Fight the Landlord, Fall in Love

Chapter 34


Sun Zinan drove out of the villa garden and drove towards the Fourth Ring Road along the empty road at night.

Before driving ten meters, there was a car behind him. He honked his horn behind his ass. At first, Sun Zinan thought he was overtaking, but when the other side lowered the window, he saw that Tang Kai was sitting inside. .

With a gesture of making a phone call, he slowed down and stepped back. Sun Zinan touched a bluetooth headset and buckled it, and picked up the voice call with Tang Kai.

"When did you come?"

"I came over after work," Tang Kai said coquettishly with a slight complaint, "I was waiting for you outside for a long time, and you didn't even see me."

Sun Zinan: "I didn't expect you to follow me."

"It's not a good thing for your dad to call you here." Tang Kai asked worriedly, "They didn't bully you, did they?"

Sun Zinan laughed: "No. I remember that there was a parking lot after going down the intersection in front. I parked the car, you wait for me."

Ten minutes later, Sun Zinan opened the car door and sat in the passenger seat. Tang Kai leaned over to fasten his seat belt and touched his face: "Go to your place or go back to my house?"

"Your house." Sun Zinan lowered his seat a little and sighed a little tiredly, "I won't go back these days."


"I told them ruthlessly tonight, these people will definitely not stop, maybe they will go to me, too lazy to deal with it." Sun Zinan leaned back and closed his eyes, "Go back and tell you in detail, let's drive first. ."

The street lights at night form a bright river. Occasionally, one or two beams of lights from cars approaching from the opposite side shine in the dim windows, and the shadows fall on Sun Zinan's face, which can illuminate a long and deep-rooted deep-rooted shadow hidden in the underwater shadow. of despair.

It was something that was peeled off with his own hands.

Although Tang Kai's house doesn't fire often, there are a few high-quality red wines hidden in it, which are just right to use it to drown out his sorrows tonight.

If it were normal, Tang Kai might have stopped him, but he had just heard about Sun Zinan's feat of expelling himself from the house before he entered the house. He knew that he needed to vent, so he poured a glass of red wine and accompanied him. Sitting on the sofa, listening to his memories of the past, and answering the long-standing doubts by the way.

"My dad doesn't think the same way as a normal person." Sun Zinan said quietly, "Hongsen has grown and grown in his hands, and it is not easy to save this family business. He often thinks that this is a throne and must be Finding a perfect heir is worthy of his lifelong efforts."

"My eldest brother and second brother were both born to other women when he was young. The son was brought back to raise, and his mother gave him some money to send him away. The mother and son were not allowed to meet each other. The child must be brought up by him. It sounds like In ancient times, only emperors who were very suspicious would do things. My father had never been married to a wife, and the only time he was tempted was probably with Sun Ziyan and Sun Ziyi's mother. But that woman committed suicide shortly after giving birth to her child. do not know why."

"Maybe there is a reason for his love for Wu and Wu. He is particularly fond of the third and fourth, and has raised two sperm. But for a family like the Sun family, there is nothing to do at all. As long as it is not out of the ordinary, the family of five can live well. But the old man insisted on tossing me out, and he still couldn't figure it out, and since then, the family has never lived in peace again."

"This is not something you can choose, and you can't blame it on you." Tang Kai stroked his shoulder a few times and comforted: "But why does he have to have another child?"

"The reason is very ridiculous, and it's ridiculous to say it." Sun Zinan shook the red wine glass and asked him, "Have you heard of the 'catfish effect'?"

It is said that after Norwegian fishermen caught sardines, they were worried that the sardines would suffocate due to lack of oxygen, so they usually put a catfish into the sardine school. Catfish feed on fish, and after entering the container, they start to swim and prey, so that the sardines are frightened and hide from everywhere. In this way, the hypoxia problem of the sardines is solved. This is the so-called "catfish effect", which is often used in business management. The general approach is to stimulate employees to work hard by imposing a sense of crisis.

Tang Kai: "You mean..."

Sun Zinan said: "This is the principle the old man adheres to. I heard that when he was forty-five years old, he had a serious illness and his condition was very dangerous. At that time, my elder brother and the others thought he would not survive, so they collectively offered to let him go. He made a will and distributed the inheritance while he was still awake. My dad may have been stimulated by this incident, and it didn't take long for him to recover miraculously. It is estimated that he has realized the crisis since then. A child is thinking about the family property, and no one really regards him as a father.

"But you know my dad, it's not an exaggeration to say that he is greedy. As long as he is still alive, he will never let go of power. In order to suppress these four adult children, he went abroad to find a surrogate and asked for the first Five kids - I'm the 'catfish' in his plan."

"My eldest brother is prudent and decisive, my second brother is too slick, not to mention Sun Ziyan and Sun Ziyi, a pair of trash. He lifts me up and reuses me, so that other people can be driven by a sense of crisis to keep themselves safe. But Sun Ziyan is not To kill me, I skipped the old man and cleaned him up, that's why my dad was so angry."

Sun Ying not only wanted him to be a catfish, but also wanted him to be a catfish who was forbidden to obey wholeheartedly. He can use Sun Zinan to check and balance other children, but he does not allow Sun Zinan to break away from his control and fight back without authorization. Tonight, he was going to beat Sun Zinan severely, but the catfish rebelled, and the sardines were torn into a ball.

