Film Emperor’s Wedding Diary

Chapter 67


The hand holding Xu Yiyang's hand was fair and tender. This hand was already extremely beautiful, but what was even more beautiful was the owner of the hand.

The light refracted by the golden earrings was no match for the light in her eyes.

The corners of her lips raised slightly, and she waved her hands slightly towards the camera.


[Jojo smiled at me!]

[Wooooow, I won't be able to sleep tonight.]

[I was "killed" by this laugh.]

The sound waves at the scene were so strong that Tang Mo felt his eardrums vibrate. He leaned over and whispered in Xu Yiyang's ear, "Your wife is hotter than you now."

The corners of Xu Yiyang's lips pursed into a gentle arc, "It's pretty good."

She shines on stage, and he will be her most loyal audience.

Proud of her.

Obsessed with her.

The host said with a smile, "It's slowly coming towards us now... Well, it seems that everyone knows that it is the crew of "Lost" that you have been waiting for for a long time. "Lost" has received several nominations, the best Director nominations, Best Film nominations, Best Actor nominations, Best Supporting Actress nominations... I don’t know if "Lost" will be the biggest winner tonight? Let’s wait and see!"

It wasn't until she sat down in the infield that Qiao Hui let out a long sigh of relief.

Wearing a long dress and high heels, walking is really inconvenient.

Xu Yiyang opened a bottle of mineral water for her, "Drink some water?"

Qiao Hui hummed, took a few sips of mineral water.

The Golden Rooster Award takes five or six hours. There will be some programs interspersed in the middle, and then it will be the most anticipated link - the announcement of the awards.

Xu Yiyang touched Qiao Hui's head, "Are you nervous?"

Qiao Hui pursed her lips and smiled, "A little bit, just a little bit~"

It was the first time she attended such an occasion, and it was also the first time she was nominated for Best Supporting Actress. It was impossible to say that she was not nervous.

She worked hard to adjust her breathing, and said to herself over and over again, if she couldn't win the prize this time, it could be regarded as accumulating experience.

As long as she persists, one day, she will also be able to hold the trophy and give an acceptance speech.

Xu Yiyang took her hand and found that her palm was slightly wet with sweat.

Sure enough, I was nervous.

"Mrs. Xu, you have to believe in yourself, you are really great."

Xu Yiyang has never been stingy in complimenting her. Every word comes from the heart.

His language seemed to have magical powers, and it successfully relieved Qiao Hui's tension.

Time passed little by little.

The first award was for Best Director.

The nominee is Tang Mo from "Lost".

Lin Feng from "Break Up, Break Up".

Ji Xiaoxiao from "Green Leaf"

A total of five directors appeared on the screen.

It can be said that the most threatening thing to "Lost" tonight is "Break Up or Break Up". This is an urban comedy, the box office results are very impressive. The male and female leading actors are all second-generation stars, and they are very popular.

At this time, the discussion in the live broadcast room was about to turn upside down.

[To be honest, "Break Up, Break Up" is really good! Director Lin's understanding of the camera is really amazing. It's a pity, when the talented director Lin meets the genius Tang Mo, he is doomed to lose. Since Shengyu and He Shengliang?]

[Actually, there is no suspense.]

[Lin Feng is indeed excellent, but he is not enough in front of Tang Mo.]

[It's strange to say that Tang Mo participated in variety shows this year. Didn't he say that he has no plans to make a movie this year? That's why Lin Feng chose this year!]

[Maybe it's Xu Yiyang's relationship?]

[The story upstairs may be the truth.]

[That's right, Tang Mo was indeed not the director Mi Zong chose at the beginning.]

The award presenters were old people in the industry. After several films were introduced on the big screen, the most exciting part came.

The award presenter held the microphone, looked at the guests in the audience, and slowly revealed the answer, "The winner of the best director award is—"Missing" Tang Mo, let us congratulate Director Tang!"

[with no doubt.]

[As expected.]

