Fierce “Husband”

Chapter 96


Wang Qing went to school on the first day, and Shao Yunan made a big meal for dinner as encouragement. With Kang Rui around, Mr. Cen didn't go to the academy. After studying in the study for a few days, he was going to the capital with Kang Rui, and he just waited for Kang Rui to explain the affairs of the academy. Shao Yun'an also knew about this. The old man is going on a long trip, if he doesn't go with him, then he has to cook some delicious food for him, the food on the boat and in the capital will definitely not suit the old man's appetite.

Guessing that Wang Qing would be home soon, Shao Yunan went to the kitchen. Guo Zimu was getting ready in the kitchen, and when he saw him coming in, he asked, "Brother Qing hasn't come back yet?"

Shao Yun'an: "Hurry up. I'll make meat dishes, and you come with vegetarian dishes. Don't forget to make a plate of vinegared potato shreds."


Guo Zimu, who was not wearing a mask, handed over the stove to Shao Yunan, and he went to chop vegetables. There are a lot of people in the family, Shao Yun'an does not allow them to get close to the area where Guo Zimu usually moves. In the main courtyard, Uncle Zhou and Aunt Zhou usually come to help. Because of their young age, Shao Yunan also allows them to show up. Shao Yunan does not allow them to come to the main courtyard, especially Ding Lin and Ding Sen. Two middle-aged men.

Guo Zimu's usual range of activities is the yard, kitchen and main courtyard where he and his elder brother Guo Ziyu live. He doesn't like to see outsiders, and he has a face that is too monstrous. Shao Yun'an can't bear to see him always wearing a mask in front of outsiders, and simply refuses to give outsiders the chance to see him. Jiang Kangning, Jiang Kangchen, Kang Rui and others will not be affected by Guo Zimu. The influence of appearance, and it doesn't matter if it is his own family, Guo Zimu will not feel uncomfortable facing them.

While cutting the shredded potatoes, Guo Zimu said worriedly: "I don't know how Qing Geer is doing in the academy today. Why don't you let him say that he is the grandson of Cen Lao?"

Shao Yun'an, who cooks braised pork, said: "If he doesn't say it, everyone will know it in the future. If he says it, it will arouse the suspicion of his classmates, which is counterproductive. Don't worry, there are Wang Yan and Zhao Congbo. They both have read it a few times. They are all children who are studying, and they don't have so much heart to bully others. Besides, with a senior brother, Qing Geer won't be bullied."

Guo Zimu said: "That's good, I'm worried that Brother Qing will be bullied."

Shao Yunan asked: "Brother Guo really doesn't plan to take the exam again?"

Guo Zimu nodded, and said with a bit of self-blame: "Brother said he is very down-to-earth now, and he doesn't want to make trouble anymore."

Shao Yunan said: "Since Big Brother Guo has made such a choice, let's respect him. What about you, Brother Guo? You can't—be a cook in my house for the rest of your life, can you?"

Guo Zimu raised his head: "Why not?" He bowed his head again, and said as if swearing: "I sold myself to your family, being a cook is good, I like being a cook."

Not to mention, Guo Zimu is very talented in cooking. Shao Yun'an was silent for a while, and said, "That's fine. Brother Jing and I will be busy again in a while. The food at home has to be handed over to Brother Guo."

"Leave it to me. Don't worry about the kimchi and barbecue sauce, I will deliver it on time."

"Okay, with you here, I really save trouble."

Guo Zimu smiled. He has forgotten his current life for many years. Even when there was no accident at home, he has never been so steadfast and at ease. If possible, he would like to stay in the palace for the rest of his life.

For the brothers Guo Ziyu and Guo Zimu, Shao Yun'an still couldn't bear them to stay in such a small temple as his for the rest of their lives. Guo Ziyu is also a scholar. Although Guo Zimu has no fame, he has read and can read. Moreover, Guo Zimu also has good cooking skills, and he also has this talent. At the beginning, he didn't understand anything about the situation here. If the two of them hadn't given him a detailed analysis and explanation, he wouldn't have gone so smoothly. Shao Yun'an still wanted to arrange the future life of the two of them, so he couldn't be a servant to his family for the rest of his life.

"Yunan, I'm back."

Shao Yunan came back to his senses and looked at the kitchen door. Wang Shijing walked in quickly, his feet were covered in mud, obviously he had gone out. Shao Yun'an hurriedly said, "Drink some water first, then go take a bath, the water is already boiled."

"Okay. Is Brother Qing back?"

"Not yet, soon. Are you hungry, do you want to eat something first?"

"A little hungry."

