Film Emperor’s Wedding Diary

Chapter 53


"The kiss is too exciting."

— "Jojo's Newlywed Diary"

Looking at the sudden heavy rain outside the car window, Yago sighed, "Yiyang, we didn't bring an umbrella." While saying that, he closed the car window to prevent the rain from falling into the car and making it dirty car.

They came in such a hurry that they didn't have time to bring anything, only people. Xu Yiyang looked like he wanted to drive back to Beicheng by himself, or he was quick to grab the other party.

Xu Yiyang was in a bad mood at the time, he really didn't dare to let Xu Yiyang drive by himself. In the end, he called the driver for his help, and the three of them hurried from the film and television city to Beicheng. I don't know what happened to make Xu Yiyang act so anxious that he didn't even attend the wrap-up banquet at night.

Fortunately, according to Xu Yiyang's current status, he really has the capital to be willful. If you say you don't participate, you won't participate.

Raindrops clattered against the windows, and the windshield wipers began to do their duty one by one. The driver kept his eyes on his nose, his nose and his heart, and drove with all his heart.

There was nothing else in the car except for the sound of Yago and the windshield wipers.

Xu Yiyang was sitting in the back seat. Originally he was resting with his eyes closed, but upon hearing this sentence, he opened his eyes, his tone still tense, "Mmm."

Brother wanted to say, without an umbrella, won't your clothes get wet when you get out of the car? But seeing the expression on Xu Yiyang's face, he immediately shut up.

The two have worked together for many years. As a manager, Ya Ge can be said to have watched Xu Yiyang become a god step by step in the colorful entertainment circle. In the eyes of others, Xu Yiyang is a gentleman like jade, a modest gentleman, always with a smile on his face, even if he is offended, there is a half-smile on his face.

Others always say that he is a smiling tiger, but they don't know that Xu Yiyang, who is calm and sensual, is really not easy to mess with.

This was the first time he saw Xu Yiyang who was so emotionally exposed.

He is angry.

He is nervous.

It's amazing that in his lifetime, he was lucky enough to see these two emotions on Xu Yiyang's face. He thought that these complicated emotions would insulate Xu Yiyang.

After all, they have been together for so many years, and he has never seen Xu Yiyang who is nervous. Whether it is winning an award, filming a movie, or walking on the red carpet under thousands of flashing lights, Xu Yiyang is too calm, too comfortable. Even Xu Yiyang, who has just debuted, is actually not very young. When facing the microphone and the camera, he is personable and calm.

Therefore, Yago felt that he had witnessed history.

Looking at the blurred scenery outside the window, he said to himself and the people in the back seat, "We'll be there soon."

While Qiao Hui was eating the fruit, after a while, it was already pouring rain outside. The rain was pattering, and pea-sized raindrops were dripping heavily on the window sill, making a lot of noise.

The sky seemed to have changed suddenly. It was broad daylight just now, but now it suddenly turned into dark night. The weather in thunderstorm days is so changeable.

Because the rain came so fast and urgently, Qiao Hui didn't even have time to close the window in advance. By the time she closed every window in the house, the floor was wet from dripping rain.

Resignedly, she took a rag and bent down to wipe the floor clean.

After wiping, she rubbed her sore waist, went back to the bedroom, lay down on the bed and prepared to rest. There are also disadvantages of a large house, such as cleaning is very tiring.

Both she and Xu Yiyang didn't like letting outsiders enter their private domain, so neither of them hired Aunt Cleaning. The daily sanitation is done by them together.

Not long after Qiao Hui went to bed, she moved her ears, and suddenly heard the sound of the door being unlocked.

The anti-theft door of her house needs to be unlocked with fingerprints. After unlocking, the door will tick and then be opened from the outside.

Qiao Hui frowned and tilted her head slightly.

Could it be that the rain outside was too heavy, and the sound of the rain was like a rushing pipa song, which caused her to have auditory hallucinations

The fingerprints at home were only hers and Xu Yiyang's. But at this point Xu Yiyang should still be attending the finale.

"Misty Track" has just finished wrapping up today. As the main cast member, Xu Yiyang is logically required to attend the wrapping-up dinner. He is the protagonist, even if he wants to be absent, others will not.

Although she and Xu Yiyang talked on the phone just now, on the phone Xu Yiyang only told her to stay at home and wait for him obediently, and didn't say when he would come back. According to Qiao Hui's guess, after tonight is over, when she opens her eyes tomorrow, she will probably be able to see Mr. Xu.

That's pretty quick to come back. Xu Yiyang probably won't come back sooner.

When Qiao Hui was thinking about it in her heart, she realized that she had really heard it wrong just now.

Someone really entered the house!

Hearing the rustling sound outside, Qiao Hui was so nervous that her palms sweated a little. She was still wondering if the fingerprint lock at home was wrong, or when a thief entered the house, Xu Yiyang had already reached the door of the bedroom.

He looked a little embarrassed.

A handsome head of black hair was limp on his head because of being soaked in water, and his bangs were slightly longer, covering his eyebrows. Because it was raining just now, water was dripping from his body, and after a while, a small circle of water accumulated on the ground, his clothes were completely wet, and they were tightly attached to his body, revealing his beautiful body lines .