Amid continuous applause, Tang Mo took the stage to accept the award. His award speech was very short, in his usual style, "Thank you everyone, I am very happy and honored to receive this award." After speaking, he stepped off the stage.

[With a face that is expressionless and no surprise, I am very happy and honored, hahahaha, suddenly I like Tang Dao even more!]

[Director Tang really has a personality!]

[What is the best director of the Golden Rooster Awards? This one is going to win an Oscar in the future.]

The host smiled and said, "Director Tang is a new-generation director, really talented. I look forward to Director Tang making more in-depth and better films."

After Best Director, several awards including Best Screenplay were awarded.

Soon, it was time for the Best Supporting Actress award.

Qiao Hui's heart beat quickly.

Faces flashed across the big screen in front of him.

"Lost" - Qiao Hui

"Break Up, Break Up" - Liu Nan

"Green Leaf" - Xu Ba



[It's breathtakingly beautiful~ This silver dress really matches her, like a mermaid.]

[Jojo rushes the duck!]

The award presenter looked at the list in his hand and announced with a smile, "The winner of the 36th Golden Rooster Award for Best Supporting Actress is... is... who is it? Hahaha, okay, okay, I'm not going to be secretive. The winner is— "Lost" Qiao Hui! Let us congratulate Qiao Hui!"

It's really her!

Qiao Hui's face was slightly surprised, obviously she still hadn't reacted.

Xu Yiyang turned sideways and gave her a big hug. The corner of his lips gently kissed the corner of her eyes, "Congratulations, Mrs. Xu."

It wasn't until she felt Xu Yiyang's warmth that Qiao Hui finally realized that she really won the award.

Best supporting actress!

The rest of the crew also sent their best wishes to her.

After Qiao Hui took the stage, she won the heavy Best Supporting Actress trophy from the award presenters.

Today is the first time she has won an award.

But it definitely won't be the last time.

She looked at the trophy in her hand, and the scenes from the filming of "Lost" came to mind again. Holding the trophy tightly in both hands, she lowered her head and smiled slightly. Her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and it could be seen that her heart was extremely restless.

[Qiao Qiao beauty, you are the best!]

[Wooooow, no matter what angle you look at, my sister is so hot and pretty!]

"It is a great honor that the role of Fang Yan can be recognized by everyone. It is really beyond my expectation to win this award. I am still a newcomer on this road of acting, and I still have a lot to work on.

Here, I would like to thank every member of the crew, as well as the fans who support me and love me, and finally, I would like to thank my husband Xu Yiyang. Thank you for being with me all the way and making me a better version of myself. "

After Qiao Hui stepped down, the host said with a smile, "Ah, I made a very sincere speech. I hope that Qiao Hui can go further and further on this road of interpretation. This is just the beginning, and we believe that you will bring We have more surprises."

After Best Supporting Actress, Best Supporting Actor.

After the other awards are all awarded, it will be the highlight of the night, the actor and actress.

The first to reveal the secret is the actress.

The nominees are

"Lost" - Zhang Suli

"Heaven and Heaven" - Su Su

"Break Up, Break Up" - Chaoyue

"Green Leaf" - Ye Nannan

In the end, the winner of the Best Actress was upset, not Zhang Suli, nor Su Su, nor Chaoyue, the second generation star.

It was Ye Nannan, the heroine of "Green Leaf", who had been running with her all the time.

[Hahaha, who said that green leaves can only set off red flowers?]

[I thought the crew of "Green Leaf" could only watch the whole show tonight, congratulations Ye Nannan.]

[Ye Nannan finally won the prize! Clap clap applause!]

[After the actress, it's the highlight of tonight, the actor, right?]

[Aww, I'm so looking forward to it!]

[Now the live broadcast room seems to be almost occupied by Qiao fans, are there any little fans of my brother? Hands up, sisters, let me see!]

[I am here.]

[I also…]

[Seeing how happy my brother is now, I am very pleased.]

