Film Emperor’s Wedding Diary

Chapter 10


"The best Mr. Xu in the world."

— "Jojo's Newlywed Diary"

When the bell rang at the end of the exam, Qiao Hui put down the pen in her hand and rubbed her sore wrist. The staff quickly took away her test papers, and when it was Ding Zhu's turn, the staff smiled and yelled softly, "Mr. Ding, Mr. Ding, wake up, the exam is over."

Qiao Hui turned her head in astonishment, only to find that Old Ding, who was a few seats away from her, was sleeping soundly, and was still wearing a coat that someone put on him. After being woken up by the staff, Mr. Ding grumbled, raised his head, rubbed his eyes, and asked blankly, "Huh? The paperwork is closed? Can we have lunch now?"

The barrage in the live broadcast room scrolled rapidly.

[Hahahaha, I was almost dying of laughter from Old Ding, seeing him was like seeing my former self.]

[I'm sure there is no script for this variety show, and they are all acting in their true colors. Because it's so real!]

[Hahaha, I was also like this when I was studying. After the exam, I thought it was time for dinner again, and I could eat.]

[Suddenly feel that this old man is a little cute, what should I do?]

[Is the one upstairs new here? The three old guests in the first season are all very cute, each with its own personality, you will find all kinds of cuteness after you follow it slowly.]

The assistant director shouted with a loudspeaker on the podium, "Everyone can go to drink some water, go to the toilet, and have to wait for a while for lunch. The three teachers in our senior group will finish marking your test papers as soon as possible, and they will be ready later." Announce the ranking."

After the assistant director finished speaking, Tang Mo stood up and moved his body. Mr. Ding took his thermos cup and prepared to fetch water for drinking. Su Su's face was not very good-looking. Ms. Lin Minmin took the initiative to come over to greet Qiao Hui, "Shall we go to the toilet together?"

Qiao Hui received Lin Minmin's kindness, and hurriedly nodded in response, "Okay."

But before going to the toilet, she had something else to do. Qiao Hui turned her head slightly, wanting to secretly see what Mr. Xu was doing at this time. She showed her acting skills all her life, pretending to be casual.

At the moment she took a sneak peek, her and Xu Yiyang's eyes met and collided in the air, and he seemed to smile lightly and quickly at her, with the corners of his lips slightly raised in a pleasant arc. The golden sunshine in the classroom is not as good as the temperature in his eyes.

Qiao Hui's heart started beating again. She obviously wanted to take a peek at Xu Yiyang, but who would have thought that she would be caught by him. Or could she be narcissistically thinking that Mr. Xu also wants to see what she's doing

Woooooo, thinking about it, Qiao Hui felt that she had fallen in love again. Every day with Mr. Xu Yiyang seems to be a different feeling.

After Qiao Hui and Lin Minmin went to the toilet, Lin Minmin smiled and said, "My daughter is only a few years younger than you, and she's already a sophomore in high school."

Qiao Hui was stunned. No wonder Ms. Lin Minmin is so friendly to her, probably because she reminds her of her daughter easily when she sees her. Qiao Hui bent her beautiful eyes, "Your daughter must be very cute."

Lin Minmin smiled heartily, "It's true that it's cute, but it's also true that it's naughty. At her age, it's just in the rebellious stage. Sometimes I get a headache when I see her." Although she said she had a headache, she could tell that Lin Minmin She loves her daughter very much, and her eyes are full of the brilliance of maternal love.

When the two returned to the classroom, the test papers were almost finished. Old Ding drank wolfberry tea and walked in slowly. When he saw Su Su, he asked with concern, "How did Xiao Su do in the exam?"

Su Su forced a smile, "It's okay."

After everyone returned to their seats, the staff began to announce the scores and rankings. Like every time in the past, in order to leave suspense and make the audience feel more expectant, the rankings are announced from the last.

"Sixth place, Ding Zhu, with 15 points."

[Hahahahaha, this score is too real, isn't this just Shiling me!]

[I said I didn’t take the duck egg test, but I really didn’t take the duck egg test, I laughed and cried.]

[Old Ding is great, improved from last season!]

[Old Ding only answered multiple choice questions, 666.]

"Fifth place, Su Su, with 36 points."



[I can't help it, hahahahahaha.]

[This variety show is really a treasure! Hahaha.]

[It turns out that the actress is also a scumbag.]

"Fourth place, Lin Minmin, with 78 points."

[Scholar farewell for three days, treat each other with admiration.]

[Ms. Lin said in an interview before that after the end of the first season, she asked her daughter to tutor her hahaha.]

[Wow, I'm a fan! I feel that this mother and daughter are very loving!]

"The third place, Tang Mo, with 188 points."



[I was shocked! Never expected series.]


[First in last season, only third this time?]

[Who would have thought of this development!]

"Second place. Who do you think is it?" The staff smiled and glanced at the stars in the audience, "Okay, okay, I won't be a joke, the second place, Xu Yiyang, with 190 points."

[Brother, I love you, woo woo woo.]

[Today is another day of crazy love for my brother, my brother is the best in my heart!]

[Brother is only second? Isn't the first place a rookie?]

[I feel that this variety show is getting more and more interesting.]

"First place, Qiao Hui, with 197 points! Let's congratulate Qiao Hui for winning the first place!"

[Emmmm, a little surprised.]

[Miss is actually a top student!]

[Actually, it's not difficult to understand, she is the youngest, she has only left high school for a few years, and she hasn't returned all her high school knowledge to the teacher.]

[It’s true to say so, but she should be pretty good herself.]

[That's right, the full score is 197 out of 200. I couldn't even get this point in high school.]