"There are garlic Burmese buns on the table in the main hall, you eat two first, and have a big meal at night."


Wang Shijing has been busy with the people sent by the capital and the tea collectors sent by Jiang Kangning for training since four days ago. He also has to investigate the types and distribution of ancient tea trees in Yongxiu County. He leaves early every day. Returned late.

After eating a few slices of garlic bread, Wang Shijing went to take a bath. When he went out this time, the villagers only brought the Tangen tree with him. This kid is smart and quick to learn. Wang Shijing plans to hand over Xiushui Village to Tang Genshu when the picking starts.

After Wang Shijing took a shower, Shao Yun'an also prepared four meat dishes. Wang Qing came back, and Kang Rui was also there. Kang Rui also regards the Wang Mansion as his own home now. He doesn't want to go back to his unpopular home, he likes to live here, even if it takes an hour to run back and forth every day.

As soon as Wang Qing came back, Shao Yun'an saw that his face was a bit unhappy, and he was carrying a blue cloth bag with one shoulder in his hand. Shao Yun'an was stunned: "Brother Qing, where is your schoolbag?" He immediately went to see Kang Rui, Kang Rui Rui was just a cockle. He smiled and didn't explain.

Wang Qing couldn't help but pouted: "Daddy, my schoolbag is gone, and I haven't eaten a few bites of the bento and snacks you brought me."

"Ah?! Did your classmates bully you?"

Shao Yun'an and Wang Shijing looked at Kang Rui at the same time, but Kang Rui still didn't say a word, sitting at the table and drinking tea, looking very thirsty.

Wang Shijing immediately said: "Brother Qing, tell Dad what happened in the academy?"

Kang Rui said at this time: "You should ask Yun An. Why did he bring such a special schoolbag to Brother Qing, and make such delicious bento and snacks."

"Me?" Shao Yun'an was confused.

Wang Qing was so wronged that he took off the purse from his waist and handed it to the little daddy. Unconsciously, Shao Yun'an took it over, opened it, and saw five jade pendants in the purse that was originally just for Wang Qing's change!

Shao Yun'an was a little dizzy: "What is this?"

"Students in the class—must buy my schoolbag and the snacks my dad made for me. They didn't bring any money, so they bought them with jade pendants. I didn't want them, but they forced them to buy them. The bento was also divided by them, and I wasn't even full. Their bento is terrible."

Shao Yun'an was speechless, and Wang Shijing coughed twice: "Didn't you say you won't sell it?"

"I said it. They-definitely bought it. They all robbed it. They even forcibly gave me the jade pendant." Wang Qing was wronged when he said he was wronged. He doesn't want the jade pendant, he wants his schoolbag and snacks! Speaking of this, Wang Qing is about to cry, he only has that one schoolbag!

Shao Yun'an quickly hugged Wang Qing over: "Don't cry, don't cry. Let Grandma Zhou make another schoolbag for you. Dad will bring you some more snacks tomorrow, and you share them with your classmates, and return the jade pendant to them. Tell them If they want to buy bags, they have to make an appointment in advance, because Grandma Zhou can only make one in a few days. As for dim sum..." Shao Yun'an suddenly had an idea, "Tell them that your uncle is going to open a dim sum shop in the county. If they like to eat, they can buy it. From now on, little dad will bring you more snacks every day, and you can eat with your classmates."

Wang Qing's grievance turned into confusion, and he raised his head: "Uncle?"

Shao Yunan said: "Your Uncle Guo. Uncle Guo is shy, so just tell people that he is your uncle."

Wang Qing nodded, and was wronged again: "My schoolbag is gone, what should I carry tomorrow?"

This Shao Yun'an has nothing to do, Kang Rui said: "Tomorrow, you can bring some more snacks, and return the schoolbag. Tell them, if you like this kind of schoolbag, you can book it for them. A schoolbag..." He looked at Shao Yunan, "How much do you say?" The money is right."

Shao Yun'an was speechless: "Brother, I thought you would say that you will help Brother Qing get his schoolbag back tomorrow."

Kang Rui smiled and said: "Brothers can't come forward in this kind of thing. It's wrong for them to forcefully buy Brother Qing's schoolbags and snacks, but in this way, they will lose their relationship with Brother Qing. This matter Let Brother Qing handle it by himself."

Well, the brother is an educator, so you must listen to the brother. Shao Yunan thought about it, and said, "Just say 5 taels of silver each. If you want to add other content, add money according to the amount of content added." Then, he shook his head again, "This is not good. Brother Qing is going to Those who study are not doing business. Let me think about what to do."

Wang Shijing came up with an idea: "Otherwise, our family should open another bakery shop."