[People who have been fans of him for seven years said that as long as he is happy, it will be fine. I will always silently fan him. Of course, I hope tonight's best actor award can go to his family~]

There were also five nominees for Best Actor.

"Lost Track" - Xu Yiyang

"Green Leaf" - Liu Chen

"Heaven and Heaven" - Zhang Lun

The host interacted with the guests in the audience, as well as the audience in the live broadcast room, "The Best Actor of the Golden Rooster Award is the last award for tonight. Who do you think this award will go to?"

[Who else?]

The camera slowly passed over the faces of the guests on the field one by one, leaving the audience with suspense.

In the end, the big screen was divided into five shots, with Xu Yiyang in the middle, and the other four nominated male guests in sequence.

Each of the nominated guests showed their most personable side.

They are calm, calm, with just the right smile on their faces.

Among a group of male guests with excellent acting skills, the most conspicuous one is Xu Yiyang who is in the center of the screen.

The award presenter was an old friend of Xu Yiyang. Looking at the list in his hand, he couldn't help laughing, "Who is the thirty-sixth best actor?"

At this moment, Qiao Hui couldn't help but wait with bated breath.

She firmly held Xu Yiyang's hand, even more nervous than when she was presenting the Best Supporting Actress award just now.

Xu Yiyang patted the back of her hand lightly with his free hand, as if to comfort her.

[Brother and Xueba are interacting again.]


[Aren't they here to participate in the Golden Rooster Awards? It should be for dog food?]

[This dog food, I will do it first as a respect, hahaha.]

"The winner of the 36th Best Actor Award - Xu Yiyang from "Lost"!"


[Hahaha, "Mystery" really won awards today.]

[It's great, but Zhang Suli didn't get the best actress.]

Xu Yiyang adjusted the sleeves of his suit and walked towards the stage.

"Congratulations to my old friend Yiyang."

Xu Yiyang took over the trophy from his old friend.

There was applause from the audience.

Xu Yiyang smiled, "It's a great honor that Gong Yao's role can be recognized by everyone this time. Everyone in the crew has worked hard, and the fans who support me have also worked hard.

Thank you very much for your likes. Here, I would like to thank my wife. I have been in the circle for seven years, seven years, definitely not a short period of time. Regarding the job of acting, to be honest, in the past two years, I have not been as enthusiastic and fond of acting as before. For a while, I even wondered if I should stop acting for the time being.

At that time, I met my wife Qiao Hui. At that time, she was still a newcomer, and I saw energy, enthusiasm, and sincerity from her. She is like me in the past, full of expectations and love for acting. After being with her, I found that the feeling I had when I first entered the circle came back.

The movie "Missing" is the first work I collaborated with her, but I think it will definitely not be the last. I hope that Mrs. Xu and I can bring you more excellent and beautiful works in the future. "

[I knew it, hahahahaha.]

[The promised dog food arrived late.]

[You must always love each other well!]

[It is not easy to meet the right soul in the diverse entertainment industry, you are very lucky to have met each other.]

[I believe you will get better and better! bless!]

The 36th Golden Rooster Awards Ceremony came to a successful conclusion.

This time the awards ceremony, the biggest winner can be said to be "Lost".

A film that won four awards for Best Film, Best Director, Best Supporting Actress and Best Actor.

The award-winning information of "Misty Track" became a trending search. However, on the hot search, the position higher than #《迷迷》赛奖# is the acceptance speech of Xu Yiyang and Qiao Hui.

In this world, it is a rare thing to meet the most suitable interesting soul, engage in the work you like together, and find the original passion.

Can meet but not ask for.

How lucky they are.

met each other.

And have been working hand in hand.

The author has something to say: Sisters, the main text is about to end~

I am very excited, and I will finish writing another book soon, and I feel a sense of accomplishment hahahaha.

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-04-29 14:34:29~2020-04-29 19:29:56~

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: Shanghua Qingxie, 41863935 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!