Fight the Landlord, Fall in Love

Chapter 24


Outside the hospital outpatient clinic.

Xie Zhuo bent forward and backward, chatted with the nurse for several minutes in front of the calling desk, and then walked back to Sun Zinan with a mercury thermometer: "Here. Take your temperature."

Sun Zinan covered half of his face with a mask, looking haggard, he reached out and took the thermometer: "Thank you."

Xie Zhuo sighed, took out the small vanity mirror from his bag and glanced at it, and said melancholy: "You scared me this morning, and you came out without makeup."

Sun Zinan put the thermometer in his clothes. His voice was hoarse and he struggled to speak, but he was as mean as ever: "Fortunately, I don't have a heart attack. Otherwise, I'll be cold by the time you arrive."

"Bah, what are you talking about?" Xie Zhuo said angrily, and immediately raised his hand to give him a hand, then took out his phone, "I think I'd better call Tang Kai..."

Sun Zinan raised his hand to hold him down.


"Do not fight."

Xie Zhuo: "What's wrong?"

When he saw that Sun Zinan didn't speak, he immediately reacted: "You two are quarreling? Why?"

It's amazing to say that every time Sun Zinan and Tang Kai broke up, Xie Zhuo would appear and find the problem in time, just like a little helper in the game.

"I..." He wanted to say that he was fine, but he felt that Tang Kai was really angry this time, and Sun Zinan wasn't even sure he could coax him back, so he turned around and said, "Forget it."

Xie Zhuo rolled his huge eyes: "Yes, yes, no, no, what's the matter with 'it'!"

Sun Zinan sighed helplessly, and explained to him what happened yesterday.

Xie Zhuo never imagined that after being nurtured by him for so many years, Sun Zinan would actually break the halberd and sink into the sand under the hands of another white lotus flower. This is a great provocation to him. He immediately rolled up his arms and sleeves, and said angrily: "I'm going, what's that girl's name? You give me her contact information, I must go to know this scheming bitch."

Sun Zinan had a headache and said, "Just stop for a while."

"Tang Kai is a dead scumbag, bastard, he has a girlfriend and pretends to be gay." Xie Zhuo said angrily, "Don't stop me, I'm scolding me today so I don't fucking recognize it..."

Sun Zinan: "He didn't know, I didn't tell him. It wasn't his fault at all."

"Brother, are you the Virgin, ah?" Xie Zhuo asked angrily, "He's tossing you into what the hell, you still speak for him?"

"It's really not his fault," Sun Zinan said. "I asked for it myself. I want to cool off in the rain."

Xie Zhuo didn't expect that he didn't need to share the enemy, so he even wrote the self-criticism book, and slumped back into his chair: "Oh, I see, you mean to admit it."

Sun Zinan thought for a while and said, "Actually, I don't know how to deal with it. I know it's not Tang Kai's fault, but I still mind it."

"That's why you didn't tell him," Xie Zhuo said coolly, "play your personal heroism and want to solve it yourself, but people don't appreciate it, and you hurt and hurt."

For the first time in the world, Sun Zinan did not mock, but listened to his scolding quietly, which made Xie Zhuo feel bad, and finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

"You... cough," he asked cautiously, "do you like Tang Kai so much?"

Sun Zinan let him ask for a moment.

"I thought we were going to get married," he laughed to himself. "What do you think?"

"Oh." Xie Zhuo immediately found the tone of this psychological counseling, it must be to persuade peace and not to persuade, so he said: "If this is the case, then you two can talk about it, Tang Kai will not be for that. Will the girl turn your back on you?"

"It's too late," Sun Zinan looked down at his mobile phone schedule. "He flew to City B today, and he's going to the forum tomorrow. Li Ning... She's that woman, and she'll go too."

Xie Zhuo wondered: "What does that have to do with it? Just say it, why is Li Ning still jumping up to stop you?"

"Although I think Li Ning is most likely talking nonsense, I can't guarantee it. What if Tang Kai really has her in his heart? What if they really missed it by mistake?" Sun Zinan was stuffy in his mask , coughed twice, "It's his freedom to choose a partner, and I can't interfere."

Xie Zhuo never knew that Sun Zinan was still a hidden lover, and he was so frightened that his mouth opened into an "O" shape: "Brother, are you confused!"

Sun Zinan took out the thermometer and looked at it, it was thirty-nine degrees one: "Yeah, I'm really confused."

When he was talking, Sun Zinan called out, and he stopped, got up and entered the consultation room. Xie Zhuo was left alone on the bench outside thinking.

I always feel that the development of this matter is strange, as if something is not right.

City B, Blue Star Hotel.

According to the arrangement of the organizer, Tang Kai and another participant from Tianhai University shared a standard room. The teacher won't arrive until tomorrow afternoon. Tang Kai put his backpack on the table and sat in the armchair by the window, his straight back slackened, he looked at the dusk outside the window, he couldn't help but took out his mobile phone and opened WeChat. .

No news.

On the chat interface between him and Sun Zinan, the message still stayed at "I went to class" yesterday morning. The circle of friends is also silent.

Sun Zinan, this big pig's hoof! Don't take the initiative to coax him!

Tang Kai was sulking and threw the phone on the bed.

In fact, he knew in his heart that the Cold War was his first choice, and he was the one who came to B City quietly. If you really want to discuss it carefully, his fault is relatively large. But he still hoped that Sun Zinan would take the initiative to say a word to him and extend an olive branch, just like he had accepted his stubbornness and naivety, let him know that even if he was not perfect and occasionally made mistakes, he would still let him go. in the heart.

