Fight the Landlord, Fall in Love

Chapter 21


During this experience, Sun Zinan didn't speak so carefully, he kept a few words and understated it, and there was hardly any resentment in his tone, but Tang Kai was still irritated.

There are more horrific incidents in social news, but when this kind of thing happened to someone close to him, he only understood what pain is.

How can an adult do such a crazy thing to a child

Leaving a psychological shadow of fear of insects is considered light, jumping from the second floor... If it wasn't for Sun Zinan's life, he would have no target now.

"I'm going to put on a sack and beat him up?" Tang Kai hugged Sun Zinan tightly, his tone as if he was the one who was wronged, "I'm going to break his dog's legs and let this beast enter. You have lived in the hospital for three years and five years, and you have experienced all the hardships you have endured..."

"It's alright, how many years have passed," Sun Zinan snorted his head a few times, only taking it as an angry remark, "Besides, can I make him live a comfortable life? Sooner or later, I will get it back with profit."

Tang Kai was silent, and after a while, he said dully, "I still want to hit him."

Sun Zinan smiled silently.

Tang Kai hummed and asked, "Are you still sleeping?"

Sun Zinan was no longer sleepy, and sat up hugging the quilt: "I have a headache from sleeping too much. It's time for you to get up and work, Professor Tang."

The summer vacation will end tomorrow, and the opening ceremony is imminent. Tang Kai has always been the face of their college. Today, Sun Zinan was supposed to leave after a meal, and he spent the rest of the time preparing speeches for him. However, Professor Tang suffered from procrastination. He hugged his waist like an overly clingy dog and refused to let him go, insisting that Sun Zinan stay at home with him.

Sun Zinan can see that, whether it is a student or a teacher, the phobia of starting school is a terminal illness that cannot be cured.

After Tang Kaiyan finished the PPT, he felt unhappy at the thought of not being able to spend time with Sun Zinan every day after school started. He simply had the urge to go out to buy a house and check in with bags that night.

Sun Zinan held his laptop to reply to emails, and occasionally raised his hand to rub his cheek. Hearing this idea, he didn't think he was joking, but nodded and said, "Anyway, your job is basically stable within ten years. If you plan to buy a house, you can choose you. New real estate around the school to buy.”

Tang Kai noticed another meaning in his words and asked, "How about you?"

"I... Let's take a step by step," Sun Zinan said, "I can't be a part of this small company all my life."

Tang Kai could probably understand his worries. On the one hand, Sun Zinan's position has reached the ceiling. In the future, his brother will not be willing to let him intervene in the group's affairs; on the other hand, the prospects of their company are really limited, and the entire gene sequencing industry is currently in a bottleneck period. If they cannot develop new businesses Plate, sitting on the mountain is a matter of time.

"Whatever you want to do, just let it go," Tang Kai sat up straight, and said with a very strong boyfriend, "If you fail, you can come to me for support."

Sun Zinan rolled his eyes and said with a sneer, "Someone packs Xiaobailian to warm the bed, and you pack Xiaobailian to go home and cook for you - if that's the case, why don't you just find a housekeeper?"

Tang Kai: "I didn't say that you won't be allowed to climb the bed, you come, come as you like!"

"… "

Seeing that the conversation was rushing in an indescribable direction, Sun Zinan quickly stopped and changed the subject: "What are you going to eat tonight? I think the vegetable market outside your community is good. I'll go out to buy some food later."

This birthday is only a highlight at noon, and Sun Zinan has to cook by himself at night, otherwise he estimates that Tang Kai will cry to him on the spot.

Sure enough, Professor Tang cherished this last supper very much, and he performed a cross talk "Report the name of the dish" without stopping.

Sun Zinan said coldly, "Go back to the laboratory and eat your petri dish."

As the sun went down, the heat outside had subsided a little, and the two of them walked downstairs, dressed casually at home, not too hot, and went to the vegetable market hand in hand.

Sun Zinan didn't come to this kind of open-air market very often before, because it was too crowded. However, Tang Kai's family is an old community. The residents are mainly retired and elderly people. They are most willing to spend time in this kind of green vegetables and garlic. Therefore, the business of the nearby vegetable market is very prosperous.

He lacked a simple life experience since he was a child, and always felt that he was out of tune with this place. Now he is holding a person in his hand, but it seems that he jumped from the cold room of a high-rise apartment into the world where the red dust is rolling. Have the confidence to go to the market.

"Buy a fish to braise, or sweet and sour?" Sun Zinan looked at the fresh fish in the plastic basin and asked Tang Kai, "Or fry it into a squirrel?"

Tang Kai didn't know why he was a little absent-minded. Sun Zinan called him before he recovered. He opened his mouth and said, "I want to eat pickled fish."

"Don't be afraid of getting angry in the summer." Sun Zinan muttered, then walked to the stall and pointed to the basin, "Boss, bring me a grass carp."

The advantage of buying fish in the vegetable market is that the boss can dispose of the live fish, so as not to go home and clean up by himself. While waiting for the boss to kill the fish, Sun Zinan suddenly asked, "What were you looking at just now?"

Tang Kai: "Huh?"

"It took a long time for you to recover just now." Sun Zinan said.

"It's alright, it seems that I'm overthinking," Tang Kai said, "I always felt someone staring at me since I went out. It might be an illusion."

"It's normal," Sun Zinan looked around and said with a smile, "It's rare to see someone as beautiful as you."

Professor Tang was caught off guard by him, and his ears were all red.