Shao Yun'an: "It's not so fast to open a bag shop, those kids must not be able to wait." I thought of it! Shao Yunan slapped his head: "Well, Brother Qing, tell your classmates that Grandma Zhou will make a bag style booklet, and they can decide which one they like with Grandma Zhou. The price will be indicated on the booklet, little daddy Let Su Chi do this."

Wang Qing nodded: "Okay." Then he said worriedly: "But I said that my little dad designed it for me."

Shao Yun'an: "That's nothing. My dad can't design it without anyone doing it. Just say that Grandma Zhou has to do the main thing, and my dad is just talking."

Wang Qing stopped worrying, and pouted again: "I want my schoolbag."

"Little Daddy will bring you some more snacks tomorrow, and you can exchange them."

Xiao Dae said this, Wang Qing was in a better mood, and immediately said that he was going to do his homework. Watching Wang Qing leave, Shao Yunan looked at Kang Rui, who immediately said, "No one dares to snatch it from me." What he ate at noon was also the delicious bento made by Shao Yunan.

Shao Yun'an was embarrassed: "How does senior know what I'm going to say?"

"Your face is clear."

Wang Qing happily went to school, but in the end his schoolbag was gone, and the bento he brought was eaten up by the students headed by Zou Xiaopang, and he didn't even get a bite of dessert. Although they gave the jade pendant, he didn't care for it, so Wang Qing was very depressed. After eating the big meal prepared by Xiaopai and Guo Xiaoshu at night, I feel better—a little bit, just a little bit.

Shao Yun'an told Aunt Zhou about making bags, and Aunt Zhou was very surprised, and she was grateful to Shao Yun'an for some reason. Their family works in the Wang's house, and they can get a lot of wages every month. Now that Shao Yun'an has found a job for her, Aunt Zhou really doesn't know how to thank Shao Yun'an. The schoolbag was designed by Shao Yun'an. Shao Yun'an's suggestion is that Aunt Zhou can take Zheng Weishi, Ding Yeshi and Ding Jishi together to do it together. Those three women are all female celebrities, and they are all from the palace, so they won't talk too much. Otherwise, Aunt Zhou couldn't do it alone. If there is a real business opportunity for this bag, he also considers opening a bag shop.

Aunt Zhou took over the task, and Shao Yun'an also said that he would get 30% of the money earned, Aunt Zhou would get 30%, and Zheng Wei's, Ding Ye's and Ding Ji's 10% each of the remaining 30%. Zheng Weishi, Ding Yeshi and Ding Jishi are the house slaves of the royal house, and they will only be happy if the master is willing to share money with them.

Seemingly finding a profitable business for Aunt Zhou, Shao Yunan asked Wang Shijing to go to Wang Wenhe's house. Wang Shijing, who got the task of daughter-in-law, picked up the walnut cake and went out.

Wang Qing's dim sum was forcibly bought by his classmates. Wang Yan and Zhao Congbo felt aggrieved, but they couldn't keep their dim sum and were forcibly bought by their classmates. Almost all the students in Baiyue Academy were from families with good money. Wang Yan and Zhao Congbo were weak and unable to hold on to their snacks. They are not Wang Qing, they have delicious snacks every day, and they don't have the cheek to ask Uncle An for them. When they got home, they couldn't eat the stuffed dinner. There were three kinds of snacks in the box, and neither of them had eaten them, so they were forced to buy them without even trying one. But Wang Qing was the most pitiful, he didn't keep his lunch box and schoolbag.

Zhao Yuande and Zhao He, Wang Shupin and his wife didn't know what to do after their son came home and told the story. It's not that the son was bullied by his classmates, it can only be said that the dim sum made by Shao Yun'an is too tempting. They still feel a little guilty that Wang Yan and Zhao Congbo didn't protect Wang Qing well. Wang Yan and Zhao Congbo also brought back jade pendants, silver locks, etc. Zhao Yuande and Wang Shuping asked their sons to return them to their classmates when they went to school the next day.

Wang Shenshi is on the kang—while doing homework with his grandson—while thinking about what kind of shoulder "school bag" his grandson wants. It's late today, and tomorrow she's going to find sister Zhou to ask her how to make that schoolbag. If it doesn't work, I will pay my sister Zhou to make one for my grandson, who would want my grandson to want it.

I was racking my brains to draw a pattern according to my grandson's instructions, when my daughter-in-law came in from outside: "Mother, brother Ishii is here, and he said he has something to do with his father."

When Wang Chenshi heard this, she got off the kang immediately: "You come and accompany Brother Yan, I'll go and have a look."


