Fight the Landlord, Fall in Love

Chapter 28


At the beginning of the meeting, Li Ning sat directly in front of Sun Zinan, and he really understood what it means to be "like sitting on a needle felt". She didn't dare to move, for fear that if she made a little movement, Sun Zinan would turn into a lunatic and strangle her on the spot.

She guarded Sun Zinan wholeheartedly, but Sun Zinan's whole attention was on Tang Kai. He hadn't seen Professor Tang like this for a long time. It was a bit like when they first met, the idols of both sides were still carrying their idols. A row of experts and scholars on the podium, Tang Kai's appearance is the best, no matter if he is looking down or sideways, he is handsome and dazzling in all directions. Shows the coldness and sharpness of people.

Every time he looked up, Sun Zinan could hear several volunteers standing by the wall covering their mouths and gasping for air.

Among the people present, Sun Zinan was probably the only one who thought through such a stern face, but what he thought of was his undefended peaceful sleeping face, his smug smile when he acted coquettishly, and his low eyebrows when he was affectionate.

Just thinking about it, Tang Kai suddenly looked in his direction, and the two looked at each other. Although separated from the crowd, Sun Zinan still had the illusion that his heart was bumped.

He couldn't help twitching the corners of his lips, and then saw Tang Kai quickly turn his head and throw a wink at him.

Sun Zinan: "..."

He felt a huge sense of shame of being a thief in public, but he couldn't hold back the corners of his lips, he wanted to laugh and felt softhearted. Tang Kai's shining side faces the world, but leaves the most real side to Sun Zinan. This wordless intimacy is sweeter than a face-to-face oath of sovereignty.

Several families were happy and some were sad, and Li Ning, who witnessed everything, was about to be bullied and cried.

Although Sun Zinan's company is related to biotechnology, this forum is relatively academic and highly professional, which is still a bit obscure for a non-professional like him. In the first half, he could barely hold on because of Tang Kai's face, but in the second half he was really sleepy, and it was difficult to leave early, so he quietly took out his mobile phone and turned on Happy Fighting Landlord.

It wasn't until a few minutes before the end of the forum that Sun Zinan put away his mobile phone, pretended to sit down, pretended to listen carefully all morning, and applauded with the others.

After taking a photo with the participating scholars, Tang Kai got off the stage, declined the invitation of the others to have lunch together, walked to Sun Zinan, raised his hand and put his arm around his shoulder without hesitation: "You were secretly under the stage just now. I was caught playing with my phone."

Sun Zinan took him out and hummed when he heard the words: "So, does Teacher Tang plan to punish me?"

"I'm very reasonable." Tang Kai lowered his head to tease him, "I must find the reason first. Is the lecture too boring, or the teacher is not attractive enough?"

Sun Zinan remembered his wink from the air, and held back a smile and said, "The teacher is very handsome, but what you said is too difficult."

"It's okay, the teacher can give you one-on-one make-up lessons when you get back to your room." Tang Kai said.

Sun Zinan doesn't feel right when he hears it: "What to make up for?"

Tang Kai lowered his head slightly and whispered into his ear: "How about we start from the human body structure? If we can't learn it this time, the teacher will punish him."

From an outsider's point of view, the two were simply getting closer. The lobby was so noisy, you couldn't hear each other's speech if you didn't get too close. Who would have thought that Professor Tang, a good young man who seemed to be so upright, would open his yellow accent in public because Sun Zinan couldn't beat him

Sun Zinan pinched the inside of his waist through his shirt and suit, gritted his back molars and said, "I think you are impatient."

He looked menacing, but Tang Kai didn't feel the pain, like a cat with its claws slapped with a pad. He knew that Sun Zinan was reluctant to hit him hard, so he laughed more and more sincerely, and he was so happy: "It's fine in the afternoon, you can go out to play. Is there any place you want to go?"

Sun Zinan: "Are you familiar with City B?"

"My hometown is here. I studied here from elementary school to high school," Tang Kai said. "Although a lot has changed over the years, I still know each other."

Sun Zinan's cell phone rang, he didn't avoid Tang Kai, he just clicked to read it, someone on WeChat sent him a box number and asked him to come directly.

He tucked the phone into his pocket and said to Tang Kai, "Let's go, I'll take you out to dinner."

"Have you made an appointment?" Tang Kai raised the document in his hand and said, "Then wait for me, I'll go back and put things first."

Sun Zinan patted him lightly on the lower back: "Go ahead. There are two elders here. I'll show you later."

Tang Kai left in a bit of confusion.

Sun Zinan's situation means that he has no maternal relatives, and his relationship with the rest of the Sun family does not seem to be very good. The elders who are willing to take their boyfriends to see him must have a different relationship with him... Who could it be

The two went out to take a taxi, and Sun Zinan reported the name of the hot pot restaurant to the taxi driver. When Tang Kai heard the address, it was in the largest business district in the district, and he couldn't help asking curiously, "What kind of hot pot restaurant is this? Is it famous?"

"It's my... uncle opened it himself," Sun Zinan stuttered on the title, "mainly this one is opposite the Taihe Group, and it's more convenient for another uncle to come here."

