Fight the Landlord, Fall in Love

Chapter 4


"What's wrong?" Sun Ziyuan, who heard the movement downstairs, stood up in a hurry, "Did you quarrel with Dad again?"

"Don't ask me, I still want to ask you." Sun Zinan sneered: "It's a happy birthday every day, but I have nothing to do to rub sand in his old man's eyes? My heart is really big enough."

He didn't care whether Sun Ziyuan could understand it or not, he threw his hand away angrily.

Sun Qi peeled an orange and complained in a low voice, "He quarreled with grandpa, why did he throw fire at you? It's yin and yang."

Sun Ziyuan frowned three vertical lines, almost looking at the closed door upstairs with concern, and whispered: "Shut your mouth, don't talk nonsense!"

Sun Qi was trained to be a little confused, and he didn't know how his father suddenly had a convulsion.

In recent years, every time Sun Zinan goes home for dinner, he will eat a belly of fire, and has formed a complete set of "ignition-fire-extinguishing" process. He put his successful assistant at the nearest subway station, and drove to a bar owned by a friend.

There is a saying, "Raise your glass to pour out your sorrows and your sorrows." I don't know what's going on today, maybe it's because of a series of bastards, three glasses of cold wine, and the icy cold in my stomach mixed with burning pain, the alcohol not only failed to relieve his anxiety, but brought new pain. Just as Sun Zinan frowned and was about to check out and leave, a graceful and graceful figure sat down beside him, and the fragrance of Darjeeling's night flowers mixed with a faint smell of smoke floated over: "Oh, Boss Sun, you are a rare guest."

"Why are you drinking alone and having troubles?" The slender and slender beauty fluffed her hair in style and asked, "Would you like to talk about it? I don't charge you."

"No need, it's my fault that you arrived at the post." Sun Zinan covered his nose and said in a gruff voice, "Get up, stay away from me, it will kill me."

He felt dizzy when he smelled the fragrance of flowers, and preferred that his friend was a flower in a nightclub who liked to spray women's fragrances, which led to their friendship lingering on the edge of a cliff all the year round.

"Cut, be serious." Xie Zhuo lazily snuffed out the cigarette, returned to his original voice, and said to the waiter in a low baritone, "Pour him a cup of hot water."

The "beautiful woman" with long hair and white skin and red lips turned out to be a man. Sun Zinan and the waiter were obviously used to it, and the guest next to him showed a disillusioned look. Xie Zhuo took a sip of whiskey with ice and said, "In life, troubles can never be solved. Instead of holding it in and feeling uncomfortable, it's better to let it out, so that you won't be like a powder keg in the future. ' It exploded."

Sun Zinan: "What's the use of talking? If I can solve the problem with my mouth, I've already become a talker."

"The first step to solving a problem is to face the problem," Xie Zhuo said. "You don't even have the courage to expose your wound. How can you expect it to heal?"

"The exposure of the wound will not heal it, it will only lead to infection and festering, causing complications, and finally kicking the legs and twisting the pigtails." Sun Zinan took the hot water from the waiter and said, "Do you have any common sense?"

Xie Zhuo: "Then hold on, stop talking. It's better to hold you to death."

Sun Zinan shook his head and hummed.

In terms of attitude towards life, he and Xie Zhuo are completely two extremes. Sun Zinan restrained himself, and Xie Zhuo let himself go. It seems that it is difficult to get along, but in fact, it is barely considered to be complementary in character. Being able to become friends depends entirely on God's random distribution. The two of them are the kind of men who have acquaintances from all walks of life but few friends. Probably only in their youth were they were young and frank. When they grew up, they covered their minds tightly, and it was difficult to make any close friends.

Xie Zhuo was Sun Zinan's roommate when he was in high school and shared the same double room with him. In the first year, the two almost ignored anyone. Although most of the students in this school were either rich or expensive, they seemed to have no self-consciousness to make friends and accumulate contacts. Sun Zinan got up early to go to class every day, and his self-discipline was terrible, while Xie Zhuo was free and unrestrained.

Xie Zhuo's father was in the real estate business, and he made a lot of money when the industry was at its most prosperous. However, less than a year after his mother died of cancer, his father took the third child into the door as a successor. Xie Zhuo quarreled with his father, and his father sent him to a boarding school in a rage.

Under the strong stimulation of his father and stepmother, the youthful and rebellious Xie Zhuo gradually developed a "hobby" that was different from ordinary people.

To this day, Sun Zinan still clearly remembers that it was a spring afternoon. The weather was fine, the wind was light and the sun was warm. The peach blossoms in the school turned into a splendid cloud of clouds. After his tennis lesson, his clothes were soaked with sweat, so he turned halfway back to the dormitory, and planned to take a shower and change his clothes. Go to class.

The whole building was silent. He swiped the door with the key card. Just as he opened it halfway, he heard a crisp sound of the glass bottle falling to the ground.