Tang Kai was dumbfounded.

"But you are also his own son," he asked carefully, "why did he do this to you?"

Sun Zinan laughed silently.

"Because I'm a 'catfish,'" he said. "In his eyes, I'm just an employee, not his child."

No matter how outstanding he is, for Sun Ying, Sun Zinan has never been on the list of his heirs. Because they have not been raised, they cannot have any feelings. Just like the quarrel that happened tonight, family love is just an excuse to blame. In fact, everyone is clear in their hearts. What really ties Sun Zinan to them is actually the inheritance qualification represented by blood relationship.

"So when I was a child, he was actually very good to me. Food and clothing expenses, schooling, etc. were the best. I thought he really loved me, but then I realized that it is not called 'father's love', it is called employee motivation. "Sun Zinan took a sip of half a glass of red wine and said drunkenly, "I used to be stupid, but I was depressed for a while because of this truth."

Even if he was drunk, he still used restraint in his expressions. In fact, it's more than depression. That's how his depression came when he first went abroad.

In the summer vacation before Sun Zinan went abroad, Sun Ying transferred 5% of the shares into his name. This decision caused an uproar at home. Sun Zinan didn't want to hit the guns of his brothers, so he hid in the small garden all day and read books. He hides too much, and one day he accidentally overhears the conversation between Sun Ying and his former secretary.

The other party seemed to have doubts about this decision, and couldn't help but ask: "Chairman, if you do this, the young master owns more shares than the young master Ziyuan. Isn't this... inappropriate?"

Sun Ying walked slowly in front with a cane, and suddenly stopped and asked him, "Do you know what the 'catfish effect' is?"

The words that came along with the summer breeze shattered his more than ten years of life.

A person who has been neglected, but still stubbornly believes that he is loved, suddenly faces this cruel world one day, and realizes that he has long been abandoned. His life is a joke, then living here What is the soul in the body

If a person has lost his foothold since he was born, he has no "self", what is the value of life and the meaning of life

Tang Kai didn't say a word, stretched out his hand and hugged him tightly.

The wine glass in Sun Zinan's hand swayed, and he steadied: "Hey, be careful, don't spill it on your clothes."

"I treat you well," Tang Kai murmured, "they don't care about you, I care about you... You have to have a nostalgia for this world, so you can't say hello and just float away."

"What are you floating, not floating anymore." Sun Zinan put his head on his shoulder, hiding his entire face, and a string of tears silently disappeared into the soft home clothes. He said in a hoarse voice, "Where else can I go when you are here?"

He hadn't cried for many years, and even the feeling of involuntary shedding of tears became unfamiliar.

"Don't cry... darling, we don't have to be sad for scum, baby." Although Tang Kai didn't see it, he could feel the wet marks on his shoulders, and the heart of Sun Ying's whole family was instantly blown away. He kissed Sun Zinan's hair, embraced him with open arms, and said solemnly, "Did you know that catfish are freshwater fish and sardines are seawater fish. If you put catfish in a tank containing sardines, you will surely die."

Sun Zinan: "..."

"The theory of the 'catfish effect' does not conform to the laws of nature at all, and it is a pitiful person who has been harmed by pseudoscience." Tang Kai said, "your father is a half-ass, and I am a professional. I will follow Mr. Tang in the future, I promise. You don't get lost."

"Besides, how can you be a catfish?" he added, extremely bluntly, "Catfish look so ugly."

This way of comforting people is too unique, and Sun Zinan's full of tears have been held back.

Sometimes he actually admires Tang Kai's brain circuits. He has a unique angle, straight to the point, and is not easily disturbed by emotional factors. Although it seems a little impersonal, he usually expresses some sand sculptures, but it does make people one. Immediately drilled out from the tip of the horn, there is a sense of transparency that sees the sun through the clouds.

In fact, as long as someone was with him at this time, he felt a lot better.

"Okay, I'm fine." Sun Zinan got up from Tang Kai's arms, the corners of his eyes were still slightly red, but the tears had disappeared, "I've finished talking about what I should talk about. Thank you Professor Tang for taking me to fly."

Tang Kai leaned forward as if fascinated, kissed the corner of his eye lightly, and said, "I suddenly realized that you look pretty when you cry."

Sun Zinan: "..."

I really want to give this uncle a scoop to see how many tons of yellow waste he has in his mind.

"Don't bully you," Tang Kai couldn't help laughing when he saw his speechless expression, "but always give me a chance to practice in the future, okay?"

"..." Sun Zinan was expressionless, "What a shit. Get up, I'm going to take a shower and go to bed."

"Just take a shower after drinking? It's easy to faint, no." Tang Kai clasped his waist and didn't let him go, "Either you sit here to wake up and go, or I'll wash with you, you choose one. "

Sun Zinan raised his eyebrows: "No, Professor Tang, you'll go up after a drink. Your alcohol capacity... can't you?"

After speaking, he immediately ate and vomited: "Oh no, you can't say that men can't."

"… "

Professor Tang, who was molested so badly, turned over and threw Sun Zinan down, pressing him firmly under him, holding his wrist with one hand and raising it above his head, while the other hand slipped down his back waist dishonestly, gritted his teeth and said viciously: "Okay, turn your face and don't recognize people, right? I have to make you cry and say 'no' today."