Film Emperor’s Secret Marriage

Chapter 23


When Qin Yi went downstairs after washing his face, he happened to meet Luo Ning in the corridor, and immediately looked away uncomfortably.

Luo Ning smiled and asked, "Did you sleep well?"

Qin Yize: "...It's okay."

Luo Ning said: "Then pack up and go. I met Director Yu at twelve o'clock, and it's half past eleven now."

Qin Yi nodded, turned around to change into a suit, and drove Cangluan to Lanyuewan with Luoning.

Blue Moon Bay is a high-end VIP club, including private kitchen restaurants and floating hotels. It is quite famous in the entertainment industry. Many big-name stars will meet privately here. Each private room here will be set with random verification passwords. Those who are not invited Guests can't get in at all, and there is an electronic defense net near the hotel. Even if the paparazzi chase here, they will be stopped. Celebrities no longer have to worry about being photographed secretly, and the privacy is quite good.

But it is precisely because of this that there are many cases where some new actors have been unspoken by investors and directors. However, most of the new actors have no background and no resources. Even if they suffer a loss, few people dare to say it.

That is where Luo Ning meets in such a place, Qin Yi is ten thousand worried.

Luo Ning had a look of anticipation on his face. After Cangluan landed in the parking lot of the restaurant in the sky, he said to Qin Yize: "I'll go first, I don't know how long I will talk to the director, so when we go back, we will go separately. Everyone."

Qin Yi gave an "um" and followed Luo Ning until he walked to the restaurant on the third floor.

Luo Ning wondered: "What are you doing with me?"

Qin Yi said lightly: "My friend and I also made an appointment in the private room on the third floor."

Luo Ning smiled: "That's a coincidence."

While chatting, a hearty voice suddenly came from behind: "Is it Xiao Luo?"

Luo Ning turned his head and met a pair of bright eyes.

The other party was about twenty-three or four years old, with a bright smile. Different from Qin Yize's cold and handsome, this man is a typical sunny handsome guy, and he must be at the college level in college.

Luo Ning looked at him suspiciously: "Are you... Director Yu?"

The other party came over with a smile, stretched out his hand and said, "Yes, I am Yu Cheng, I am lucky to meet you!"

Luo Ning couldn't believe it: "Is it suitable for you to be so handsome as a director? Will the actors put a lot of pressure on you?"

Yu Cheng laughed and said: "Xiao Luo, you really know how to talk. My appearance is only in the middle of the entertainment industry. I can't compare to your temperament." He took a closer look at Luo Ning, the man in front of him looked Smiling, gentle, and his facial features look better than he imagined.

Qin Yi found that the guide had been staring at Luo Ning, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

Although Luo Ning and Director Yu met for the first time, they used to talk over the script every day by phone, and they were already very familiar with each other. I didn't expect this young director to be so handsome, and Luo Ning actually put him aside when he saw this director? ? ?

Qin Yi was very unhappy, and there was a strong sour taste in his heart.

The unhappy Qin Yi immediately frowned, walked to Luo Ning's side, gently embraced Luo Ning's shoulder as if declaring ownership, and said lightly, "Xiao Luo, don't you want to introduce your friend?"

Luo Ning had a question mark on his face: "????"

How about going their own way? Why did he suddenly appear to add drama to himself

Yu Cheng was also at a loss: "Is this... Qin Yize? Xiao Luo, do you know each other?"

Qin Yi thought to himself, not only do we know each other, but we also have a marriage certificate and are legal husbands.

But on the surface, Qin Yi still pretended to meet Luo Ning by chance, gave Luo Ning a gentle look, and said calmly, "Xiao Luo and I are very good friends. I didn't expect it would be such a coincidence to meet here."

Luo Ning: "..."

What the hell is this actor doing

Qin Yi actually didn't know why he did this, he just felt a strange sense of crisis.

This director named Yu Cheng has a handsome appearance and a cheerful personality, and he can chat with Luo Ning very well. Once Luo Ning's new drama starts shooting, the two will get along day and night. What if they have feelings for each other

- He will never allow anyone to influence his marriage with Luo Ning.

-Even if it is just an agreed marriage, there is no room for a third party to intervene.

Thinking of this, Qin Yi tightened his arms around Luo Ning, looked at Yu Cheng and said, "You are the one Xiao Luo mentioned to me, Director Yu?"

Yu Cheng immediately extended his hand respectfully and smiled brightly: "Hello Mr. Qin, I have seen all of your works and admire your acting skills, especially last year's "The Replicant Project", which was really good It's gone!"