Tang Kai is not only sullen, but also has a strong desire for monopoly. He wants to eat Sun Zinan's vinegar, but also Sun Zinan cares about him. It is clear that the intestines are going to regret it now, but they are not willing to submit to weakness first.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. Seeing that the phone was dead as if it was dead, he went downstairs for dinner angrily.

At the same time, Sun Zinan's home.

Xie Zhuo poured the porridge ordered separately for Sun Zinan into a bowl, and took out a few vegetarian dishes before knocking on the bedroom door. After a while, Sun Zinan walked lazily into the living room, coughed for a while after sitting down, and said to Xie Zhuo, "Excuse me."

"Are we going to see each other like this?" Xie Zhuo handed him a spoon, "Have some porridge, you haven't eaten for a day."

Sun Zinan slowly counted the grains of rice, and the meal was thinner than a bird in one bite. Xie Zhuo looked worried for him: "Still uncomfortable? Why don't you go to the hospital for a bottle?"

"It's alright," Sun Zinan forced a smile, looking increasingly haggard, "I just woke up and lost my appetite, I'll be fine in a while."

When Sun Zinan saw a doctor in the morning, the doctor said that he had upper respiratory tract infection and bronchitis, and prescribed a bunch of anti-inflammatory drugs for colds, and suggested that if he wanted to reduce his fever quickly, he could take a fever-reducing injection. Sun Zinan had a psychological shadow on the injection, so he only took the medicine and took it back, and slept at home for a day.

He feels better now than in the morning. He thinks it should be the effect of the medicine, but the temperature may still be a little high.

Xie Zhuo didn't know the taste of the food, and after thinking about it, he felt that Sun Zinan was not only because of a cold, but also because of a heart disease. He still remembers that Sun Zinan saw a doctor because of depression when he was abroad, so he paid special attention to his emotional changes, for fear that he would accidentally fall ill.

In case Sun Zinan jumped off the building if he didn't watch him, Tang Kai would definitely come to him and ask for his life.

"What are you thinking?" Sun Zinan looked at him strangely, "my face twitched."

"Ah... No," Xie Zhuo quickly retracted his thoughts and said, "I'm thinking, don't you think it's strange that Tang Kai is angry?"

Sun Zinan raised his eyebrows for unknown reasons.

Xie Zhuo: "I felt something was wrong in the morning. You said that he was a little unhappy because you didn't take care of your body, which is understandable, but it doesn't make sense to fight with you for such trivial matters. Is his reaction a little too violent?"

Sun Zinan: "Well... Indeed."

Back then at Sun Ying's birthday banquet, the situation was so out of control that Tang Kai could calmly cut the mess with a quick knife, but this anger was beyond his expectations. But now and then, Sun Zinan couldn't figure out where the fire was, and he couldn't think of anything else that could make him angry.

"I have a guess. Although it's bloody, it's reasonable." Xie Zhuo said in a calm voice, "Let's do it all over again. After you met Li Ning, you went out and wandered in the street in the rain, and then met Tang Kai; He scolded you, you ignored him, so he got angry. Is that the order

"Yes." Sun Zinan nodded.

"Have you found it? You overlooked a key issue."


Xie Zhuo tapped on the table inexplicably: "You think, since you are walking around, how could it be so coincidental that you happened to meet Tang Kai? Could it be that he has been following you all the time?"

Watson, you have found a blind spot.

Sun Zinan was in a turmoil at the time, and he didn't think about it carefully. When Xie Zhuo mentioned this, he suddenly realized that Tang Kai really seemed to be waiting there long ago... Did he follow him from the parking lot

Did he... have seen Li Ning

Famous detective Xie Zhuo continued to analyze each and every detail: "Boldly assume, Tang Kai saw you and Li Ning, but he didn't recognize his ex-girlfriend, after all, the two have been separated for so many years. He thought that woman was your old acquaintance, but You were in a very low mood at the time. If he accidentally thinks about it and mistakenly thinks that you have an emotional entanglement with that woman, it is very likely that he is so angry because he is jealous... "

Sun Zinan's mind buzzed, completely stunned.

If he suffers, he suffers from watching too few TV dramas, and his imagination is limited. He didn't expect such a coincidence. Xie Zhuo, on the other hand, used a dramatic idea to piece together the whole picture of the matter with guesswork, and even guessed it closely.

"It can't be so coincidental," Sun Zinan couldn't help laughing and crying, "what the hell is this..."

"Isn't it, if you ask him, you'll know?" Xie Zhuo opened his Moments, and when he refreshed it inadvertently, his eyes widened: "Fuck, come on!"

"Huh? What?"

Xie Zhuo pushed the phone in front of him: "Look, look! What am I talking about! My old uncle's new circle of friends."

Sun Zinan said in his heart that he would scold his mother even in the morning, but now it's your uncle again

He took a look at his mobile phone, and the latest news happened to be from Tang Kai. He rarely posted a photo of his life. No one appeared, only the fiery sunset outside the window and a cup of coffee in a paper cup on the restaurant table.

The accompanying text is a "good night" emoji.

Sun Zinan wondered: "Drinking coffee at night, can he sleep? Good night?"

Xie Zhuo hates iron for not being steel: "Are you stupid! Look at the positioning he has! Blue Star Hotel in City B! When did he post the positioning on Moments before!"

Sun Zinan: "So?"

"He's trying to tell you that he's safe," Xie Zhuo plopped down on the table like a puffed dog, howling, "That 'good night' is obviously for you to see. …”

The author has something to say: Professor Tang is a Capricornus and is really boring.

Xie Zhuo is a senior fan of the TV series of Jian Express People, Famous Detectives, Moments, Level 10 Reading Ability, and Dog Blood.