The staff smiled and said, "Okay, Qiao Hui, the program team can satisfy any wish you have. Even if you want to come and go to the men's dormitory at will!" Of course, the staff was just joking. In the end, several other The camera boys all smiled kindly.

"Then, if you have any wish, you can say it as much as you want."

In fact, Qiao Hui never thought that she would be able to get the first place. She was able to get this score because of luck.

Regarding her wish, she actually already had an idea in her heart, but... "Can I talk to the program team in private?"

The staff was a little surprised. After three seconds, he reacted and said, "Of course. You can come to me anytime."

Now that the ranking has been announced, today's mission is over. In the following time, the guests can recharge their batteries and take a good rest.

After all, starting tomorrow, they will start their collective life of waking up at 6 o'clock every morning. In the next twenty days, they will enjoy the wonderful high school time with all the students in class one (1).

After lunch, Ms. Lin Minmin enthusiastically suggested to Qiao Hui, "Would you like to go get some hot water with me in the afternoon? You need hot water to wash your hands and wash your hair. It's time for dinner, and the next night Self-study is the peak time for high school students to get water, it is difficult to get hot water, if you go late, you may have to wait for the water to boil."

Qiao Hui kept Lin Minmin's experience in mind one by one, she nodded and said, "Okay, let's go right away." After arriving at the dormitory, Qiao Hui picked up the two hot water bottles with her name on them and gathered with Ms. Lin Minmin After that, the two were going to fetch water from the hot water together.

As soon as Qiao Hui walked out of the girls' dormitory, she saw two slender figures standing not far away.

One is Tang Mo, and the other is Xu Yiyang.

A look of surprise flashed in Qiao Hui's eyes, why are they here

Lin Minmin was obviously also a little surprised. Like an elder, she asked with a smile, "Why are you here in the girls' dormitory building?" You know, the male and female dormitory buildings in Beicheng No. Without an appointment, it is rare to meet in the accommodation area.

Tang Mo glanced at Xu Yiyang, and snorted coldly, as if he didn't want to talk.

Xu Yiyang has handsome eyebrows and handsome eyes. Just standing there is enough to attract people. He was gentle and personable, "Let's fetch hot water for the lady."

Lin Minmin's eyes widened in surprise. This is not the first time for her to participate in the variety show "Let's Go to School Together". She was also in the first season. But in the first season, everyone was in charge of their own affairs. Tang Mo was obviously not a considerate character, and he never took the initiative to fetch water for her once. After thinking about it, Lin Minmin understood that this suggestion should be made by Xu Yiyang.

Lin Minmin covered her mouth and smiled, "Then there are two gentlemen here."

Tang Mo took Lin Minmin's two hot water bottles, and Xu Yiyang took the hot water bottle from Qiao Hui's hand.

Qiao Hui wanted to say something, but there were several dark cameras behind her, and Tang Mo and Lin Minmin were beside her. It was obviously not a good time to speak.

At this point, the students were still in school, and there was no one in the dormitory. After Xu Yiyang and Tang Mo finished fetching water, they helped bring the thermos bottle to their dormitory.

Qiao Hui followed behind Xu Yiyang. After he put down the thermos, she hurriedly said thank you.

In front of outsiders, they just have a better relationship than Mo Shangren, neither close nor familiar.

Xu Yiyang hummed, and then he picked up the other three hot water bottles in the dormitory. There are a total of 4 girls living in the girls' dormitory, each with 2 hot water bottles, a total of 8. Xu Yiyang planned to fill the remaining 8 thermoses in two batches.

Qiao Hui saw it and quickly said, "These hot water bottles don't belong to me. They belong to my roommate."

"I know, I'll turn on the hot water for your roommate."

Qiao Hui pouted, not very happy in her heart, she didn't want Xu Yiyang to work so hard. The water fetching place is quite far from the girls' dormitory building, and it is not easy to go back and forth several times. They also fetch hot water themselves.

Seeing Qiao Hui's expression, Xu Yiyang immediately guessed what she was thinking.

He coughed lightly and explained, "You're going to live here for 20 days, so naturally you need to have a good relationship with your roommate."

Qiao Hui wanted to say, she was already a college student, wouldn't she have a good relationship with a high school girl? She eats more rice than them for several years!

Xu Yiyang leaned over slightly, and quickly whispered into Qiao Hui's ear, "Some high school girls are spoiled by their families and have a bad temper. Mrs. Xu, I'm afraid you will suffer." At the end of his speech, his tone was three-pointed Smile, three points gentle, three points tender.

There was a little bit of hot air gushing against Qiao Hui's ears. Her ears were a little itchy, and her heart seemed to be a little itchy too.

Woohoo, I'm afraid she will suffer in the future, so help her establish a good relationship with her roommate in advance

Although Qiao Hui's mouth was still pouted, there was an indescribable emotion in her heart.

The roommates are just a group of high school girls, and she is not worried about getting along with them, but she seems to be spoiled by Mr. Xu like a child again. He was so careful that he even considered her roommate's problems for her.

Half an hour later, the eight thermos bottles in Qiao Hui's bedroom were all filled with hot water.

Because there was still a camera, Xu Yiyang left with Tang Mo after putting down the hot water bottle.

After walking out of the girls' dormitory, Tang Mo glanced at Xu Yiyang beside him, and snorted again. For some reason, he seemed to feel the sour smell of love. But it must be an illusion. He and Xu Yiyang have known each other for many years, and he clearly knows that the other party, like him, has always been a single dog.

Xu Yiyang didn't take Tang Mo's cold snort to heart. He took out his mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to his little wife.

"Do you want to meet secretly at night?"

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: Zhien 5 bottles; 33622507, just want to sleep Soho 1 bottle;