The other party just said a few polite words, but Qin Yi didn't want to make friends with him, he shook hands with him calmly, and said, "Our family Xiao Luo has never been a screenwriter, and he is inexperienced. After entering the crew, I want you to take care of me."

Our little Luo? What is Qin Yi's relationship with the author named "Lin Xiaoluo" in front of him? Moreover, why do you always feel that Emperor Qin is somewhat hostile to him

Yu Cheng was puzzled in his heart, but he smiled brightly on the surface: "They are all newcomers, so they should take care of each other and work hard together."

Luo Ning reminded Qin Yize: "Yi Ze, did you invite a friend to meet here?"

Qin Yize turned back reluctantly, looked at Luo Ning, and pretended to be calm: "I did make an appointment with a friend today, and I will invite you to dinner next time I have a chance. You and Director Yu have a good chat, if it ends well. Call me early, and I'll take you back."

Luo Ning was really convinced by his acting skills, and smiled cooperatively: "Understood, go get busy."

Qin Yi took a deep look at Yu Cheng and turned away - his eyes were sharp, as if to warn Yu Cheng, so that Yu Cheng would not dare to have any thoughts about Luo Ning outside of work.

Yu Cheng looked at Qin Yi Ze's back thoughtfully, until Luo Ning smiled and said, "Sorry, I didn't expect to meet Yi Ze here. Director Yu, let's go into the room and talk, today's meal. I'll treat."

Yu Cheng, who was pulled back to his thoughts, immediately laughed: "You're welcome, knowing someone like Qin Yize is a bonus! By the way, you said earlier that you like sweets, and the homemade desserts in this restaurant are very good. Let's try it and talk when we're full." He quickly bypassed the topic of "Qin Yize" and brought Luo Ning to private room No. 301.

The environment of the private room is very hidden, and the sound insulation effect is also very good. Luo Ning was still thinking, if Yu Dao asked about his relationship with Qin Yize, how would he lie? Just normal friends

However, to his surprise, Director Yu didn't ask anything.

Although the director is young, his emotional intelligence is very high. He probably saw that Qin Yize and Luo Ning had a difficult relationship, so he didn't take the initiative to inquire, and wisely started the topic around the script.

He was very talkative, cheerful and smiling, Luo Ning soon relaxed and chatted with him about his thoughts on the new drama.

Yu Cheng said frankly: "Xiao Luo, in fact, our total investment in this drama is only 3 million yuan, which is still the fund that we finally pulled. I am saving every penny now, and it may be the last filming. The effect will be far less than what you expected, so you have to be mentally prepared."

Luo Ning nodded: "I know, it's also my first time as a screenwriter. We seriously improved the plot and selected some new actors who worked hard. It's not that we can't make a good movie at a low cost."

Yu Cheng admired: "It's good if you think so. On the day you choose the actors, you also come to see the scene in person. After all, you wrote this story, and whoever fits the hero and heroine in your mind, you have more to say than me. Right, give me some more reference when that time comes."

Luo Ning said: "Of course, the 15th, right? I must go."

The two smiled at each other and chatted while eating.

After listening to Director Yu talking about many problems in the adaptation of new dramas, Luo Ning found that Director Yu's thoughts on many plots were surprisingly consistent with him. Luo Ning was also very happy to meet such a director who could talk to each other. The two chatted until dinner time and simply ate dinner in the restaurant.

After the meal, Yu Cheng took the initiative to say, "Shall I take you back?"

Luo Ning declined him with a smile: "No need, I'll just go back by myself."

Yu Cheng didn't reluctantly, nodded, stretched out his hand to Luo Ning and said, "See you next time!"

Luo Ning also shook hands with him: "Okay, I'll invite you to dinner next time."


In Room 302 next door, Qin Yi read the script alone with a sullen face.

He felt like a lunatic - he followed Luo Ning to Lanyue Bay, pretended to meet Luo Ning by chance, "swears his sovereignty" in front of the guide, and then said that he had asked his friend to leave alone, and only after the two entered the private room did he He sneakily ran to the private room next door and sat down, reading the script alone.

If his agent knew about his actions, Li Xin would definitely say he was naive.

Qin Yi frowned, rubbed his temples, and looked down at his watch.

It's already seven o'clock, why hasn't Luo Ning come out yet? Does he have so much to talk about with that young director

Qin Yi couldn't sit still, couldn't help getting up and opened the door, just in time to see Luo Ning saying goodbye to Yu Cheng - the two smiled at each other, shook hands to say goodbye, and the atmosphere seemed extraordinarily harmonious.