Tang Kai remembered that Sun Zinan's family was a side branch of Taihe Sun's family in City B. If we were to talk about relatives from this side, it would be true.

"But I heard rumors that when your grandfather broke down with this place, he went out to S province to start his own business," Tang Kai asked, "Is your home rebuilt with this place now?"

"That's not true," Sun Zinan said. "When I was studying abroad, I happened to meet these two people who went to cultivate there. They met by chance. When I asked their names, I knew they were my relatives. The two of them took good care of me. These We have been in touch for years.”

Tang Kai clenched his hand heavily, and said in horror, "You didn't tell the parents sooner!"

"Come on, let's end the show," Sun Zinan said. "You've seen my dad a long time ago. What are you making a fuss about here? Professor Tang?"

The driver laughed at the front.

Tang Kai thought about it too, but said unwillingly, "Then when are you going to meet my parents?"

"You can arrange it," Sun Zinan agreed very readily, "I went to visit my uncle and aunt a few years ago."

While Tang Kai was satisfied, he always felt that something was wrong. After thinking for a long time, he realized that Sun Zinan said this in a tone of instructing his assistant, so he squinted at him: "You seem very confident, aren't you afraid that our family will embarrass you? ?"

Sun Zinan said expressionlessly: "I'm afraid, I'm afraid of death. There are so many little girls who like you, from province S to city B, in case..."

Before he could finish speaking, Tang Kai covered his mouth: "There are many people who like me, but I only like you. Don't worry, my dad will never try to break up the two of us. You are not allowed to back down."

Sun Zinan laughed and kissed him secretly in the palm of his hand.

The hot pot restaurant they are going to is called "Northwest Pass Hot Pot". The name is very rough. There is a smell of grassland and Gobi desert, but the business is very good. The inside is still full, and there are more than 20 customers queuing outside the store.

Sun Zinan familiarly asked the waiter to take them to the reserved private room. The sound of pushing the door alarmed the guests in the room. As soon as the two of them entered the door, they met the eyes of the two men who stood up to greet them.

Tang Kai saw who was in the room, and almost blurted out with a "Fuck".

The man on the opposite side obviously recognized him, and a look of surprise flashed across his eyes.

"Uncle Third, Uncle Fu," Sun Zinan greeted them one by one and introduced Tang Kai to them. "This is Tang Kai. I mentioned it to you earlier, boyfriend."

He said to Tang Kai again, "This is my third uncle, this is my third uncle's lover, he doesn't let me be called third aunt, you can call me Uncle Fu with me."

Facing the scrutiny eyes from the four sides, Tang Kai stood up stiffly and said with a smile, "Hello, Uncle San, hello Uncle Fu."

The "Uncle Fu" hummed inexplicably, looked away from Tang Kai, and said, "Stop standing, sit down and talk."

Tang Kai was so remorseful now, why did he patronize and talk nonsense on the way here, and he didn't ask Sun Zinan what the names of his two elders were.

Now that's all right, he has a hunch that he will soon perform a cheer show for everyone - a live rollover.

The two elders are nearly fifty years old. The one Sun Zinan called "the third uncle" is Sun Luo, the vice chairman of Taihe Group. He is well maintained and wears glasses. The "third aunt" surnamed Fu, whose full name is Fu Tingxin, is the owner of this hot pot restaurant chain. According to Sun Zinan's introduction, he is a veteran. He was injured while performing the task.

Although Fu Tingxin is not young, his elegance has not diminished. He is still handsome and handsome. Time seems to have frozen on this person, but his temper has changed a lot.

When Sun Zinan was studying abroad, he accidentally found Fu Tingxin's wallet at the train station when he went out to relax. At that time, Fu Tingxin suffered from an old injury, and Sun Luo left his job and took him abroad to recuperate. The two lived in a small villa by the lake.

After Sun Zinan returned the wallet to the original owner through the local police station, Fu Tingxin specially invited him to the house for dinner in order to thank him. Only after seeing Sun Luo, the two exchanged names, only to find out that they were family. So Fu Tingxin often invited Sun Zinan to have dinner together during the years of his training abroad. Sun Luo had nothing to do when he was idle, and even registered a company to train him. If they didn't know that Sun Ying would never agree, Fu Tingxin and the others almost wanted to adopt Sun Zinan to their knees.

Later, they returned to China one after another, and Sun Zinan flew to B city to visit the two almost every year, and this friendship has continued to this day.

Tang Kai could probably feel from the speech and behavior of the two parties that Sun Zinan was closer to these two than to his own father, and Sun Luo's husband really regarded him as his own son.

After three rounds of drinking, Fu Tingxin took advantage of Sun Luo and Sun Zinan to get together and didn't know what to mutter, so he took the initiative to touch a glass with Tang Kai, and said with a small smile, "I haven't seen you for many years, Xiao Tang has been on the market for a long time, and he will leave without saying a word. My eldest nephew was kidnapped, eh?"

Tang Kai hurriedly lowered the glass: "Don't dare, don't dare, we are in love with each other, and there is absolutely no cheating."

"Fart," Fu Tingxin lowered his voice, "he still thinks you are a poor teacher, and you are still talking nonsense with me here!"

"Uncle, you want to kill me wrongly," Tang Kai also whispered, "I'm really just a teacher!"