuffed the stone into Aunt Wang's hand: "Touch it, it's a stone."

Fourth Aunt Wang saw it in front of her eyes, and she was very surprised: "This looks like a piece of cooked meat, how could it be a stone!" She touched it around, took a bite in disbelief, and then groaned, "It's still a piece of meat!" What a rock!"

Shao Yun'an smiled and said, "That's right, it's just stones. I sold three pieces, but it's not this kind of fleshy stone, and it's quite rare." Then, he smiled and sighed, "These stones are also taken by Brother Ishii. In exchange for my life, I would not be willing to sell it if I had no choice."

Upon hearing this, Fourth Aunt Wang hurriedly put the stone back to Shao Yun'an, and said, "That's right. There's only one piece left, you can keep it and don't sell it anymore. Don't buy so much meat or wine in the future. We all know your intentions. It won’t be too late to buy it after your future is better.”

"Aunt Si is right." Shao Yun'an put away the half-palm-sized meat stone.

Fourth Aunt Wang then leaned forward and whispered: "Don't let the people in the old house know about this stone, especially his mother Shijing, otherwise she will come to ask you for it."

Shao Yunan continued to cut the fruit, and said coolly: "I'm not afraid of her. If she dares to ask for it, I'll let her know what the consequences will be. Fourth Aunt, Brother Shijing and I will not intentionally seek trouble, but if others find me, don't Blame me for being rude. We bought so many things today, there is no way they don’t know, and they just make trouble.”

After hearing this, Fourth Aunt Wang felt more at ease: "It's good if you can think so. I'm really afraid that you will be bullied to death over there." She is too soft-tempered to protect herself, not even Brother Qing and Nizi. Although she ran away with someone, everyone understands that she really can't live in that house. Don't you Seriously, Ishii will definitely treat you well if he marries you."

Shao Yun'an smiled: "I'm not that narrow-minded. Now that Brother Shijing is separated, there's nothing we can do over there. Fourth Aunt, tell people how we got our money, so as to avoid some people gossiping behind our backs. "

"It's up to you to care about it yourself, and I'll help you tell the outside world."

Aunt Wang was worried about whether Shao Yun'an would be difficult to get along with before, but now she likes Shao Yun'an a little bit. The two stayed in the kitchen for a while, and Fourth Aunt Wang took the opportunity to explain the situation of Wang Shijing's family to Shao Yun'an in detail, so that he would not suffer in the future.

When Shao Yun'an and Fourth Aunt Wang came out of the kitchen, there was another round of applause. Everyone ate the meal with great joy and satisfaction. There are snacks before meals and fruits after meals, which makes everyone feel embarrassed. They are just a little help, but they are so grateful.

There was almost no food left, so Wang Shijing asked Sun Erjiang to bring back the leftover soup and water, mix it with pig food, and feed the pigs some oil and water. The Sun family raised two pigs, and Sun Erjiang was not too polite.

The host and guests had a good time, and before leaving, Aunt Wang, Aunt Zhou and Sun Erjiang's grandson Xia Aunt even washed the dishes and chopsticks. Shao Yun'an didn't fight with them, he didn't like to clean up after dinner. The guests had all left, and Shao Yun'an didn't see one of the guests looking back at him when he left. Wang Shijing went to boil water to wash, Shao Yunan called Wang Qing and Wang Ni into the room.