It wasn't until Yu Cheng turned around and left that Qin Yize walked over from the dark and said solemnly, "You want to talk for so long?"

Luo Ning smiled and said, "Didn't you chat with your friends for so long?"

Qin Yize: "..."

Where's the friend from? He spent the afternoon restlessly reading the script next door, and he didn't read two pages.

I'm really getting annoyed.

Luo Ning saw that Qin Yize's face was not good-looking, and couldn't help worrying: "What's the matter? Which friend dares to make you angry?"

He is mad at himself.

Qin Yi's face sank, he immediately looked away, and said in a low voice, "Go home first, there are so many people here, it's not good to be seen." After that, he pretended to be calm and grabbed Luo Ning gently. , turned around and walked towards the parking lot.

It was not until after getting into the car that Qin Yi let go of Luo Ning.

Luo Ning couldn't help but ask, "Which play are you playing today? Why did you deliberately let Director Yu know about our relationship?"

Qin Yi shrugged his shoulders and said in a flat tone: "There are too many unspoken newcomers in this place in Lanyuewan. I let him know about our relationship, just to tell him clearly, don't think about you, you I'm still covered in the entertainment industry, understand?"

Looking at Alpha's serious expression, Luo Ning couldn't help laughing out loud: "Oh, so you meant to 'cover me', then should I thank you, Teacher Qin?"

Seeing his smiling eyes, Qin Yize's ears burned slightly and said, "We are married after all, if something happens to you, your dad will definitely rip off my skin. To ensure your safety is also to guarantee my own. safety."

Luo Ning smiled even more happily: "Did you forget what my name is?"

Qin Yi frowned: "What do you mean?"

Luo Ning smiled and said: "My full name is Luo Ning Watson, I am the second prince of the empire, the mecha with me is called Cangluan, and it has an S-class intelligent system. Once I encounter an accident, it will Immediately send out a signal for help. My eldest brother and father's mechas all have signal sensing with it, and the Royal Guard is not a decoration. Do you think I will be fooled by unspoken rules?"

Qin Yize: "..."

Well, he really forgot about that.

Luo Ning's origin is not simple. Whoever dares to touch Luo Ning's hair, Qin Yi will do it without him. It is estimated that Luo Ning's eldest brother who protects his shortness will kill him directly with the royal guard.

He followed Luo Ning like a lunatic today, what a superfluous move!

Qin Yi looked away embarrassedly, even his cheeks started to heat up, and he was embarrassed to look at Luo Ning.

This man is clearly following the "cold male god" route in public, but in private he is simple and cute. When Luo Ning thought of this, he couldn't help but smile slightly, took Qin Yize's hand lightly and said, "However, thank you, Yi Ze. You are the person who cares about me the most besides my family. Although we just agreed to get married, but I can feel that you are very kind to me."

Qin Yize: "..."

It's over, why is my heart beating so fast

When Luo Ning held his hand and listened to him say "thank you" softly, Qin Yi only felt his head went blank, and he didn't know how to answer at all.

Fortunately, Luo Ning only held it for a few seconds before letting go, and his voice became softer: "Actually, you didn't have any friends today, right? You were just worried about me, afraid that I would suffer if I didn't understand the rules in the circle, so I asked for it. Excuses to follow me and protect me."

Qin Yize: "..."

Can Luo Ning not be so smart? He looks so stupid!

Qin Yi did not want to answer this question.

Luo Ning lightly smiled and patted him on the shoulder, comforting: "Don't worry, with Cangluan protecting me, no one can really hurt me. Although I have a good temper, I am not a bun to be bullied by others."

Although the last sentence was said with a smile, the arrogance in his eyes was unmistakable - no matter how good-tempered he was, he was still a prince. If anyone dared to think about him, Luo Ning was definitely not a vegetarian.

Qin Yi nodded stiffly: "It's best for you to be measured, and I won't care about you in the future."

Luo Ning said: "I know you are very busy. Your new drama will start soon. You really don't have to worry about my affairs."

Qin Yi gave a light "um", but thought in his heart that he must join the group as soon as possible when the new drama starts. Wouldn't that mean that he should be separated from Luo Ning

If we separate, let's separate. Could it be that he is still reluctant to let Luo Ning fail!

He was clearly looking forward to being separated from Luo Ning, and after separation, he would definitely calm down quickly.

Yep, that's it. In the future, they will go their separate ways and not interfere with each other. He is him, Luo Ning is Luo Ning, they are just "ordinary friends" who agreed to get married.