Ever since Wang Shijing left the clan, Wang Wenhe has been feeling very uncomfortable, and Wang Shijing never came to his house. Wang Shenshi was very worried that Wang Shijing and Shao Yun'an would never visit his house again. For Wang Shenshi, the relationship between their family and the Ishii family directly determines the future of his grandson Wang Yan, and there is no room for negligence.

When Shen went to the main room, Wang Wenhe and Wang Shuping were there. Wang Shijing saw him standing up and shouting: "Old aunt."

"Sit down. I'll pour you some water!"

Wang Chenshi hurried out to pour water again, and felt relieved when she saw that Wang Shijing had brought something. This meant that the other party really came looking for something, and he still regarded his family as an elder.

Unlike his wife, seeing Wang Shijing again, Wang Wenhe had mixed feelings and didn't know what to say, but Wang Shuping said naturally: "You and Yun'an recognized Mr. Cen as their father, and Mr. Cen's biological children are fine, right?" ? I heard people say that they are all in the capital."

Wang Shijing said: "Brothers and sisters are very happy. I wrote to say that they will come back. Yun'an and I wrote to tell them not to worry about it. It took a long time to go back and forth, and it was cold. When the weather warmed up, Yunan and I Ann took her parents to the capital to see them."

Wang Wenhe's face twitched, and Wang Shuping said: "Now you and Yun'an have no worries, and you have more love from your parents. It can be regarded as the end of all hardships."

Wang Shijing said: "I would also like to thank Brother Shuping, you have done a lot for me and Yun'an."

Wang Shuping: "You and Yun'an have always respected me. How can I stand by and watch when you two need help. Many clansmen are a little sad when you leave like this."

Wang Shijing nodded: "I know. It's just for me. Only by leaving completely can I be free."

Wang Shuping sighed: "Don't think about the past."

Wang Shijing glanced at Wang Wenhe, who was depressed, and said, "Uncle Wang, Brother Shuping, I have something to tell you. Brother Kang Chen wants to partner with Yun'an to open a restaurant in the county. The owner of the shopkeeper Xu After some troubles, I planned to close Yizhangxuan, and the shopkeeper Xu agreed to help. When this restaurant opens, all kinds of ingredients need to be supplied by someone. Since Yun'an and I are in it, then Yun'an and I want the ingredients to come from our village. Supply. See if the Wang clan is willing to do this."

Wang Wenhe looked at Wang Shijing suddenly, and Wang Shuping was surprised: "Shijing, you mean to ask the Wang clan to supply ingredients to your restaurant?"

"Well. Fruits and vegetables, chicken, duck, pork, eggs, etc. As long as the quality is good, the restaurant will accept it."

Wang Shuping was excited, but also panicked: "How much does it take? We're afraid it won't be enough."

Wang Shijing: "The restaurant won't open so soon. The clansmen can grow it first, and it will be May at the earliest. Yun'an and I have to finish the tea business first."

As soon as Wang Shuping heard it, he immediately counted the time, and Wang Shijing said: "This matter can't just focus on the Wang clan, but it must first only look at the acquisition by the Wang clan. I have a list and the approximate required amount. You You can let the clansmen see how much each family can bear, you give me the amount as soon as possible, and then I will go to Uncle Zhao."

Wang Shijing took out the list and handed it to Wang Shuping, and then handed out another list, saying: "This is the method of making sesame paste, and the restaurant will need a lot in the future. This sesame paste, Yun'an and I mean Brother Shuping and you Do it first, wait until you become the patriarch, and then consider whether to benefit the whole clan."

Wang Shuping was shocked, and Wang Wenhe was also shocked. Wang Shijing said calmly: "Yun'an and I will never forget our kindness to our family. But we will not forget those greedy people either. Brother Yan will definitely be promising in the future, you should make plans early. "

Wang Shijing's early plan was to prepare in advance the money Wang Yan needed for his future scientific research. The imperial examination is a very expensive thing. Often the whole clan comes to study and take the exam alone. With Wang Wenhe's current prestige and the current situation of the Wang clan, Wang Yan's best choice is that Wang Shuping's family can provide for him alone. read.

Wang Shuping took two deep breaths, and said gratefully: "Ishii, you and Yun'an's kind brother have written it down. In the future, no matter how far Brother Yan can read, he is half of you. Just worry about what you have to do." Call him, if you need help, even if you can't help me, I can help you."

Wang Shuping really didn't know how to repay the gratitude of Wang Shijing and Shao Yun'an. Wang Shijing didn't need anything in return from Wang Shuping, these were all for his daughter-in-law to repay the kindness (favor) to him.