Alarmed by the sound of the door opening, Xie Zhuo turned around in surprise. The pomegranate red suspender skirt pinched out his slender waist just right, but the cut design of his chest could not cover his flat chest. A bottle of nail polish rolled down from his feet, spreading a pool of scarlet on the light-colored floor tiles, as shocking as the silence and embarrassment at the moment.

Sun Zinan's first reaction was: Fortunately, I don't like women.

He had never seen that kind of expression on Xie Zhuo's face. When this young master who made himself a waste had his nerves, his eyes were full of fear and despair, like a guinea pig who was about to be dissected - Sun Zinan is The man with the knife.

"As for it?" he thought inexplicably, "I won't do anything to you just because you wear women's clothes."

He closed the door with a blank expression, and while taking a change of clothes from his closet, he said to Xie Zhuo who was still stunned: "Don't be stunned, just wipe the floor quickly, it won't be easy to clean when it dries. Open by the way. The window is open to the wind, and the smell is too strong."

Xie Zhuo: "…"

His mind went blank and he lost the ability to think, so he had to follow Sun Zinan's instructions and clean the floor honestly. When Sun Zinan came out of the bathroom, he saw Xie Zhuo sitting at the table with his head down, without changing his clothes, letting the wind blow in from the window.

Although the temperature has risen, it is early spring after all. Sun Zinan was afraid that he would freeze to death, so he walked over and closed the window: "Aren't you cold?" He looked down at the floor and frowned, "The cracks in the floor were not cleaned... Now, let the cleaning aunt clean it tomorrow."

Xie Zhuo was stunned for a while, and then asked, "Are you a Virgo?"

Sun Zinan said, "Yes."

Only their Virgos can do such a thing!

"That..." Xie Zhuo struggled for a long time, finally plucked up the courage, opened his mouth with difficulty, and said hesitantly, "If you feel... disgusting, I can change the dormitory..."

Sun Zinan took a pause in tidying up the table, thought for a moment, and said, "I don't think so. As long as you promise not to spread nail polish and cosmetics all over the floor, open the windows in time for ventilation, and continue to maintain good hygiene habits, you don't need to change bedrooms. "

He speaks the truth. For a Virgo who is obsessed with cleanliness, a roommate like Xie Zhuo who has good hygiene habits, pursues a refined life, doesn't like sports, and doesn't sweat profusely at every turn is hard to find. Besides, it's not a sin to like to wear small skirts, it's better than walking around shirtless every day.

"Would you mind?" he asked hastily, "living with a pervert..."

Sun Zinan frowned deeply, and Xie Zhuo felt that he saw a stern look on his face that was comparable to the sanitation inspection.

"You really should read more," Sun Zinan said. "Even if you dress up as an erhu egg, that's your freedom. If you want to be called a pervert, there are probably no normal people in the world."

"I don't have any opinion on what you wear. Your hobbies have nothing to do with me, and it's not my turn to judge. Likewise, no one has the right to force you to wear only men's clothes and not women's clothes." He picked up the handbag from the desk. , turned around and went out, "That's it. I went to class."

The heavy wooden door was locked with a click, and the sound insulation made him unable to hear the footsteps of Sun Zinan. The room was silent except for his soft sob.

Xie Zhuo wiped his face and found that he had already burst into tears.

When he fell into a rock bottom in despair and was ready to lose his reputation, this roommate, who was usually aloof and ignorant of others, showed surprising tolerance, and even opened up to him for the first time, with a kind of firmness. And the unquestionable respect brought him back to the ground lightly.

Xie Zhuo cried bitterly in the soundproof bedroom. After crying, he washed off the residual makeup on his face, changed into the school uniform, and walked into the classroom during the evening self-study.

Of course, Sun Zinan in the classroom didn't even lift his eyelids.

After that, Xie Zhuo unilaterally announced that he became good friends with him, on the grounds that they had a common secret. Sun Zinan unilaterally thinks that he is very hypocritical, but he can abandon his restraint for such a trivial matter and be friends with a roommate who never speaks, which shows that his friendship is really cheap.

But he did not reject Xie Zhuo.

After all, he heard the earth-shattering cry outside the door that day. With the virtue of this guy, if he rejected him, he would most likely jump off the building.

Later, Xie Zhuo changed his habit of laziness and laziness, changed his mind and became angry, and later even went to a good university. Sun Zinan went abroad and the two did not break contact. On the day he returned to China, Xie Zhuo insisted on coming to pick him up in person, so Sun Zinan, who had experienced training abroad, was the most frightened in history. A high school classmate who used to be flat-chested and rebellious.

To this day, the two of them are still good friends. Sun Zinan grew into a young talent step by step, Xie Zhuo opened a bar with the help of his father, and showed people in the image of women's clothing all day long. Fortunately, he is a character that does not suffer. Over the years, he has dealt with all kinds of guests, and he has become more sophisticated and knowledgeable, but he can let go of his heart and find the right way to get along with the world.

So although Xie Zhuo doesn't seem so reliable, Sun Zinan is still willing to talk to him about his troubles.

"My old man asked me to go on a blind date." He swayed the hot water cup gently and pretended not to care, "Men."