The stall owner neatly packed the grass carp. Sun Zinan scanned the QR code to check out. Tang Kai took the plastic bag and asked, "Where can I buy sauerkraut? Do you buy that kind of whole kimchi?"

Sun Zinan looked at this handsome idiot who was even more ignorant than himself, and sighed: "There, the seasoning buyer, do you see it? Go and tell my aunt that you want to buy two packets of pickled fish seasoning."

Tang Kai's eyes were bright and he looked at him pitifully: "Dear, won't you accompany me?"

Sun Zinan said lovingly: "Good boy, after you buy the seasoning, just stand there and don't move around. I'll go buy some oranges."

Tang Kai: "..."

There is no end to this ethical rant!

When Sun Zinan came back with a few celery, Tang Kai stood obediently waiting for him under the umbrella of the fruit and vegetable store, holding a plastic bag in one hand and an unpackaged chocolate crispy ice cream in the other.

He held up the slightly steaming ice cream in front of him: "Come on."

Sun Zinan opened his mouth and bit off a corner.

The chocolate is crisp, the cream is cool, and the mouth is full of milky sweetness when it melts. Tang Kai handed the ice cream to his hand and asked, "Is it sweet?"

Sun Zinan refused to accept it, and said inexplicably, "Can you taste it yourself if it's sweet or not?"

Tang Kai "tsk": "I don't understand the style, take it."

He just took the ice cream with a corner missing, and the next second, Tang Kai squeezed his chin and kissed him. The bitterness of chocolate and the sweetness of cream were intertwined between the lips and teeth, and the lips that had been frozen by the ice cream touched their normal body temperature, and they felt like a hallucinatory scalding; but for Tang Kai, the cold lips were a delicious snack, compared to All honey and poison are more tempting.

"Well... in public, you have to be shameless!"

"I don't like celery."


"I'm so wronged, you should comfort me."

"… "

The afterglow of the setting sun burns on the horizon, and at a certain moment when the time is running, the sound of cicadas will cease, the breeze will stop, the sound will return to silence, and even the leaves will no longer shake. Only the secluded shade, the fiery kiss and the melted cream ice cream, became the last vivid memory of this summer.

After the fall, the weather was getting cooler, and Sun Zinan had a cough. Yu Liang received a WeChat reminder from Tang Kai early in the morning, and rushed to the CEO's office with hot pear soup from an errand in the same city. He ran into Wang Geng who was looking for Sun Zinan on the way, so he had to bite the bullet and stop and greeted: "Wang, Good Vice President."

Every time Wang Geng sees him, this young man looks trembling, making Wang Geng suspect several times that he is not afraid of life, but allergic to all human beings.

He looked down at the heat preservation bucket in Yu Liang's hand: "What are you bringing?"

Yu Liang whispered, "Pear soup."

Wang Geng looked suspicious: "It's pear soup again? You were giving pear soup yesterday, haven't you been a little too attentive to Sun recently?"

Silly boy Yu Liang Zhi frowned and said, "I can meet you every time I come here, so we should be the same."

Flatterer, who is like you!

Vice President Wang was so hurt by his unintentional slap in the head that he turned his face to face the wall and didn't want to talk to him anymore.

The elevator door opened, and the two walked through the corridor one after the other to the door of Sun Zinan's office. Yu Liang knocked on the door twice, and the door lock was automatically opened from the inside. Sun Zinan was talking on the phone and made a gesture to the two of them to wait a moment.

"Okay... I understand, you continue to check, and then come back and send a detailed report to my email. That's it."

He put down the phone, Yu Liang put the thermal insulation bucket on his desk, lowered his eyebrows and said pleasingly, "Mr. Sun, the courier just arrived in the morning, you can drink it while it's hot."

Wang Geng didn't know that there was Tang Kai's shadow behind this incident, and became more and more puzzled: "Express delivery?"

Sun Zinan coughed lowly and smiled: "No, it was sent by my boyfriend. It's hard for you to make a trip."

Yu Liang was less worried about Sun Zinan now, nodded and said, "Then I'll go back to work", and then closed the door and left.

Sun Zinan has always had a clear distinction between public and private. Wang Geng knew very little about his private life. He didn't expect that he had already left the list, and the object was still a man. For a while, he didn't know how to answer.

Fortunately, Sun Zinan has no intention of sharing this happiness with the single dog. He bypassed the thermal insulation bucket and went straight to the topic: "What are you looking for? Is it about the eco-park project?"

"Yes," Wang Geng said, "I just received a reply from Wantang Real Estate, and they also rejected our proposal to move in. At present, only the Jinyuan Villa of Jinke Real Estate is the only option available. What should I do?"

"Hang him and talk to them slowly." Sun Zinan said, "By the way, I can ask if I can do a field trip over there."

"But another biotech company is currently approaching Jinke Real Estate," Wang Geng said. "Both sides are raising prices, and the situation is very unfavorable for us."

"It's okay, he lifts you up, no matter what the other party does, it's right to lift it." After Sun Zinan finished speaking, seeing his "you're joking" look on his face, he had to reassure him again: "Don't worry, I know what to do. ."

Wang Geng looked awe-inspiring, waiting to hear where he was, but Sun Zinan refused to say any more. Instead, he took the heat preservation bucket, poured out a bowl of hot pear soup, and asked, "Are you still doing anything? "

"… "

Vice President Wang gritted his back molars and said, "It's all right. Farewell."