There was also rain dripping down his face, his eyes looked particularly dark and deep, and the ends of his eyes were slightly red, giving him a somewhat glamorous feeling.

Qiao Hui was stunned. Seeing Xu Yiyang like this, she almost jumped off the bed.

"You're back? How did you make it like this?" Qiao Hui hurriedly went to the bathroom to get a towel for Xu Yiyang to wipe his body.

But Xu Yiyang stopped her.


Qiao Hui's heart skipped a beat.

he asked why.

Did you ask her why she said she wanted to separate

In fact, Xu Yiyang did nothing wrong, it was because she felt uncomfortable seeing so many positive comments about her "childhood sweetheart" on the Internet, so she wanted to take a break for a while to calm down and adjust her mood.

She didn't even dare to tell Xu Yiyang the reason why she cared, it seemed that she was very small-minded.

But she just minds. Very mindful.

Qiao Hui was wearing pink bear pajamas, sitting cross-legged on the bed, with a serious face, but a little flustered in her heart, she always felt that Xu Yiyang now was different from him in the past.

She tried to keep her voice steady, "The gap between our ranks is too big, no one would think that we are a good match. I think we may not be suitable."

Xu Yiyang's clothes were all wet, and it was uncomfortable to wear them wet.

He unbuttoned a few buttons on his white shirt with one hand, and said in a hoarse voice, "Who says we don't match well? Hmm?" The last one, hmm, was slightly lowered, with a bit of seductive danger.

Qiao Hui pursed her lips and shut up.

Doesn't he even read Weibo? She couldn't believe that Xu Yiyang didn't know anything about what happened recently.

This hot search has gone up twice.

The first time was quickly removed, but after such a short time, netizens still remember it clearly.

What's more, the second trending search will be posted soon. The popularity generated by the second hot search is not comparable to that of the first hot search.

Now the whole internet is having a carnival, I hope he and Zhang Suli can make up for the regret of not being able to get together in the play, and play the he ending in reality.

Xu Yiyang took a few steps closer to Qiao Hui, and grabbed her hand unexpectedly.

He got wet in the rain, logically speaking, his hands should be cold. But strangely, his palm was hot. At this moment, his hand firmly grasped her slender white wrist, as if he wanted to control her absolutely.

His eyes are dangerous. It was as if he wanted to tell her that he wanted to control her breathing and her emotions.

"I think we are a good match. Mrs. Xu, what do you think?"

The rain outside the window is getting heavier. It seemed that there was going to be a big storm in the house.

From the bottom of her heart, Qiao Hui felt that Xu Yiyang was different from usual, getting stronger and stronger. Her sixth sense is frantically warning her of danger.

Danger warning! Danger warning! Danger warning!

On weekdays Xu Yiyang is gentle, he is like warm water, although his face is beyond handsome and handsome, but his temper is so good that she feels a little dull. How should I put it, if a person's personality is too peaceful, he will lose some personality and make people feel that he has no edges and corners.

In the past, Qiao Hui always felt that there was something wrong with her relationship with Xu Yiyang.

Life is generally dull, but occasionally something different is needed for adjustment.

What she felt from Xu Yiyang before was only plain, plain, plain. Sometimes she also comforts herself, most people's married life should be like this. ordinary. ordinary.

But the current Xu Yiyang is like a dark vortex, seductive and constantly sinking.

warm water? how is this possible? Why on earth did she think he was lukewarm water before!

Xu Yiyang put one knee on the mattress.

The rain splashed everywhere, and the clean and soft sheets were soaked by the rain all at once. It was like colorless flowers blooming on the bed sheet, but in the next second, these little flowers seemed to be evaporated by the rapidly rising temperature in the room.

Xu Yiyang leaned forward. It was an unimaginably intense kiss.

It was completely different from every restrained, forbearing, and restrained kiss before. This kiss was intense, passionate, and unrestrained, as if it wanted to release all the emotions that Xu Yiyang had been suppressing before.

What is absolute control

Probably like it is now.

There is a different emotion slowly rising. Different from the previous heartbeat frequency, it shows that something is different from the same.

Qiao Hui felt her heart beating faster and faster. She was dazzled by the kiss.

For some reason, she always felt that she had released the real Xu Yiyang.

Xu Yiyang reached for her collar.

Even though he was breathing heavily, he still kept his gentlemanly attitude, "Is it okay?"

Qiao Hui nodded in a daze.

Xu Yiyang looked at Qiao Hui beside him who had fallen into a sweet dream, and stood up carefully.

When I got to the balcony, it was still raining outside, but the rain was much lighter. The rain shrouded the bustling metropolis.

Xu Yiyang was wearing a loose bathrobe, revealing a large chest. If it was him in the past, he should have worn the bathrobe well and tied it tightly so as not to scare his children.

But it doesn't seem to be needed anymore.

He took out a cigarette and lit it deftly.

Smoke curled up, blurring his satisfied brows and eyes.

Obviously the same eyebrows and eyes, but his temperament has changed a lot.

The author has something to say: The real Mr. Xu has been released (bushi)

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-04-15 20:20:25~2020-04-16 17:10:45~

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 50 bottles of 25444910; 20 bottles of Buffy of Bianhua and Yinmulberry; 8 bottles of Big Brother; 7 bottles of Duck, Duck, Goose and Goose; 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!